Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular]]> vol. 18 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[A Revista “Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular” em 2022]]> <![CDATA[Editorial Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular]]> <![CDATA[Revista Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular - passado, presente e futuro]]> <![CDATA[Methicillin resistant <em>Staphylococcus</em> aureus infection in vascular surgery patients]]> Abstract Introduction: Surgical site infections are associated with devastating consequences in vascular surgery patients but the data on Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection among those remains scant and conflicting. Most vascular surgery antibiotic prophylaxis assume that all patients submitted to surgery are tested prior to the intervention or that all patients with risk factors for MRSA are presumed to be colonized. However, the costs associated with testing all patients are not negligible, and most of the vascular surgery patients have risk factors for MRSA colonization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the burden of MRSA clinical infection and its outcome and to adjust clinical practice accordingly. Methods: A retrospective analysis of clinical data from all patients with MRSA isolations that were submitted to vascular surgery in the year 2019 was conducted. The primary endpoint was in-hospital mortality. Secondary endpoints were timing of infection (pre-existent infection or post-surgical infection), need for ICU and length of hospital stay. Results: Out of 1681 patients admitted for surgery in the year 2019 in the vascular surgery ward, only 21 had clinical infection with positive MRSA isolates. All the patients had risk factors for MRSA colonization. Seventeen were admitted for PAD (Rutherford grade 5 or 6). Eight patients had post-operatory infections, whilst the remaining presented with MRSA infection prior to the intervention. Post-operatory infections ranged from superficial incisional in three patients, deep incisional in one patient, and organ/space/prosthesis infection in four patients (of the last group, two had prosthesis infection). There were five deaths, of which two were unrelated to the infection. Of the three deaths probably infection-related, all were post-operatory surgical site infections, and all were organ/space/prosthesis infections (one with prosthesis infection). There was no patient admitted to the ICU that survived. The mean hospital stay was increased by 26 days (31 days, 95% CI, 19-43). Conclusion: Infection by MRSA was less frequent than expected in our population, which may mean that colonization might be smaller than expected. Pre-operative infection was almost always related to chronic wounds and did not increase the risk of post-operative wound infection or death, contrary to post-operative infection, which seems to significantly increase mortality. <![CDATA[Cirurgia aberta de aneurisma da aorta abdominal por internos de cirurgia vascular: à beira da extinção?]]> Resumo Introdução: Nas últimas duas décadas, a abordagem de tratamento de aneurisma da aorta abdominal (AAA) mudou drasticamente de cirurgia aberta para cirurgia endovascular. A diminuição de cirurgia de AAA convencional , open aneurysm repair (OAR), levanta preocupações relativamente à competência dos futuros cirurgiões vasculares para executar este procedimento complexo e de alto risco. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as tendências de tratamento de AAA entre internos de Cirurgia Vascular, ao longo de 15 anos, a nível nacional. Métodos: Identificação dos médicos que terminaram o internato de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular entre 2002 e 2017, inclusive, a nível nacional e colheita dos dados através da consulta dos currículos para a prova final de conclusão do internato complementar. Foram avaliados o total de cirurgias por AAA, tanto por OAR e por EVAR e contabilizadas aquelas realizadas como 1º cirurgião. A correlação entre o número de cirurgias abertas de AAA e o ano de conclusão do internato complementar foi testada usando o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Em Portugal, de 2002-2017, apesar de não se verificar variabilidade no número total de OAR realizados, verificou-se um decréscimo marcado naqueles realizados como 1º cirurgião (rho=-0,363; P&lt;0.02). No final do internato em 2007, um interno de Cirurgia Vascular realizava em média 15 casos de OAR e em 2007 a média foi de apenas 7 casos. Por outro lado, constatou-se um aumento marcado no número total de procedimentos de EVAR (rho=0,478; P&lt;0.02) bem como aqueles realizados como 1ºcirurgião (rho=0,540; P&lt;0.01). Conclusão: O presente estudo revela que os internos de Cirurgia Vascular, a nível nacional, se encontram expostos a progressivamente menos casos de OAR e verifica-se uma diminuição significativa nos procedimentos de OAR como 1º cirurgião. <![CDATA[Human immunodeficiency virus and carotid artery disease - single center experience and literature review]]> Abstract Introduction: People infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) - seem to have an increased risk of incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, namely stroke of ischemic nature. Additional etiological mechanisms, in addition to aging, appear to lie in chronic virus-mediated inflammation as well as in antiretroviral therapy (ART). The aim of this study was to carry out a retrospective review with descriptive analysis of cases of PLWHA and with a diagnosis of carotid atherosclerotic disease in a tertiary referral center as well as a non-systematic review of the literature. Methods: All patients diagnosed with HIV infection and concomitantly diagnosed with carotid atherosclerotic disease, in a tertiary center, between October 2007 and December 2019, were selected. A descriptive analysis of the sample and additionally a non-systematic review of the literature using the MEDLINE database, were performed. Results: Nine patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected, 7 (78%) being male. The mean age at diagnosis of carotid disease was 59 years. The diagnosis of HIV infection preceded, on average, 12 years before the diagnosis of carotid disease, while the start of ART preceded this diagnosis by about 11 years. The most common cardiovascular risk factors are dyslipidemia (89%), high blood pressure (56%) and smoking (56%). Approximately 33% had peripheral arterial disease and 22% had coronary artery disease. Only two (22%) patients underwent carotid endarterectomy over a median follow-up of 5 years, both for asymptomatic stenosis. Since the diagnosis of carotid disease, there have been no major cardiovascular events (stroke or acute myocardial infarction). During follow-up there were two deaths. Conclusion: PLWHA have a high prevalence of multisite artery disease, manifesting it at a relatively earlier age compared to the general population. These patients benefit from multidisciplinary follow-up for therapeutic optimization in order to obtain better results. However, larger prospective studies are needed to clarify the results in these patients and to improve the therapeutic approach, particularly in those with concomitant carotid disease. <![CDATA[Escalas de qualidade de vida após amputação major do membro inferior em cirurgia vascular: revisão da literatura]]> Resumo Introdução: Apesar dos esforços das equipas de saúde, a taxa da amputação em doentes com Isquémia Crítica Ameaçadora de Membro (CLTI) é bastante elevada. Cada vez mais se torna relevante um tratamento individualizado do doente por forma a melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Contudo, não existe uma escala de qualidade de vida validada para doentes amputados por isquémia crítica. Os autores propõem uma revisão sistemática da literatura com vista a sumarizar as escalas de avaliação de qualidade de vida após amputação. Métodos: Foi feita uma pesquisa por todos os estudos relacionados com avaliação funcional e da qualidade de vida após amputação na base de dados Pubmed. Resultados: Dos 245 artigos foram incluídos 29. Dos artigos analisados apenas 9 avaliaram exclusivamente doentes vasculares com CLTI. Foram identificados 27 testes/escalas diferentes: 14 escalas de avaliação de saúde ou função (física ou mental) e 13 escalas de qualidade de vida ou qualidade de saúde. Os testes de função mais utilizados na população de amputados foram os testes de marcha, validados em amputados, e escalas de atividades de vida diária, e os testes de avaliação de qualidade mais usados foram as escalas gerais World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Instrument-Bref (WHOQOL-BREF) e Short Form 36 - General Health Status Survey (SF-36) e a escala específica para amputados Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experiences Scales (TAPES). A escala específica para Doença Arterial Obstrutiva Periférica (DAOP) Vascular Quality of Life Questionnaire (VascuQoL) apenas foi utilizada uma vez. Conclusões: Na população de doentes amputados vasculares, escalas gerais podem não representar corretamente os domínios mais valorizados por esta população, geralmente mais idosos e com limitações prévias. Na ausência de uma escala específica para esta população, os índices de avaliação de atividades de vida diária ou os testes de marcha em doentes mais jovens ou protetizados juntamente com o questionário WHOQOL-BREF aparentam ser a melhor opção na avaliação da QoL. São essenciais novos estudos para validar uma escala específica para esta população. <![CDATA[The effect of contralateral carotid occlusion in patients undergoing carotid artery endarterectomy]]> Abstract Introduction: Contralateral carotid occlusion (CCO) is considered a high-risk condition for patients undergoing carotid artery endarterectomy (CEA). Patients with a CCO may be intolerant to carotid cross-clamping during CEA, thus prone to postoperative adverse neurological outcomes. Patients with CCO may also have a higher burden of atherosclerotic disease, leading to a higher rate of cardiovascular events. Methods: A Medline search was performed in order to identify publications focused on the impact of CCO on outcomes after CEA. Results: Patients with CCO present a higher incidence of intolerance to carotid cross-clamping. The rates of shunt use are higher in patients with CCO. In the postoperative period, patients with CCO show a higher rate of stroke. Evidence regarding the effect of CCO on long-term outcomes remains controversial, with most studies reporting a lack of association between CCO and adverse long-term outcomes after CEA. Conclusion: Patients with CCO have an increased risk of postoperative adverse outcomes. The best strategy for this group of patients should be based on a case-by-case approach. <![CDATA[Venous thrombectomy