Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular]]> vol. 18 num. 2 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Stent graft explantation following endovascular aortic aneurysm repair - a case series]]> Abstract Introduction: Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) offers significant advantages on aneurysm treatment. However, the management of EVAR complications or failure often results in complex surgical approaches, sometimes requiring graft explantation which remains a major challenge and one associated with a high morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study is to review our contemporary institutional experience with EVAR explantation. Methods: An institutional administrative database was reviewed to identify patients who were subject of graft explantation following standard infra-renal EVAR between 2011 and 2021. Follow-up was extracted from patient charts. The primary endpoint was perioperative mortality (30-days or in-hospital). Demographics, indications for explantation and procedure details were evaluated. Results: Over a 10-year period, between 2011 and 2021, there were 617 standard primary EVAR procedures performed in our institution for infrarenal aortic aneurysms. During this period, we identified 13 patients submitted to EVAR explantation, two of which were referrals from other vascular centers. All patients were male and mean age at explantation was 71 years (range 47-81). The primary EVAR procedure took place 29 months (range 0-72) before explantation. The primary indication for EVAR was ruptured aortic aneurysm in seven patients. The majority of explantation operations were emergent (6/13, three due to unstable aorto-enteric fistula (AEF), three due to rupture) or urgent (4/13, two stable AEF, two graft infections). In 3 cases, explantation was elective (two type Ia endoleaks and one type II endoleak with sac expansion). None of the patients had been submitted to a previous attempt at endovascular salvage. All patients were submitted to transperitoneal approaches, and all required initial supracoeliac or suprarenal aortic clamping. After explantation, in situ reconstruction was performed in eight patients, six of which with complete EVAR explantation and two with partial EVAR explantation. Two in situ reconstructions were made using superficial femoral veins, and the remaining used prosthetic grafts. Aortic ligation and extra-anatomic bypass were performed in five cases, The 30-day mortality was 54% (seven patients) with 33% of mortality for elective repair, 50% mortality for urgent repair, and 67% mortality for emergent repair. Mean hospital stay after surgery was 48 days for survivors. Mean survival after discharge was 10 months. Conclusion: EVAR explantation is still a relatively rare and particularly complex procedure. When the reason for explantation is graft infection and AEF, and when performed in an emergent context, it is a particularly morbid procedure with a dismal prognosis. As the number of endovascular aneurysm repairs increase, our global experience will become increasingly important in bettering our surgical and clinical outcomes. <![CDATA[Validade e fiabilidade da versão portuguesa do <em>Lymphoedema Quality of Life</em> (LYMQOL) Leg.]]> Resumo Introdução: Os edemas crónicos dos membros inferiores são condições incuráveis, debilitantes e progressivas que causam problemas físicos, psicológicos e sociais durante a vida, com impacto muito negativo na qualidade de vida (QdV). O LYMQOL Leg é um instrumento de medida para avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QdVrs) específico para indivíduos com esta patologia. O objetivo do estudo foi contribuir para a validação da versão portuguesa do instrumento de medição LYMQOL Leg no que diz respeito ao teste das propriedades psicométricas: fiabilidade (coerência interna, reprodutibilidade e erro de medição), validade (validade de construção) e efeitos chão/teto. Métodos: A versão portuguesa do LYMQOL Leg e a versão portuguesa do instrumento SF-36v2, foram aplicados a 75 participantes, com edema crónico do membro inferior. Foi também aplicado um questionário sobre as características sociodemográficas e clínicas dos participantes. Resultados: A coerência interna foi considerada aceitável com o coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach a variar entre 0.83 e 0.90. O coeficiente de correlação intra-classe (CCI) variou entre 0.80 e 0.94 para os domínios do LYMQOL Perna. O valor do erro padrão da medição (EPM) teve uma variação entre 0.18-0.22 para os domínios do LYMQOL Perna, exceto no domínio qualidade de vida global que apresentou um valor de 0.74. Ao nível da mínima mudança detetável individual (MMDind), os valores variaram entre 0.49-0.83, exceto no domínio qualidade de vida global, que apresentou um valor de 2.05. No que diz respeito à mínima mudança detetável grupo (MMDgrupo), os valores variaram entre 0.07-0.11, exceto no domínio qualidade de vida global que foi de 0.28. O erro da medição foi considerado como aceitável. A validade de construção foi suportada pela confirmação das cinco hipóteses pré-definidas, baseadas em correlações esperadas entre os domínios do LYMQOL Perna e as dimensões da SF-36v2. Os efeitos chão/teto não estiveram presentes. Conclusão: A versão portuguesa do instrumento LYMQOL Leg possui características psicométricas adequadas, no que diz respeito à fiabilidade, validade e efeitos chão/teto. <![CDATA[Prevalence of asymptomatic visceral occlusive disease in patients admitted for chronic lower limb ischemia: A cross-sectional study.]]