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vol. 20 num. 3 lang. es<![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]>
Abstract Introduction/Frame: Trust is foundational to qualitative research and program evaluation to ensure that data collection, data analysis, and actionable recommendations improve programs and produce effective outcomes. Concomitantly, building trust between the university and community sectors offers a rich opportunity to join efforts to address public health issues including substance use, homelessness, criminal justice involvement, and mental illness. Research suggests cross-sector collaboration among human services organizations produces effective outcomes when stakeholders are engaged, trust one another, and have shared goals. Developing qualitative program evaluation partnerships between university researchers and human service organizations offers a valuable application of cross-sector collaboration, including the transferability of qualitative research and program evaluation findings. Objective: This conceptual paper aims to highlight the essentiality of trust, summarize the facilitators and barriers of collaboration, and share a case example of a partnership. Additionally, it offers implications for researchers and community partners while outlining the benefits of university/community collaboration. Finally, we will offer a conceptual model of the iterative relationship between trustworthiness, trust, and impact in our evaluation approach. Theoretical Framework: Our approach to community-focused qualitative program evaluation is anchored in an action research paradigm, a use evaluation approach, coupled with trust as the key factor in developing and maintaining effective evaluative relationships. The Impact of Trust: Three areas in which trust is most beneficial to qualitative program evaluation are relationships, data collection, and transferability of results. Conceptual Model: Our model is grounded in three seminal works focusing on trust in business-business relationships, organizational trustworthiness as a mediator to both cognitive and affective trust, and relationship stability in inter-organizational reliance. Final Considerations: We found that using this model allowed quicker research-to-practice implementation of evaluation recommendations, solidified community/university collaborative relationships, and facilitated strategies to address workforce shortages in community human services agencies.<![CDATA[EMOTIONAL STATES OF STUDENTS IN THE TRANSITION TO HIGHER EDUCATION: AN EXPLORATORY APPROACH]]>
Resumo Introdução: Todos os anos, milhares de estudantes ingressam no ensino superior, deparando-se frequentemente com desafios pessoais e académicos. Esta nova fase das suas vidas implica a adaptação a um aumento de autonomia, a uma nova rotina e a um novo ambiente académico, podendo resultar em alterações emocionais. Os sentimentos vividos nesta fase de transição podem ter um impacto na sua qualidade de vida, na sua adaptação e no seu sucesso académico. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os estados emocionais presentes nas perceções dos estudantes do primeiro ano de licenciatura, em relação ao período de transição e adaptação académica ao ensino superior. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de carácter exploratório, qualitativo, realizado com recurso a um grupo focal, com análise de conteúdo recorrendo ao software Nvivo 14. O grupo foi constituído por nove estudantes do ensino superior público. Aquando da recolha de dados, os participantes estavam matriculados no 1.º ano em licenciaturas de diferentes escolas e áreas científicas da mesma instituição portuguesa. Resultados: Os dados preliminares mostram que tendencialmente os estudantes entrevistados caracterizam o seu primeiro contacto com o ensino superior, como um choque. São também descritas situações de stress, desmotivação e dúvida associadas ao desconhecimento dos colegas, saída da casa dos pais e à nova realidade académica. Por outro lado, são identificadas emoções de otimismo, segurança e resiliência quando se estabelece uma relação favorável com os docentes e o estudante está satisfeito com o curso. Considerações Finais: Embora tenham sido identificados estados emocionais negativos, estes tendem a dissipar-se com a integração na instituição, o apoio dos professores, a formação de novas amizades e a adaptação às novas exigências académicas.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Every year, thousands of students enter higher education, often facing personal and academic challenges. This new phase in their lives involves adapting to increased autonomy, a new routine and a new academic environment, which can result in emotional changes. The feelings experienced in this transition phase can have an impact on their quality of life, their adaptation and their academic success. Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify the emotional states present in the perceptions of first-year undergraduate students, in relation to the period of transition and academic adaptation to higher education. Methodology: This is an exploratory, qualitative study, carried out using a focus group, with content analysis using Nvivo 14 software. The group consisted of nine public higher education students. At the time of data collection, the participants were enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies in different schools and scientific areas at the same Portuguese institution. Results: The preliminary data shows that the students interviewed tend to characterize their first contact with higher education as a shock. They also described situations of stress, demotivation and doubt associated with not knowing their peers, leaving their parents' home and the new academic reality. On the other hand, emotions of optimism, security and resilience are identified when a favorable relationship is established with teachers and the student is satisfied with the course. Final Considerations: Although negative emotional states were manifested, these tended to dissipate with integration into the institution, support from teachers, the formation of new friendships, and adaptation to new academic demands.<![CDATA[INTER-COLLABORATIVE NURSING SUPERVISION PROCESS BETWEEN HOSPITAL ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT MODELS AND ACADEMIA: A QUALITATIVE APPROACH]]>
Abstract Introduction: Organizational management models influence supervisory activity in nursing. Collaborative practice between students and health professionals in the provision of person- and family-centred care allows them to evolve in the process of autonomy and knowledge transfer. However, this does not guarantee the acquisition of supervisory practices and inter-organisational interaction between the hospital and the academy, which are necessary for carrying out safe and qualified clinical procedures. However, this does not guarantee efficient acquisition of supervisory practices and inter-organizational interaction between hospital and academia, which are necessary to provide safe and effective clinical procedures. Objectives: The aim is to understand the possible dimensions of inter-organisational collaborative practice (academic and hospital), identifying its possible processes and results capable of guaranteeing the safety and quality of clinical procedures. Methods: This study emerges from a first mixed research intervention with N=50 nurse supervisors, non-randomized, using the snowball technique. We will, nevertheless, focus on its qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive approach, using the Focus Group technique in which seven nurse supervisors took part. By using Bardin's assumptions, we conducted the content analysis of the participants' speech. Results: The content analysis allowed us to recognise the Processes of Inter-Collaborative Supervision in Nursing as the main dimension of analysis. The results identify, on the one hand, potential threats, highlighted by the time dedicated to supervision and access to information in the hospital context and, on the other hand, opportunities for articulation, highlighted by the importance of involving the various actors in each context, both in planning training programmes and in using supervisory strategies. Conclusion: This study explores the collaborative processes of nursing supervision between academia and hospitals, highlighting common elements of care and education. It reveals the influence of both bureaucratic and anarchic models in shaping these relationships. The findings underscore the importance of inter-organizational coordination, which plays a critical role in effective health promotion practices.<![CDATA[STRUCTURAL RACISM IN HEALTH CARE FOR BLACK IMMIGRANTS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN BRAZIL]]>
