Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 19 num. 4 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[History of fitness in Portugal: a brief review of the influences that shaped the current national panorama]]> RESUMO O fitness em Portugal resulta de um conjunto de intersecções históricas marcadas por várias influências e personalidades. Em grande parte, o conhecimento desse percurso é essencial à compreensão da realidade atual e de alguns dos problemas que a área enfrenta. O presente estudo pretende, de forma breve, situar e sintetizar os principais acontecimentos e influências nacionais e internacionais, assim como alguns marcos temporais, que levaram ao desenvolvimento da área de intervenção comummente denominada de fitness. Para esse propósito, o trabalho encontra-se estruturado em três partes: i) os primórdios do fitness, onde se irá apresentar algumas das influências internacionais que estiveram na origem desta área; ii) as principais influências e fatores que permitiram o crescimento do fitness em Portugal; e iii) o efeito do percurso histórico do fitness no contextual atual e considerações futuras sobre a área. Dada a escassez de registos sobre o tema, o presente trabalho, na qualidade de artigo de opinião, será também um autorrelato dos autores, que, tendo vivenciado diferentes momentos desta história, pretendem deixar um contributo para esse registo e futuras reflexões sobre o seu impacto no desenvolvimento da área, profissionais e respetivas práticas.<hr/>Abstract Fitness in Portugal results from a set of historical intersections marked by various influences and personalities. To a large extent, knowledge of this path is essential to understanding the current reality and some of the problems the area faces. The present opinion intends to situate and summarise the leading influences of national and international events and some time frames that led to the development of the intervention area commonly called fitness. For this purpose, the work is structured in three parts: i) the beginnings of fitness, where some of the international influences that were at the origin of this area will be presented; ii) some of the main influences and factors that allowed the growth of fitness in Portugal; and iii) the effect of the historical trajectory of fitness in the current context and future considerations about the area. Given the scarcity of records on the subject, the present work, as an opinion article, will also be a self-report of the authors, who, having experienced different moments of this history, intend to leave a contribution to this record and for future reflections of its impact on the development of the area, professionals, and respective practices. <![CDATA[Subjective well-being in physical exercise practitioners: factor structure and invariance]]> RESUMO O bem-estar subjetivo (BES) tem sido bastante estudado em populações gerais, entretanto, poucos estudos avaliam aspectos relacionados a estrutura interna do instrumento. Desse, modo, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo reunir novas evidências psicométricas para operacionalização do BES no contexto da prática de exercício físico e testar a sua invariância em diferentes grupos. A amostra foi composta por 359 participantes, com idades entre 18 e 70 anos (M= 36,6 DP= 11,9; 67,7% sexo feminino). Os resultados obtidos por meio da análise fatorial confirmatória indicaram adequação do modelo de três fatores, com bons índices de precisão. A análise de invariância sugeriu que o BES é mensurado de forma semelhante entre aqueles que praticam exercício físico de diferentes formas (no ambiente virtual e presencial), bem como em indivíduos de diferentes sexos (feminino e masculino). Os resultados contribuem para o acúmulo de evidências de validade para a medida do BES no contexto do exercício físico.<hr/>Abstract Subjective well-being (SWB) has been widely studied in general populations; however, few studies have evaluated aspects related to the internal structure of the instrument. Thus, the present research aimed to gather new psychometric evidence for operationalising the SWB in the context of physical exercise and test its invariance in different groups. The sample comprised 359 participants aged between 18 and 70 (M= 36.6 SD= 11.9; 67.7% female). The results obtained through confirmatory factor analysis indicated the adequacy of the three-factor model, with good accuracy rates. Furthermore, the invariance analysis suggested that the SWB is measured similarly among those who practice physical exercise in different ways (virtual and face-to-face) and individuals of different genders (female and male). The results