Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 18 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Age-related sarcopenia index and functional capacity in elderly community members: a correlational study]]> Abstract Sarcopenia affects performance in simple activities of daily life, directly impacting the quality of life of the elderly. The objective of the present study was to analyse the correlation between age, sarcopenia index and functional capacity in community-dwelling elderly. The sample comprised 40 community-dwelling elderly, 12 men (69.16± 8.13 years) and 28 women (67.96± 6.23 years). All participants underwent the Electrical Bioimpedance (BIA), Handgrip Strength test (HS), and Timed-Up-and-Go test (TUG). A strong correlation was found between age x TUG in men (r= 0.733; p= 0.021), between age x fat mass in women (r= 0.775; p= 0.032), between HS and TUG in men (r= − 0.713; p= 0.0003), and a weak correlation between HS and Free Fat Mass in women (r= 0.394; p= 0.043). Weak negative correlations were found regarding age in both men and women. In functional performance, concerning test time and age, strong correlations were found for men and weak correlations for women. <![CDATA[Perceived motor competence in children from two different perspectives: children and family]]> Abstract Perceived motor competence (PMC) is fundamental in early childhood because of its relationship with motor competence (MC) development. Therefore, the aims of the present research were: to analyse children’s PMC from their own and their parents’ perspectives, to test for gender differences, and to assess the possible association between children’s PMC and their parents’ perception. The sample consisted of 22 children in the third kindergarten year (M= 5.27, SD= 0.45) and their respective parents. The results showed higher scores for girls in the scales’ patterns, except for object control. The girls also scored higher on all dimensions from parents, with significant differences in parents’ perception of fine motor skills in their favour. No relevant data were found on the relationship between the children’s PMC and parents´ perception. It can be concluded that girls’ perception is higher than boys’ and that girls are perceived as more competent by their parents. However, the lack of correspondence between children’s and parents’ perceptions makes it necessary to be cautious and consider that participants may not be accurate in their assessments due to their age. <![CDATA[Influence of physical fitness on the perception of physical well-being and quality of life in individuals with Intellectual Disability]]> RESUMO As capacidades físicas, a saúde e a qualidade de vida (QV) podem ser melhoradas através do exercício físico em indivíduos com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental (DID). O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a associação da aptidão física com a perceção de “Bem-Estar Físico” e da QV em indivíduos com DID. Avaliaram-se 16 indivíduos com DID por bioimpedância, testes funcionais (“6 minutos a andar” (6MIN), “agilidade” (TUG), levantar/sentar da cadeira (L/) e arremesso de bola medicinal) e dinamómetro isocinético (flexão e extensão dos membros inferiores [MI]). Utilizou-se a Escala Pessoal de Resultados (EPR), para medir o “Bem-Estar Físico” e a “QV Total”. Foram aplicadas correlações de Pearson e Spearman. Apenas se verificaram associações no género feminino, entre a força muscular na extensão/flexão dos MI (60º/s) e as respostas dos técnicos de referência nos domínios do “Bem-Estar Físico” (respetivamente, r= 0.729, p= 0.026; r= 0.802, p= 0.009) e “QV Total” (respetivamente, r= 0.706, p= 0.033; r= 0.767, p= 0.016). Observou-se que a força, a resistência e a capacidade aeróbia parecem não estar associadas ao “Bem-Estar Físico” e à QV da amostra.<hr/>ABSTRACT Physical capacities, health and quality of life (QOL) are improved through physical exercise in individuals with Intellectual Disability (ID). The aim of the present study was to verify the association of physical fitness with the perception of physical well-being and QOL in individuals with ID. Sixteen individuals with ID were evaluated by bioimpedance, functional tests (“6-minute walk test” (6MIN), “Timed Up and Go” (TUG), “30-s Chair Stand” (L/S), and “medicine ball throw”) and isokinetic dynamometer (lower limbs [LL]). The Personal Outcomes Scale (POS) was used to measure “Physical Well-Being” and “Total QoL”. Pearson and Spearman correlations were applied (p&lt; 0.05). Correlations were found only in the female gender between the muscular strength in the extension/flexion of the LL (60º/s) and the responses of the reference technicians in the