> Abstract Introduction: Occlusive disease of the visceral vessels, when complicated, may lead to a high mortality rate. Current data regarding the co-prevalence of atherosclerotic disease of the lower limbs and visceral vessels is scarce. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of splanchnic and renal visceral occlusive disease in patients admitted for chronic lower limb ischemia (CLLI). Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed including 100 aleatory patients admitted for CLLI between 2015 and 2020, without previous or current history of mesenteric ischemia, and who were submitted to an abdominal computer tomography angiography (CTA) as part of the pre-operative work-up. The presence of splanchnic (celiac artery, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries) and renal atheromatous disease was defined as mild (30-50% stenosis), moderate (50-70%) and severe (&gt;70% or occlusion), measured by CTA. Outcomes analyzed included prevalence of splanchnic and renal visceral occlusive disease, evaluation of predictive factors for visceral occlusive disease and its relationship with the pattern of lower limb atherosclerotic disease. Results: Mean age was 68.5 years old (SD: 9.7) and 77% were men. Admission diagnosis was incapacitating claudication (Rutherford stage 3) in 19%, and chronic lower limb threating ischemia (CLTI) in 81% (21% with stage 4 Rutherford and 60% with stage 5/6). Seventy-five percent presented aorto-iliac disease (AOID) and 97% presented infra-inguinal disease. Overall prevalence of visceral disease (mild, moderate or severe) was 65%. Severe disease was seen in at least one vessel in 60%. 34% of patients presented severe disease in only one visceral artery, 26% presented in ≥2 visceral vessels and 22% presented severe disease in all three splanchnic arteries. Regarding renal disease, 33% presented severe disease in at least one renal artery and 20% presented with bilateral disease. CLTI was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of severe stenosis in ≥2 splanchnic vessels, p=0.004. After logistic regression, we observed as predictive factor associated with severe disease in ≥2 splanchnic vessels the age, with an OR of 2.01 for every 10-year difference, p= 0.039; and AOID, OR: 14.6 (p=0.011). When analyzed the presence of at least one severe splanchnic vessel stenosis, AOID (OR 5.4, p=0.008) and coronary disease (OR:3.9, p=0.035) were predictive factors. Regarding renal disease, and association was found with age (OR of 3.90 for every 10-year difference, p&lt;0.001); AOID (OR of 25.6, p=0.004) and carotid artery disease (OR: 9.24, p=0.005). Conclusion: Our study showed a high prevalence of multi-visceral and renal occlusive disease in patients admitted for chronic lower limb ischemia. We found an association between coronary and carotid disease with splanchnic and renal disease, respectively. Age was also associated with more severe stages of visceral and renal artery disease. More studies are needed to analyze the clinical impact of our findings regarding planning and follow-up for these patients. <![CDATA[Abdominal compartment syndrome after endovascular treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: a topical review]]> Abstract Introduction: Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS), defined as intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) greater than 20 mm Hg that is associated with new organ dysfunction/failure, represents an uncommon but hazardous complication after endovascular aneurysm repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (r-EVAR). The aim of this review is to overview incidence, mortality, and potential benefit of expedite treatment of ACS. Methods: PubMed databases were searched in order to find publications reporting incidence associated mortality of ACS after r-EVAR. Articles published before 2002 and non-human data was not included. Results: In studies including a large population (n&gt;100) ACS incidence ranged between 6.9 to 20%, with significant disparity between studied cohorts. Significant heterogeneity was also found regarding in-hospital mortality, ranging between 30 to 83%. One study reported that the need for decompressive laparotomy carried a significantly greater risk of in-hospital mortality (odds ratio 5.91; 95% confidence interval, 3.62-9.62; P&lt;.001). Medical treatment options for reducing IAP represent the first step whenever intra-abdominal pressure &gt; 12mmHg. When the latter is ineffective, decompressive laparotomy is mandatory to avoid multi-organ failure. No studies comparing effectiveness of decompressive laparotomy exist in the literature as this represents a rescuing measure. Conclusion: Abdominal compartment syndrome represents a potentially lethal complication after rEVAR. Close abdominal pressure monitoring along with expedite decompressive laparotomy is mandatory to improve survival of such patients. <![CDATA[Considerations on the treatment for aortoiliac aneurysmal disease with concomitant ectopic kidney]]> Abstract Introduction: Ectopic kidneys with concomitant aortoiliac aneurysmal disease