contribute to the accumulation of validity evidence for the BES measure in the context of physical exercise. <![CDATA[Effect of music on psychophysiological responses in a high intensity interval training (HIIT) in healthy adults]]> RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da música sobre as respostas psicofisiológicas em um protocolo de treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade (HIIT) com música preferida (MP), não preferida (MNP) e sem uso da música (SM). Participaram voluntariamente 31 adultos fisicamente ativos, de ambos os gêneros. Todos passaram por todas as situações/exposições. Antes de iniciar as sessões utilizou-se uma anamnese a fim de mensurar dados sobre MP e MNP durante o exercício (Escala visual analógica para gosto musical). Sete dias antes da primeira intervenção, realizou-se um teste de esforço máximo para mensuração da velocidade máxima na esteira rolante. A Percepção Subjetiva de Esforço (PSE6 a 20) e a Escala de Afeto (AFETO+5 a -5) foram utilizadas durante o estudo, nos 10 estímulos de 60 segundos de exercício por 60 segundos de descanso passivo (60”: 60”). Os resultados atenderam aos critérios de normalidade e esfericidade. Um teste de ANOVA de uma via com medidas repetidas [F(2,26)= 9,703; p&lt; 0,05], seguida do post-hoc de Sidak evidenciou que o HIIT com MP gerou menor PSE e maior AFETO quando comparados ao uso do HIIT com MNP e SM. Conclui-se que a MP promoveu uma redução da PSE e uma maior afetividade, o que consequentemente torna o HIIT na esteira ergométrica mais tolerável e provavelmente uma forma de treinamento mais eficiente assim aumentando a adesão e a melhora da performance do exercício físico.<hr/>Abstract The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of music on psychophysiological responses in a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) protocol with preferred (PM), non-preferred (NPM) and no music (NM). Thirty-one physically active adults of both genders participated voluntarily. All subjects were exposed to all protocols. Before starting the sessions, an anamnesis was used in order to measure data on PM and NPM during the exercise (Visual Analog Scale for Musical Taste). Seven days before the first intervention, a maximal exercise test of maximal speed at maximal measurement was performed. The Subjective Perceived Exertion (PSE6-20) and the Affect Scale (AFETO+5/ -5) were used during the study in 10 bouts of 60 seconds of exercise for 60 seconds of passive rest (60”: 60”). Results showed regular criteria of normality and sphericity. A one-way ANOVA test with repeated measures [F(2, 26)= 9,703; p&lt; 0.05] followed by the Sidak post-hoc showed that HIIT with PM generated lower PSE6-20 and higher AFETO value compared to the use of HIIT with NPM and NM. It is concluded that MP is reduced, which consequently makes HIIT on the treadmill more tolerable and probably a more efficient way of training, increasing and improving physical exercise performance. <![CDATA[Effect of resisted sled sprint with different loads on running velocity, step frequency, and step length in trained collegiate track and field athletes]]> Abstract Resisted sled sprint (RSS) is a traditional sprint training in which a variety of loads are used for multiple aims. Nevertheless, a detailed analysis of the effects of different loads has not yet been performed. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of load differences on running velocity, step frequency, and step length during RSS in trained collegiate track and field athletes. Twenty-one collegiate track and field male athletes (20.6± 1.3 years) performed eight 60-m sprints with and without a resisted sled. The sled loads were individually set based on the participant’s body mass (BM) and were applied in 10% increments from 20 to 80% of BM. The running distance was divided into six 10-m phases. The mean running velocity, step frequency and step length at each phase, and interactions in each we analysed. All indices decreased with increasing loads. Significant differences were observed in running velocity and step frequency between all loads, except between 70 and 80% of BM, and in the step length between all loads. The maximum values for the variables appeared in different phases according to the load. These results suggested that athletes and coaches should consider that sprinting performance during RSS varies with load. <![CDATA[What is a football champion made of? Scoring and preventing opponent teams from scoring in the 21<sup>st</sup> century in the top six European leagues]]> Abstract The present study aimed to compare the scored and conceded goals of the top six European