
ISSN 2795-4757
E-ISSN 2795-4765



Basic Information

  • Complete title of the journal: Political Observer

  • Publisher: Observatório Político

  • Objectives of the journal: Political Observer – Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política is an online and printed peer reviewed journal of Political Observatory, which provides an outlet for an interdisciplinary and international exploration of the meaning, function and impact of political standards. The journal publishes papers that reflect on social sciences and humanities, from any relevant discipline, and that make an original scientific and academic contribution to the study of political science.

  • Areas of interest of the journal: Political Science

  • Frequency: Semestral

  • Abbreviated title: Political Observer


Information Services

  • Catálogo Latindex – Sistema de Informação Internacional de Revistas Científicas
  • Qualis (B4) – Sistema de classificação de periódicos da CAPES, do Ministério da Educação do Brasil
  • ERIH PLUS – European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences, da European Science Foundation (ESF)
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • SciELO-Portugal - Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • A revista será novamente submetida à plataforma Scopus (2023)
  • Google Scholar



  • At the moment of the article submission, it is required to the author(s) declare to agree with the conditions and norms of Political Observer - Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política (PO- RPCP), as well as guaranteeing the inedited and original character of the text submitted to scientific evolution. Thus, the author(s) declare to accept the instructions and conditions of publication of the journal, sharing with this the author’s rights, respecting the duties of copyright and ceding to the journal the rights over the first publication of the text in its printed and digital version.

    The partial or integral publication and sharing of the text (in institutional repositories, book chapters, periodical publications, social media and professional platforms in the areas of science and research, among others) determines the quotation of the initial publication in the journal and the hyperlinking to the website of PO-RPCP, resorting, to that effect, to the available information in the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) system.

    Political Observer incentives the sharing and distribution of the work published by the authors in the journal, raising the impact factors and the number of registered quotes, this way contributing to an open and accessible science. Published works are under a Creative Commons License - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).



  • The journal is funded by the Political Observatory (ISCSP-ULisboa).

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Rua Almerindo Lessa
1300-663 Lisboa – PORTUGAL