domains of “Physical Well-Being” (respectively, r= 0.729, p= 0.026; r= 0.802, p= 0.009) and “Total QOL” (respectively, r= 0.706, p= 0.033; r= 0.767, p= 0.016). It was found that strength, endurance and aerobic capacity do not seem to be associated with the physical well-being and QOL of the sample. <![CDATA[Team cohesion and group conflict in Brazilian youth athletes: study based on achievement goals theory]]> Abstract The present study investigated the cohesion of teams and group conflict, based on the theory of compliance goals, in young Brazilian athletes participating in the final phase of the School Games in the state of Pernambuco. The participants were 413 young athletes, boys (n = 227) and girls (n = 186) aged between 14 and 17 years. Participants completed self-report questionnaires to assess the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire (P-YSEQ), Group Conflict Questionnaire (P-GCQ) and Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ). The data were analyzed using hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis, chi-square test, multiple regression and multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA). The results showed that task orientation made the largest positive contribution to both task (β= 0.50, p &lt; 0.001) and social (β= 0.31, p &lt; 0.05) cohesion. Ego orientation made the largest positive contribution to task conflict (β= 0.49, p &lt; 0.001) and social conflict (β= 0.67, p &lt; 0.001), whilst task orientation made a negative contribution (β= -0.34, p &lt; 0.05) for social conflict. Compared to the high task and low ego cluster (Cluster 3) was compared with low ego and task (Cluster 2) and high task and low ego cluster (Cluster 1), there was a significant difference between groups in task cohesion (p = 0.001), task conflict (p =0.003) and social conflict (p = 0.001). It is concluded that task orientation seems to be a positive predictor of team cohesion, while ego orientation might predict positively group conflict and negatively task cohesion. <![CDATA[Lifestyle and functional fitness of elderly men and women attending a community center]]> Abstract Identifying indicators that contribute to a favourable living condition becomes of great value for the diagnosis, as well as implementing preventive and health-promoting actions. The present work objective was to evaluate and compare the lifestyle, depressive symptoms and functional aptitude of elderly men and women attending a community centre. The sample consisted of 277 elderly people, 197 (71%) women and 80 (29%) men aged above 60 years. The elderly were evaluated using a questionnaire to assess lifestyle and depressive symptoms, and their functional fitness was assessed by functional autonomy tests. The differences between the parameters were analysed by the student’s t-test and χ2 whenever appropriate. Depressive symptoms were present in 35% of the elderly; however, the lifestyle analysis showed that 57.40% of the elderly had a very good classification, followed by 24.55% as good, 17.33% as excellent and 0.72% as regular. Regarding functional fitness, 19.39% of the elderly had a score related to a very good level, 15.97% good, 16.35% fair and 45.29% weak. The results found in this study suggest that the elderly attending the community centre presented low depressive symptoms with a lifestyle classification considered very good, however, with poor functional fitness with differences in some parameters between men and women. <![CDATA[Reliability of maximum oxygen uptake on an Air Bike arm- and leg-ergometer]]> Abstract Air Bike ergometers have recently appeared and become popular among fitness. These ergometers combine the use of upper or lower limbs while remaining seated. Its characteristic is that of a system of external load imposed through air resistance which increases with the cadence imposed on the equipment. The present study aimed to evaluate the reliability of the ramp test and standard leg-cycle ergometer to assess maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). For this purpose, 18 physically active young men, aged between 19 and 29 years (mean ± standard deviation = 21.78 ± 2.44), performed three maximal incremental ramp tests in random order: one test on a cycle ergometer and two tests on an Air Bike arm- and leg- ergometer (test and re-test) with cardiorespiratory measurements throughout the tests. VO2max and maximum heart rate (HRmax) were significantly higher in the Air Bike compared with the cycle ergometer (53.06 ± 8.72 vs 47.38± 9.15 mL/min/kg), 181.93 ± 10.20 vs 176.07 ± 5.28 bpm, p &lt; 0.001; 95%CI 3.41–7.95; ES = 0.30 and p = 0.01; 95%CI 1.44–10.29; ES = 0.34, respectively for VO2max and HRmax). There