Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 12 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>This role is also that of Science</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Humanities in the field of Motricity Human</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Handball coaches' perception of the offensive and defensive variables of the game in u-12 teams</b>]]> O objetivo desta pesquisa foi mapear e discutir os conteúdos técnicos e tácticos (ofensivos e defensivos) do escalão sub12 no andebol, a partir dos discursos de treinadores experientes. Fizeram parte da amostra seis treinadores, cujos depoimentos foram tabulados e analisados de acordo com o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os resultados apontaram que, em relação aos conteúdos defensivos, é importante desenvolver o sistema individual, os diferentes elementos técnico-tácticos e apresentar os sistemas zonais. Em relação aos conteúdos ofensivos salienta-se a necessidade de diferentes opções estratégico-táticas diante dos sistemas defensivos individuais e zonais, sendo notados também treinadores que valorizam a execução do gesto técnico eficiente e outros que possuem maior preocupação com a compreensão do jogo e com as vivências múltiplas. Fica evidente, a partir da discussão dos resultados e da literatura consultada, a preocupação com o desenvolvimento das capacidades de jogo (como perceção, atenção, antecipação e tomada de decisão) a partir de vivências diversificadas, que permitam aos jogadores experimentar diferentes posições de jogo, sem visar a especialização precoce.<hr/>The aim of this work was to map and discuss the technical and tactical contents (offensive and defensive) of the handball under-12 teams, with speeches from expert coaches. The sample consisted of six coaches, whose interviews were tabulated and analyzed based on Collective Subject Discourse method. The results of defensive contents showed that is important the development of the individual system, the different technical and tactical elements and to teach some zonal systems. On the offensive content emphasizes argue the need of different tactical-strategic options facing the individual and zonal defensive systems, and also noted that some coaches value the efficient execution of technical movements and others that are more concerned with players game comprehension and the multiple experiences of them. Is evident, based on discussion of the results and the literature consulted, the concern with the development of the gaming skills (such as perception, attention, anticipation and decision making) from diversified experiences, allowing players to experience different playing positions without targeting early specialization. <![CDATA[<b>Fostering Elite Athlete Development and Recreational Sport Participation</b>: <b>a Successful Club Environment</b>]]> The overall aim of this article was to present a positive case study about how a sport club can foster both elite athlete development in parallel with offering a diverse range of sport activities to attract and maintain a greater number of children and youth for continued participation in a long term sport program. To this end, an in-depth case study was conducted of a model Spanish Basketball Club, considered an example of success in achieving consistent level of performance and high rates of participation among their youth. Data were collected from in-depth interviews with administrators, setting observation, and analysis of current and archived club documents. The results show that the club has created changes over the years that have led to a clear organizational structure with a philosophy that connects its youth development teams and elite teams. An increase focus on youth development, the addition of recreational activities, and the implementation of a coach education program have been linked to enhanced participation rate and performance. <![CDATA[<b>Acquisition and Transfer of Values and Social Skills through a Physical Education Program Focused in the Affective Domain</b>]]> The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a physical education (PE) program focused on the affective domain for 6th to 8th grade students with respect to the acquisition and transfer of social skills and values. Further, the extent that general classroom teachers and parents perceived if the learned skills where transferred to other context outside the PE class was examined in a sample of 274 students (ages 11 to 13 years old). One hundred and forty-five males (53%) and 129 females (47%) from five urban schools in