The PSICOLOGIA journal is open to receiving manuscripts of scientific works submitted by researchers and professionals in the field of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. The articles to be published may focus on empirical investigations or literature reviews in specific areas of Psychology.
journal PSICOLOGIA publishes original research in the general scope
of psychology and behavioral sciences. PSICOLOGIA welcomes empirical
research contributions and literature revisions within specific scientific
areas of Psychology.
Conditions for Submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the submission for compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.
- The files submitted are Microsoft Word files (.doc or .docx extension).
- The text of the manuscript is formatted according to the instructions mentioned below as "Instructions for Authors".
- The identity of the Author(s) is not revealed anywhere in the manuscripto.
- The title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English are transferred in the 3rd step of online submission of the manuscript (metadata inclusion).
- A word document with contributions authored by CRediT is sent in the 4th step (transfer of supplementary documents) of electronic submission.title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English are transferred in the 3rd step of online submission of the manuscript (metadata inclusion).
Instructions for Authors
to submit
should be solely submitted electronically to the PSICOLOGIA submission site.
PSICOLOGIA electronic submission system may be accessed via the APP
site - www.appsicologia.org - or
via the PSICOLOGIA site https://revista.appsicologia.org/index.php/rpsicologia/user/register. To submit a paper authors should first register as “authors” in the
PSICOLOGIA site. This registration allows authors not only to submit
new manuscripts but also to follow online the reviewing process of the
submitted manuscripts in the author’s personal area.
submitting a manuscript please make sure it conforms to PSICOLOGIA norms
(see below) and the APA publication norms (American Psychological Association,
2010, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,
6ª ed., Washington, DC: APA).
Types of Publication
PSICOLOGIA accepts submissions of manuscripts in Portuguese and English of two types: articles whose length must not exceed 10,000 words; and brief articles that must not exceed 2,500 words (excluding, for both types of manuscripts, tables, figures, bibliography, footnotes and annexes). In any case, the bibliography must not exceed a maximum of 40 references.
The articles to be published may focus on empirical investigations or systematic literature reviews.
Manuscripts must be original works of fundamental or applied research in Psychology based on quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies.
Preference is given to works with innovative contributions; whose theoretical significance is of broad interest to various areas of psychology and related sciences; and written in such a way as to be intelligible to a wide range of readers.
In the case of article submissions, systematic literature reviews including or not original data are also accepted.
These reviews must be based on a critical analysis of past research on the topic in question.
In the case of submissions of a psychometric nature, such as the construction of measuring instruments, scale validations and others, particular attention will be paid to the high relevance and methodological rigor of the article presented.
To be considered for publication, these manuscripts must be submitted in English (read here).
Manuscript style and structure
The structure and formatting of manuscripts must be in accordance with the publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 2020, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., Washington, DC: APA. However, in order to make the review process easier for editors and reviewers, authors are asked to integrate figures and tables into the main text instead of placing them at the end of the manuscript.
In the process of formatting manuscripts for submission, it is also recommended to read the article: Prada, M., Camilo, C., Garrido, M., & Rodrigues, D. (2021). The devil is in the details: Introduction to the American Psychological Association standards for scientific writing (7th edition). PSYCHOLOGY, 35(1), 1-51. https://doi.org/10.17575/psicologia.v35i1.1727 Below are some guidelines for structure and formatting (for more details, please consult the APA manual mentioned above).
The manuscript must be submitted in Word format.
The size of the sheet must be A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), with margins, top, bottom and sides (right and left), of 2.54 cm.
Line spacing must be two spaces.
Times New Roman font at 12 pt.
Text aligned left.
Paragraphs must have a first line indentation at 1.27 cm.
Manuscripts in Portuguese must be accompanied by a summary in Portuguese and English, each not exceeding 150 words.
At least 4 keywords in Portuguese and English must also be presented, as well as the title of the manuscript in Portuguese and English.
In the case of manuscripts in English, it is not necessary to present the title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese.
A running-head must also be presented to be included in the header of published articles.
This information must be made available in the 3rd step of online submission (inclusion of metadata) and in an attached word document in the 4th step of online submission (transfer of supplementary documents).
The name, affiliation and addresses for correspondence with the authors must be included in the submission metadata, as well as attached to the submitted manuscript, in cover page format. Manuscripts should not be identified.