were no differences between the two ergometers in the maximum respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and test duration (1.21 ± 0.13 vs 1.21 ± 0.13, 598.06 ± 37.28 vs 612.22 ± 86.40 s, p = 0.9; IC95% –0.05 – –0.05; ES = 0 and p = 0.4; 95%CI –46.12–17.79; ES = –0.11, respectively for RER and test duration). Both VO2max and HRmax showed to be reliable when assessed with the Air Bike ergometer. The maximal test carried out on the Air Bike is a reliable ergometer to assess VO2max and probably enables a higher VO2max as compared with a standard leg-cycle ergometer. <![CDATA[Factors associated with perceived quality in Turkish fitness centres: a qualitative perspective]]> Abstract This study aimed to define the general factors affecting the quality of fitness centres from the point of view of the members’ opinions and the relation densities of the features within these factors. The study was carried out using the qualitative method. Data coding was done utilising MAXQDA, a qualitative data analysis program. MAXQDA’s code co-occurrence model feature is employed to visualise code relationships. According to the research findings, the most intense relationship that the factors affecting the staff quality perception of fitness centres have with each other was defined as “Willing to help-Friendliness”. When looking at the results obtained in other factors, codes of “Expertise-Communication” for the quality of the trainer, “Facility Atmosphere-Air conditioning” for the quality of the physical environment, and “Meeting the need-Program variety” for the program quality were associated with each other. Findings from this study provide implications for facility managers who need to closely monitor fitness centres’ physical environment, staff, instructors, program quality and implement remedial measures as needed. <![CDATA[Supine-to-stand task performance and anthropometric characteristics in children and adolescents]]> Abstract The performance of getting up from the floor from a supine position (Supine-to-Stand task, STS) can be considered a milestone in motor development and a potential indicator of motor competence in global terms. However, the knowledge about the performance of STS task and anthropometric characteristics is limited. This study examined the relationship between STS task performance and anthropometry in youth and the differences between the sexes, range age and nationality. Participants (n= 397; 45% girls) from Spain and Brazil (M= 9.13 years; SD= 3.79) had the following variables measured: timed STS task, mass, height, chronological age, hip, and waist circumference; Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist/Hip Ratio (WHR), Waist/Height Ratio (WHtR) were calculated. The analysis included ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation test and Stepwise multiple regression analysis in four age groups. Age was the variable that obtained statistically significant associations with timed STS task in the youngest age group; the BMI in the children group corresponded to the second childhood phase, and the WHR and the WHtR in the oldest age group. The timed STS task decreased as age groups were increasingly older, confirming that timed STS is strongly associated with growth and maturation processes; there were little differences between sexes or nationalities. <![CDATA[Influence of sedentary behaviour on the practice of physical activity in climacteric women]]> Abstract The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the influence of sedentary behaviour on the practice of physical activity in climacteric women. This was a cross-sectional study with a random sample of 873 women assisted in Family Health Strategy units in the city of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A structural equation model was tested to assess the influence of sedentary behaviour on the practice of physical activity. The results revealed that sedentary behaviour has a negative effect on light, moderate and vigorous activities, explaining 8, 2 and 6%, respectively, of the variability of these variables. It was also observed that the increase in sedentary behaviour has a negative effect on light (β= –0.04), moderate (β= –0.10) and vigorous (β= –0.17) activities. Sedentary behaviour negatively affects the performance of light, moderate and vigorous physical activity in climacteric women assisted by the Family Health Strategy. <![CDATA[Historical evolution of Brazil’s participation in the summer paralympic games]]> RESUMO objetivo do presente estudo foi de caracterizar a trajetória evolutiva do Brasil durante a participação dos Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão entre 1972-2020 e