football leagues (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, England, and Germany) between 2001 and 2020. The champions have a mean combo (indicator that combines attack and defence ranking) result between 1 and 1.40. The French and Italian leagues were the only ones where variation coefficients of this combo result overpassed 50% (71 and 59%, respectively) compared to the remaining football leagues. Further subsequent analysis showed that the Portuguese and French leagues differ significantly from Italy in terms of the best attack position of the champions (Z= 3.196; p= 0.01; η2= 0.123). Regarding position in the defensive ranking, Portugal and Italy showed significantly different results compared to France (Z= 3.763; p= 0.003; η2= 1.42). Besides, the only two countries with significant differences in scored and conceded goals positioning were France (attack better than defence; t= -3; p&lt; 0.01; d= 2.236) and Italy (defence better than attack; t= 2.881 p&lt; 0.01; d= 1.164). Hence, in the French football league, a higher attack performance than a defence seems to indicate the champion. Oppositely, in the Italian football league, champions traditionally occupy top positioning on defence, even if they do not present the same performance on scored goals. <![CDATA[Exploratory factor analysis of instruments for dual career assessment]]> RESUMO A carreira dual constitui um desafio permanente e exigente com o cumprimento simultâneo dos papéis de aluno e atleta de alto rendimento. Reconhecendo a falta de pesquisa quantitativa em Portugal e de um instrumento que permita avaliar a conciliação da carreira desportiva de alto rendimento com a carreira escolar, desenvolvemos três instrumentos de recolha de dados que aplicámos através do Questionário a alunos-atletas que frequentam o modelo de conciliação português designado por Unidades de Apoio ao Alto Rendimento na Escola. O objetivo deste estudo exploratório é demonstrar as primeiras evidências de validade dos instrumentos desenvolvidos, nas três dimensões que suportam este modelo de conciliação: gestão desportiva, gestão escolar e saúde e bem-estar. Participaram neste estudo 278 alunos-atletas de alto rendimento (n= 278) entre os 14 e os 19 anos, 126 raparigas e 151 rapazes (M= 16,01, DP= 1,246). Os resultados do teste Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) com valores de 0.648 na dimensão gestão escolar, 0.757 na dimensão desportiva e 0.871 na dimensão saúde e bem-estar e o teste de esfericidade de Bartlett, demonstram uma validade aparente dos instrumentos para a análise das componentes principais. Os valores do Alfa de Cronbach (α) confirmam a confiabilidade das várias questões colocadas nos três instrumentos. Concluímos na análise fatorial exploratória que os três instrumentos foram desenvolvidos com índices bastante aceitáveis de validade e fiabilidade demonstrando que poderão ser utilizados, com um elevado grau de confiança, em futuras investigações sobre este modelo de conciliação da carreira dual em Portugal.<hr/>Abstract The dual career is a permanent and demanding challenge with the simultaneous fulfilment of student and high-performance athlete roles. Recognising the lack of quantitative research in Portugal and of an instrument that allows the evaluation of the reconciliation of the high-performance sports career with the school career, we developed 3 data collection instruments that we applied through the Questionnaire to student-athletes who attend the conciliation model Portuguese called the High-Performance Support Unit at School. This exploratory study aims to demonstrate the first evidence of the validity of the instruments developed in all three dimensions that support this conciliation model: sports management, school management and health and well-being. A total of 278 high-performance student-athletes (n= 278) between 14 and 19 years of age, 126 girls and 151 boys (M= 16.01, SD= 1,246) participated in this study. The results of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test (KMO) with values of 0.648 in the school management dimension, 0.757 in the sporting dimension and 0.871 in the dimension of health and well-being and the Bartlett sphericity test demonstrate an apparent validity of the instruments for the analysis of the principal components. The values of Cronbach’s Alpha (α) confirm the reliability of the various questions posed in the three instruments. In the exploratory factor analysis, we concluded that the three instruments were developed with very acceptable indices of validity and reliability, demonstrating that they can be used, with a high degree of confidence, in future investigations on this model of conciliation of the dual career in Portugal. <![CDATA[Examining Portuguese national sport organizations’ managerial strategies towards human development: what counts as effective practice in youth sport?]]