Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 18 num. 2 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[A multivariate regression and discriminant canonical analysis of Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull performance in cadet inline speed skaters]]> Abstract This study measured the peak force (PF) in cadet inline speed skaters (ISS) and verified the physical measures that determine athletes’ performance on the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Test (IMTP) through a multivariate regression and discriminant canonical analysis. A total of 36 high-performance male (n = 18; age= 17.4± 1.21 years; body mass= 65.1± 6.18 kg; height= 168.6± 5.1 cm) and female (n = 18; age= 17.4± 1.23 years; body mass= 55.5± 4.4 kg; height= 158.6± 5.2 cm) athletes were measured two times (with a 3-day interval). All participants performed the IMTP and sit-and-reach (SR) tests, and an evaluator performed anthropometric circumference measurements on their thighs and calves. The main results indicated that males showed a higher PF on the test (m = 59.0± 3.9 N/kg vs. f = 50.4± 5.8 N/kg; p ≤ 0.001) and retest (m = 59.1± 4.2 N/kg vs. f = 51.9± 6.6 N/kg; p ≤ 0.001). In the first, thigh circumference (χ2 = 29.01, p ≤ 0.001, R2 = 0.74) had an overall 91.7% prediction. The second model included using the SR and thigh circumference (χ2 = 49.91, p ≤ 0.001, R2 = 1.0) showed an overall prediction of 100.0%. The thigh circumference matrix showed better predictive power for (coefficient= 7.158) male and female IMTP performance. In conclusion, despite the gender differences, the thigh circumference is a good predictor for PF in cadet ISS athletes. <![CDATA[Proposition and validation of protocol for technical-tactical analysis in boxing matches]]> RESUMO As ações de tempo e movimento nos esportes de combate tem sido objeto de investigações cientificas, com fins de desenvolvimento de protocolos de análise. Este estudo teve por objetivo desenvolver e validar um protocolo tempo-movimento especifico para o Boxe Inglês, utilizando o software Frami®. O presente protocolo foi desenvolvido sobre técnicas do boxe inglês, foram definidos grupos de ações e padrões de início o final de cada ação. Para validação foram analisados 12 combates realizados nas Olimpíadas do Rio de Janeiro. As comparações de teste e reteste foram feitas usando o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI), ambos considerando um nível de significância de p≤ 0,05. Os principais resultados indicaram que houve reprodutibilidade classificada como excelente para todas as variáveis (Descolamento: CCI= 0.99 e 0.97; Ataque: CCI= 0.98 e 0.96; Defesa: CCI= 0.97 e 0.94; Clinch: CCI= 0.99 e 0.96; pausa: CCI= 1 e 0.99, para o 1º e 2º avaliador respectivamente; Tempo total CCI= 1 para ambos os avaliadores). Houve objetividade excelente (CCI≥ 0.98) em todas os conjuntos de ações. Pode-se concluir que o protocolo desenvolvido se mostrou válido e reprodutível para analisar de combates de boxe.<hr/>ABSTRACT The actions of time-motion in combat sports have been the subject of scientific investigations, aiming to develop analysis protocols. This study aimed to develop and validate a specific time-movement protocol for English Boxing using the Frami® software. This protocol was developed based on English boxing techniques. Groups of actions and patterns were defined from the beginning to the end of each action. Twelve combats carried out in the Rio de Janeiro Olympics were analyzed for validation. Test and retest comparisons were made using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), both considering a significance level of p≤ 0.05. The main results indicated that there was reproducibility classified as excellent for all variables (Displacement: CCI= 0.99 and 0.97; Attack: CCI= 0.98 and 0.96; Defense: CCI= 0.97 and 0.94; Clinch: CCI= 0.99 and 0.96; pause: CCI= 0.98 and 0.96; CCI= 1.0 and 0.99, for the 1st and 2nd evaluators respectively and; Total time ICC= 1.0 for both evaluators). There was excellent objectivity (ICC≥ 0.98) in all groups of actions. It can be concluded that the developed protocol proved to be valid and reproducible for analyzing boxing matches. <![CDATA[Comparison of exercise and sports characteristics between binge-eating and healthy people]]> Abstract The present study compared exercise and sports characteristics between subjects with Binge Eating Disorder (BD) classification and a health group without binge eating. A randomized sample of 111 participants (23.1± 7.6 yrs.; 1.6± 0.6 m; 77.0± 16.9 kg) were classified and separated according BD classification (non-binging= 47; moderate binging n = 30; severe binging n = 40). For this, the BD Scale, Self-perceived Performance Scale, and a Demographic Questionnaire obtained classifications about BD and characteristics of exercise and sports practices. Analysis indicated that the Body Mass Index (BMI) was different between groups (p ≤ 0.001). Non-binging, with 22.5± 5.1 index, presented lower values than severe binging, with 27.4± 4.9 index and moderate, binging, with 28.1± 8.2 index, while severe binging, with 6 (2; 6) hours/training, had a longer time than moderate, with 4 (2; 6) hours and non-binging groups, with 3 (2; 6) hours/training. With a 3 (2.5; 3) score, the severe binging group presented lower motor control performance than the non-binging with a 3 (3; 4) score. Thus, coaches and psychologists can develop strategies for specific eating disorders, considering present important factors in sports psychology to reduce BD and compensatory strategies. <![CDATA[Lower experience increases concussion susceptibility in Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners]]> Abstract The present study is a descriptive-documental study that evaluates a survey database about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) practitioners and concussions. We investigate any relationship between lifetime practice and the incidence of concussions in adults. For this, an online survey composed of 17 questions was sent to 42 BJJ coaches. The Survey Monkey platform was used to host the survey. Some demographic data was collected, followed by questions related to the BJJ practice. A total of 791 practitioners had completed or partially answered the survey. The results show that concussions are more frequent at the beginner’s white 49.0% and blue belt 33.3% (p ≤ 0.01). The symptom “seeing stars” showed a positive and significant correlation (r = 0.169, p ≤ 0.002) with a white and blue belt. After a concussion, white and blue belts return faster than the others (χ2 = 190.964; p ≤ 0.01). White, blue, and purple belts are the least likely to seek medical care after a concussion (χ2 = 14.874; p ≤ 0.01). Together, our results showed the need for an educational intervention with the BJJ coaches and beginners regarding awareness about concussions and possible post-traumatic issues and creating procedures to deal with concussions in BJJ. <![CDATA[Women Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioners showed a higher incidence of concussion: an epidemiological analysis]]> Abstract Knowledge about the prevalence of concussion in combat sports is important information to keep athletes’ and practitioners’ physical integrity in different modalities such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). Therefore, this study aimed to compare concussions incidence in BJJ between men and women practitioners. A randomized sample of 779 (689 men and 90 women) BJJ practitioners (age: 32.4± 9.8 years, training-time: 57.3± 54.4 months, training frequency: 3.4± 1.3 times/week). The injury analysis was done using a questionnaire with demographic data and a survey about concussions. The main results showed that women had a significantly higher frequency of concussions in training than men [38 (41%) women vs 147 men (20,5%); p ≤ 0.001]. Furthermore, women had a significantly higher frequency of loss of consciousness than men [13 (8.8%) men vs 4 (11%) women; p = 0.009], among the symptoms resulting from a concussion, headache, dizziness, and loss of balance, represented the most common symptoms in those affected by concussion, regardless of gender. The results of this study may be helpful to athletes, coaches, and federations to prevent this type of injury, mainly in women. <![CDATA[Clinical profile and physical activity levels in patients with advanced hip osteoarthritis]]> RESUMO A patologia degenerativa articular do quadril surge em grupos etários jovens, relacionados ao impacto femoroacetabular e em idade avançada, por outras causas inflamatórias, com potencial maior de gravidade na presença de comorbidades. Dentro de um grupo amostral de 54 pacientes com indicação cirúrgica, atendidos em um hospital de referência ortopédica universitário, nosso objetivo foi realizar uma análise descritiva de variáveis antropométricas, nível de dor em indivíduos com osteoartrite do quadril avançada e identificar no grupo de indivíduos ativos a distribuição de domínios da prática de atividade física, conforme o IPAQ. A faixa etária prevalente foi abaixo de 60 anos (79,6%), a maior parte (44,4%) dos incluídos no estudo apresentavam impacto femoroacetabular, dentre os sujeitos 77,8% eram ativos e 22,2% inativos. Não não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos no IMC (p= 0,838) e escala visual analógica (p= 0,259). Para a variável IMC houve efeito médio (η2p= 0,072) e para a EVA efeito alto (η2p= 0,277). 