have been previously reported in the literature, however its exact prevalence is unknown. The objective of this review is to summarize current knowledge on the treatment this special group of patients. Methods: A non-systematic literature research was performed on the treatment of aortoiliac aneurysmal disease in patients with ectopic kidneys. Results: Literature on the management of patients with aorto-iliac aneurysms and concomitant ectopic kidneys is limited to case reports and very small series. Treatment modalities which include open, endovascular or hybrid techniques, should preserve the variable vasculature of the ectopic kidney. Several different surgical solutions have been proposed, highlighting the uncertainty on the optimal management strategy. However, a growing number of reports suggest safety and efficacy with adapted endovascular techniques. Conclusion: In parallel to the general trend in the management of abdominal aortic aneurysm, it is expected that a growing number of patients will concomitant aorto-iliac aneurysm and ectopic kidneys will be treated with endovascular techniques. <![CDATA[Abordagem aos Endoleaks tipo II - Uma Revisão Sistemática dos últimos 5 anos de literatura]]> Resumo Introdução: Os endoleaks tipo II são a complicação e causa de reintervenção mais frequente do EVAR sendo, contudo, tema de debate entre a comunidade científica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo rever as diferentes abordagens aos endoleaks tipo II após reparação endovascular de aneurismas da aorta infrarrenal. Materiais e métodos: Para a realização deste trabalho os autores selecionaram e analisaram de forma sistemática artigos publicados na plataforma PubMed em língua inglesa entre 2015 e 2020, segundo a metodologia PRISMA. Resultados: Até ao momento não existe evidência clara quanto ao limiar para tratamento e qual a melhor abordagem aos endoleaks tipo II. Entre as técnicas minimamente invasivas reportadas - embolização transarterial e percutânea direta do saco - não parece haver diferença significativa tanto na eficácia como nas complicações. Contudo ambas demonstram taxas de falência e necessidade de reintervenção elevadas. Quanto à embolização profilática - do saco ou de eferentes patentes - parece haver diminuição significativa do risco de desenvolver endoleak tipo II. Porém o impacto na sobrevida destas intervenções permanece por esclarecer. Conclusões: Serão necessários estudos de maior qualidade com critérios de seleção uniformes para que se possam tirar conclusões de maior validade. <![CDATA[Reintervention after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair - who is to blame?]]> Abstract Introduction: Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (EVAR) is often recommended as first option for patients with suitable abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) anatomy. Nevertheless, this treatment carries higher reintervention rates and possibly higher aneurysm and all cause-related mortality in the long run versus open surgery. This narrative review aims to convey recent data about surveillance and the frequency and indications for reintervention after EVAR. Methods: A comprehensive narrative review was conducted, providing a critical and objective analysis of the current knowledge on a topic. Results: EVAR-1 trial reported lower total and aneurysm-related mortality in the first 6 months after EVAR patients, with increasing follow-up time the mortality rate increased, leading to a higher total and aneurysm-related mortality, comparing with the open surgical repair group. There is no consensus on EVAR surveillance, and in the 15-year follow-up of EVAR-1 trial they found that EVAR is associated with a reintervention rate of up to 20% in the first 4 years. There is a press in need for a homogeneity and contemporary appraisal of surveillance after EVAR and in indications for reintervention. In order to accomplish that, it is of paramount importance that centers undergoing EVAR programs publish their results about the compliance of follow up after EVAR and reintervention rates Conclusion: Long term outcomes are the Achilles heel of the endovascular AAA repair. Adequate follow up and reintervention are of paramount importance for EVAR to achieve its full potential. <![CDATA[Transposição de veia ovárica como um tratamento cirúrgico menos invasivo para a síndrome de <em>nutcracker</em>]]> Resumo Introdução: O fenómeno de nutcracker refere-se à compressão da veia renal esquerda (VRE), habitualmente entre a aorta e a artéria mesentérica superior. Quando sintomático, designa-se síndrome de nutcracker. Os sintomas/sinais estão relacionados com o desenvolvimento de hipertensão venosa renal e o diagnostico depende da conjugação da clínica e alterações laboratoriais na presença de critérios imagiológicos. Habitualmente a indicação terapêutica depende da severidade dos sintomas. Existem várias opções terapêuticas: transposição/pontagem da VRE para uma implantação mais distal na veia cava inferior, transposição da veia gonadal, auto-transplante renal, e tratamento endovascular. Caso clínico: Doente de 40 anos, sexo feminino, observada em consulta de cirurgia vascular por varizes pélvicas e vulvares recidivadas. Por suspeita de síndrome de congestão pélvica, realizou estudo complementar com venoTAC que revelou fenómeno de nutcracker com