ISSN 2182-6587 |
Complete title of
the Journal • Publisher
Objectives of the Journal • Areas of interest of the Journal Publishes papers in the following areas: l Detection, diagnostic, study and prevention
of corrosion l Performance, tests and analysis of materials
and coatings l Chemical and physical properties of material
and coatings • History of the Journal In 2012, starts with the number 1, the 1st
edition of digital version with full and free access. ISSN 0870-1165 [printed version] until Vol.
30, Nº 4, 2011 ISSN 2182-6587 [digital version] from Vol. 31,
Nº 1, 2102 •
Frequency •
Abbreviated title • Other information This Journal has Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement, which can be consulted
at the address indicated above. |
Chemical Abstract
Scopus (submitted candidature) |
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