Abstract Introduction: The black population in Brazil was the most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, both in terms of incidence and the lethality of the disease. Structural racism presents significant barriers to access to healthcare services for the black immigrant population. There is a lack of information regarding how structural racism impacted access, welcoming, and healthcare practices for black immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Goals and Methods: This study aimed to identify how healthcare professionals received and provided care to black immigrants who sought healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. It employed qualitative exploratory and descriptive research, utilizing the conceptual framework of structural racism. Data was collected between October 2020 and January 2021 through semi-structured interviews with a script created by the researchers. Twenty-one professionals from the multidisciplinary health team in ten Primary Health Care Units in a southern Brazilian city participated. The statements were audio-recorded, transcribed, and subjected to content analysis with the support of MaxQDA software®. Results: Two empirical categories emerged from the analysis: structural racism concealed in the discourse of health professionals; and structural racism as a social determinant and its impact on the health of the black immigrant population. Final Considerations: The study highlighted that racial and social issues exacerbate the health condition of the black immigrant population. Thus, health professionals need awareness regarding how structural racism determines access to healthcare for the black immigrant population. Therefore, the promotion of training focused on recognizing the impact of structural racism on the health of this population is an essential step in countering the trivialization of the topic and promoting anti-racist actions.<![CDATA[PHOTOVOICE: A STRATEGY FOR IDENTIFY NURSE'S SELF-PERCEPTION OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE OF MUSCULOSKELETAL RISKS]]>
Abstract The People's self-concept contributes to their sense of identity, and if associated with methods that promote the involvement of participants, we develop knowledge that promotes causes and social change. Introduction: In recent decades, the scientific community has identified a high prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in nurses, as a result of work processes, high physical demands, workspaces, and the emotional and sometimes stressful association of clinical contexts. Obstetric nurses, due to their specific work, have been a group that has been little studied and, above all, little involved in research processes. Research Objective: This study aims to identify the self-perception of Obstetric nurses regarding daily activities in the labour context, which are self-perceived as high risk for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used, utilising an empowering research method - Photovoice. Twenty who work full time in the delivery room took part. Photographic records were presented by the Obstetric nurses and their self-perceptions were shared through interviews. The interviews and photographs were then transcribed, analysed and categorised. Results: The average number of years as a Obstetric nurses was 14.4 years, but with 24.8 years working as a nurse. Twenty-two work activities with a potential risk to health were photographically recorded.<![CDATA[DISPOSITIVOS MÉDICOS CONECTADOS: AVANCES EN MONITOREO Y DIAGNÓSTICO]]>
Resúmen Introducción: Este estudio examina la revolución tecnológica en el ámbito de los dispositivos médicos conectados, que están redefiniendo el monitoreo, diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades. Se analiza cómo la integración de tecnologías avanzadas está impulsando la atención médica personalizada y a distancia. Objetivos: Evaluar los avances en dispositivos médicos conectados y su impacto en la mejora del monitoreo y diagnóstico de enfermedades. Se investiga cómo estas tecnologías están cambiando la dinámica de la atención médica y cuáles son los desafíos y oportunidades asociados. Metodología: Se utiliza un enfoque cualitativo, vinculando preguntas de investigación con teorías y resultados. El estudio se basa en análisis de dispositivos wearables y sistemas implantables, combinando la revisión de literatura con entrevistas a expertos y análisis de datos. Este enfoque metodológico permite una comprensión profunda de la interacción entre la tecnología y la práctica médica. Resultados: Los hallazgos muestran que los dispositivos médicos conectados ofrecen significativas ventajas en términos de precisión y eficiencia, permitiendo un seguimiento en tiempo real y una mejor toma de decisiones clínicas. Se identifican retos técnicos, éticos y regulatorios, pero también se destacan soluciones innovadoras para superarlos. Conclusiones: La investigación subraya la importancia de un enfoque cualitativo en el estudio de los dispositivos médicos conectados. Los resultados enfatizan la necesidad de un marco metodológico robusto para evaluar tanto los avances tecnológicos como los desafíos asociados. Este estudio contribuye a la comprensión de cómo los dispositivos médicos conectados están transformando la atención médica, enfatizando la necesidad de abordajes integrados y multidisciplinarios para maximizar sus beneficios y minimizar los riesgos.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: This study examines the technological revolution in the realm of connected medical devices, which are redefining the monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. It analyzes how the integration of advanced technologies is driving personalized and remote healthcare. Objectives: To evaluate the advancements in connected medical devices and their impact on improving disease monitoring and diagnosis. The study investigates how these technologies are changing the dynamics of healthcare delivery and identifies the associated challenges and opportunities. Methodology: A qualitative approach is used, linking research questions with theories and outcomes. The study is based on analyses of wearable devices and implantable systems, combining literature review with expert interviews and data analysis. This methodological approach allows for a deep understanding of the interaction between technology and medical practice. Results: The findings show that connected medical devices offer significant advantages in terms of precision and efficiency, enabling real-time monitoring and better clinical decision-making. Technical, ethical, and regulatory challenges are identified, but innovative solutions to overcome them are also highlighted. Conclusions: The research underscores the importance of a qualitative approach in studying connected medical devices. The results emphasize the need for a robust methodological framework to evaluate both technological advancements and associated challenges. This study contributes to understanding how connected medical devices are transforming healthcare, highlighting the necessity of integrated and multidisciplinary approaches to maximize benefits and minimize risks.<![CDATA[THE INVISIBILITY OF HATE CRIMES AGAINST SEXUAL AND GENDER DIVERSITY IN PORTUGAL]]>
Resumo Este estudo consiste no primeiro mapeamento nacional de crimes de ódio com motivações homofóbicas e/ou transfóbicas contra a diversidade sexual e de género em Portugal. O Objetivo deste artigo centra-se na análise do processo de monitorização e estratificação dos crimes de ódio com motivações homofóbicas e/ou transfóbicas pelo Estado português, verificando suas especificidades em decorrência do enquadramento jurídico atual e dos fenómenos da subnotificação, revitimização e da impunidade destes casos. A referida investigação realizou o mapeamento e identificação de 33 Inquéritos Criminais, pertencentes à 20 comarcas do Ministério Público entre 2015 e 2020. Após a identificação do Número Único de Identificador de Processo Crime - NUIPC pela Polícia Judiciária e autorização para consulta das peças processuais aos Departamentos de Investigação e Ação Penal - DIAPs do MP, o processo de levantamento de dados foi realizado em 29 Inquéritos Criminais. A presente investigação, consiste em um estudo discritivo de métodos mistos, realizado através de análise documental por meio da análise de conteúdo, no que concerne ao tratamento de dados. O instrumento de levantamento de dados foi sustentado por documentos de denúncias de casos, designadamente: autos de denúncias, autos de notícias e e-mails com registos de queixas-crimes. As denúncias analisadas destacam a necessidade da revisão do enquadramento jurídico português em relação aos crimes de ódio com motivações homofóbicas e transfóbicas considerando a “invisibilidade” destes registos para estatísticas oficiais e a ausência de campos específicos que colaborem no processo de identificação da motivação destes casos, bem como a dificuldade do reconhecimento desta violência pelas autoridades competentes enquanto crimes de ódio contra a Orientação Sexual Identidade de género Expressões de género e Características Sexuais - OIEC de suas vítimas, contextos estes que fortalecem o processo de invisibilidade destes dados em Portugal sustentando a falsa afirmação de que: “Por aqui está tudo bem!” ao considerarmos a realidade desta violência perpetrada cotidianamente no país.<hr/>Abstract Every year, thousands of students enter higher education, often facing personal and academic This study consists of the first national mapping of hate crimes with homophobic and/or transphobic motivations against sexual and gender diversity in Portugal. The objective of this article focuses on analyzing the process of monitoring and stratifying hate crimes with homophobic and/or transphobic motivations by the Portuguese State, verifying their specificities as a result of the current legal framework and the phenomena of underreporting, revictimization and impunity for these crimes. cases. This investigation carried out the mapping and identification of 33 Criminal Investigations, belonging to 20 districts of the Public Ministry between 2015 and 2020. After the identification of the Unique Crime Process Identifier Number - NUIPC by the Judiciary Police and authorization to consult the procedural documents to the Departments of Investigation and Criminal Action - DIAPs of the MP, the data collection process was carried out in 29 Criminal Inquiries. The present investigation consists of a descriptive study of mixed methods, carried out through document analysis through content analysis, with regard to data processing. The data collection instrument was supported by case reporting documents, notably: reporting records, news records and emails with records of criminal complaints. The complaints analyzed highlight the need to review the Brazilian legal framework in relation to hate crimes with homophobic and transphobic motivations, considering the “invisibility” of these records for official statistics and the absence of specific fields that collaborate in the process of identifying the motivation of these cases, as well as the difficulty in recognizing this violence by the competent authorities as hate crimes against Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Gender Expressions and Sexual Characteristics - OIEC of its victims, contexts that strengthen the process of invisibility of this data in Portugal, supporting the false statement that: “Everything is fine here!” when we consider the reality of this violence perpetrated daily in the country.<![CDATA[EL ESCENARIO DEL TURISMO GASTRONÓMICO DE UN DESTINO INTERNACIONAL BASADO EN MODELO DE NETNOGRAFÍA]]>