> Abstract In Portugal, national sports organisations receive funding from the government to achieve three key objectives: organise competitions; train key stakeholders; and foster human development. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine Portuguese sports organisations’ strategic decisions towards fostering human development. A document analysis of sports organisations’ annual reports and activity plans was conducted. Such analysis helped to understand how sport policy and funding influence sports organisations’ practices, especially concerning youth sports. A total of 35 national sports organisations that deliver programming for youth were included in the present study. Findings indicate that the human development of youth does not appear to be at the forefront of priorities for Portuguese national sports organisations. Few managerial strategies were implemented by sports organisations to target human development deliberately. Moving forward, there is a need to devise concrete strategies to better situate psychosocial development within the Portuguese youth sports context by considering the developmental needs of youth in the 21st century. To help sports organisations foster psychosocial development, several recommendations concerning policy documents, guidelines for sports stakeholders and funding are provided. <![CDATA[Correlation between tactical performance and physical fitness in basketball during Physical Education classes using a multivariate training programme]]> Abstract Multivariate training programmes are widely recognised as an effective strategy for developing the skills necessary for good performance in the collective modalities addressed in physical education. The aim of this study was to verify the correlation between tactical performance and physical fitness levels in young secondary school students during the teaching of the didactic unit of basketball using a multivariate training programme. A group of forty-seven students from a Portuguese school volunteered to participate in the study. A correlational study was used to verify the association between tactical performance and physical fitness while teaching the Basketball Didactic Unit based on TGFU (i.e., 6 weeks) in two different moments. All subjects were randomly divided into two groups (control and experimental) and assessed at two different moments: before the teaching of the didactic unit (pre-test) and at the end of the teaching of the didactic unit (post-test). Tactical performance in basketball was assessed using the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI), while physical fitness was assessed using some physical tests from the FitEscola battery. Overall, the multivariate training programme did not differentiate the magnitudes of the correlations between the variables analysed. However, it is confirmed that the multivariate training programme seems to emerge as a positive and differentiating pedagogical strategy that should be integrated into physical education classes. <![CDATA[Comparative analysis of cyclist energy cost and drag: able-bodied vs. shoulder amputee cyclists using computational fluid dynamics]]> Abstract In cycling, drag is the force that opposes the cyclist’s motion and is caused by the cyclist’s and their equipment’s interaction with the air. The surface area of the cyclist and their equipment, such as the bike, helmet, and body postures, substantially impact how much drag they encounter. This study compared the energy cost (Ec) of an able-bodied and shoulder amputee cyclist through numerical simulations using computer fluid dynamics (CFD). According to the hypothesis, an able-bodied cyclist may use more energy at a given speed than an able-bodied cyclist. For this study, a professional male cyclist who weighs 65 kg and is 1.72 m tall took part. The estimated Ec was lower for a shoulder amputee in comparison to an able-bodied cyclist. Significant statistical differences and relationships were found between the cyclists for the 11 selected speeds. Altogether, this study allows us to conclude that, for the same conditions, an able-bodied cyclist delivers less Ec in comparison to a shoulder amputee. Such knowledge contributes to understanding cycling performance and may inform training, equipment design, and energy optimisation strategies for diverse cyclist populations. <![CDATA[Physical performance in masters’ degree students in Exercise and Sport