ISSN 1647-2160
[printed version



Scope and policy


Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing aims to divulge and defuse scientific knowledge, in such way that national and international debate on relevant themes to research and development in mental health may be stimulate, through the publication of original, opinion articles, revision or actualisation works, applied research papers in mental health or similar areas. Articles may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French.

The journal is directed at nurses, teachers, researchers, health and social service professionals, higher education students.

All papers accepted for publishing in  Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental  are made available online in open access.

The submission of articles to the Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing is totally free of charge for the authors. If the article is accepted for publication, there will be a payment of 50€ for its edition



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing is published twice a year, in June and December, and it's an indexed journal in national and international data basis

This journal actually presents the following sections: research articles, literature revision articles, good practices / reflection articles.

 1. Submission procedures:

1.1. Electronic submission: articles must be always submitted in the website of Portuguese Society of Mental Health Nursing:

1.2. For articles submission, the following documents must be sent:

a) Full text article, according to journal's rules;

b) Self-verification checklist fully completed

c) The declaration of relinquishing authors' rights and declaration of safekeeping of ethical principles during the investigation, proving that authors agree that, once accepted, the article is property of ASPESM, and cannot be published in any other fount, and also that all ethical research principles were followed.

Note: journal directive board reserve himself the right to withdraw an article from revision process or from databases (case of published articles) whenever they discover that authors have published an identical article in another journal.

2 – Revision process:

Proposed articles are appreciated in a Double Blinded process. During this process, the article is sent to 2 Peer Reviewers, who examine it and access its quality, expressing convenient recommendations.

Whenever the revisers don't reach an agreement, journal director may assign a third reviser. The Journal directive board will send information to the author about the acceptance, no acceptance, or acceptance with alterations. In this last case, authors will receive Peer Reviewers opinions and recommendations. The author should do the changes and send back the document, electronically, respecting the defined date.

Note: in case that the defined date for article correction is not strictly followed, it can be excluded from the revision process. Each article will be subsequently verified by the director and journal coordinator, which analyse the first article version and the corrected one, according to Peer Reviewers recommendations. Revision process will be conducted online.

The revision process phases are presented in the following chart



Article reception

The article is received and submitted to a technical revision process (revision of formal and normalisation aspects according to journal publication rules)


The article is sent to 2 Peer Reviewers, who examine it, assess its quality and give convenient recommendations. The Journal directive board will send to the author information about the definitive acceptance, acceptance with alterations or no acceptance, as well as Peer Reviewers opinions and recommendations

Author reformulations

Changes made by th author should be made rigorously according to Peer Reviewers recommendations

Editorial verification

Each article should be verified by the director and journal coordinator, who analyse the first version of the article and the corrected one, according to Peer Reviewers recommendations


The publication decision is entire responsibility of the journal directive board.


3 – The final decision on publication opportunity is journal director entire responsibility.

4 – The article:

4.1 – Article type: it should be original scientific articles, consisting in mental health themes, mental health nursing or mental health education. Articles content is entire responsibility of their authors, whom should respect research ethical principles and journal's editorial rules. Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing might include articles in different languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, English or French, according to articles origin.

4.2 – Articles structure

4.2.1 - Title: the article should include an informative title (according to works ‘ambit), being concise (16 words maximum), in Portuguese, English and Spanish, without abbreviations, or geographical location of the research.

4.2.2 - Authors: authors should be fully identified: name, academic degrees, professional category, work institution, contacts (address, institutional e-mail and phone) and other information; if the article is extracted from dissertation or thesis (stating title, year and the institution where it was presented). The name and authors affiliation should be presented just after the title in Portuguese. Affiliations should be fully written (ex.: works' place – Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto). Authors email addresses should have available link.

4.2.3 - Abstract: article's abstract should be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and shouldn't exceed 250 words, including context, objective(s) methodology, results and conclusions.

4.2.4 – Keywords: the article should present 4 key words maximum, transcript according to MeSH (in Portuguese, see DeCS), in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

4.2.5 – Article corpus:

In case of a research work, article needs to be structured in sections, including the following chapters: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and implications to clinical practice. Revision and good practices /reflection articles don't necessary need to follow this structure.

4.3 – Outward Form:

The text have to be presented in Word, Arial font, size 11, 1.5 space, pages in A4 format, with a single column, avoiding bold, underlined, variations of letter font, background colour, etc.,

All margins with 2,5cm

No footnotes included

The article cannot exceed 15 pages, including abstract (in Portuguese, Spanish and English) tables, figures, charts and references

The article should not be paged.

Paragraphs should not be indented.