Resúmen El objetivo de la investigación fue diseñar una modelo de netnografía para el análisis del escenario del turismo gastronómico del destino internacional de Los Cabos, México a través de la promoción turística y reseñas de la huella digital. La investigación fue cualitativa de alcance exploratoria y descriptivo. Se diseñó un modelo de netnografía, en dos etapas, primero una guía para la página web corporativa para el Fideicomiso de Turismo de Los Cabos, en la pestaña de restaurantes por región (oferta gastronómica) y categoría segunda una guía de observación virtual para evaluación y revisión de comentarios en TripAdvisor (evaluación de los comensales). Los resultados mostraron que en la escena culinaria del destino internacional de Los Cabos los comensales tienen diversas categorías representativas del municipio, principalmente: mariscos (42%), cocina internacional (40%), cocina mexicana (31%), restaurantes de lujo (19%) y cocina de autor (12%). La experiencia del huerto a la mesa basada en una gastronomía sustentable es una tendencia en los comensales. Existen tres propuestas gastronómicas en la zona rural del municipio de Los Cabos con comida regional, además de un distrito gastronómico 23400, compuesto por 15 restaurantes. Con relación a la percepción de los comensales en las evaluaciones en TripAdvisor es 4.5/5 por lo que se consideró positivo, indicaron alta satisfacción en calidad, servicio, atmósfera y ambiente. El perfil de viajero que opta por comida gourmet lo califica en 5/5 excelente. En conclusión, el modelo propuesto facilito la identificación de componentes del escenario gastronómico del destino turístico.<hr/>Abstract The objective of the research was to design a netnography model for the analysis of the gastronomic tourism scenario of the international destination of Los Cabos, Mexico through tourism promotion and digital footprint reviews. The research was qualitative, exploratory and descriptive in scope. A netnography model was designed, in two stages, first a guide for the corporate website for the Los Cabos Tourism Trust, in the tab of restaurants by region (gastronomic offer) and second category a virtual observation guide for evaluation and review of comments on TripAdvisor (evaluation of diners). The results showed that in the culinary scene of the international destination of Los Cabos diners have diverse categories representative of the municipality, mainly: seafood (42%), international cuisine (40%), Mexican cuisine (31%), luxury restaurants (19%) and signature cuisine (12%). The garden-to-table experience based on sustainable gastronomy is a trend among diners. There are three gastronomic proposals in the rural zone of the municipality of Los Cabos with regional food, in addition to a gastronomic district 23400, composed of 15 restaurants. In relation to the perception of the diners in the evaluations on TripAdvisor is 4.5/5 so it was considered positive, they indicated high satisfaction in quality, service, atmosphere and ambience. The profile of the traveler who opts for gourmet food rates it as 5/5 excellent. In conclusion, the proposed model facilitated the identification of components of the gastronomic scenario of the tourist destination.<![CDATA[IMPLEMENTING QUALI EVIDENCE - A CHALLENGE FOR EVIDENCE ECOSYSTEMS]]>
Resumo Introdução: A translação do conhecimento para os contextos clínicos, em saúde, enfrenta desafios complexos com os resultados de investigação a demorarem a influenciar as políticas de saúde e as intervenções. A Organização Mundial de Saúde consciente da necessidade de se desenvolverem ecossistemas de evidência clínicos aponta uma série de recomendações; Objetivos: Este artigo pretende responder à questão: ‘Quais os contributos da pesquisa qualitativa para o desenvolvimento de ecossistemas de evidência na clínica em saúde? Métodos: A partir da revisão da literatura e da experiência dos autores (com a investigação qualitativa e a translação do conhecimento) pretende-se explorar esta temática, quais as vantagens da investigação qualitativa, a importância da sua aplicação no cuidado centrado na pessoa e no desenvolvimento dos ecossistemas de evidência. Resultados. Uma visão diferenciadora sobre a investigação e os modelos de translação de conhecimento contribui para o desenvolvimento de ecossistemas de evidência, onde desde o desenho do estudo ao uso dos resultados de investigação há co-construção e pelos diferentes atores do processo: cidadãos, profissionais de saúde, gestores e decisores políticos. Conclusões. A investigação qualitativa permite o cuidado centrado, o desenho de intervenções que tenham em conta as preferências e crenças da pessoa, contribuindo para uma prática baseada na evidência e para o desenvolvimento dos ecossistemas de evidência.<hr/>Abstract Introduction Translating knowledge into clinical health contexts faces complex challenges, and research results take time to influence health policies and interventions. The World Health Organization, aware of the need to develop clinical evidence ecosystems, has made a series of recommendations; Goals: This article aims to answer the question: 'What are the contributions of qualitative research to the development of evidence ecosystems in clinical healthcare? Methods: Based on a review of the literature and the authors' experience (with qualitative research and knowledge translation), the aim is to explore the advantages of qualitative research, the importance of its application in person-centered care and the development of evidence ecosystems. Results: A differentiated view of research and knowledge translation models contributes to the development of evidence ecosystems, where from the design of the study to the use of research results there is co-construction by the different actors in the process: citizens, health professionals, managers, and policy makers. Conclusions: Qualitative research allows for centered care, the design of interventions that take into account the preferences and beliefs of the person, contributing to evidence-based practice and the development of evidence ecosystems.<![CDATA[EXPERIENCIAS VIVIDAS DEL APRENDIZAJE Y PUESTA EN PRÁCTICA DEL INGLÉS: ESTUDIO DE CASO COSTA RICA]]>
Resúmen La comunidad en La Virgen de Sarapiquí ha sido parte de un proceso de extensión universitaria desde el 2015 hasta el 2024. Los proyectos tuvieron como propósito proveer a la población meta de habilidades profesionales para atender una potencial visitación turística en la zona debido a la apertura del puesto operativo El Ceibo del Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo. En los últimos tres años, se han impartido cursos de inglés con el objetivo de promover competencias lingüísticas en las personas de la comunidad que tienen emprendimientos turísticos. La presente investigación cualitativa evidencia las experiencias vividas y las percepciones de dos personas participantes del proceso de aprendizaje y puesta en práctica del inglés en actividades socioproductivas, desarrollado bajo este marco de extensión universitaria. Para este estudio de caso descriptivo, se recolectaron datos mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, y se elaboraron collages y narrativas reflexivas. Los datos se analizaron empleando el análisis temático y utilizando NVivo como software para la codificación de datos. Los resultados obtenidos incluyen el contexto de las personas participantes antes de llevar los cursos de inglés, las percepciones de estas personas sobre los cursos de inglés, las experiencias vividas en la puesta en práctica del idioma y las proyecciones laborales en relación con el inglés. Se concluyó que el aprendizaje del inglés fue efectivo y se usó en las actividades socioproductivas de las personas participantes. Así mismo, los proyectos de extensión son clave en el desarrollo de comunidades rurales junto con la implementación de los principios de dirección de proyectos como calidad, complejidad, adaptabilidad y resiliencia, además de que la investigación cualitativa rigurosa permite una sistematización con perspectivas desde las experiencias y percepciones de las personas participantes.