Sciences related to the motor learning approach]]> Abstract Physical activities (PA) can be characterised by a cognitive approach or an ecological-dynamic approach. Currently, no emphasis is given in the master’s degree in sports sciences to the different effects of exercise in the two different forms of delivery: prescriptive teaching and heuristic learning. The objective was to measure levels of physical performance in students and test for associations between the effects of exercise and the type of learning approach. Thirty-eight sports science students were divided into two groups according to the teaching/learning methodology used in their training: cognitive (CG) and dynamic ecological (EDG). A battery of tests was administered: squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), countermovement jump free arms (CMJ-FA), and stiffness test (ST). A questionnaire on daily physical activity was administered. The data collected were statistically processed. Statistically significant associations emerged between outcomes and groups (P&lt; 0.05): 37% of CGs and 26% of EDGs used motorised vehicles at least once a week; only 5% of CGs and 26% of EDGs walked daily; 100% of CGs and 79% of EDGs practised PA continuously; CGs performed better in CMJ-FA and ST. The two approaches differ in their impact on daily, structured physical activity and performance effects. <![CDATA[Quality of life, physical activity, and socioeconomic status of candidates to bariatric surgery: cross-sectional study]]> RESUMO Esta pesquisa objetivou comparar a qualidade de vida (QV) de candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica entre diferentes níveis de atividade física (NAF) e níveis socioeconômicos (NE). Estudo transversal realizado com 62 pacientes candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica (idade= 39,53± 10,72 anos e IMC= 50,05± 9,26 kg/m2) entrevistados utilizando os questionários IPAQ, SF-36 e ABEP. Comparações de QV entre os grupos de NAF e NE foram realizadas utilizando o teste de Kruskal-Wallis. O grupo de NAF moderado apresentou escores significativamente maiores que o grupo Baixo no domínio Capacidade Funcional (61,1± 25,0 vs. 40,8± 23,2; p= 0,01). O domínio Aspectos Físicos teve escore significativamente maior para o grupo NAF alto com relação ao Baixo (65,4± 36,1 vs. 35,8± 35,8; p= 0,029). Indivíduos de NE B apresentaram escores significativamente maiores que o grupo NE C nos domínios Capacidade Funcional (62,9± 30,2 vs. 46,6± 23,9; p= 0,028), Estado Geral de Saúde (48,9± 14,9 vs. 33,4± 16,6; p= 0,001), Vitalidade (62,4± 26,4 vs. 43,8± 21,6; p= 0,007), Aspectos Sociais (79,4± 29,3 vs. 61,1± 32,5; p= 0,04), Aspectos Emocionais (78,4± 35,2 vs. 45,9± 44,6; p= 0,01) e Saúde Mental (77,4± 21,2 vs. 60,4± 24,2; p= 0,008). A presente pesquisa mostrou que pessoas com obesidade mórbida candidatas à cirurgia bariátrica que apresentam maiores níveis de atividade física e maior nível socioeconômico demonstram maiores níveis de qualidade de vida.<hr/>Abstract This research aimed to compare the quality of life (QOL) of candidates for bariatric surgery across different levels of physical activity (PA) and socioeconomic levels (SES). A cross-sectional study was conducted with 62 patients who were candidates for bariatric surgery (age= 39.53± 10.72 years and BMI= 50.05± 9.26 kg/m2) and were interviewed using the IPAQ, SF-36, and ABEP questionnaires. Comparisons of QOL between the PA and SES groups were conducted using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The moderate PA group showed significantly higher scores than the Low group in the Functional Capacity domain (61.1± 25.0 vs. 40.8± 23.2; p= 0.01). The Physical Aspects domain had a significantly higher score for the high PA group in comparison to the Low group (65.4± 36.1 vs. 35.8± 35.8; p= 0.029). Individuals with SES level B presented significantly higher scores than the SES level C group in the Functional Capacity domain (62.9± 30.2 vs 46.6± 23.9; p= 0.028), General Health status (48.9± 14.9 vs 33.4± 16.6; p= 0.001), Vitality (62.4± 26.4 vs. 43.8± 21.6; p= 0.007), Social Aspects (79.4± 29.3 vs. 61.1± 32.5; p= 0.04), Emotional Aspects (78.4± 35.2 vs. 45.9± 44.6; p= 0.01), and Mental Health (77.4± 21.2 vs. 60.4± 24.2; p= 0.008). This research demonstrated that individuals with morbid obesity who are candidates for bariatric surgery and have higher levels of physical activity and a higher socioeconomic level exhibit greater levels of quality of life. <![CDATA[The relationship between training load, physical performance and physiological adaptations in Rugby football players: a systematic review]]> ABSTRACT Applying appropriate