0871-9187 |
The PJE is ruled by high quality scientific principles, by the social relevance of the texts that publishes and by the plurality of the perspectives it gives voice to. The PJE aims at stimulating the publication of the work of young researchers, together with well-known scholars from the field of education. Aiming at strengthening the scientific community to which it belongs, the Journal seeks, by means of its Advisory Board as well as the publication of papers of a different nature, to establish and strengthen links with peer-communities from different latitudes, languages and cultural and research traditions. It aims at enabling and stimulating a plural debate around relevant and controversial social and scientific issues in education. The PJE accepts proposals for publication that are framed by its scope and objectives: empirical studies and essays on innovative issues that will promote the advancement of knowledge in the broad field of Education. The proposals can be presented in the Portuguese, Spanish, English, or French language. Besides individual papers, the PJE accepts proposals for thematic nuclei, composed by 4 or 5 texts. The PJE also publishes book reviews, of books published in the last 3 years. It can accept reviews of older books, as long as they bring innovative contributions. Contributors are responsible for the content and opinions expressed in their papers. However, biased texts, with discriminatory content or language of a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic nature or other, won't be accepted. The Journal authorizes and recommends its Authors to deposit their published papers in institutional repositories. All papers submitted for publication will be submitted to a preliminary analysis by the Journal's Direction, who will apply the following suitability criteria: full compliance of the editorial policies and norms; texts on education or that, in some way, incorporate relevant educational contributions; structure and content of a scientific article; non-discriminatory content and/or language. Once these conditions are met, the article will be evaluated using a double blind review process. Two external experts, members of the Editorial Board or ad-hoc evaluators are selected for this purpose. Whenever necessary, a third opinion is requested. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
• The manuscripts (papers and book reviews) have to be submitted online through the RCCAP portal ( ), in a word format. Extension and formatting: A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 25 A4 pages, 2,5 cm in all margins. The paper should be written in font-size 12, double-spaced, Times New Roman. All pages should be numbered. References should follow APA style (see APA Guidelines ). References should appear in the text, in parentheses, and should include: the author's name, followed by the year of publication and, if applicable, the pages quoted. The final list of references should include only those cited in the text. In this final list of references and along the text, the author's texts and any identifying information must be protected by anonymity (for example [Author 1, date]). The missing information will be added later, in case the text is accepted for publication. For more information and examples, see The APA manual . For articles: Front page : the first page should include: 1) the title; 2) a shortened version of the title (no more than 35 characters); 3) authors' name(s), and affiliation(s), and full contact addresses for postal and e-mail correspondence; 4) a short bio and the indication of the main contact person. Abstracts and keywords : The following pages must include: a title, abstract, and a maximum of four keywords in the article's language 2) The title, abstract and keywords in a second and third language; when the article is written in Portuguese, Spanish or French, the second language has to be English. The abstract should mention the problem or object of study, participants, method, main results, and conclusions or implications. They cannot exceed 200 words. Tables and figures : should be provided in separate documents, numbered, in editable formats, and should include a title. The approximate location in the text should be provided, according to the example: [insert Table 1 here] Notes: Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and should be numbered. Whenever applicable, authors should indicate how the research they present was carried out according to the relevant internationally accepted guidelines for research in social and human sciences (e.g. the AERA guidelines for educational research or COPE's Guidelines on Good Publication Practice ). Before submission, it is recommended that authors consult previous issues of the PJE and carefully examine their work to verify that the proposal meets all the criteria and norms of the Journal. The PJE does not charge Article Processing Charges (APC) and /or Submission charges) to authors. |
Only original work not previously published and not currently under review elsewhere will be considered. |
Book reviews follow the same presentation guidelines as for articles. They should be no more than 2500 words. |
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