Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Psicologia]]> vol. 38 num. 1 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Separation-individuation to parents and resilience in dating conflicts in young adults]]> Resumo A qualidade da vinculação com as figuras parentais tem um papel privilegiado no desenvolvimento da individuação dos jovens adultos, na forma como estes experienciam as suas relações amorosas e na aptidão de lidarem com acontecimentos adversos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo testar o papel preditor da separação-individuação aos pais e da resiliência nos conflitos no namoro, assim como testar o papel moderador da resiliência na associação entre a separação-individuação aos pais e os conflitos no namoro. A amostra foi constituída por 948 sujeitos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 30 anos de idade (M = 21.76, DP = 3.31). Os resultados apontam que os conflitos no namoro são preditos pela separação- individuação aos pais e pela resiliência. Os dados sugerem ainda o efeito moderador da resiliência na associação entre a intrusividade e autoconfiança na mãe e as estratégias de resolução de conflitos não abusivas e os comportamentos violentos.<hr/>Abstract The quality of attachment with parents has a privileged role in developing individuation in young adults, in how they experience their romantic relationships and face their problems. This research aims to analyse the predictor role of parental separation-individuation and resilience in dating conflicts and test the role of resilience in the association between the separation-individuation of parents and dating conflicts. The sample comprised 948 people between 18 and 30 years of age (M = 21.76, DP = 3.31). The results show that the conflicts in dating are predicted by separation- individuation to parents and resilience. The collected data suggest the moderating effect of resilience in the association between intrusiveness and self-confidence on mothers and the resolution strategies of non-abusive conflicts and violent behaviours. <![CDATA[Mapping personality markers in a Portuguese sample: The factor structure, reliability and incremental validity of the Big Five Mini-Markers]]> Abstract This study reports the psychometric characteristics of a Portuguese form of the 40-item Big Five Mini-Markers, relying upon a cross-sectional design with a sample of 673 Portuguese undergraduates from a Portuguese public university. Results supported the five-factor structure of the translated version and the internal consistency levels of the sub-scales were equivalent to the original version. However, nine items were identified as problematic and dropped from the analysis, due to low component loadings or relatively high cross-loadings. Further evidence from the remaining 31 items supported this instrument’s incremental validity for predicting students’ self-handicapping behaviours over previous academic achievement. Key implications for further research with the Portuguese version of this instrument are briefly presented and discussed. <![CDATA[Protean Career Orientation Scale: A validation study with Portuguese university students]]> Abstract The protean career orientation refers to career agentic and values-driven attitudes in today’s changing contexts. This orientation shows readiness for facing lifespan tasks and challenges in diverse work roles, contributing, for example, to university students’ academic engagement and employability. Given the importance of this construct, there is a need for valid and reliable measures of protean career orientation. Our study aimed to analyze the internal and criterion-related validity and reliability of a Portuguese language version of the Protean Career Orientation Scale. Participants were 407 Portuguese university students who responded to measures of protean career orientation, academic engagement, and career self-management strategies. Factorial analyses, Pearson correlations, and reliability indicators were computed. Adequate psychometric properties were found after one item deletion. Findings provide evidence for the scale’s usage among groups of university students, whether for research or practical purposes. Nevertheless, more studies are needed. <![CDATA[Caregivers’ profiles based on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions and gendered attitudes in a low-income Colombian sample]]> Abstract Caring for children is fundamental for their development. It can, however be hindered by the psychological, economic, and contextual conditions of caregivers. This study assessed caregivers’ profiles in a sample of low-income Colombians (n = 495) based on attitudes toward childcare, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, self-efficacy in childcare, and sexist attitudes. Three profiles were identified: the first profile included caregivers with intermediate scores in attitudes towards childcare and self-efficacy, low sexist attitudes and low subjective norms; the second comprised caregivers with lower attitudes towards childcare, self-efficacy, and behavioral intention, with moderate scores in subjective norms and sexist attitudes; the third profile consisted of participants with the most positive attitudes toward childcare, and with the most sexist attitudes towards caregiving. This study shows caregiver profiles in terms of childcare self-perception, dimensions of the theory of planned behavior, and sexist attitudes toward childcare in a population underrepresented in the literature. <![CDATA[Impact of event scale-revised: A new analysis of its factor structure as applied to two Portuguese samples during the COVID-19 pandemic]]> Abstract This study used the Portuguese version of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) to assess the risk of psychological disturbances associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in two independent samples of the Portuguese population. The psychometric characteristics of the scale were also assessed. Data was collected through an online survey and its internal consistency was examined. The internal consistency of the scale was high. Factor analysis found different dimensional structures for the scale in the two samples: a three-factor in the first sample and a four-factor structure in the second sample. The different factor structures confirmed the dependence of the results on the characteristics of the samples and the situation where it is applied. Despite these differences in structure, this study showed that the Portuguese version of the IES-R is a reliable tool to measure psychological distress associated with traumatic events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.