<hr/>Abstract In the community in La Virgen de Sarapiquí, community outreach projects have been carried out from 2018 to 2024. The projects had the purpose of providing the participants with professional skills for the potential tourist visitation in the area due to the opening of El Ceibo of the Braulio Carrillo National Park. In the last three years, English courses have been taught in the community with the aim of promoting linguistic competences in their tourism ventures. This qualitative research evidences the lived experiences and perceptions of two participants in the process of learning and Practicing English in socio-productive activities, developed under this community outreach framework. For this descriptive case study, data were collected through semi-structured interviews, collages, and reflective narratives. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and using NVivo as software for data coding. The results obtained include the context of the participants before taking the English courses, the perceptions of these people about the English courses, the experiences lived in the implementation of the language and job projections in relation to English. It was concluded that the learning of English was effective and its use in the socio-productive activities of the participants. Also, extension projects are key in the development of rural communities along with the implementation of project management principles such as quality, complexity, adaptability, and resilience; In addition, rigorous qualitative research allows a systematization with perspectives from the experiences and perceptions of the participants.<![CDATA[SOCIAL WORK AS SCIENCE: WHEN THE METHOD BECOMES AN OBSTACLE TO SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE]]>
Resumo A escolha desse tema recaiu sobre uma inquietação que surgiu a partir da procura por periódicos científicos com fator de impacto no campo do Serviço Social. O objetivo desse trabalho é argumentar, a partir da análise de seis artigos escolhidos pelos títulos, alguns dilemas que surgiram em relação ao objeto de estudo do Serviço Social, ao método científico utilizado e aos obstáculos epistemológicos com os quais os mesmos se defrontam. Em termos metodológicos, foi realizado um ensaio científico. É importante salientar que um ensaio se caracteriza como uma exposição lógica e reflexiva fundamentada na argumentação e interpretação pessoal e não apresenta o padrão clássico de um artigo científico (objetivos, revisão de literatura, método, discussão, considerações finais). O tema não será explorado de maneira exaustiva, até porque o número de artigos analisados não fornece dados suficientes para uma análise profunda, sendo que muito provavelmente existem outras causas além do objeto, do método e dos obstáculos epistemológicos na construção da cientificidade do Serviço Social. A análise mostrou algumas inconsistências metodológicas em três dos artigos estudados. É possível que no campo do Serviço Social esteja havendo um predomínio do instinto conservativo bachelardiano em relação ao método marxiano, o que pode estar travando o seu desenvolvimento como ciência. Nesse ensaio teórico científico, nossa pretensão foi refletir sobre um tema e não procuramos respostas, e sim levar a uma reflexão profunda do leitor.<hr/>Abstract The choice of this theme was based on a concern that arose from the search for scientific journals with an impact factor in the field of Social Work. The objective of this work is to argue, based on the analysis of six articles chosen by title, some dilemmas that arose in relation to the object of study of Social Work, the scientific method used and the epistemological obstacles they face. In methodological terms, a scientific trial was carried out. It is important to highlight that an essay is characterized as a logical and reflective exposition based on argumentation and personal interpretation and does not present the classic pattern of a scientific article (objectives, literature review, method, discussion, final considerations). The topic will not be explored exhaustively, especially because the number of articles analyzed does not provide sufficient data for an in-depth analysis, and there are most likely other causes beyond the object, the method and the epistemological obstacles in the construction of the scientificity of Social Work. The analysis showed some methodological inconsistencies in three of the articles studied. It is possible that in the field of Social Work there is a predominance of the Bachelardian conservative instinct in relation to the Marxian method, which may be hindering its development as a science. In this scientific theoretical essay, our intention was to reflect on a topic and we did not seek answers, but rather led the reader to deep reflection.<![CDATA[THE FAMILY NURSE IN SUPPORTING COUPLES BEREAVED BY THE LOSS OF A CHILD: SCOPING REVIEW]]>
Resumo Introdução: A intervenção dos enfermeiros no processo de luto parental, em cuidados de saúde primários, espelha uma necessidade de saúde basilar, assistindo na vivência de um processo de transição pelo casal. Torna-se crucial a valorização do equilíbrio funcional e emocional da família, bem como a experiência de luto e os sentimentos vivenciados. Objetivo: Mapear a evidência científica sobre as intervenções de enfermagem, em cuidados de saúde primários, dirigidas ao casal enlutado pela morte de um filho. Metodologia: Scoping Review realizada de acordo com a metodologia PRISMA-ScR e a mnemónica PCC: população, conceito e contexto. Pesquisa realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, CINAHL Complete, B-On, Science Direct e RCAAP. Estudos publicados em português, espanhol e inglês foram incluídos, com o limite temporal 2018-2023. Os estudos identificados foram organizados no Rayyan®, e a sua relevância, analisada por dois revisores independentes. Dos 1021 artigos disponíveis, sete foram incluídos na revisão. Resultados: Da análise emergiram quatro temas: manifestações de luto (negação, raiva, negociação, depressão, aceitação); atitudes e comportamentos promotores de luto adaptativo (religião, rituais, fim de vida no domicílio, redefinição de objetivos de vida, ocupação do tempo, autocuidado); obstáculos ao luto adaptativo (apoio dos profissionais insuficiente e comportamentos de outras pessoas) e redes de apoio no luto parental (formal e informal). Considerações finais: As experiências de luto vivenciadas pelo casal, permitiram mapear as intervenções de Enfermagem de Saúde Familiar dirigidas ao casal pela morte do filho, as quais emergem como prioritárias, bem como a formação profissional na área.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Nurses' intervention in the process of parental grief within primary healthcare reflects a fundamental health need, supporting couples in the experience of transition following the death of a child. It is crucial to value the functional and emotional balance of the family, as well as the grieving experience and associated feelings. Goals: To map the scientific evidence on nursing interventions within primary healthcare aimed at couples grieving the death of a child. Methods: A Scoping Review conducted following the PRISMA-ScR methodology and PCC mnemonic: population, concept, and context. Searches were performed in PubMed, CINAHL Complete, B-On, Science Direct, and RCAAP databases. Studies published in Portuguese, Spanish, and English from 2018 to 2023 were included. Identified studies were organized using Rayyan®, and their relevance was analyzed by two independent reviewers. Out of 1021 available articles, seven were included in the review. Results: Four themes emerged from the analysis: grief manifestations (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance); attitudes and behaviors promoting adaptive grief (religion, rituals, end-of-life care at home, redefining life goals, time occupation, self-care); obstacles to adaptive grief (insufficient professional support and behaviors of others); and support networks for parental grief (formal and informal). Final considerations: The grief experiences of couples allowed mapping of Family Health Nursing interventions aimed at couples grieving the death of a child, highlighting their priority, as well as the need for professional training in this area.<![CDATA[HUMAN SENSES AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: A METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSAL]]>