55,6% eram do sexo masculino e 44,4% do feminino. Como conclusão, idade menor que 60 anos e o aumento do IMC e a sua maior incidência, esteve presentes no diagnóstico clínico da osteoartrite. Portanto, em indivíduos com osteoartrite avançada, atividades de prevenção e prática de atividades físicas devem ser incentivadas.<hr/>ABSTRACT Hip joint degenerative pathology appears in young age groups, related to femoroacetabular impingement, and in advanced age, due to other inflammatory causes, with greater potential for severity in the presence of comorbidities. Within a sample group of 54 patients with surgical indication, treated at a university orthopaedic referral hospital, our objective is to carry out a descriptive analysis of anthropometric variables, level of pain in subjects with early hip osteoarthritis and to identify in the active-active group the distribution of domains of physical activity practice, according to the IPAQ. The prevalent age group was below 60 years (79.6%); most (44.4%) of those included in the study had femoroacetabular impact; among these subjects, 77.8% were active and 22.2% inactive. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in BMI (p= 0.838) and visual analogic scale (p= 0.259). There was a medium effect (ηp 2 = 0.072) for the BMI and a high effect (ηp 2 = 0.277) for VAS. 55.6% were male and 44.4% female. In conclusion, age under 60 years and increased incidence of BMI were present in osteoarthritis’s clinical diagnosis. Therefore, prevention and physical activity should be encouraged in individuals with this advanced joint disease. <![CDATA[Effect of exergames on motor performance and reaction time in a child with autism spectrum disorder]]> RESUMO Dificuldades nas funções executivas e no desempenho motor em crianças com o transtorno do espectro autista (TEA) têm sido alvos de pesquisas. Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar o efeito do exergames no desempenho motor e no tempo de reação de uma criança (6 anos) com TEA. Foram aplicadas oito semanas de jogos com o Xbox Kinect, com encontros semanais e duração de 35 a 40 minutos. O desempenho motor foi avaliado pela Escala de Desenvolvimento Motor (EDM) e o tempo de reação pelo teste Reação Simples e de Escolha RT/S1, disponível no sistema computadorizado Mental Test and Training System. Os dados obtidos foram analisados segundo o Método JT. Os resultados indicaram uma mudança positiva confiável no quociente motor geral (QMGpré= 87.5/QMGpós= 102.32) com um índice de mudança positiva confiável (IMC) de 4.19, na idade motora geral (IMGpré= 70/IMGpós= 88; IMC= 4.55) e nas áreas motoras equilíbrio (QMpré= 52,5/QMpós= 104,65; IMC= 2,47) e esquema corporal (IMpré= 60/IMpós= 96; IMC= 2.63) após aplicação do exergames, entretanto, sem alterações significativas nos escores do tempo de reação (TRpré= 361/TRpós= 319; IMC= 1,26). As descobertas sugerem que o uso do exergames parece refletir em melhorias nos aspectos motores, mas não no tempo de reação.<hr/>ABSTRACT Difficulties in executive functions and motor performance in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been researched. This study aimed to verify the effect of exergames on motor performance and reaction time of a child (6 years old) with ASD. Eight weeks of games with Xbox Kinect were applied, with weekly meetings and duration of 35 to 40 minutes. Motor performance was assessed by the Motor Development Scale (EDM) and reaction time by the Simple Reaction and Choice RT/S1 test, available in the computerized Mental Test and Training System. The data obtained were analyzed according to the JT Method. The results indicated a reliable positive change in the general motor quotient (QMGpre= 87.5/QMGpost= 102.32) with a reliable change index (IMC) of 4.19, in the general motor age (IMGpre= 70/IMGpost= 88; IMC= 4.55) and in the motor areas balance (QMpre= 52.5/QMpost= 104.65; IMC= 2.47) and body schema (IMpre= 60/IMpost= 96; IMC= 2.63) after application of the exergames, but without significant changes in the reaction time scores (TRpre= 361/TRpost= 319; IMC= 1.26). The findings suggest that the use of exergames seems to reflect improvements in motor aspects, but not in reaction time. <![CDATA[Visual search strategies of young soccer players according to positional role]]> Abstract We aimed to compare the visual search strategies of young soccer players with different positional roles. Data was collected with the Mobile Eye Tracking — XG to verify gaze behaviour through visual focus. At the laboratory, an 11-a-side match play video-based soccer simulation from a third-person perspective was presented to the participants. Players were grouped according to their positional roles: defenders (n= 6), midfielders (n= 6) and forwards (n= 5). Visual search strategies were classified according to five fixation locations: “player in possession”, “ball”, “teammates”, “opponents” and “space”. The number of fixations and the fixation duration in each location was assessed. One-way ANOVA was performed to compare mean values. Midfielders and forwards showed significant differences in the number of fixations (15.50± 5.85 vs. 27.80± 7.36; p = 0.023) and fixation duration (8.00± 3.11 secs vs. 20.10± 8.47 secs; p = 0.016) for the category “ball”, as well as in the number of fixations (22.00± 5.62 vs. 34.60± 1.81; p = 0.044) for “teammates”. No other differences were observed. We concluded that the positional role was not relevant to the visual search strategy adopted by young soccer players. This finding is important for coaches and researchers to understand the cognitive and perceptual skills of young soccer players. It can also help coaches design specific training with appropriate stimuli for the players’ development. <![CDATA[Estimation of early sports specialization in adolescents in a Brazilian city]]> RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi de estimar a chance de especialização esportiva precoce em uma população escolar. Foi elaborado um questionário Sobre Especialização precoce e dados demográficos respondidos por 830 praticantes de modalidades distintas. Os participantes foram recrutados de escolas públicas e particulares. A classificação da especialização precoce foi baseada nos métodos de autoclassificação e no sistema de três pontos. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da estatística descritiva, teste qui-quadrado e análise de regressão logística multinomial. Os resultados mostraram que a chance para a especialização esportiva por tipo de escola é duas vezes mais para escola pública na categoria moderada (OR= 2,06; IC95% 1,46–2,74) e alta (OR= 1,96; IC95% 1,19–3,26) que escolas particulares. O sistema de pontos classificou os adolescentes em níveis: baixa, média e alta especialização, mostrando 61,8% (n= 495), 29,5% (n= 235), 8,7% (n= 70) respectivamente. Os participantes se classificaram como praticantes de um único (n= 405, 50,6%), ou vários esportes (n= 396, 49,4%) através do sistema de autoclassificação. Portanto, a chance de um escolar ser especializado precocemente é baixa, e a variável idade não foi determinante para influenciar na especialização dos escolares. Contudo, a especialização esportiva parece ser influenciada pelo sexo e tipo de escola.