ISSN 0873-6529
printed version]



Basic Information


·         Sociología, Problemas e Prácticas is a scientific journal whose main purpose is to publish sociological analysis articles resulting from original research, the development of theory, or thematic evaluation. It also accepts papers from other social science areas, where there is an interdisciplinary interest. It is directed towards an international audience, publishing articles in Portuguese, English Spanish and French, by authors from various countries. The journal's editorial stance is governed by principles of scientific quality, paradigmatic pluralism and social relevance. It aims to ensure that the articles published make a significant contribution to the advance of knowledge. Articles submitted for publication undergo a blind independent review by at least two recognised specialists drawn from a range of countries.The journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas was established in 1986, since when it has been published without interruption. It is indexed in various international bibliographic databases.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. All the articles should be submitted online on this website. If you have any question submitting your article, contact us to Each manuscript is initially evaluated by the editor for originality, making use of appropriate software to do so. Articles submitted for publication are sent to recognised specialists for independent refereeing on the basis of a "double-blind" review. The Editor makes the final decision on selection, after hearing the Editorial Committee.


2. Articles submitted should be originals. Authors undertake not to present them simultaneously for publication elsewhere and not to re-publish them without the specific authorization of this journal.


3. The articles should be formatted with line spacing: 1.5/12 point type.


4. Articles should not have more than 50.000 characters, including diagrams, tables and bibliography. The title shouldn't exceed 95 characters. Contributions should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 650 characters and 3 or 4 key-words. The abstract should state the article’s goals, its principal contributions to the progress of knowledge, the methods employed and the main results and conclusions. Each article should not exceed a total of seven tables or figures. Must also present few footnotes.


5. Other texts, such as projects, sociographical materials, documents, opinions and critical reviews should adhere to the following page limits: a) news items, one to two pages; b) other items, five pages.


6. It is recommended that articles use at most two title levels, without numbering (preferably) or with Arabic numbering.


7. Quotes should be opened and closed with inverted commas. Words in other languages should appear in italics.


8. Non-textual elements in the articles should be organized as tables and figures which are identified with continuous Arabic numbering for each of these types of item.


9. Numbers alone, without brackets, should be used for note references. Numbering should be continuous from the beginning to the end of the article.



10. Bibliographical references to works cited should conform to these guidelines:

a) Books: Surname, Given Name (year, reference to the first edition, if applicable), Title. Subtitle, Place of publication, Publisher;

b) Articles in periodicals: Surname, Given Name (year), "Title of the article: subtitle", Name of the Periodical, volume (number), page references;

c) Texts in compilations: Surname, Given Name (year, reference to the first edition, if applicable), "Title of the text: subtitle", in Given Name and Surname (org.), Title of the Compilation. Subtitle, Place of publication, Publisher, page references.


11. All originals submitted to the Editor should:

a) consist of the final version of the text, ready to publish and duly revised for possible typing errors;

b) be accompanied, when graphics or icons are included, by the originals, with an indication of the places in the text where they should be inserted (though the managing committee reserves the right not to accept figures involving disproportionately difficult graphical work); except for photographs (or similar images), figures should be constructed and submitted in vectorial format, with the program and version indicated. All graphics should be designed in black and white or shades of grey;

c) clearly show any expressions to be printed in italics or to be shown up using any other graphical means;

d) articles submitted for publication should be accompanied by:

  • declaration in accordance with the contents of number 2 of these standards;
  • short versions of the authors' CVs mentioning their qualifications;
  • their professional status and institutional references;
  • e-mail addresses and phone numbers;
  • a declaration stating that they have been revised by an accredited translator or a native speaker of the language in which the text is written, in the event that is not the author(s)' native tongue;
  • ORCID;
  • contributor roles by each author.

    12. No costs associated to the submission of articles.



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