The article must be written according to the new Orthographic Rules (if not, editorial commission may exercise the right to correct it). Note: if authors refuse to write according to the new Orthographic Rules, they ought to express their position in a clear and unmistakable way

The first time an initialism is used, it must be in full writing. For example: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

When a first time citation of 3 to 5 authors is used, they have to be all mentioned (ex.: Bradley, Ramirez, & Soo, 1999). A next citation of the same authors, only the name of the first author is used, followed by “et al.” (ex.: Bradley et al., 1999). If a citation has 6 or more authors, only the name of the first author should be used, even the first time, followed by “et al.

In article's corpus, when a first citation of collective authors is done, it should be mentioned in full writing (ex.: National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2003). Next time, an abbreviation may be used (ex.: NIMH, 2003).

Chapters' articles have to consider the following structure:

Titles' level

Outward form


Centred, Bold, With Capital And Minuscule Letters


Left Lined, Bold, With Capital And Minuscule Letters


Indented, bold, minuscule letters, ending in full period.


Indented, bold, italic, minuscule letters ending in full period.


Indented, italic, minuscule letters ending in full period.

4.3.1 – Tables, charts, graphics and images: only the absolutely essentials to article comprehension ought to be included, and numbered in order of text appearance, and sorted by type. Tables and charts have their title in heading, while graphics and images have the title underneath them. Tables and charts can have font size reduced to 9, with no spacing. Tables, charts, graphics and images must follow immediately the paragraph where they are mentioned

4.3.2 - Citations: all authors mentioned in the article, have to figure in the references list. Example: Sequeira (2006), (Sequeira, 2006), or “Em 2006, Sequeira (...)”. The page number has to be referred when a textual citation is made, as in the following examples:

Sequeira (2006, p. 32) ou (Sequeira, 2006, p. 32). When 2 or more authors are quoted in the same paraphrase, they have to be quoted in alphabetical order, as the following example shows (Miller, 1999; Shafranske & Mahoney, 1998).

Note: use “&” symbol only when quoted authors are citizens of countries where Portuguese is not the official language (ex.: USA, UK, etc.).

4.3.3 – References:

Selected references should stand out the most representative of the problematic in study «art state» publications (last 5 years, extended to last 10, when is a less studied matter), resulting from national and international indexed data base consults.

References have to be used according to the American Psychological Association (APA) rules (6th edition). All of them have to be mentioned in the article.

In bibliographic references all authors have to be mentioned, independently of the number; the use of “et al” is not permitted

Journals' title cannot be abbreviated in bibliographic references. For example, it should not be written “RPESM”, but “Portuguese mental health nursing journal”

Whenever a site is included, its connection has to be present and functional.

Note: all founts must be carefully selected, according to its pertinence, and should not be more than 20, organized by authors' last name and alphabetical order.

APA 6ª Edition (Examples – see References model (names of all authors should be fully mentioned, don't use “et al.”):


Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. London, England: Taylor & Francis.

Academic work (Dissertation/Thesis)

Healey, D. (2005). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and creativity: An investigation into their relationship. Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Literary Editor

Barkley, R. A. (Ed.) (2008). Transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade: Manual para diagnóstico e tratamento (3ª ed.). Porto Alegre: Artmed.

Chapter books

Haybron, D. M. (2008). Philosofy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The Science of subjective well-being (pp. 17-43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Collective Author

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6ª ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Periodic publications articles

With DOI

Herbst-Damm, K. L. & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225-229. doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225

Without DOI

Light, M. A. & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 73-82.

Electronic documents


Schiraldi, G. R. (2001). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to healing, recovery, and growth [Adobe Digital Editions version]. doi: 10.1036/10071393722

Periodic publications articles

Wheeler, D. P. & Bragin, M. (2007). Bringing it all back home: Social work and the challenge of returning veterans. Health and Social Work, 32(1), 297-300. Acedido em

Others (poster, free communication, etc.)

Leclerc, C. M. & Hess, T. M. (2005, august). Age diferences in processing of affectively primed information. Poster presented at 113ª Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Note: if authors are from Portuguese speaking countries, references have to include “e” instead of “&”

5 – Pattern form of the submitting article:

First page

Title (in Portuguese, Spanish and English);

Authors names (separated by semi-colon);

Authors affiliations (one each line);

Declaration if the article is extracted from a dissertation / thesis.

Note: this page, will be separated afterwards by the editorial commission coordinator, a code number will be attributed, which will identify the article for the revisers

Second page:

Title (Portuguese);

Abstract (Portuguese);

Keywords (Portuguese);

Title (Spanish);

Abstract (Spanish);

Keywords (Spanish);

Title (English);

Abstract (English);

Keywords (English).

Following pages:







Appendix (if existing) thanks (if existing), conflict of interest (if existing) financial sources (if existing) and contributions of other authors (if applicable).