comparar com os países mais bem ranqueados nos Jogos Paralímpicos Rio 2016, buscando relacionar com o contexto histórico-político nacional e o plano estratégico do Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro nos diferentes ciclos Paralímpicos. Até os Jogos Paralímpicos realizados em 2020, a delegação brasileira foi representada por um total de 774 atletas, sendo 251 medalhistas (70.9% homens; 29.1% mulheres) em 17 diferentes modalidades, quatro coletivas e treze individuais. Com relação ao tipo de deficiência, 64.9% dos atletas medalhistas apresentam deficiência física, 32.3% correspondem à deficiência visual e 2.8%, deficiência intelectual. Durante o período analisado, o Brasil conquistou 373 medalhas em participações, sendo 109 de ouro (29.2%), 132 de prata (35.4%) e 132 de bronze (35.4%). A modo conclusão, é possível destacar o avanço nas políticas públicas, plano estratégico e investimentos que favoreceram que nos últimos quatro ciclos paralímpicos, o Brasil pudesse se consolidar entre as 10 maiores potências mundiais paralímpicas, conquistando o maior número de medalhas em 2016 e o terceiro lugar no crescimento acumulado (3.2%) nos Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão entre 1988-2020, sendo superado apenas por China e Ucrânia.<hr/>ABSTRACT This paper aimed to characterise Brazilian participation in the Summer Paralympic Games between 1972-2020 and relate it to the historical-national, political and Brazilian Paralympic Committee’s strategic plan for the paralympic cycles. This paper also intended to compare Brazilian’s results with the best-ranked countries in Rio 2016. Until 2020, the Brazilian delegation was represented by 774 athletes, 251 of whom were medalists (70.9% men and 29.1% women) in 17 different sports, four collective and thirteen individuals. Regarding disability type, 64.9% of the medalist athletes have a physical impairment, 32.3% visual impairment and 2.8% intellectual impairment. During the analysed period, Brazil won 373 medals: 109 gold (29.2%), 132 silver (35.4%) and 132 bronze (35.4%). In conclusion, it is possible to highlight that the improvement in public policies, strategic plans and investments has favoured Brazilian’s results. In the last four Paralympic cycles, Brazil could consolidate itself, winning the largest number of medals in 2016 and reaching third place in accumulated growth (3.2%) between 1988-2020, surpassed only by China and Ukraine. <![CDATA[Quantitative and qualitative analysis of an intervention with adapted motor games: Project “Jogamos tudo, Brincamos todos”]]> RESUMO O presente projeto piloto visa analisar o efeito de um programa de intervenção baseado em jogos lúdico-motores adaptados para crianças com deficiências sensoriais e físicas, com a duração de 5 semanas, em alunos do 1º e 4º anos de escolaridade do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, ao nível da perceção das crianças sem deficiência face aos pares com deficiência, nomeadamente no que diz respeito às atitudes de inclusão e à perceção de competências. Participaram 32 alunos, dos quais 15 são do género masculino e 17 do género feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 10 anos. Para a avaliação da implementação deste programa de inclusão inversa, recorremos a uma metodologia mista com a avaliação quantitativa realizada através de um questionário (em processo de validação) e a avaliação qualitativa com a realização de grupos focais. Os principais resultados revelam a existência de diferenças significativas, na dimensão da perceção de competências, entre os dois momentos de avaliação (pré e pós). A análise dos grupos focais também realçou a satisfação com o programa de atividades desenvolvido e perceção da pertinência do mesmo. De uma forma geral, conclui-se que o projeto permitiu aos participantes melhorarem a perceção relativa às competências e dificuldades de uma criança com deficiência, ficando mais conhecedores de estratégias (por exemplo jogos e brincadeiras) para incluir os pares com deficiência.