Resumo Esse artigo busca discutir como os sentidos humanos são capazes de proporcionar a compreensão e a identificação de realidades, muitas vezes negligenciadas em função do uso exacerbado das tecnologias em detrimento do contato humano e do olhar presencial. Não se trata de oposição ao uso das tecnologias como mecanismos auxiliares no processo de pesquisa, sobretudo, nos processos de organização e análises de dados, posto que a tecnologia é necessária, inevitável e tem se tornado aliada importante na construção do conhecimento científico. Contudo, o objetivo deste artigo é discutir a dialogicidade da pesquisa qualitativa com os sentidos humanos - audição, olfato, paladar, visão e tato e responder à questão de investigação: Podem os sentidos serem compreendidos como categorias fundamentais em metodologias aplicadas às pesquisas qualitativas de modo empírico? O desenho metodológico foi elaborado a partir da perspectiva qualitativa de caráter bibliográfico, com exemplos de casos em que os sentidos já são explorados pelas organizações, além de retomar estudos iniciados por Tuzzo et al. (2023) que discutiram a dialogicidade da pesquisa qualitativa em relação à pesquisa quantitativa, buscando refletir sobre questões epistemológicas como: Qual a importância da análise qualitativa no âmbito das pesquisas, sobretudo empíricas, e de que forma podem e devem assumir um caráter dialógico com as ações de pesquisa quantitativa? E ainda o que há de qualitativo na pesquisa quantitativa? Como resultados, percebeu-se que nas pesquisas qualitativas há informações quantificáveis, sem alteração da pesquisa, de modo que, também a pesquisa quantitativa se realiza à luz de processos qualitativos. No que diz respeito aos sentidos humanos e à pesquisa qualitativa, também os resultados apontam para uma dialogicidade permitindo novos prismas para a investigação. Concluímos que os sentidos são capazes de interferir nos resultados das pesquisas, tendo em vista alterar o olhar e a percepção do pesquisado e do próprio pesquisador.<hr/>Abstract This article seeks to discuss how human senses are capable of providing understanding and identification of realities, often neglected due to the exacerbated use of technologies to the detriment of human contact and face-to-face viewing. This is not an opposition to the use of technologies as auxiliary mechanisms in the research process, especially in data organization and analysis processes, since technology is necessary, inevitable and has become an important ally in the construction of scientific knowledge. However, the objective of this article is to discuss the dialogicity of qualitative research with the human senses - hearing, smell, taste, vision and touch and answer the research question: Can the senses be understood as fundamental categories in methodologies applied to qualitative research in a way that empirical? The methodological design was developed from a qualitative perspective of a bibliographic nature, with examples of cases in which the meanings are already explored by organizations, in addition to resuming studies initiated by Tuzzo et al. (2023) who discussed the dialogicity of qualitative research in relation to quantitative research, seeking to reflect on epistemological questions such as: How important is qualitative analysis in the context of research, especially empirical, and how can and should it assume a dialogic character with quantitative research actions? And what is qualitative about quantitative research? As a result, it was noticed that in qualitative research there is quantifiable information, without altering the research, so that quantitative research is also carried out in the light of qualitative processes. With regard to human senses and qualitative research, the results also point to dialogicity allowing new perspectives for investigation. We conclude that the senses are capable of interfering in research results, with a view to altering the perspective and perception of the researched and the researcher himself.<![CDATA[“INVESTIGAR SOBRE EXPERIENCIAS DE MATERNIDAD EN LA MODERNIDAD AVANZADA: SUGERENCIAS PARA PEDIR PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN CUALITATIVOS EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES”]]>
Resumo Una de las exigencias de la comunidad académica para los procesos de selección y acreditación de profesorado es la de dirigir proyectos de investigación competitivos subvencionados. Muchos jóvenes investigadores se encuentran con el reto de ser Investigador Principal (en adelante: IP) por primera vez sin experiencia previa o soporte. Creemos que es necesario compartir experiencias de presentación de proyectos subvencionados (también de fracaso) entre la comunidad académica y, especialmente, entre los jóvenes investigadores que empiezan a presentar proyectos de equipo como IP’s. Observamos, para el caso que nos ocupa, ciertas complejidades añadidas en proyectos pensados mediante diseño cualitativo debido, entre otros factores, al grado de sistematización, previsión y concreción a seguir. El objetivo principal de este artículo es el de reflexionar sobre algunas dificultades de estructurar y justificar proyectos de investigación de corte cualitativo con el fin de recibir financiación en el campo de las ciencias sociales. Con la convicción de la necesidad de compartir experiencias entre la comunidad académica, aquí se utiliza el ejemplo de un proyecto de investigación presentado en la convocatoria 2021 de “Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento” del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España. La temática del proyecto presentado refiere a la gestión de los imaginarios sobre la maternidad como institución social y política. La propuesta, de corte cualitativo, parte de la base que el tránsito de la modernidad a la posmodernidad se materializa en diferentes dimensiones y procesos asociados relevantes para el estudio desde las ciencias sociales. Una de ellas es la gestión de los imaginarios sobre la maternidad como institución representativa de un contexto geográfico e histórico determinado.<hr/>Abstract One of the demands of the academic community for the selection and accreditation processes of their members is to lead competitive research projects. Many young researchers face the challenge of being a “Principal Investigator” for the first time without prior experience or support. To this end, we believe that it is necessary to share experiences of presenting subsidized projects (also failures) among the academic community. The objective of this article is twofold: on the one hand, to consider the difficulty of structuring research projects to receive grants from the institutions and, on the other, to share and discuss strategies and complexities of the qualitative approach based on the project proposal made by the author. The referred project was presented in the 2021 call for "Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento " of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. The proposal is based on the fact that the transition from modernity to post-modernity materialises in different dimensions and processes that are relevant to their study from the social sciences perspective. One of them is the management of imaginaries associated to motherhood as a representative institution of a particular geographical and historical context. Understanding the associated processes, representations and narratives on motherhood is one of the challenges concerning today's society as a whole, not just women and mothers. The general objective of this project is to delve into the narratives of women and mothers who break (or wish to break) with the practices and meanings associated with "traditional motherhood". Thus, we aim to explore the processes of change, continuity, and subversion in the motherhood management within the framework of advanced modern or post-modern societies.<![CDATA[CULTURAL ADAPTATION OF HEALTH INTERVENTIONS FOR ETHNIC COMMUNITIES IN VULNERABLE SETTINGS: A QUALITATIVE DATA SYNTHESIS]]>
Abstract Introduction: the cultural dimension of health, now clearly acknowledged (WHO, 2017), remains insufficiently explored. Particularly, investigating the cultural influence on the effectiveness of health interventions is relevant since, insofar as when such interventions lack meaning from the target population's cosmovision or are not practical in their context, the effectiveness of those interventions may have a limited scope (Bautista-Gómez et al, 2022), creating the need for culturally adapted health interventions. Aim: tto understand how cultural adaptations have been designed and implemented, and how they have contributed to improving health outcomes in low and middle-income countries. Methods: the guiding question was designed following the PICo methodology. PubMED, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were reviewed, the descriptors were established based on the MeSH/DeSC registry, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined. The initial articles were selected based on the appearance of the descriptors in their title and abstract, and then a filtering process was carried out based on the full reading of the texts that led to 14 articles that met the established criteria, on which a thematic analysis was carried out. Results: it was evidenced that: a) interventions are designed based on 3 components: community participation, adjustment of content, and changes in the service delivery; b) aspects related to poverty, vulnerability, and deficiencies in the health system are the main barriers, whilst the inclusion of the community’s beliefs and customs, adaptation to their context, and articulation with the communities and local health institutions are the main facilitators; c) main outcomes are feasibility, effectiveness, improvement of disease’s knowledge and acceptability. Conclusions: cultural adaptation with ethnic groups in vulnerable settings is useful to ensure comprehensive health education and to promote behavioural change to improve mainly the effectiveness and acceptability of health interventions.<![CDATA[THE CHALLENGES EXPERIENCED BY OBSTETRIC NURSES IN CARING FOR WOMEN WITH FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUD]]>