after failure of catheter-directed thrombolysis for the treatment of three cases of phlegmasia]]> Abstract Introduction: Phlegmasia cerulea (PC) is a severe form of deep vein thrombosis. In the setting of massive venous thrombosis and severe ischemia, catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) or trombectomy is mandatory. We report three cases of women with PC managed with venous thrombectomy after failure of CDT. Case reports: 1: 20 years-old, with recent intake of oral contraceptive, referred with acute onset of limb swelling, pain and a cold left lower extremity associated with foot pallor, paresthesia and numbness. Doppler ultrasound revealed occlusive thrombosis of the entire deep venous system and the great saphenous vein (GSV). Anticoagulation (AC) and CDT were started. However due to increasing levels of transaminases, creatine kinase and myoglobin, CTD was stopped and venous thrombectomy was proposed. A retrievable inferior vena cava filter (IVC) was implanted and venous surgical trombectomy. The completion venography showed a Cockett compression that was treated with stenting of the left iliac vein. Thrombophilia tests were positive for anticardiolipin antibodies an hyperhomocysteinemia. At 3-years follow-up, the patient is asymptomatic and under AC. The 3-year Doppler showed normal patency for the iliac stent and a mild femoropopliteal vein insuffiency. 2: 19 year-old, taking oral contraceptives, with acute onset of PCD with acute thrombus in the left iliac, femoral, popliteal veins. CDT was started at admittance but stopped after two days because of very low values of serum fibrinogen and persistence of occlusive thrombus in the iliac vein. A retrievable IVC filter was placed and the thrombus removed with surgical thrombectomy. Phlebography showed no significant residual thrombus and no signs of compression were present. At 1 month follow-up, the patient presented without leg edema or venous claudication symptoms. Thrombophilia testing is awaited. 3: 54 year-old who presented with low back pain, worsening left leg pain and swelling with a cyanosed and colder foot. At doppler ultrasound there were monophasic arterial flow in the left leg. After exclusion of arterial embolism, the first therapeutic approach was CDT, but it was also stopped due to very low fibrinogen levels and an ineffective thrombus lysis in venography controls. After implantation of a retrievable IVC, surgical thrombectomy via femoral vein was performed, with successful thrombus removal. Venography showed Cockett syndrome and a stent was implanted. At 6 months the patient remained without major symptoms, and Doppler confirmed stent patency with non residual obstruction or venous insufficiency. Conclusion: Awareness and timely diagnosis of phlegmasia cerulea is necessary to ensure prompt intervention to prevent loss of limb. When CDT is not effective, surgical thrombectomy remains successfully alternative. Iliac venous stenting complement is also crucial to treat associated Cockett syndrome. Endovascular thrombectomy devices may be a reasonable alternative to surgical thrombectomy. <![CDATA[Endovascular Y-reconstruction of chronic ilio-cava occlusion]]> Abstract Introduction: Inferior vena cava (IVC) agenesis is a rare pathology, associated with an increased risk of iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis (DVT), a frequent cause of disabling post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). Case report: Authors present a case of bilateral iliofemoral thrombosis in a patient with IVC agenesis, successfully treated at a European reference center. Patient was submitted to an endovascular Y reconstruction of the IVC and iliac veins. <![CDATA[Case report of suspected Takayasu arteritis manifesting as chronic mesenteric ischaemia: a rare cause for a typical clinical picture]]> Abstract Introduction: Chronic intestinal ischemia accounts for approximately 1:1,000,000 admissions in some epidemiological studies. This condition usually affects individuals with known atherosclerotic lesion in other territories. Although typically found in female patients in their seventh decade of life with established arterial disease, chronic intestinal ischemia may manifest itself in younger patients. In the latter case, unusual causes, such as vasculitis, must be included in the differential diagnosis. Case report: We report the case of a 31-year-old man with a known history of intermittent left and right upper limb claudication and smoking. He complained of postprandial epigastric pain in the previous year, with unvoluntary weight loss (6kg in the previous 6 months) and fear of eating. An angio CT scan was performed, which showed occlusion of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery at its origin. The diagnosis of chronic intestinal ischemia was formulated, and the patient was submitted to an antegrade bypass from the supraceliac aorta to the superior mesenteric artery and common hepatic artery, with a bifurcated Dacron graft. Discussion: Given the inflammatory nature of the collected fragment of aorta, the onset of intestinal ischemia at a young age and the remaining peripheral arterial manifestations, a presumptive diagnosis of Takayasu’s arteritis was formulated. This vasculitis is typically found in patients in their third decade and is associated with diffuse arterial thickening. Mesenteric manifestations in this condition can occur up to 30%.