<hr/>ABSTRACT The present pilot project aims to analyse the effect of an intervention program based on ludic-motor games adapted for children with sensory and physical disabilities, lasting 5 weeks. The project is for students of the 1st and 4th grades of the 1st cycle of Basic Education and regards attitudes of inclusion and the perception of competencies. Thirty-two students, 15 male and 17 female, aged between 6 and 10 years old, participated in the present research. For the assessment of the implementation of this program of inverse inclusion, we used a mixed methodology with the quantitative assessment carried through a questionnaire (in the validation process) and the qualitative assessment with focus groups. The main results reveal significant differences in the perception of competence dimension between the two evaluation moments (pre and post). The analysis of the focus groups highlighted the satisfaction with the activities developed in the program as well as the perception of its relevance. In general, we concluded that the project allowed participants to be more aware of the skills and difficulties of a child with disabilities and more knowledgeable of strategies (for example, games and play) to include peers with disabilities. <![CDATA[The effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on psychomotor performance of athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis]]> ABSTRACT Psychomotor performance is a complex function generated by brain and motor systems integration, measured by accuracy, latency, and movement speed. In sports, looking for ways to improve movements is usual. Also, utilising Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) as a non-invasive stimulation technique may produce alterations in psychomotor sports skills. We conducted a systematic review, including experimental studies with sham or control groups in adults reporting tDCS effects on athletes’ psychomotor performance. Cochrane Manual for Systematic Reviews and the statement on systematic reviews and meta-analysis of PRISMA-P (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocols) were followed. PsycINFO, PubMed (central), Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, SPORTDiscus, and Cochrane Library databases were searched. Empirical studies published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese from 2009 onwards and whose primary results presented an effective measure of transcranial direct current stimulation in the psychomotor performance of adult athletes were included. The results list 10 articles, 6 of them entered in the meta-analyses. The articles presented a low risk of bias and low publication bias but great dispersion of stimulation areas. <![CDATA[Correlation between creatine kinase (CK) and thermography: a systematic review with meta-analysis]]> Abstract This research aimed to investigate the association between the skin temperature variation of the skin identified by thermography and serum CK values in healthy subjects based on a systematic review with meta-analysis. A systematic literature search was performed in June 2021 in the SCOPUS, MEDLINE, and Web of Science databases (2000 to 2021). MeSH and DeCS platforms were used to find the descriptors in English referring to the terms “thermography” and “creatine kinase” with their synonyms (nine and 13, respectively) to find studies, following the PIRT strategy: Participants (healthy subjects); Index Test (thermography); Reference Test (CK collection); Target Condition (having analyzed the results of the Index and Reference Test). A meta-analysis was performed to calculate the association between variables. A total of 483 files were retrieved from the databases, and 13 were selected for analysis (five met the criteria for meta-analysis). Considering the 13 studies reviewed, there is a general balance in obtaining results of CK increase along with skin temperature versus studies that didn’t observe any association between the measures. However, the meta-analysis showed no significant association between the variables analyzed (r= –0.05; p= 0.06; 95%CI –0.11 – 0.00). This result suggests that the result of one test cannot estimate the result of the other. It was concluded that there is no good association between CK levels and thermography results; it’s recommended the use of thermal images in addition to other evaluation methods in order to assist in the determination of special differential diagnoses of musculoskeletal injuries. <![CDATA[Use of stretching in the treatment of plantar fasciitis]]> Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar se exercícios de alongamento em pacientes com fascite plantar são benéficos na melhoria da dor. Para isso foram pesquisados estudos controlados aleatorizados, publicados nos últimos 10 anos na PubMed (n= 29), Cochrane (n= 30) e PEDro (n= 28). Foi investigado o efeito de exercícios de alongamento em doentes com fascite plantar na dor comparado com outros tipos de intervenção ou sem intervenção. Os artigos foram avaliados quanto ao risco de viés pela RoB2, o nível de evidência e força de recomendação pela SORT. Após aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, dos 87 artigos pesquisados, resultaram 3 artigos. Os exercícios de alongamento da fáscia plantar mostram-se mais eficazes que anti-inflamatório não esteroide oral e alongamentos do gastrocnémio e tão eficazes como palmilhas de silicone associadas a calor. No entanto, quando comparados os alongamentos da fáscia plantar e tendão de Aquiles com proloterapia com lidocaína, a primeira intervenção evidencia resultados inferiores. Já o uso de foam roller apresentou melhores resultados em 2 dos outcomes estudados, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativa nos restantes. Os alongamentos parecem ter lugar no tratamento da fascite plantar, existindo métodos que podem ser mais eficazes, nomeadamente a proloterapia e exercícios com foam roller.