However, the title page must indicate the type of manuscript being submitted and the total number of words (excluding tables, figures, references, footnotes and appendices).
Titles and subtitles
Titles and subtitles must respect the following level formatting:
Level 1: Centered, Bold, Title Capitalization
Level 2: Left Aligned, Bold, Title Capitalization
Level 3: Left aligned, bold, italic, title capitalization
Level 4: Left aligned with indentation, bold, title capitalization, ends with period.
Level 5: Aligned to the left with indentation, bold, italics, title capitalization, ends with a period.
Words in a foreign language must be presented in italics.
References for citations presented in the text must be presented in the "References" section, complying with the APA Publication Standards presented in American Psychological Association, 2020, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., Washington, DC: APA. Below are some examples of the formatting that references should present:
Barker, R. (1968). Ecological psychology. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Freud, S. (1924b). Das ökonomische problem des Massochismus [The economic problem of masochism]. S.E., vol. XIX. London: Hogarth Press.
Kelly, G. (1977). The psychology of the unknown. In D. Bennester (Ed.), New perspectives in personal construction theory. New York: Academic Press.
Lewin, K. (1931). The conflict between Aristotelian and Galileian modes of thought in contemporary psychology. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 5, 141-177.
Piaget, J., & Szeminska, A. (1941). The genèse of the name from the infant. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé.
van der Pligt, J.,
van der Linden, F. J., & Ester, P. (1982). Attitudes to nuclear energy: Beliefs, values and false consensus. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2-3, 221-232.
For all cases not considered in these examples, authors must follow the publication standards of the American Psychological Association, contained in the respective manual, 7th Ed, 2020. We also recommend reading the article: Prada, M., Camilo, C. , Garrido, M., & Rodrigues, D. (2021).
The devil is in the details: Introduction to the American Psychological Association standards for scientific writing (7th edition). PSYCHOLOGY, 35(1), 1-51. https://doi.org/10.17575/psicologia.v35i1.1727
In any type of manuscript submission to PSICOLOGIA Journal, a maximum of 40 references must not be exceeded
Descrição das contribuições de autoria (CRediT)
In the 4th step of electronic submission (transfer of additional documents), authors must also submit a word document with a description of the authorship contributions. Contributions must follow the 14 specific contributions defined by the CRediT taxonomy (Contributors Role Taxonomy):
Conceptualization: ideas, formulation or evolution of overarching research objectives and goals;
Data curation: management activities regarding the production of metadata, cleaning and maintenance of research data (including software code) for initial use and reuse;
Formal analysis: application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data;
Acquisition of financing: acquisition of financial support for the project;
Research: carrying out a research process, specifically carrying out experiments and collecting data/evidence;
Methodology: development or design of the methodology and/or creation of models;
Project administration: management and coordination responsibility for the planning and execution of research activities; Resources: provision of study materials, materials, laboratory samples, instruments, computing resources or other analysis tools;
Software: programming, software development, designing computer programs, implementing computer code and supporting algorithms, testing existing code components;
Supervision: supervisory and leadership responsibility for planning and executing the research activity, including external guidance to the core team;
Validation: verification, whether as part of the activity or separately, of the general replicability of results and experiments and other research results;
Visualization: preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work;
Writing of the original draft: preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specific writing of the initial draft (including substantive translation);
Writing – review and editing: preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by people from the original research group, critical review, comment or review, including the pre- or post-publication stages.
Example description of CRedit authority contributions
Rita R. Silva: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing
Christian Unkelbach: Conceptualization, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing. (taken from Conscious Cogn 2021 Nov; 96:103238. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2021.103238)
Conflict of interests and copyright
The publication of accepted articles also implies a declaration of responsibility and absence of conflict of interest from their authors, as well as the transfer of Copyright to PSICOLOGIA Journal.
General Provisions
Published articles are the responsibility of their respective authors.
Published articles can be placed in institutional repositories.
After acceptance, the submission will remain active on the website, which allows the text editing and proofing process to continue to be done online through PSICOLOGIA Journal's electronic submission system.
No submission or publication fee is charged for articles submitted or accepted for publication in PSICOLOGIA journal
Contact for further information about publication in PSICOLOGIA journal: revista@appsicologia.org
Privacy Policy
The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties. |