Albacete Spain were studied. Three questionnaires were used (pre and post rating scales) as data collection instruments for students, teachers and parents. Results demonstrated encouraging estimates of reliability for the subscales of PE teachers’ perceptions of students’ values and regular education teaches perceptions with very strong values of internal consistency .82 and .93 respectively. Posttest values were slightly higher. Further, findings demonstrated positive outcomes after the intervention in teacher perceptions about students values levels (t =-8,05; p < .01), enjoyment, (t =-7.10; p < .01), fair play (t = -8.09; p < .01), social relation (t = -6.48; p < .01), good habits (t = -7.43; p < .01) and emotional control (t = -6.03; p < .01) in favor of the intervention group. These results support previous studies evidencing that integrating social skills and values intervention in the PE class increase students’ development in the affective domain. <![CDATA[<b>Acute Hematological Responses to a Maximal Incremental Treadmill Test</b>]]> O presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar as respostas hematológicas agudas em indivíduos submetidos a um teste cardiorrespiratório incremental máximo em esteira sem inclinação. Foram analisados 23 indivíduos, 12 homens e 11 mulheres, com idade média de 30,2 (± 8,4) anos, massa corporal média de 68,1 (±18,1) kg, estatura média de 170,2 (±9,8) cm, e IMC médio de 23,2 (±3,7) kg/m², fisicamente ativos, com prática mínima de 3,5 horas semanais de exercício há pelo menos 6 meses. Os sujeitos foram submetidos a um teste incremental máximo em esteira, com recolha de sangue venoso para análise antes e imediatamente após o término do teste. Utilizou-se o teste de Wilcoxon para análise das variáveis pré e pós teste. Adotou-se p < 0,05 como nível de significância. Houve elevação significativa na contagem de leucócitos (69,23%; p = 0,005), linfócitos (17,56%; p = 0,043), monócitos (85,41%; p = 0,012) e granulócitos (28,21%; p = 0,011). Foi igualmente observado um aumento significativo, nas hemácias (3,42%; p = 0,042), no hematócrito (5,39%; p = 0,038) e na hemoglobina (5,58%; p = 0,013). Com o presente estudo, concluímos que a realização de um teste máximo de corrida em esteira pode elevar significativamente as concentrações sanguíneas de leucócitos e respetivas subpopulações, assim como de hemácias e hemoglobina.<hr/>The present study aimed to study acute hematologic responses in individuals undergoing a cardiopulmonary maximum incremental treadmill test without inclination. Were analyzed 23 individuals, 12 men and 11 women, with a mean age of 30.2 (± 8.4) years, mean weight of 68.1 (± 18.1) kg, mean height of 170.2 (± 9.8) cm, and mean BMI of 23.2 (±3.7) kg/m², physically active, with a minimum practice of 3.5 hours per week of exercise for at least 6 months. The subjects were submitted to a maximal incremental treadmill test, with venous blood collection for analysis before and immediately after completion of the test. Was used Wilcoxon test for analysis of pre and post test variables. Was adopted p < 0.05 as significance level. There was a significant increase in leukocyte count (69.23%; p = 0.005), lymphocytes (17.56%; p = 0.043), monocytes (85.41%; p = 0.012) and granulocytes (28.21%; p = 0.011). It was also observed a significant increase in erythrocytes (3,42%; p = 0,042), hematocrit (5.39%; p = 0.038) and hemoglobin (5.58%; p = 0.013). With this study, was concluded that performing a maximal test of treadmill running can significantly raise blood levels of leukocytes and respective sub-populations, as well as red blood cells and hemoglobin. <![CDATA[<b>The relation between bone demineralization, physical activity and anthropometric standards</b>]]> O estudo teve por proposta, verificar a correlação entre densidade mineral óssea e nível de atividade física, bem como à ingestão alimentar e parâmetros antropométricos, além de avaliar a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) de mulheres menopausa. Foi feito o exame de densitometria óssea, da região lombar (L1 a L4), colo de fêmur, e fêmur total, como também utilizar o auto-recordatório das atividades do cotidiano de Bouchard; utilizado o registro alimentar de Buker e Stuart, para dosar e quantificar a ingestão diária de cálcio e vitamina D. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi considerado um valor padrão de α = 0,05 para comparar as médias das DMO. Constatou-se que cem por cento dos indivíduos avaliados, apresentam um grau de DMO, abaixo da média prevista pela organização mundial de saúde (OMS), estando 14,4% no quadro de osteopenia e 85,6% com osteoporose, com uma menor DMO na região do fêmur (0,721g), e com maior perda entre as mulheres que não fazem atividade física (0,698g). Não houve correlação entre a prática de atividade física e a densidade mineral óssea, porém existe correlação quando associada a padrões antropométricos e ingestão diária de vitamina D.<hr/>This paper aimed to verify the correlation between bone mineral density and the level of physical activity, as well as the food intake and the anthropometric parameters. It intended to analyse the bone mineral density (BMD) of menopausal women through the bone densitometry test (DO) in the lumbar region (L1 to L4), femoral neck and total femur, and also use Bouchard’s self-recall of daily activities; employing the food record from Buker and Stuart to dose and quantify the daily intake of calcium and vitamin D. The data were analysed via Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s test, and default value of α = 0.05 was set to compare the BMD averages. It was observed that one hundred percent of the assessed individuals had a BMD level below the average fixed by WHO: 14.4% with osteopenia and 85.6% with osteoporosis; a lower BMD in the femoral area (0.721g) and the biggest loss among the sedentary ones (0.698g). It was noticed that there was a correlation between the physical activities and the BMD only when associated with anthropometric standards and the daily ingestion of vitamin D. <![CDATA[<b>Motor competence in preschool children’s</b>: <b>An analysis in private and public school children</b>]]> O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a competência motora de pré-escolares em diferentes ambientes, a saber, escolas particulares e públicas da cidade do Recife-PE, Brasil. A amostra contou com 292 crianças de 3 a 5 anos de idade proporcionalmente distribuídas em escolas públicas e particulares da cidade do Recife-PE. A avaliação da competência motora foi realizada com o Test of Gross Motor Development - 2 (TGMD-2). Posteriormente, os grupos foram formados de acordo com o contexto escolar (público ou particular) e estratificados quanto ao gênero. A análise dos dados utilizou a ANOVA Two-Way adotando um p< 0,05. De um modo geral, crianças de escola particular apresentaram maior competência motora, assim como os meninos obtiveram melhor desempenho que as meninas. Os resultados permitem concluir que a competência motora de pré-escolares difere de acordo com o contexto escolar e com o gênero. Contudo, sugere-se que novos estudos avaliem características dos espaços utilizados, bem como a participação de crianças em aulas de educação física e esportes que podem favorecer o desenvolvimento da competência motora.<hr/>The objective of this study was to compare the motor competence of children in different environments, namely private and public schools. This study looked at a representative sample of preschool children (3-5 years) the city of Recife-PE. We included all subjects who completed the Test of Gross Motor Development - 2. The groups were made up of children from private schools (n = 161; 95 boys), and public (n = 131; 63 boys). Data analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA Two-Way), by adopting a p ≤ 0.05. In general, private school children had superior performance. When analyzed gender differences, boys were higher. The results suggest that children of different school environments appear to differ in their motor competence. Therefore, we suggest that future studies assessing the characteristics of space used and the intensity and duration of activities that children are involved. <![CDATA[<b>Motor assessment instruments and psychometric procedures</b>: <b>A systematic review</b>]]> It was our objective to identify the psychometric elements to an epistemological reflection through a systematic review of cross-cultural validation procedures of TGMD-2 batteries, MABC-2 and KTK. Searches were carried out by two evaluators independently without year and language restrictions in six databases: Web of Science, Science Direct, Lilacs, Scopus, Pubmed and The ScientificElectronic Library Online - SciELO. The key words used were: "MABC", "TGMD" and "KTK" all of them combined with the word "validity". There was a total of 734 articles, of which, after the exclusion criteria, remained only 11 studies. It was found that there are differences between the authors in relation to the psychometric factors taken into account in cross-cultural validation. So that there was a lack of unanimity of the validation criteria of all studies in this field.