Resumo Introdução/Enquadramento: Algumas mulheres migrantes residentes em Portugal, que foram alvo de mutilação genital feminina, transmitem esse legado às suas filhas, por questões culturais. Neste contexto, é premente que o enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstétrica (doravante designado enfermeiro obstetra) contribua para erradicar esta prática tradicional nefasta, e proteger as meninas das gerações vindouras.; Questão de investigação/Objetivos: : A questão de investigação norteadora é “Que vivências tem o enfermeiro obstetra, no cuidar mulheres, com mutilação genital feminina?” e o objetivo é “Compreender as vivencias, do Enfermeiro Obstetra, face aos desafios que se lhe colocam ao cuidar mulheres com Mutilação Genital Feminina”; Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo fenomenológico hermenêutico, apoiado nos pressupostos de Max van Manen, que defendem a importância que recai no entendimento e interpretação das experiências humanas para a prática de enfermagem. Para a recolha de dados foi utilizado um guião de entrevista fenomenológica e entrevistados 12 participantes que corresponderam aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: ser Enfermeiro Obstetra que preste, ou tenha prestado, cuidados preventivos e realizado notificação ou referenciação de casos de MGF; Resultados: Destacam-se duas categorias: “Constrangimentos vivenciados pelo Enfermeiro Obstetra no cuidado a mulheres submetidas à mutilação genital” e “Propostas a implementar pelo Enfermeiro Obstetra para a prevenção, notificação e intervenção para a erradicar a mutilação genital feminina”; Considerações Finais: As conclusões revelam que as práticas preventivas, de notificação e intervenção ainda estão aquém do que seria desejável. Urge investir e intensificar a formação dos profissionais de saúde em mutilação genital feminina tornando-os mais despertos e conhecedores sobre esta prática. A capacitação destes profissionais vai permiti-los empoderar as populações rumo à mudança de mentalidades, incluído as comunidades, onde a MGF é prevalente, tendo em vista a erradicação da mesma.<hr/>Abstract Introduction/Frame: Some migrant women living in Portugal who have undergone female genital mutilation pass on this legacy to their daughters for cultural reasons. In this context, it is imperative that nurses specialising in maternal health and obstetric nursing (henceforth referred to as obstetric nurses) contribute to eradicating this harmful traditional practice and protecting the girls of future generations; Research Question/Objectives: The guiding research question is “What experiences do obstetric nurses have when caring for women with female genital mutilation?” and the objective is “To understand the experiences of obstetric nurses when faced with the challenges of caring for women with female genital mutilation”; Methodology: This is a hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative study, based on the assumptions of Max van Manen, who defends the importance of understanding and interpreting human experiences for nursing practice. A phenomenological interview script was used to collect the data, and 12 participants were interviewed who met the following inclusion criteria: being an obstetric nurse who provides, or has provided, preventive care and has notified or referred cases of FGM; Results: Two categories stand out: “Constraints experienced by obstetric nurses when caring for women who have undergone genital mutilation” and “Proposals to be implemented by obstetric nurses to prevent, notify and intervene to eradicate female genital mutilation”; Final considerations: The conclusions show that preventive, notification and intervention practices still fall short of what would be desirable. There is an urgent need to invest in and intensify the training of health professionals in female genital mutilation, making them more aware and knowledgeable about this practice. Training these professionals will enable them to empower populations to change their mentalities, including communities where FGM is prevalent, with a view to eradicating it.<![CDATA[DRAWING, REFLEXIVITY AND PRODUCTION OF MEANINGS: A THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSAL IN POST-CONSTRUCTIONIST SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY]]>
Resumo O uso do desenho feito pela pesquisadora-desenhista na psicologia social é incomum como produção do conhecimento e mesmo como divulgação de resultados. Embora, encontremos rastros do uso de desenho em estudos experimentais da psicologia social clássica. Em tais estudos os desenhos parecem estar bem distantes das raízes performáticas da ciência social ou das tendências contemporâneas das pesquisas baseadas em artes. Ele limitava-se a ilustrações de procedimentos, marcação da disposição espacial entre experimentador e participantes da investigação. No presente artigo tenho como objetivo defender o uso do desenho realizado pela pesquisadora-desenhista como uma das estratégias de visibilidade e rigor do processo de produção e de análises das informações na pesquisa em psicologia social construcionista/pós-construcionista. Utilizei informações produzidas em uma investigação sobre profilaxia pré-exposição para infeção do vírus na imunodeficiência adquirida - HIV (PrEP) e os sentidos produzidos nas relações afetivo-sexuais de homens gays, em Barcelona-Espanha. A PrEP é 99% eficaz para o controle de infecção pelo HIV. Entrevistei 10 usuários de PrEP e fiz 11 desenhos. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas, os desenhos foram elaborados ao longo do processo de produção e análise das informações. Neste artigo, descrevo a produção de sentidos, refletividade e desfamiliarização que o meu encontro com um dos entrevistados que usava PrEP e se infectou pelo HIV gerou, de nome fictício Plutón. Detalho as etapas de elaboração do desenho “Sexualidad Atenta”: a ausência presente do invisível e PrEP, 2022, e as repercussões teórico-metodológicas decorrentes de questionar se se tratava de um “exemplo negativo”. Concluo que desenhar me auxiliou na compreensão de que não se tratava de exemplo negativo na leitura psicossocial proposta pelo referencial teórico adotado.<hr/>Abstract The use of drawings made by the researcher-designer in social psychology is unusual as a production of knowledge and even as a dissemination of results. Although, we find traces of the use of drawing in experimental studies of classical social psychology. In such studies the drawings appear to be far removed from the performative roots of social science or contemporary trends in arts-based research. It was limited to illustrations of procedures, marking the spatial arrangement between experimenter and research participants. In this article, I aim to defend the use of the drawing carried out by the researcher-designer as one of the strategies for visibility and rigor in the production process and analysis of information in research in constructionist/post-constructionist social psychology. I used information produced in an investigation into pre-7,0s. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, drawings were created throughout the information production and analysis process. In this article, I describe the production of meanings, reflectivity and defamiliarization that my meeting with one of the interviewees who used PrEP and became infected with HIV generated, fictitious name Plutón. I detail the stages of elaboration of the “Sexualidad Atenta” design: the present absence of the invisible and PrEP, 2022, and the theoretical-methodological repercussions resulting from questioning whether it was a “negative example”. I conclude that drawing helped me understand that it was not a negative example in the psychosocial reading proposed by the adopted theoretical framework.<![CDATA[DOCUMENTARY ANALYSIS OF THE NEW CODE OF MEDICAL ETHICS IN THE LIGHT OF HUMAN RIGHTS]]>
Resumo Introdução: os códigos profissionais de ética devem ser atualizados, periodicamente, para responder às críticas e demandas decorrentes de mudanças sociais, tecnológicas e científicas, especialmente no campo dos direitos humanos; Objetivos: verificar a atualização do novo Código de Ética Médica brasileiro ao campo da bioética e dos direitos humanos; Métodos: análise documental de documento de domínio público, com definição prévia de categorias de análise e unidades de registro, tendo como referencial teórico a Declaração Universal de Bioética e Direitos Humanos da Unesco. Resultados: a análise demonstrou como princípios mais prevalentes: dignidade, autonomia, respeito à vulnerabilidade humana e a integridade pessoal, benefício e efeitos nocivos, solidariedade, privacidade e confidencialidade, não discriminação e não estigmatização; pouco contemplados: pessoas sem capacidade de consentimento, responsabilidade social, proteção do meio ambiente e das gerações futuras; ausentes: repartição de benefícios da pesquisa, igualdade, justiça e equidade, respeito à diversidade cultural e ao pluralismo; Considerações finais: o Código de Ética Médica brasileiro preza pela manutenção de uma autonomia prudencial na relação com os pacientes e profissionais da saúde. A inclusão de preocupações sociais mais amplas, de forma fragmentária e insuficiente, não assegura ainda a ampla defesa da saúde pública, e dos direitos das pessoas em vulnerabilidade, situadas historicamente em posição de desigualdade. A aplicação do método em contexto específico, de pandemia, foi útil para a compreensão dos limites deontológicos e principialistas aplicados à saúde coletiva. Sugere-se uma futura revisão tendo como eixos a Declaração Universal de Bioética e Direitos Humanos da Unesco e o método deliberativo para tomada de decisões interprofissionais.