ISSN 1645-9911
[printed version]




Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. Manuscripts should be submitted in typewritten form – Word format, Times New Roman, letter size 10, simple line spacing – in Portuguese, French, Spanish or English. Italics should be used to emphasize words, avoiding the use of bold and underlined;

2. All manuscripts should be accompanied by a short CV of the author, i.e., institutional context, position, academic degree, telephone number, email and the complete address to which correspondence should be sent;

3. To promote and intensify interchange between the national and international scientific community, manuscripts should include an abstract of not more than 150 words as well as the keywords (five at maximum) that clearly describe the subject matter;

4. Long manuscripts should not exceed 25 typewritten pages (A5) and short ones 10 pages (A5);

5. Footnotes should be placed at the end of each page;

6. Reference lists (1) and text citation sources (2) should follow the style guidelines of APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association – 4th ed., 1994). In case of references to two or more works by any author in the same year, they should be referred to thus (3):
E.g. 1: Nielson, J. (1993). Usability Engineering. San Diego: Academic Press.
E.g. 2: (Campbell, 1990).
E.g. 3: (Campbell, 1990a) ou (Campbell, 1990b), etc.;

7. Manuscripts with more than three authors will not be considered;

8. Contribution to Tèkhne – Polytechnical Studies Review entitles the attribution of three copies of the issue in which the manuscript is published;

9. Originals must be sent in floppy disk, preferably by email attachment. All figures, tables and graphs should be submitted in the suitable graphical format to be reproduced, separate and in an independent page;

10. All submitted manuscripts will be double blind refereed;

11. If the editor does not pronounce on the manuscript within two months, it should be considered as not accepted. Therefore, it will not be returned and its destruction is guaranteed. Once the manuscript is to be published, the author will be informed;

12. The editorial board do not undertake to publish all manuscripts submitted to them.



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