
ISSN 2184-1578
E-ISSN 2184-3791



Scope and policy

    RIIS publishes articles of empirical research, review or theoretical articles / essays that result from original research, from the different scientific areas of Health Sciences, Education and Research developed in Portugal and abroad, without any cost to the author or the reader. The review process is fully managed in a double blind review system, preserving the identity of authors and reviewers. The arbitration and evaluation process starts after receipt of the submitted article and is part of the Decision Flow Chart for Publication in 9 steps ABCDEFGH: A- Code Assignment; B- Pre-analysis; C- Peer review; D - Supervision of the Review; E - Technical and document review; F- Final review; G- Composition, Graphic Design and Layout; H- Disclosure.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

    The RIIS is a scientific journal published in electronic format that aims to disseminate the scientific knowledge produced in the area of health sciences, education and research. It requires that all articles have scientific depth, be original, respect ethical principles and demonstrate clear relevance for the scientific advancement of the problem under study.

    The content of the articles is the exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as respect for the ethical principles inherent to the investigation, in compliance with the journal's rules and guidelines.

    The RIIS peer review process is doubly blind, so the authorship of the article should not be identified in the body.

    RIIS is published every six months.

    In preparing the document for submission, you must comply with the guidelines of the Publication Standards.

    It is mandatory to submit a Title page with an indication of the title of the article, identification of the authors and contributions to the article.

    It is suggested that support, financing or external collaborations be mentioned in the acknowledgment section.

    Articles can be submitted in Portuguese or English. The title, abstract and keywords must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The text must be typed, Calibri, size 11, space 1.5, in word format, justified, pages in A4 format, avoiding bold and underline, font variation, color backgrounds. The article must not exceed 15 pages including references, tables and figures.

    Tables and figures should only be included if absolutely necessary to understand the article. They must be identified throughout the text with the numbering in order of inclusion. Tables must have the number and title in the header. Figures must show their identification at the bottom. If they contain abbreviations, they must be presented in the footnotes.

    Empirical research articles should contain the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Background, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.

    Review articles should contain the following sections: Title, Summary, Keywords, Introduction, Methodological Review Procedures, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

    Theoretical articles/essays should contain the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Development/Dissertation, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.

    Title: maximum 12 words. Written in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

    Abstract: maximum 200 words. Must include division the following sections: background, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion.

    Keywords: maximum 4, written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. They must be transcribed according to the MeSH descriptors (available in http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html and/or http://decs.bvs.br/ ).

    Introduction: Statement of the problem, arguments of relevance according to the literature. Study objectives.

    Background: Presentation of the state of the art regarding the subject under study. It is suggested to include works published in the last 5 years, indexed in the database.

    Methodology: Type of study / Design/ Sample / Participants / Population. Data collection instruments, procedures and ethical-legal considerations. Data analysis techniques used.

    Results: Presentation and analysis of data. Analysis rigor.

    Discussion: Comparative analysis of the results with the existing knowledge about the theme and relevance of the new knowledge emerging from the study.

    Conclusion: Conclusions related to the research objectives / questions / hypotheses. The results must support or refute the theme studied and presented in the article. Study limitations. Implications for health sciences, education and research. Suggestions for future investigations.

    Acknowledgments: (optional) All support, financial, technical or institutional, which contributed to the development of the work, but which are not authoritative, must be highlighted.

    Bibliographic reference standards: the American standard should be used. Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition. References must be from a primary source, included in the text, which must be presented in alphabetical order. It is suggested to integrate a reference published in RIIS.

    Authors are encouraged to use the Standard Reporting Guidelines in preparing manuscripts. According to the type of study, you can use the following links:

    Type of study


    Clinical Trials




    Systematic reviews and meta-analysis on clinical trials PRISMA

    Meta-analysis of observational studies MOOSE

    Diagnostic accuracy


    Qualitative research COREQ


    See here...


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2021 Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa

Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento
Rua da Cruz Vermelha, Cidacos
3720-126 Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal