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: professional codes of ethics should be updated periodically to respond to criticisms and demands arising from social, technological and scientific changes, especially in the field of human rights; Objectives: to verify the updating of the new Brazilian Code of Medical Ethics in the field of bioethics and human rights; Methods: document analysis of a document in the public domain, with previous definition of categories of analysis and registration units, with reference to the Unesco Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. Results: the analysis showed the following most prevalent principles: dignity, autonomy, respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity, benefit and harmful effects, solidarity, privacy and confidentiality, non-discrimination and non-stigmatization; Not very well covered: people without the capacity for consent, social responsibility, protection of the environment and future generations; Absent: sharing of research benefits, equality, justice and equity, respect for cultural diversity and pluralism; Final considerations: the Brazilian Code of Medical Ethics values the maintenance of prudential autonomy in the relationship with patients and health professionals. The inclusion of broader social concerns, in a fragmentary and insufficient way, does not yet ensure the broad defense of public health, and the rights of people in vulnerability, who have historically been in a position of disparity. The application of the method in a specific context, of the pandemic, was useful for the understanding of the deontological and principlist limits applied to public health. A future revision is suggested based on Unesco's Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights and the deliberative method for interprofessional decision-making.<![CDATA[WOMEN IN SITUATIONS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS]]>
Resumo Introdução: A Atenção Primária em Saúde desempenha um papel crucial no atendimento de mulheres em situação de violência doméstica, sendo a porta de entrada para as usuárias. Objetivo: compreender a percepção de profissionais da saúde sobre o atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo descritivo-exploratório, realizado em agosto de 2023 com 20 profissionais de saúde em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Resultados: Os profissionais revelaram desconhecimento sobre como lidar e de fluxo existente no município, dificuldades no atendimento das mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica e estratégias para conduzir o atendimento às mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica. A subnotificação da violência doméstica é atribuída à inexperiência e falta de capacitação dos profissionais, além de obstáculos como estrutura física inadequada e sobrecarga de trabalho. Considerações finais: Sugere-se a reflexão sobre a criação de um fluxograma na Atenção Primária em Saúde, protocolos orientadores, o desenvolvimento contínuo de ferramentas e capacitações e mais pesquisas são essenciais.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: Primary Health Care plays a crucial role in the support of women experiencing domestic violence, serving as the entry point for users. Objective: To understand the perceptions of healthcare professionals regarding the care provided to women experiencing domestic violence. Methodology: A descriptive-exploratory qualitative study conducted in August 2023 with 20 healthcare professionals in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Results: The professionals revealed a lack of knowledge about how to handle and the existing flow in the municipality, difficulties in attending to women who are victims of domestic violence, and strategies for managing care for these women. The underreporting of domestic violence is attributed to professionals' inexperience and lack of training, as well as obstacles such as inadequate physical infrastructure and work overload. Final Considerations: It is suggested to reflect on creating a flowchart in Primary Health Care, developing guiding protocols, and the continuous development of tools and training. Further research is essential.<![CDATA[LOS ESTUDIOS UNIVERSITARIOS, SEGÚN LOS ALUMNOS, DURANTE LA PANDEMIA. ¿QUÉ CAMBIOS SE MANTIENEN EN CUANTO A METODOLOGÍAS DOCENTES?]]>
Resúmen El artículo que presentamos surge de la investigación que estudia los cambios que ocurrieron en la Universidad, desde el punto de vista de los alumnos, respecto a las metodologías docentes utilizadas por los profesores. El año 2020 es el punto de partida de una nueva forma de relacionarse, pues como consecuencia del confinamiento provocado por la pandemia COVID-19, la actividad social y laboral cambió, y aunque fue de forma temporal, tuvo sus consecuencias que puede que hayan permanecido. Así, en los distintos ambientes sociales, las actividades presenciales pasaron a realizarse de forma remota. En la Universidad de Extremadura, este equipo de investigación, como docentes, se preguntó qué estaba ocurriendo en la docencia, y sobre todo, cuáles de estos cambios se quedaron entre nosotros. Para ello, se han analizado las opiniones de los alumnos de la Universidad de Extremadura sobre los cambios en las metodologías docentes durante el confinamiento debido al COVID-19. El método de investigación que se ha utilizado es el estudio cualitativo de las respuestas dadas por los alumnos a las preguntas abiertas del cuestionario validado por este equipo de investigación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los cambios realizados en las metodologías docentes durante la pandemia de COVID-19 NO son percibidos positivamente por los alumnos en su proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje. En consecuencia, se puede concluir que no hay una unanimidad manifiestamente clara, entre los alumnos con respecto a los aspectos positivos y negativos, obtenida de esta experiencia sobre los cambios en las metodologías docentes causados por la pandemia del COVID-19.<hr/>Abstract The article we present arises from research that studies the changes that occurred at the University, from the point of view of the students, regarding the teaching methodologies used by the professors. The year 2020 is the starting point of a new way of relating, because as a consequence of the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, social and work activity changed, and although it was temporary, it had its consequences that may have remained. Thus, in the different social environments, face-to-face activities began to be carried out remotely. At the University of Extremadura, this research team, as teachers, asked themselves what was happening in teaching, and above all, which of these changes remained with us. To do this, the opinions of the students of the University of Extremadura on the changes in teaching methodologies during confinement due to COVID-19 have been analyzed. The research method that has been used is the qualitative study of the answers given by the students to the open questions of the questionnaire validated by this research team. The results obtained indicate that the changes made in teaching methodologies during the COVID-19 pandemic are NOT perceived positively by students in their teaching/learning process. Consequently, it can be concluded that there is no manifestly clear unanimity among students regarding the positive and negative aspects obtained from this experience on the changes in teaching methodologies caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.<![CDATA[UNA REVISIÓN SOBRE LOS ESTILOS DE CRIANZA 2020-2024, APLICANDO INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL CON ATLAS.ti v.24]]>
Resúmen Los Estilos de Crianza (EC), se han investigado en su mayoría desde el enfoque cuantitativo; asimismo, el uso de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) de ATLAS.ti, en el análisis de artículos, puede ser una herramienta importante para los investigadores. Introducción. El estudio de los EC sigue en evolución, por lo cual, un estudio de revisión puede darnos más información sobre este constructo. Objetivos. Como primer objetivo, conocer que metodología es más frecuente en las investigaciones sobre los EC. Como segundo objetivo, que conceptos son más considerados por los investigadores de los EC. Como tercer objetivo, que códigos emergentes son los más frecuentes en el análisis de los artículos seleccionados; finalmente como cuarto objetivo, que ventajas otorga el uso de la IA de ATLAS.ti, para el análisis de artículos. Métodos. Se ha optado por la revisión sistemática de diez artículos sobre EC, desde la base de datos Web of Science, publicados entre los años 2020 - 2024; empleando la IA de ATLAS.ti para el análisis de los artículos seleccionados. Resultados. La mayoría de las investigaciones sobre los EC, han sido abordados desde el enfoque cuantitativo. Los conceptos más utilizados por los investigadores son estilos de crianza, conducta, familia, hijos, entre otros. Los códigos emergentes más frecuentes son: estilos de crianza, inteligencia emocional, adolescentes y autoestima. La IA de ATLAS.ti, ayuda en gran medida, el análisis y síntesis de los artículos seleccionados. Conclusiones. Se precisan más investigaciones sobre los estilos de crianza, bajo el enfoque cualitativo. Los EC cumplen un rol influyente en el desarrollo integral de los hijos. El uso de la IA, de ATLAS.ti, puede presentar algunos errores como repetición, no discriminación entre los idiomas, errores de sintaxis y de semántica en los resúmenes, sin embargo, con la verificación necesaria, se convierte en una herramienta sumamente interesante.