<hr/>ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to estimate the chance of early sports specialization in a school population. A questionnaire on Early Specialization was prepared, and 830 practitioners of different modalities answered demographic data. Participants were recruited from public and private schools. The classification of early specialization was based on self-rating methods and the three-point system. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test and multinomial logistic regression analysis. The results showed that the chance for sports specialization by type of school is twice as high for public schools in the moderate (OR= 2.06; 95%CI 1.46–2.74) and high (OR= 1. 96; 95%CI 1.19–3.26) than private schools. The points system classified adolescents into levels: low, medium and high specialization, showing 61.8% (n= 495), 29.5% (n= 235), 8.7% (n= 70) respectively. Participants classified themselves as practicing a single (n= 405, 50.6%), or multiple sports (n= 396, 49.4%) through the self-classification system. Therefore, the chance of a student being specialized early is low, and the age variable was not determinant in influencing the specialization of students. However, sports specialization seems to be influenced by gender and school type. <![CDATA[Infrared thermography detects soccer-induced residual fatigue: a single-case study]]> Abstract We analysed the effect of different volumes of a soccer simulation protocol (SSP) on skin temperature (Tsk), muscle damage, and inflammation to investigate whether thermography can detect residual fatigue. We conducted this single-case study with a 17-year-old soccer player in a military boarding school. The participant performed an SSP twice with different duration (45 min and 90 min). At 24 h pre, 24 h post, and 48 h post each condition, thermograms were taken to measure Tsk overlying quadriceps, hip adductors, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius. Also, blood samples were obtained to quantify both creatine kinase (CK) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) concentrations. Following the 90-min SSP, Tsk increased during the recovery period in all analysed regions; CK peaked after 24 h (336 U·L−1) with values 273.3% higher than baseline (90 U·L−1), remaining elevated 48 h post-match (185.6%) (257 U·L−1); CRP increased 182.5% after 24 h (1.13 mg·L−1) when compared to baseline (0.40 mg·L−1) and peaked at 48 h post (432.5%) (2.13 mg·L−1). However, following the 45-min SSP, there was no increase in Tsk, CRP, and the CK values did not indicate muscle damage. Thermography is capable of detecting soccer-induced residual fatigue in a young military player. Monitoring Tsk changes via thermography can be a promising non-invasive approach to monitoring muscle recovery status. <![CDATA[Pacing strategies in Berlin Marathon from 2004 to 2019]]> RESUMO O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar as estratégias de pacing utilizadas por homens e mulheres na Maratona de Berlim entre os anos de 2004 e 2019. Foram analisados os registros dos 20 primeiros atletas no masculino e feminino. A amostra foi dividida em sete grupos: recorde mundial, grupo dos campeões (masculino e feminino), grupo do 2º ao 5º colocado (masculino e feminino) e grupo do 6º ao 20º colocado (masculino e feminino). O tempo realizado nas oito parciais de 5 km e na parcial de 2.195 km foram convertidos em segundos para cálculo de velocidade em metros por segundos. Para análise da estratégia de pacing a velocidade em cada parcial foi normalizada pela velocidade média na prova. Utilizou-se ANOVA de um fator para verificar possíveis diferenças entre os grupos em cada parcial, e para a análise da estratégia de pacing de cada grupo, foi utilizada a ANOVA de medidas repetidas intra-grupo. Os homens recordistas mundiais utilizaram estratégia de pacing constante (p= 0.98). Os grupos de campeões, masculino e feminino, também utilizaram estratégia de pacing constante (p&gt; 0.108). Os grupos do 2º ao 5º colocados, de ambos os sexos, apresentaram estratégia de pacing positiva (homens p= 0.001–0.007; mulheres p = 0.001–0.04). Do mesmo modo, os atletas dos grupos do 6º à 20º colocados masculino e feminino também apresentaram estratégia de pacing positiva (homens p&lt; 0.001; mulheres p&lt; 0.001). Não foram encontradas diferenças na estratégia de pacing entre homens e mulheres vencedores. Conclui-se que a estratégia de pacing constante é aquela que possibilitou melhor êxito na Maratona de Berlim, tanto os recordistas quanto os campeões a utilizaram.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the pacing strategies used by men and women in the Berlin Marathon between 2004 and 2019. The records of the first 20 male and female athletes were analysed. The sample was divided into seven groups: world record, champions group (men and woman), 2nd to 5th place group (men and woman) and 6th to 20th place group (men and woman). The time taken in the eight partials of 5 km and the partial of 2,195 km were converted into seconds to calculate the speed in meters per second. To analyse the pacing strategy, the speed in each partial was normalised by the average speed in the test. One-way ANOVA was used to verify possible differences between the groups in each partial. For the analysis of the pacing strategy of each group, the intra-group repeated measures ANOVA was used. World record men used a constant pacing strategy (p= 0.98). The champions groups, male and female, also used a constant pacing strategy (p&gt; 0.108). The 2nd to 5th placed groups of both sexes presented a positive pacing strategy (men p= 0.001– 0.007; women p= 0.00– 0.04). Likewise, the athletes from the 6th to 20th place male and female groups also presented a positive pacing strategy (men p&lt; 0.001; women p&lt; 0.001). No differences were found in the pacing strategy between winning men and women. We conclude that the constant pacing strategy is the reason that made possible the best success in the Berlin Marathon; both the record holders and the champions used it. <![CDATA[Individual predictors of overweight in children from the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais]]> ABSTRACT The study aimed to estimate sex differences in body mass index (BMI), motor competence (MC), health-related physical fitness (HRPF), perceived motor competence (PMC), and physical activity (PA) and to identify individual predictors associated with overweight in Brazilian children. A cross-sectional study was conducted, sampling 217 Brazilian children aged between 6-10 years old. PA was measured through pedometers. MC and PMC were estimated, respectively, by the Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd edition) battery and the Pictographic Scale of Perceived Competence Assessment in Motor Skills, while the HRPF was estimated through the curl up, push up, horizontal jump, sit and reach, and 6-minute walk/run tests. Height and weight were measured, and BMI was computed. Statistical analyses involved the use of the Mann Whitney U test and multiple logistic regression. Sex differences were observed for HRPF score, mean of weekend steps and total steps/week, favouring boys (p&lt; 0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that MC (OR= 0.97; 95%CI 0.92– 0.98) and HRPF (OR= 0.78; 95%CI 0.66– 0.93) were significantly associated with overweight, while any significant association were observed for PA and PMC. Results highlight that increases in MC and HRPF reduced the chances of children being overweight. <![CDATA[Precision of wearable heart rate to predict oxygen uptake in endurance vs sprint-trained runners]]> ABSTRACT The present study aimed to assess the precision of oxygen uptake with heart rate regression during treadmill running in highly trained runners. Twenty national and international level male runners were divided into two equal groups. Group A was formed of 10 sprinters (31.5± 4.7 years, height 1.74± 0.04 m and mass 61.8± 5.2 kg), and group B comprised 10 endurance runners (25.7± 4.5 years, height 1.77± 0.08 m and mass 71.2± 5.8 kg). Each participant performed six min bouts at a constant velocity on a level treadmill, with each bout at an increased running velocity. The starting velocity was 3.33 m·s-1, with a 0.56 m·s-1 increase in each subsequent bout. VO2 and HR were measured during all runs. Mean peak VO2 and mean peak HR for Group A were, respectively, 71.7± 7.0 mL·kg-1·min-1 and 179.8± 12.7 beats·min-1, while for Group B were 67.3± 4.9 mL·kg-1·min-1 and 198.2± 9.8 beats·min-1. The linearity of the regressions between VO2 and HR in both groups was very high (R2= 0.97 and R2=0.76) with small standard errors of regression. Despite a stronger correlation in endurance-trained athletes, the results of the present study indicate that it is possible to use HR as an indicator of exercise intensity in individuals trained in both speed and longer distances. <![CDATA[Reproducibility of the dynamic balance test of lower limbs with reduction of the body weight in individuals with knee osteoarthritis]]> ABSTRACT The dynamic balance of the lower limbs has shown great importance in accomplishing activities of daily living, especially for walking and maintenance in the orthostatic position. In this context, individuals with knee osteoarthritis have changes in their physical capacity, mainly due to joint changes and muscular wear. The instrument called OctoBalance® is one of the most used to evaluate this balance, which analyses four different executions of movement in the limbs. However, individuals with knee osteoarthritis cannot perform this evaluation due to the need for single limb support during movements. This study aimed to verify whether it is reproducible to perform the dynamic balance evaluation of lower limbs with a reduction of 10% of body weight through a suspension system. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 2 collections with a 48-hour interval between them, using the Lower Body Test performed with OctoBalance®. The dynamic balance test followed the protocol of 3 repetitions observing the learning factor and then 3 repetitions where the values were collected, with the suggested adaptation for all 4 diagonals in both limbs. The interclass correlation index (ICI), coefficient of variation (CV), estimative standard error (EEE) and minimum detectable difference (MDD) were calculated as indicators of reproducibility. Also, Bland-Altman Graphs were used for visual verification of the agreement between the means. Results: The reliability tests showed a very high interclass correlation through the ICI and low variation values for all the movements evaluated through the CV. The EEE and MDD calculations showed positive responses for greater reliability, and the Bland-Altman graphs showed an agreement between the means. Reproducibility was positive for the Lower Body Test with the Octobalance® platform for the evaluation of lower limb dynamic balance in women with knee osteoarthritis. <![CDATA[Physical activity levels and mental illness risk in elderly women during COVID-19]]> ABSTRACT This research aimed to verify the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental illness risk (MIR) and confirm the association of PA levels with MIR in elderly women during the COVID-19 pandemic. This experimental longitudinal study involved 44 elderly women aged 67.3± 5.3 years. The SRQ-20 and IPAQ were applied from February 2020 to February 2021, prior to the onset and during the pandemic. Significant increase (242%) of positive responses to MIR between the two periods (p= 0.002, February: 7 vs August: 17, (χ2 (1)= 8.51; p= 0.003, RR= 3.02). Regarding PA levels, there was a significant increase (566%) with a large effect size (ES) in the number of elderly women with low PA levels, from 3 in February to 20 in August, p= 0.0001, V= 1. There was a significant reduction (450%) with high ES of 18 elderly women with high levels of PA from February to 4 in August, p= 0.0001, V= 1. An inverse correlation was identified, with moderate ES between the levels of MIR and PA during the pandemic, r= -0.40, R2= 0.16. The COVID-19 pandemic caused an increase in the MIR of elderly women with a moderate inverse association with PA levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. <![CDATA[Analysis of physical fitness using exergames in young soccer players and non-players: a pilot study]]> RESUMO O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar se a utilização do exergames pode auxiliar na melhora da aptidão física através do Burpee, como também, analisar se os exergames podem melhorar a agilidade e a percepção espaço-temporal em jovens jogadores de futebol e não jogadores. Esta pesquisa tem caráter exploratório descritivo com analise quali-quantitativa dos dados. Os participantes do estudo foram crianças (10,8± 1,8 anos). Para essa amostra, foi observado que o exergames não promoveu aumento significativo da aptidão física (Grupo 1 × Grupo 2= IC95% (-6,39–6,59), p&gt; 1,00; Grupo 3 × Grupo 4= IC95% (-1,27–3,47), p&gt; 1,00). Em contrapartida, o exergames promoveu melhora significativa da agilidade e da percepção espaço-temporal para o grupo 2 (Agilidade Pré × Pós: Z= -2,828; p= 0,05; Percepção espaço-temporal Pré × Pós: Z= -2,828; p= 0,05). Depreendemos que os exergames não proporciona melhora da aptidão física em jovens jogadores de futebol, e que também não proporcionou melhoras na agilidade ou na percepção espaço-temporal. Porém, para o público não atleta, houve melhora significativa para a agilidade e percepção espaço-temporal.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to identify whether the use of exergames can help improve physical fitness through Burpee and analyse whether exergames can improve agility and spatial-temporal perception in young soccer players and non-players. This is a descriptive exploratory research with qualitative-quantitative data analysis. Participants were children (10.8 ± 1.8 years). For this sample, it was observed that exergames did not promote a significant increase in physical fitness (Group 1 × Group 2= 95%CI (-6.39–6.59), p&gt; 1.00; Group 3 × Group 4= 95%CI (-1.27–3.47), p&gt; 1.00). In contrast, exergames promoted a significant improvement in agility and spatiotemporal perception for group 2 (Agility Pre × Post: Z= -2.828; p= 0.05; Spatiotemporal perception Pre × Post: Z= -2.828; p= 0.05). We understand that exergames did not improve physical fitness in young soccer players and that they also did not provide improvements in agility or spatiotemporal perception. However, for the non-athlete public, there was a significant improvement in agility and spatial-temporal perception. <![CDATA[Effects of grouped versus alternating functional training on the shoulder girdle and lumbar-pelvic girdle stability: a randomised controlled trial]]> ABSTRACT The present research aimed to verify the effect of 10 weeks of structured FT grouped by muscular actions (GFT) or alternating actions (AFT) on scapular and lumbar-pelvic girdle stability. One hundred and twenty adults (60 men; 60 women) were allocated into three groups, GFT (n= 40) that performed the actions in sequence (squat - squat - pull - pull), AFT (n= 40) that performed alternate actions (squat - pull - squat - pull) and the control group (CG, n= 40). The shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle stability were assessed using the Octobalance Upper Body Test. The GFT increased stability after the intervention and compared to the CG (p= 0.003) as assessed by the relative range of the right (ES= 0.53) and left (ES= 0.57) hemispheres. Besides, most results were within the instrument’s error value and the magnitude of the effect was moderate to trivial among the experimental groups. Therefore, ten weeks of functional training performed in a grouped sequence promoted improvements in scapular and lumbar-pelvic girdle stability. <![CDATA[Acute inflammatory responses induced by flexibility training with two different intensities]]> ABSTRACT This research analysed the acute effects of flexibility training with two different intensities on inflammation. Twenty-eight young military personnel males were randomised into two groups of 14 individuals each: Submaximal Stretching Group (SG) and Maximal Stretching Group (MG). The training routines were applied for each group and involved shoulder horizontal flexion, shoulder horizontal extension, hip flexion and hip extension. Basal blood samples were collected immediately after exercise and 24 h later in order to assess the inflammatory markers (CRP, IL-6, IL-10). Repeated measures ANOVA (2x3) for intragroup and intergroup comparisons with the adjusted Bonferroni post-hoc test was used. There was significant intergroup interaction (p&lt; 0.05) with post-exercise CRP levels, which were significantly higher in the MG when compared to the SG (p= 0.035; Δ= 94%). There were no significant differences in IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations at any intergroup moment. The intragroup comparison showed a significant rise in IL-6 immediately after and 24 h after maximal stretching, with a significant difference (p&lt; 0.05) 24 h after when compared to baseline (p= 0.008; Δ= 44.16%). These results suggest that maximal stretching promoted a higher acute inflammatory response when compared to submaximal stretching due to the greater intensity of the exercises. <![CDATA[Thermal characterization in professional volleyball athletes]]> RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi estabelecer o perfil térmico de membros superiores, inferiores e tronco de jogadores de voleibol de alto rendimento, além de avaliar o nível de simetria térmica de regiões corporais bilaterais. Foram obtidos termogramas de 14 jogadores de voleibol de alto rendimento, do sexo masculino, vinculados a uma equipe brasileira de elite (idade: 19,4± 2,6 anos, massa corporal: 82,4± 13,6 kg, estatura: 190,3± 10,4 cm, gordura corporal: 11,9%). A temperatura da pele média e máxima foi mensurada nos antebraços, braços, ombros, coxas, pernas e na região do tronco. O teste T independente foi usado para comparar a temperatura de regiões bilaterais. Foi encontrada similaridade térmica entre os lados direito e esquerdo em todas regiões corporais bilaterais analisadas (p&gt; 0.05). As diferenças térmicas bilaterais médias foram consideradas clinicamente aceitáveis em todas regiões corporais (≤ 0.49°C), com tamanhos de efeito variando entre insignificante e pequeno. Em conclusão, jogadores de voleibol de alto rendimento apresentam simetria térmica bilateral nos membros superiores e inferiores, sugerindo uma avaliação termográfica normal indicativa de ausência de lesão. Valores de temperatura da pele do tronco são mais elevados que nos membros superiores e inferiores.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study aimed to establish the skin temperature thermal profile of upper- and lower-body for high-performance volleyball players and evaluate the thermal symmetry of contralateral body regions. Thermograms were obtained from 14 male volleyball players (age: 19.4± 2.6 years, body mass: 82.4± 13.6 kg, height: 190.3± 10.4 cm, body fat: 11.9%), members of an elite Brazilian team. Average and maximum skin temperatures were measured in the forearms, arms, shoulders, thighs, legs, and trunk region. The independent T-test was used to compare the temperature between bilateral body regions. We observed thermal similarity between the right and left sides in all analyzed body regions (p&gt; 0.05). In all body regions, mean bilateral thermal differences were considered clinically acceptable (≤ 0.49°C), with effect sizes ranging between insignificant and small. In conclusion, high-performance volleyball players show contralateral thermal symmetry in their upper and lower limbs, suggesting a normal thermographic assessment indicative of injuries. The trunk’s skin temperature values are higher when compared to lower and upper limbs. <![CDATA[Comparison of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among Physical Education professionals from the northeast and south of Brazil]]> RESUMO O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral comparar o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 entre profissionais de Educação Física do Nordeste e do Sul do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio digital. Através dos Formulários Google® foi criado um questionário, com perguntas de múltipla escolha, sendo este disseminado por meio das redes sociais Whatsapp®, Instagram@ e Facebook@. Foram investigados um total de 746 participantes, sendo 50,8% da Região Sul e 49,2% da Região Nordeste. Com relação à formação e atuação profissional, a maioria tinha até 10 anos de formado (59,5%), possuíam licenciatura plena ou as ambas as modalidades (61,3%) e atuavam no Setor privado/profissional liberal (52%). Considerando-se as questões de planejamento financeiro e de saúde, a maioria dos participantes era o principal mantenedor da casa (64,9%), não tinham realizado reserva financeira (75,9%), nem tinham plano de saúde (58,6%) ou de aposentadoria (67%). Com relação às atitudes e riscos frente à pandemia, um total de 94,5% dos profissionais de Educação Física afirmou estar em isolamento. Pode-se concluir que os efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 sobre os profissionais de Educação Física foram impactantes. A proibição do exercício profissional provocada pelo isolamento social demonstrou uma profissão com pouco planejamento e vulnerável situação financeira independente da região brasileira de atuação.<hr/>ABSTRACT The present study aimed to compare the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among Physical Education professionals in the Northeast and South of Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study. Data collection took place digitally. Through Google® Forms, a questionnaire was created, with multiple choice questions disseminated through the social networks Whatsapp®, Instagram@ and Facebook@. A total of 746 participants answered the questionnaire, 50.8% from the South Region and 49.2% from the Northeast Region. Regarding education and professional activity, most had graduated for up to 10 years (59.5%), had a full degree or both (61.3%) and worked in the private/liberal professional sector (52%). Considering financial and health planning issues, most participants were the main household income provider (64.9%), had no financial reserve (75.9%), nor had a health plan (58.6 %) or retirement plan (67%). Regarding attitudes and risks in the face of the pandemic, 94.5% of Physical Education professionals said they were in isolation. It can be concluded that the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on Physical Education professionals. The ban on professional practice caused by social isolation demonstrated a profession with little planning and a vulnerable financial situation regardless of the Brazilian region. <![CDATA[Guidelines for Job of Physical Education Professionals in the context of COVID-19]]> RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi criar um protocolo de atendimento ao público, específico para os profissionais de Educação Física (EF), no contexto da COVID-19. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, delineada pelas análises documental e bibliográfica dos documentos disponíveis nos sites dos Conselhos das Profissões da área da Saúde. Assim, elaborou-se um protocolo composto por dois tipos de ações profissionais, de domínio geral, o qual reforça ações já apresentadas por outros estudos e, de domínio específico, o qual apresenta novas diretrizes aos profissionais da EF. Ainda, o presente protocolo classificou o trabalho destes profissionais em três situações, a saber: contato físico constante, contato físico transitório e contato físico improvável. Uma vez que, até o momento, não foram verificadas especificações dos equipamentos de proteção individual direcionados aos profissionais de EF, focado na vestimenta, contato com o cliente e intensidade do exercício, apenas para o ambiente geral de trabalho, espera-se que o atual estudo contribua para a saúde e segurança dos profissionais de EF neste contexto de pandemia.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to create an assistance protocol for the public, specific for Physical Education (PE) professionals, in the context of COVID-19. The present study had a qualitative approach, delineated by documental and bibliographic analysis of the documents available on the websites of the Health Professional Councils. Thus, a protocol was elaborated consisting of two types of professional activity, of a general domain, which reinforces actions already presented by other studies, and of a specific domain, which presents new guidelines for PE professionals. Furthermore, this protocol classified the work of these professionals into three situations, namely: constant physical contact, transitory physical contact, and improbable physical contact. Up to the present moment, specifications of Personal Protective Equipment for PE professionals focused on clothing, client contact and exercise intensity have not been verified, except for the general work environment. Therefore, it is expected that the current study contributes to the health and safety of PE professionals in this pandemic context. <![CDATA[Acute effects of two HIIT protocols on oxidative responses]]> ABSTRACT The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate acute responses to oxidative stress (OS) after a single session of two HIIT protocols. 