0254–0223 |
Scope and policy
“Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola” publishes
original papers, research notes and reviews in Portuguese, in French and
in English, in different areas of viticulture and Enology science and
technology. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Manuscripts on 21x29.7 cm paper (A4) should be
typed in Times New Roman characters (type 12, normal style, text margins
of of 2,5 cm upper, lower, right and left, paragraph spaces in the text
of 6 points “before” and “after”), spaces of 1.5 and justified. At the beginning
of each article, indicate: the title in capital letters (type 14, bold),
centred; the title in Portuguese in capital letters (type12, bold), centred;
the names of the authors, preceded by the full first name and the initials
of the other first names (type12, bold); the full name and address of
the institutions of the authors (type 10). Articles
should be presented in the following form (the sub-titles of the different
parts must be in capital letters, type 12, bold, centred and paragraph
spaces of 6 points before and after): a) SUMMARY (type 10); b) Keywords (no more than 5, in both title languages,
CONCLUSIONS; g) RESUMO (in Portuguese, type 10); h) RÉSUMÉ(in French, type 10); i)
REFERENCES (spacing of 1 and paragraph spaces
of 6 points before). The TABLES
must be numbered in Roman and their titles written in English and Portuguese,
in separate sheets. The title of each table should be positioned above
it. The figures, numbered in Arabic numerals,
must be presented in separate sheets, centred. Their legends, write in
English and Portuguese, should also be presented in separate sheets. Units of the International System of
Units should be used. References should be cited in the text
as follows - Silva and Almeida (1940) or (Silva and Almeida, 1940). When
there are more than two authors, only the first author should be cited,
followed by et al.. At the end
of the article, references should be listed by authors in alphabetical
order, and in date order for the same authors as follows: - Standard journal article Duarte F.L., Clímaco M.C., 1991. Utilização da mistura azeotrópica pentano-diclorometano no doseamento de constituintes voláteis dos vinhos. Ciência Tec. Vitiv., 10, 23-31; - Book Esau K., 1965. Plant Anatomy. 767 p. John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York; - Chapter
in a book Versini G., Odello L., 1991. Grappa: Considerations on the italian traditional
distillation. In: Les eaux-de-vie
traditionelles d’origine viticole. 32-37. Bertrand A. (ed.), Lavoisier-TEC
& DOC, Paris; - Thesis Alves M.A.C., 1992. Caracterização química de quatro castas produtoras de Vinho do Porto durante a maturação. 175 p. Tese de Doutoramento, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
When necessary, indicate a source by
“personal communication” or “unpublished date” in parentheses. The manuscripts
(3 copies) and a 3,5” diskette must be submitted to “Ciência e Técnica
Vitivinícola”. The manuscripts
reviewed by the referees are returned to the principal author. The proofs
carefully corrected should be returned within 10 days of receipt. If this
period is exceeded, the editor reserves the right to exclude or to transfer
for the next publication number. Copyright: if the manuscript is accepted
for publication, copyright will be assigned exclusively to the Publisher. |
Ciência e Técnica Vitivinicola publishes fundamental and applied research
papers, as well as research notes and reviews, in the a broad scientific
area dealing with enology, viticulture and vitiviniculture economy. The Editors
may exercise their prerogative to reject a manuscript without peer review
if that paper is judged to be outside the scope of the journal. Peer review
is used to help ensure the highest possible quality in published manuscripts.
Typically, three reviewers are selected per paper on the basis of the
subject matter, available expertise, and the Editor’s knowledge of the
field. The reviewer’s criticisms are returned to the authors for the necessary
corrections. The authors are responsible for the revision of the first
galley proofs |
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© 2014 Ex-Estação Vitivinícola Nacional (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P.)
Quinta da Almoínha, 2565 – 191 Dois Portos, Portugal
Tel.: (351) 261712106
Fax: (351) 261712426
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