training loads in accordance with the defined objectives promotes optimal physical and physiological adaptations, reduces the likelihood of illness and injury and, therefore, increases the possibility of success during Rugby. The aim of this review was to compile and systematise the information in the literature on the association between training load variables (internal and external) and performance outcomes in Rugby. As such, the main objective will be to conduct a systematic review of the published literature to identify the physical and physiological performance variables in Rugby sport to monitor the training load. Following the preferred reporting item for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) and PICOS approach, the search was adapted and conducted systematically only in the PubMed database, which, in itself, also restricts the search spectrum of the paper, thus conferring a limitation to the present academic work. The search was conducted in PubMed throughout the possible temporal spectrum since there is still little robustness in the literature about rugby sports performance. Articles were selected by pre-defined selection criteria, including observational, randomised clinical and clinical trial studies. After further screening, and based on the inclusion criteria of the papers, the result of the analysis of the relevance of the studies, the final set of analysis resulted in 16 articles. From the studies compiled in this review, there seems to be a strong correlation between the perceived exertion (RPE) and the prescription and definition of the training load applied in Rugby athletes. The RPE reflects the most used and analysed variable throughout all the studies. Several articles reflect a strong relationship between the training load, the inter-individual capacity of each athlete and their tolerance to the load (player load). <![CDATA[Motor performance of healthy children aged 3 to 10 years and differences between genders: systematic review]]> RESUMO Competência Motora é o desempenho motor proficiente em habilidades motoras, incluindo coordenação e controle motor. A literatura tem sustentado haver diferenças entre sexos na competência motora, mas os resultados são controversos. O objetivo foi revisar os estudos sobre intervenções na competência motora e sintetizar os resultados da comparação entre sexos. Esta revisão sistemática e integrativa obedeceu às diretrizes PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses); foram definidos termos relacionados ao tema crianças, competência motora e intervenção, para busca nas bases Pubmed, Medline, Embase, Web of Science e CINAHL. Foram incluídos artigos publicados em inglês e português nos últimos 15 anos. A avaliação da qualidade dos estudos usou a Tool for the assEssment of Study qualiTy and reporting in Exercise (TESTEX). Entre os 31 artigos incluídos, não houve diferenças entre os sexos em 19 estudos (61,3%); oito estudos mostraram superioridade dos meninos e cinco mostraram superioridade das meninas; em duas investigações a superioridade de algum dos sexos dependeu da habilidade analisada. Concluiu-se que em crianças saudáveis de 3 a 10 anos para as quais são ofertadas as mesmas oportunidades de prática, organizadas e sistemáticas, o resultado na competência motora é positivo e, tende a ser semelhante entre os sexos.<hr/>Abstract Motor competence is the individual’s proficient motor performance in motor skills, including coordination and motor control. Although previous literature has supported sex differences in motor competence, the results are controversial. This study aimed to review the publications on interventions in motor competence and synthesize the results of the comparison between sexes. This systematic and integrative review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines; terms related to children, motor competence and intervention were searched in Pubmed, Medline, Embase, Web of Science and CINAHL databases; publications in English and Portuguese in the last 15 years were included; the quality of the studies’ assessment used the Tool for the assEssment of Study qualiTy and reporting in Exercise (TESTEX) scale. Among the 31 articles included, there were no differences between sexes in 19 studies (61.3%); eight studies showed higher performance from boys, and five showed from girls; in two investigations, the superiority of motor performance of either sex depended on the skill analyzed. In conclusion, in healthy children aged 3 to 10 years who are offered the same opportunities for practice, organized and systematic, the result in motor competence is positive and tends to be similar between sexes.