24 Wistar rats were divided into three groups (n= 8): sedentary control (SC), HIIT with a 7-minute volume (LW) and HIIT with 14-min (HW). After the protocol, blood was collected for the measurement of uric acid (UA), and the liver and the gastrocnemius muscle were collected for OS assessment by measuring malondialdehyde (MDA) and total antioxidant capacity (FRAP). The LW and HW groups showed a reduction in hepatic MDA (51.9 and 29.9%; p&lt; 0.05) compared to SC. However, the muscle of the HW group increased the MDA (12.6%; p&lt; 0.05) compared to SC. As for FRAP, LW and HW reduced values (78.3 and 75.3%; p&lt; 0.05) compared to SC, respectively. UA in the LW group was higher when compared to SC (64.7%; p&lt; 0.05), HW group was similar to SC (p&gt; 0.05). Among the different HIIT protocols, the LW group showed an increase in UA compared to the HW group (44%; p&lt; 0.05). Compared to SC, the LW and HW groups did not promote acute OS in the liver tissue. However, HW caused OS in muscle tissue after a single exercise session. <![CDATA[Analysis of the technical behavior of the marajoara fight]]> RESUMO A Luta Marajoara (LM) é uma modalidade esportiva de combate ainda pouco investigada. Caracterizada como luta de agarre, a LM demanda peculiaridades ainda pouco conhecidas, como a relação entre a constituição física e uso de técnicas competitivas. O estudo tem como objetivo analisar o desempenho técnico-tático da LM em termos de técnicas utilizadas e configuração dos combates. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e observacional realizado a partir de uma amostra constituída por três atletas masculinos com idades entre 23 e 33 anos. Os atletas foram filmados em ambiente natural durante um combate simulado de LM na perspectiva de levantar alguns elementos técnicos da LM, tais como: atitudes defensivas, técnica de ataque, queda e luta de solo. Os resultados permitem as seguintes conclusões: Não existe um padrão técnico-tático em LM e sim uma combinação de elementos envolvendo, acervo técnico-tático, tempo de prática e indicadores antropométricos; Elementos temporais e funcionais são configurados a partir de seu local de prática; A cabeçada é a técnica mais frequente, sendo muito utilizada quando combinada com outras técnicas; O trabalho defensivo é muito similar entre os atletas, o mesmo não acontece em relação à luta de chão, onde se observou diferenças na configuração da luta. Espera-se que o estudo possa ser útil na proposição de programas de treinamento voltados ao desempenho técnico-tático da LM.<hr/>ABSTRACT Marajoara Wrestling (MW) is a combat sport that has been not sufficiently investigated. Characterised as a grappling fight, MW demands peculiarities that are still not well known, such as the relationship between physical constitution and the use of competitive techniques. The present study aimed to analyse the technical-tactical performance of the MW in terms of techniques used and combat configuration. This was a cross-sectional observational study from a sample of three male athletes aged between 23 and 33 years. Athletes were filmed in a natural environment during simulated MW combat in order to raise some technical elements of the MW, such as: defensive attitudes, attack technique, takedown and ground fighting. The results allowed the following conclusions: there is no technical-tactical standard in MW, but a combination of elements involving technical-tactical collection, practice time and anthropometric indicators; temporal and functional elements are configured from one’s place of practice; the halter is the most frequent technique, being widely used when combined with other techniques; the defensive work is very similar among athletes, the same does not happen in relation to the ground fight, where differences were observed in the fight configuration. This study is expected to be useful in proposing training programs aimed at the technical-tactical performance of the MW. <![CDATA[Analysis of correlation levels between reactive strength index and sprint acceleration in basketball players]]> RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a correlação entre o maior valor do Índice de Força Reativa (IFR) e a corrida de aceleração em atletas de basquetebol. Sete atletas de basquetebol (idade 19 anos± 2.16, estatura 1.85 metros± 0.04, massa corporal 80.16 kg± 12.20, tempo de prática 6.28 anos± 2.75) a nível regional, da cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba, foram avaliados no índice de força reativa e na aceleração no sprint em 20 metros, em 0-10, 0-20 e 10-20 metros, medidas por um tapete de contato e fotocélulas, respectivamente. Os dados foram analisados no software SPSS 22.0, apresentados em média e desvio padrão. Foi aplicado o teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk e, após o resultado de não normalidade dos dados, utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Spearman. Houve correlação negativa fraca entre o IFR e 0-10 metros (r= -0.107, p= 0.819) e negativa moderada entre o IFR e 0-20 (r= -0.429, p= 0.337) e 10-20 metros (r= -0.214, p= 0.645). Pode-se concluir que atletas experientes podem apresentar correlação moderada entre os maiores valores de IFR e a corrida de velocidade nos 20 metros.<hr/>ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the highest value of the Reactive Strength Index (RSI) and sprint acceleration in basketball players. Seven basketball players (age 19 years± 2.16, height 1.85 meters± 0.04, body mass 80.16 kg± 12.20, BMI 24.21 km/m2± 3.33 and practice time 6.28 years± 2.75) at the regional level, from the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, were evaluated in the reactive strength index and acceleration in the sprint, at 0-10, 0-20 and 10-20 meters, measured by a contact platform and photocells, respectively. Data were analyzed in SPSS 22.0 software quantitatively through mean and standard deviation. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was used and, after the result of non-normality of the data, the Spearman correlation. Negative and weak correlations were found between RSI and 0-10 meters (r= -0.107, p= 0.819), and negative and moderate correlation between RSI and 0-20 (r= -0.429, p= 0.337) and 10-20 meters (r= -0.214, p= 0.645). It can be concluded that experienced athletes may have a moderate correlation between the highest RSI values and a 20-meter sprint. <![CDATA[Monitoring of training in youth female basketball: comparison of the load planned by the coach with the load perceived by athletes]]> RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a percepção da carga interna de treinamento percebida pelas atletas (CIA) com a carga planejada pelo treinador (CET), como também comparar as percepções de recuperação. O estudo foi conduzido com 10 atletas jovens de uma equipe feminina de basquetebol (idade= 13.20± 1.03 anos, estatura= 162.91± 5.16 cm e massa corporal= 58.20 ± 12,25 Kg) e um treinador com experiência de 08 anos. Foram utilizadas a escala de percepção subjetiva do esforço (CR 10) para estimativa da carga interna de treinamento (CIT) e uma escala de recuperação de esforço percebido (ERP). Todas as análises foram realizadas usando o software Jamovi (versão 1.6), teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk, teste t para uma amostra (normalidade atendida) e Wilcoxon (normalidade não atendida). Foi utilizado o nível de significância de p≤ 0.05 em todos os casos. Das 10 sessões de treino analisadas, seis apresentaram resultados compatíveis entre treinador e atletas em relação a CET e a CIA. Quanto à ERP, houve diferenças significativas em 60% das sessões. Diante dos resultados, a hipótese inicial que apontava diferenças entre as percepções de treinadores e atletas nas variáveis analisadas foi acatada parcialmente.<hr/>ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to compare the internal training load (ITL) perceived by the athletes (ITLa) with the load planned by the coach (ITLc), as well to compare the perceptions of recovery. The study was conducted with 10 young athletes from a female basketball team (age= 13.20± 1.03 years, stature= 162.91± 5.16 cm and body mass= 58.20± 12.25 Kg) and a coach with an experience of 08 years. The subjective perception of exertion scale (CR) 10 for estimating the internal training load (ITL) and a perceived exertion recovery scale (ERS) were used. All analyses were performed using Jamovi software (version 1.6), Shapiro-Wilk normality test, one-sample t-test (normality met) and Wilcoxon test (normality not met). A significance level of p≤ 0.05 was used in all cases. Six of the 10 training sessions analyzed showed compatible results between coach and athletes regarding ITLc and ITLa. As for ERS, there were significant differences in 60% of the sessions. Given the results, the initial hypothesis that pointed to differences between the perceptions of coaches and athletes in the analyzed variables was partially met. <![CDATA[Playful method as a helping tool for teaching jiu-jitsu in a military environment]]> RESUMO O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar se a prática lúdica é uma ferramenta auxiliadora no ensino de jiu-jitsu em ambiente militar. É um estudo qualitativo de caso, pois segue o modelo de pesquisa ação. Foram entrevistados 13 professores de Jiu-Jitsu com experiência de no mínimo 5 anos em docência de Jiu-Jitsu em ambiente militar. Após a aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado, o qual foi analisado de acordo com a técnica de análise do discurso, é possível concluir que a prática lúdica é uma ferramenta auxiliadora no ensino de jiu-jitsu, em ambiente militar, pois promove um ambiente de bem-estar positivo e integrador, estabelece uma comunicação mais direta e próxima entre o professor e o aluno, durante a aula.<hr/>ABSTRACT The present work aimed to investigate whether the playful practice is an auxiliary tool in teaching jiu-jitsu in a military environment. It was a qualitative case study, as it followed the action research model. Thirteen Jiu-Jitsu teachers with at least five years of experience teaching Jiu-Jitsu in military environments were interviewed. After applying a semi-structured questionnaire, which was analysed according to the technique of content analysis, it was possible to conclude that playful practice is a helpful tool in teaching jiu-jitsu in a military environment, as it promotes an environment of positive and integrative well-being, establishing a more direct and closer communication between teacher and student during class. <![CDATA[The training method with blood flow restriction: perception and critical analysis of the methodological process and its use]]> RESUMO Objetivou-se verificar a percepção, a análise crítica e metodológica da técnica de restrição de fluxo sanguíneo (RFS) por pesquisadores especialistas. Trata-se de estudo transversal descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, a partir da análise do discurso sobre a temática — A RFS no Contexto da Reabilitação, durante o III Congresso Internacional de Saúde, Desporto e Pedagogia do Movimento — SINERGIA BRAZIL III. Durante o debate os pesquisadores tiveram tempo de fala determinado, com ampla discussão após as perguntas. Realizou-se a análise do discurso a partir da transcrição da gravação. Os resultados indicaram a necessidade do ajuste da pressão de restrição durante a progressão do treinamento; considerou-se a RFS adequada para tratar pacientes pós-COVID-19, através do precondicionamento em repouso; primasse pela avaliação dos riscos e benefícios antes de sua utilização; a terminologia “RFS” amedronta o público que não tem familiaridade com o método; as variações da RFS são essenciais para reabilitação na prática clínica; sua aplicabilidade deve ser exacerbada para a população em geral; existe a necessidade de validação metodológica e equipamentos com menor custo financeiro; vislumbra-se que os aparelhos mais tecnológicos e caros sejam utilizados em laboratórios e clínicas. Conclui-se que houve uma convergência entre os pesquisadores quanto à eficiência da RFS.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective was to verify the perception, critical and methodological analysis of the technique of blood flow restriction (RFS) by specialist researchers. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with a qualitative approach, based on discourse analysis on the theme — RFS in the Context of Rehabilitation, during the III International Congress on Health, Sport and Pedagogy of Movement — SINERGIA BRAZIL III. The researchers had a determined speaking time during the debate, with ample discussion after the questions. Discourse analysis was performed from the transcription of the recording. The results indicated the need to adjust the restriction pressure during the training progression; the RFS was considered adequate to treat post-COVID-19 patients through preconditioning at rest; excel in evaluating the risks and benefits before its use; the terminology “RFS” frightens the public that is not familiar with the method; RFS variations are essential for rehabilitation in clinical practice; its applicability must be exacerbated for the general population; there is a need for methodological validation and equipment with lower financial cost; it is envisioned that the most technological and expensive devices are used in laboratories and clinics. It is concluded that there was a convergence among researchers regarding the efficiency of RFS. <![CDATA[Fundamental contributions of neuroscience to motor learning in children: a systematic review]]> ABSTRACT Motor learning generates synaptic neural connections that favour the motor environment and, also, various processes where our cognitive and executive functions intervene. Therefore, it is essential to know the different contributions that come from neuroscience linked to motor learning in a child. This study aimed to determine the fundamental contributions of neuroscience to motor learning in children. The methodology included a qualitative systematic review in the PubMed, Medline and Scopus databases. Of 479 related documents, 24 papers achieved the inclusion criteria (the learning mechanisms of motor skills and the different approaches to achieving meaningful learning). They were selected using the data collection methodology indicated by PRISMA®. The main results indicated that learning occurs based on experiences (cognitive, perceptual, motor, linguistic, neuronal, organic and cultural) and requires processes of adaptation, stabilization, and maturation of brain synchronization of vestibular, perceptual and visual processes. Children who receive motor intervention improve sustained attention, working memory, problem-solving and planning capacity. Motor and cognitive development are favoured by instructions as an essential tool. The implicit instructions present a higher benefit for children with lower motor skills. <![CDATA[Effect of resistance training whit blood flow restriction on muscle strength and functional capacity of clinical populations: a systematic review]]> RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi revisar sistematicamente o efeito do treinamento de força com restrição de fluxo sanguíneo no ganho de força muscular e capacidade funcional de populações clínicas. Esta pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE e MEDLINE/PubMed, desde os primeiros registros até novembro de 2021 e idioma em inglês. Os termos (“Blood flow restriction” OR “vascular occlusion” OR “Kaatsu training”AND “low intensity”) AND (“Strength Training” OR “resistance training” OR “Strength”) AND (“clinical populations” OR “elderly“OR “old” OR “hypertension” OR “diabetes” OR “myositis” OR “obesity”AND “chronic diseases”) AND (“functional capacity” OR “functionality” OR “muscle function”) foram usados. Ensaios clínicos (randomizados e não-randomizados) foram incluídos quando comparados com treinamento de força de alta intensidade, baixa intensidade, baixa intensidade com restrição de fluxo sanguíneo e grupo controle sem exercício físico. A qualidade das evidências foi avaliada pela escala Testex. Durante a pesquisa foram pré-selecionados e analisados 122 artigos e ao final da seleção, nove artigos preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão e especificações estabelecidas. Conclui-se que o treinamento de força associado à restrição de fluxo sanguíneo tem sido uma alternativa eficaz e tolerável na melhora da força muscular e capacidade funcional e, portanto, uma ferramenta potencial para população clínica.