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to determine whether stretching exercises in patients with plantar fasciitis are beneficial in improving pain. Randomized controlled clinical studies published in the last 10 years were searched in PubMed (n= 29), Cochrane (n= 30) and PEDro (n= 28). The effect of stretching exercises in patients with plantar fasciitis on pain compared with other types of intervention or no intervention was investigated. Articles were evaluated for risk of bias using RoB2 and the level of evidence and strength of recommendation applying SORT. This research resulted in 87 articles, which, after applying the eligibility criteria, resulted in 3 articles. Plantar fascia stretching exercises are shown to be more effective than oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and may be more effective than calf stretches and as effective as heat associated silicone heel pads. However, the first intervention shows inferior results when comparing plantar fascia and Achilles tendon stretching with lidocaine prolotherapy. Additionally, foam roller use presented better results in 2 of the outcomes studied, with no statistically significant difference in the remaining. Stretching seems to have a place in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, but there are methods that may be more effective, namely prolotherapy and foam roller exercises. <![CDATA[The role of the physical exercise technicians as a promoter of quality of life in Intellectual Disability]]> RESUMO Esta revisão narrativa tem como objetivo examinar as evidências atuais que suportam a importância do exercício físico e o papel do técnico de exercício físico como promotor de educação para a cidadania, da aptidão física e o seu impacto no desempenho das atividades de vida diária e, por conseguinte, da qualidade de vida de indivíduos com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental. Várias questões são elencadas, de modo a perceber as razões para as elevadas taxas de sedentarismo nesta população, o porquê da escassez de estudos experimentais, quem são os intervenientes na avaliação, prescrição e condução dessas atividades, qual a formação dos intervenientes e que cuidados devem ter com a referida população, no qual, através da uma reflexão suportada pela evidência científica, tentar-se-á dar resposta. Em termos de resultados é clara necessidade do mercado de técnicos de exercício físico com formação de base na área das ciências do desporto e específica em atividades físicas adaptadas, no desenrolar de funções, tarefas e atividades com indivíduos com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental, seja em contexto de ensino regular, de fitness ou modalidade desportiva e, consequentemente, promotores de qualidade de vida em indivíduos com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental.<hr/>ABSTRACT This narrative review aims to examine the current evidence that supports the importance of physical exercise and the role of the technicians as a promoter of citizenship education, physical fitness and its impact on the performance of activities of daily living and, therefore, on the quality of life of individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Several questions are listed in order to understand the reasons for the high rates of a sedentary lifestyle in this population, the reason for the scarcity of experimental studies, who are the actors in the evaluation, prescription and conduct of these activities, what the training of the actors is and what care should be taken. have with that population, in which, through a reflection supported by scientific evidence, an attempt will be made to respond. Results show a clear need in the market for physical exercise technicians with basic training in the area of sports sciences and specifically in adapted physical activities, in the development of functions, tasks and activities with individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, whether in the context of regular education, fitness or sport and, consequently, promoters of quality of life in individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.