Best practice guidelines on publishing ethics

This declaration of commitment and ethical respect is a building block of the values and principles on which the conduct of all directly involved with the Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental (RPESM) is based, and of these towards the society.

It is a framework document for the safeguarding of ethical matters and respect for the best publishing practices and prevention of plagiarism, among other aspects. Furthermore, it aims to gather a set of guidelines for decisions and actions, and endeavour thus to create ever wider standards of conduct before the RPESM collaborators: authors, health professionals, indexers, Universities and readers, contributing hence to an increasingly positive image of the magazine.

It is entirely responsibility of RPESM to disclose the principles arising from this declaration to all parties involved (Publishing policy, authors, reviewer, etc.).

The present document does not replace, under any circumstances, the Portuguese legislation and is in accordance with the guidelines emanating from the European Union.

The ethical principles hereby defined, are in accordance with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing written by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available in (

Review each time you have doubts or ethical questions, which might cause conflicts between your own personal interests and those of the magazine.


Relationship with people

•  People are considered the most valuable asset, and therefore, respect towards them should always be kept.

•  All people involved are expected to act in furtherance of the magazine, developing their tasks coherently and preserving its interests and assets.

•  The authors are to state the authorship of their articles and any third-party material should be clearly referred to and legitimately put to use. Plagiarism, forgery, manipulation or data fabrication shall not be admitted.

•  Authors should state the articles submitted to assessment were unpublished and are not currently under evaluation by any other release.

•  Authors should make sure that, when applicable, research has been approved by an Ethics Committee.

•  Authors credited in the article should have significantly contributed to its design and the inclusion of authors after the acceptance the article is not permissible.

•  Authors should list and quote appropriately, according to the given instructions, the works which served as basis for the development of the research, and provide information on any founding sources (if applicable) as well.

•  All authors should provide, whenever necessary, corrections or retractions, in written form, of any errors committed.

•  RPESM adopts a policy of encouraging readers to detect honest mistakes, data fabrication, and other errors or falsehoods.


Relationship with reviewers

•  Reviewers should only conduct a review in the case that they possess a satisfactory knowledge of the matter in order to ensure an adequate review and to comply with the agreed time limit.

•  Reviewers should disclose any potential conflict of interest (personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious) to the RPESM team.

•  Reviewers should not have any conflict of interest regarding research, authorship and/or being a founding entity of the submitted article.

•  On the grounds that the review is a double-blind procedure, reviewers should inform the editor in case of disclosure of the identity of the author.

•  Reviewers are entitled neither to make use of, nor to misappropriate  the acquired knowledge during the review process.

•  The confidentiality of peer review is to be preserved and no details of a manuscript or its review are to be disclosed during or after the review process.

•  The reviews should be objective and constructive, refraining from hostility and personally slanderous and derogatory remarks.

•  The reviewer should always point out the flaws which might be subject to correction, for the purpose of promoting actual improvements of the quality of the manuscript.

•  The reviewer should point out references of relevant works which had not been quoted, whenever scientifically germane to the article and/or its amendments.

•  The reviewers should mention all possible amendments in the first review of the article, refraining from further recommendations thereafter.


Publisher's responsibility

•  Commitments of RPESM publisher are: meet the needs of readers and authors; constantly enhance the magazine; ensure the quality of the published material; stand for the freedom of expression; retain the integrity of the academic register; impede any business requirements from compromising intellectual patterns; publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and words of apologies whenever needed.

•  The publisher, by means of the selection of reviewers, should endeavour for a trustworthy and unbiased review of the articles.

•  The publisher should seek to find reviewers who neither belong to the same institution as the writers of the articles nor are usual co-authors of the former.

•  The final decision of acceptance or rejection of the articles belongs to the publisher, regarding its quality, uniqueness, relevance and suitability to the editorial line of RPESM.

•  The editor of RPESM will propose, and advise the authors, about the need to retract an article in the case there is clear evidence that the results are not trustworthy, whether due to misconduct (data fabrication) or honest mistake (miscalculation or experimental error).

•  The announcement for retraction should mention the reasons and base for the retraction (in order to state the difference between misconduct and honest mistake).


Transitional and final provisions

This statement enters into force on the date of its approval/publication and can only be subject to modifications via a meeting of the Scientific and Editorial Board of RPESM.

The disrespect for any norms of this statement will be subject to evaluation by the scientific board of RSPESM.

Omission cases are subject to analysis and decision by the Scientific and Editorial Board of RPESM.


Approval date,


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© 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental

ESEP - Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto

Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, S/N
4200-072 Porto, Portugal
Tel.: +351 225 073 500
Fax: +351 225 096 337