dilatação importante da veia ovárica (VO) e varizes pélvicas. O exame sumário de urina revelou hematúria. Foram ponderadas várias opções de tratamento, tendo sido decidido fazer uma transposição da VO para a veia ilíaca comum (VIC). Através de uma pequena incisão paramediana esquerda (com cerca de 5cm) foi realizada uma abordagem retroperitoneal dos vasos. Procedeu-se à identificação e isolamento da VO (sinalizada com fio guia colocado pela veia femoral comum direita no início do procedimento). Localizada posteriormente à VO, isolou-se a VIC. Procedeu-se à secção transversal da VO e anastomose em termino-lateral da VO à VIC. O tratamento foi complementado com esclerose com espuma de varizes vulvares por via endovascular. A doente teve alta no primeiro dia de pós-operatório. Ao 6º mês de pós-operatório mantem-se sem recidiva das varizes e sem hematúria. Discussão: O Síndrome de nutcracker pode implicar uma morbilidade importante, com risco de trombose da VRE e perda da função renal. O melhor tratamento ainda não está definido e a seleção da melhor opção é dificultada pelo reduzido número de casos, ausência de estudos prospetivos randomizados, e pela ausência de follow-up a longo prazo de algumas das opções terapêuticas. A transposição da VRE é o procedimento mais habitual, seguido pelo auto-transplante renal. O nosso serviço tem vasta experiência na transplantação renal e o auto-transplante tem tido bons resultados; no entanto, não deixa de ser uma intervenção complexa, com riscos potenciais não desprezíveis, com uma convalescença prolongada e um impacto estético importante, sobretudo se aferido à idade jovem dos doentes. Corroborado pelo resultado do caso clínico apresentado, os autores consideram que a transposição da VO é uma alternativa terapêutica menos invasiva a ser considerada. <![CDATA[On-table Zenith<sup>®</sup> CE Fenestrated Stent Graft modification for the treatment of delayed type Ia Endoleak]]> Abstract Introduction: Delayed type Ia endoleaks are often associated with proximal extension of the aneurysmal degeneration to the juxtarenal aortic segment. Endovascular treatment of type Ia endoleaks secondary to aortic neck dilatation can raise many technical challenges related to the previous implanted stent graft. Case report: The authors present a clinical case of an 84 year-old man, with a past medical history of atrial fibrillation, acute ischemic stroke, hypertension and dyslipidemia, that initially underwent an EVAR for a infrarenal AAA with a TREO Bolton® endograft. After 3 years of follow-up, the CTA scan showed a delayed type Ia endoleak secondary to aortic neck dilatation with significant growth of the aneurysmatic sac. An endovascular proximal extension was planned, using a Zenith Fenestrated (ZFEN) platform (Cook Medical, Bloomington, Ind) but the short distance to the previous EVAR bifurcation did not allow the implantation of a standard 94cm CE fenestrated stent graft. To overcome this challenge, on-table modification of the fenestrated stent graft was performed by cutting the distal aortic stent. The stent graft was partially deployed on-table, the distal stent was cut with thermocautery, and the device was re-sheathed. The fenestrated cuff was then implanted in the standard fashion with target vessel catheterization and stenting. Two aortic covered stents (Aortic Begraft Bentley® 18mm) were implanted inside each iliac limb of the previous EVAR and sealed proximally in a parallel graft configuration on the fenestrated cuff. The final completion angiogram demonstrated perfusion of the visceral arteries, resolution of the Ia endoleak and without further endoleaks, as well as perfusion of both hypogastric arteries. At two months of follow up, the patient remains asymptomatic and the CTA scan showed resolution of the type Ia endoleak but the presence of a late type II endoleak. Discussion: Delayed type Ia endoleaks associated with proximal extension of the aneurysmal degeneration to the juxtarenal aortic segment, can raise some technical difficulties related to the previous implanted stent graft. Careful evaluation of patient anatomy and previous endografts should be done in planning for these procedures. On table physician modification of stent grafts is a valid solution to overcome challenging cases limitations. Further long-term follow-up is needed. <![CDATA[Doença cística adventicial da artéria popliteia: excisão sem reconstrução arterial]]> Resumo Introdução: A doença cística da adventícia é uma condição vascular rara e que afeta na maioria dos casos a artéria poplítea. Habitualmente cursa com claudicação intermitente durante o exercício. Caso clínico: Descreve-se um caso clínico de uma doente com doença cística da adventícia da artéria poplítea. A apresentação clínica foi sob a forma de claudicação intermitente gemelar direita. Procedeu-se ao tratamento cirúrgico, por abordagem posterior, com exérese do quisto mantendo a integridade da parede luminal. Assim, não se verificou a necessidade de reconstrução arterial. Discussão: Possíveis etiologias incluem traumatismo, doença sistémica, doença sinovial ou alterações do desenvolvimento embrionário. O tratamento depende do vaso afetado e a remoção do quisto com preservação ou substituição arterial tem apresentado resultados promissores. O seguimento a longo prazo é mandatório, atendendo ao risco de recidiva.