<hr/>ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to systematically review the effect of resistance training with blood flow restriction on muscle strength and functional capacity of clinical populations. This research used SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE and MEDLINE/PubMed databases from the first records until November 2021 and in English. The terms (“blood flow restriction” or “vascular occlusion” or “kaatsu training” and “low intensity”) and (“strength training” or “resistance training” or “strength”) and (“clinical populations” or “elderly” or “old” or “hypertension” or “diabetes” or “myositis” or “obesity” and “chronic diseases”) and (“functional capacity” or “functionality” or “muscle function”) were used. Clinical trials (randomised and non-randomised) were included when compared to high-intensity resistance training, low-intensity resistance training, low-intensity resistance training with blood flow restriction and a control group without physical exercise. The quality of the evidence was assessed using the Testex scale. During the research, 122 articles were pre-selected and analysed, and at the end of the selection, nine articles met all the inclusion criteria and established specifications. We conclude that resistance training associated with blood flow restriction has been an effective and tolerable alternative in improving muscle strength and functional capacity and, therefore, a potential tool for the clinical population. <![CDATA[Effect of stretching on muscle strength in healthy people: a systematic review]]> RESUMO O presente trabalho teve por objetivo revisar sistematicamente a literatura, para avaliar o efeito do alongamento sobre a força muscular de pessoas saudáveis. Foram consultadas as fontes de dados: PubMed, Scopus e Scielo, utilizando-se os critérios de elegibilidade: intervenção com alongamento e medida de desempenho da força muscular, em pessoas saudáveis. Foram incluídos 18 estudos, que atenderam os critérios. Os tipos de alongamento utilizados foram o estático contínuo 20%, estático intermitente 60% e o dinâmico 20%. Os tipos de força avaliados foram: força máxima isométrica (12,5%), força máxima dinâmica (66,66%) e potência muscular (20,83%). 5,5% dos estudos demonstraram aumento da força muscular após o alongamento; 38,8% apresentaram redução, após o alongamento estático; 38,8% não observaram alteração; e 16,6% apresentaram aumento ou redução da força muscular dependendo do tipo de alongamento utilizado. Com base nos trabalhos analisados à realização de alongamento estático de forma prévia ao treinamento de diversas manifestações de força tenderam a reduzir ou não alterar o desempenho muscular. Não foi encontrada uma sinalização clara que o alongamento realizado antes do treino de força promova uma melhora de rendimento muscular.<hr/>ABSTRACT This work aimed to systematically review the literature to assess the effect of stretching on muscle strength in healthy people. The PubMed, Scopus and Scielo data sources were consulted, using the eligibility criteria: intervention with stretching and measurement of muscle strength performance in healthy people. Eighteen studies that met the criteria were included. The types of stretching used were continuous static 20%, intermittent static 60% and dynamic 20%. The types of strength evaluated were: maximum isometric strength (12.5%), maximum dynamic strength (66.66%) and muscle power (20.83%). 5.5% of the studies demonstrated increased muscle strength after stretching; 38.8% showed reduction after static stretching; 38.8% did not observe changes; and 16.6% had increased or reduced muscle strength depending on the type of stretching used. Based on the studies analyzed, performing static stretching prior to training, various manifestations of strength tended to reduce or not change muscle performance. It was not found a clear sign that the stretching performed before the strength training promotes an improvement in muscle performance. <![CDATA[Resistance training variables on muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review]]> ABSTRACT Resistance training (RT) is a widely practised type of training, and the number of adherents of this type of physical exercise is increasing each year. Among the most sought objectives of those who initiate RT is muscle hypertrophy, although success in this process depends on a well-designed protocol and good manipulation of training variables. The present study aims to analyse, through a systematic review, the impact of the RT variables (such as intensity, volume, recovery interval, execution speed, and concentric muscle failure) relevant to muscle hypertrophy and if there is an ideal range for each training variable. The research was carried out in the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Scielo databases from 2000 to 2020, using the terms “resistance training” and “hypertrophy” and “intensity” or “volume” or “recovery interval” or “execution speed” or “muscular failure”. Twenty-three articles were included in the review. The PEDro scale was used to analyse the quality of the selected articles. It was concluded that the variables intensity and volume must be carefully analysed in a training program. Despite not having a direct impact on hypertrophy, the other variables affect the intensity and volume and must be manipulated according to what is intended with the others. <![CDATA[I Registry of Congestive Heart Failure of the State of Sergipe, Brazil: design and rationale]]> RESUMO A Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) é responsável por um grande número de internações no Brasil, mas ainda existe considerável lacuna escrutinizando o sistema de saúde pública (SUS) no tocante a qualidade assistencial praticada. Objetivo: descrever a metodologia empregada no estudo VICTIM-CHF que tem como objetivo caracterizar e comparar os aspectos nutricionais, clínicos, estilo de vida, tratamento recebido, desfechos, bem como as possíveis disparidades observadas entre os pacientes Brasil, mas ainda existe considerável lacuna escrutinizando o sistema de saúde pública (SUS) no tocante a qualidade assistencial praticada. Métodologia: Trata-se de estudo transversal, descritivo e prospective, realizado com portadores de insuficiência cardíaca (IC), internados em 4 hospitais de Sergipe, Brasil. Serão investigados parâmetros clínicos, sociodemográficos, nutricionais, qualidade de vida e desfechos (morte e reinternação) até 30 dias após a alta hospitalar. Resultados preliminaries de dez voluntários: 70% eram do sexo masculine, sendo 60% adultos. A etiologia mais frequente foi a isquêmica (50%), 50% exibia IC pcom fração de ejeção (FE) preservada e o restante, com FE intermediária. Desnutrição, segundo o IMC, esteve presente em 20% e o período de internação foi, significativamente (p= 0,036) superior nos usuários do SUS. Conclusão: O Registro VICTIM-CHF visa identificar oportunidades de melhoria na linha de cuidado para a IC de usuários do SUS e do Sistema de saúde suplementar. Espera-se que os achados desta investigação possam ajudar a otimizar o planejamento estratégico de políticas de saúde mais eficientes e equânimes.<hr/>ABSTRACT The Heart Failure (HF) is responsible for a large number of hospitalizations in Brazil, but there is still a considerable gap in the scrutiny of the public health system (SUS) regarding the quality of care provided. Objective: to describe the methodology used in the VICTIM-CHF study, which aims to characterize and compare the nutritional, clinical, lifestyle, treatment received, outcomes, as well as the possible disparities observed among patients in Brazil. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and prospective study, carried out with patients with heart failure (HF) admitted to 4 hospitals in Sergipe, Brazil. Clinical, sociodemographic, nutritional, quality of life and outcomes (death and readmission) parameters will be investigated up to 30 days after hospital discharge. Preliminary results of ten volunteers: 70% were male, 60% adults. The most frequent etiology was ischemic (50%), 50% had HF with preserved ejection fraction (EF) and the remainder, with intermediate EF. Malnutrition, according to BMI, was present in 20% and the hospital stay was significantly (p= 0.036) longer in SUS users. Conclusion: The VICTIM-CHF Registry aims to identify opportunities for improvement in the line of care for HF users of the SUS and the supplementary health system. It is hoped that the findings of this investigation can help to optimize the strategic planning of more efficient and equitable health policies.