<hr/>Abstract Parenting Styles (PS) have been mostly investigated from a quantitative approach; Likewise, the use of ATLAS.ti Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the analysis of articles can be an important tool for researchers. Introduction. The study of CE continues to evolve, therefore, a review study can give us more information about this construct. Goals. As a first objective, to know which methodology is most common in research on CE. As a second objective, which concepts are most considered by EC researchers. As a third objective, which emerging codes are the most frequent in the analysis of the selected articles; Finally, as a fourth objective, what advantages does the use of ATLAS.ti AI provide for the analysis of articles. Methods. The systematic review of ten articles on CE has been chosen, from the Web of Science database, published between the years 2020 - 2024; using ATLAS.ti AI to analyze the selected articles. Results. Most research on CE has been approached from a quantitative approach. The concepts most used by researchers are parenting styles, behavior, family, children, among others. The most frequent emerging codes are: parenting styles, emotional intelligence, adolescents and self-esteem. The ATLAS.ti AI greatly helps the analysis and synthesis of the selected articles. Conclusions. More research is needed on parenting styles, using a qualitative approach. ECs play an influential role in the comprehensive development of children. The use of AI, ATLAS.ti, may present some errors such as repetition, non-discrimination between languages, syntax and semantic errors in the summaries, however, with the necessary verification, it becomes an extremely interesting tool.<![CDATA[CHALLENGES FOR ADOPTING PEOPLE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS]]>
Resumo As organizações públicas devem adotar práticas de gestão de pessoas que contribuam para disponibilidade de profissionais com perfil adequado e engajado para gerar uma prestação de serviços públicos de qualidade. No entanto, existem variáveis contextuais que podem dificultar o uso de melhores práticas da literatura no contexto de organizações públicas. Objetivo: identificar os desafios para adoção das práticas de gestão de pessoas no setor público. Métodos: A pesquisa é descritiva, transversal, com abordagem qualitativa, a partir de dados coletados com pergunta aberta em um questionário eletrônico respondido por 34 alunos de mestrado profissional em administração pública que possui experiência média de 19 anos no setor público e de 7,7 anos com gestão de pessoas. Os dados foram consolidados com nuvem de palavras e análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: Foram identificadas cinco categorias temáticas e 21 subcategorias de desafios: barreira do comportamento organizacional (com 3 subcategorias); falta de preparo para adoção de práticas (com 2 subcategorias); falta de suporte organizacional (com 4 subcategorias); limitações inerentes ao contexto do setor público (com 2 subcategorias),, limitações nas práticas de gestão de pessoas (com 10 subcategorias) Conclusões. O estudo evidenciou aspectos contextuais das organizações públicas que tem dificultando a adoção de práticas de gestão de pessoas de forma mais efetiva, além de identificar quais as principais dificuldades nas práticas em si, o que pode contribuir com os gestores para estabelecer ações de superação destes desafios. O método qualitativo permitiu obter informações relacionadas ao tema que não estavam previstas inicialmente na coleta, mas que emergiram das respostas dando maior riqueza para compreensão do fenômeno estudado.<hr/>Abstract Public organizations must adopt people management practices that contribute to the availability of professionals with an appropriate and engaged profile to generate quality public service provision. However, there are contextual variables that can make it difficult to use best practices from the literature in the context of public organizations. Goal: to identify the challenges for adopting people management practices in the public sector. Methods: The research is descriptive, cross-sectional, with a qualitative approach, based on data collected with an open question in an electronic questionnaire answered by 34 professional master's students in public administration who have an average experience of 19 years in the public sector and 7.7 years with people management. The data was consolidated with Bardin's word cloud and content analysis. Results: Five thematic categories and 21 subcategories of challenges were identified: organizational behavior barrier (with 3 subcategories); lack of preparation for adopting practices (with 2 subcategories); lack of organizational support (with 4 subcategories); limitations inherent to the public sector context (with 2 subcategories), limitations in people management practices (with 10 subcategories) Conclusions. The study highlighted contextual aspects of public organizations that have made it difficult to adopt people management practices more effectively, in addition to identifying the main difficulties in the practices themselves, which can help managers to establish actions to overcome these challenges. The qualitative method allowed us to obtain information related to the topic that was not initially foreseen in the collection, but that emerged from the answers, giving greater richness to the understanding of the phenomenon studied.<![CDATA[THAT'S NOT ALL ON COMPARATIVE METHODOLOGIES: FROM SOCIAL POLICIES TO "THINGS" BY RAMESH MISHRA]]>
Resumo Este artigo propõe uma abordagem crítica às metodologias comparativas qualitativas no estudo das políticas sociais, ancorando-se na análise do estudo de caso apresentado por Mishra (1995) no livro "O Estado-Providência na sociedade capitalista". O objetivo é responder à questão de investigação deste artigo: de que forma, nas pesquisas qualitativas, as escolhas das unidades de comparação facilitam ou limitam a compreensão das políticas sociais? A metodologia adotada envolve a análise teórica, documental e de estudo de caso, examinando quadros de referência comuns em abordagens comparativas, como a causalidade, variações empíricas, limites de aplicação, teorização e unidades de comparação. O estudo evidencia que a trajetória metodológica para compreender realidades distintas está cada vez mais vinculada à formação de unidades comparativas e à definição da natureza dos casos, frequentemente classificados como experiências de sucesso, fracasso ou híbridas, categorias que podem resultar de um constructo lógico definido pelo investigador. Conclui-se que um dos aspetos mais relevantes da investigação reside na fraca ou nula apreensão dos significados e sentidos explicativos que cada unidade de análise e/ou casos comparados (regimes políticos) atribui às suas escolhas face às crises do capitalismo. Assumir conscientemente o risco de comparar políticas sociais, com elevado grau de variação territorial, é uma prática que pode ignorar as lógicas e dinâmicas específicas de cada contexto. Por conseguinte, esta recensão destaca a importância de uma compreensão crítica das escolhas metodológicas e das abordagens teóricas em estudos qualitativos comparativos. Para além de reconhecer que nem tudo é comparável e que a replicação pode reforçar a colonialidade do conhecimento, sublinha-se a necessidade de atenção à "hierarquia da credibilidade" ao analisar modelos comparativos.<hr/>Abstract This article proposes a critical approach to qualitative comparative methodologies in the study of social policies, based on the analysis of the case study presented by Mishra (1995) in his book ‘The Welfare State in Capitalist Society’. The aim is to answer the research question of this article: how, in qualitative research, do the choices of comparison units facilitate or limit the understanding of social policies? The methodology adopted involves theoretical, documentary, and case study analysis, examining common frames of reference in comparative approaches, such as causality, empirical variations, application limits, theorization, and comparison units. The study shows that the methodological path to understanding different realities is increasingly linked to the formation of comparative units and the definition of the nature of the cases, often classified as successful, unsuccessful, or hybrid experiences. These categories can result from a logical construct defined by the researcher. The conclusion is that one of the most relevant aspects of the research lies in the poor or non-existent grasp of the meanings and explanatory senses that each unit of analysis and comparative cases (political regimes) attribute to their choices in the face of the crises of capitalism. Ramesh Mishra's work reinforces our suspicion: in qualitative research, comparing cases can improve the understanding of social policies and limit their interpretation and explanation. Taking the conscious risk of comparing social policies as national agreements, with a high degree of territorial variation, is a practice that can ignore the specific logic and dynamics of each context. This review therefore emphasises the importance of a critical understanding of methodological choices and theoretical approaches in comparative qualitative studies. As well as recognizing that not everything is comparable and that replication can reinforce the coloniality of knowledge, it stresses the need to pay attention to the ‘hierarchy of credibility’ when analyzing comparative models.<![CDATA[COLLECTIVE SYSTEMATIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE (SOK): POSSIBILITIES OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN IN EDUCATION]]>
Resumo É importante considerar a necessidade de procedimentos investigativos viáveis e adequados para a produção de conhecimento, bem como atentar-se à ética na pesquisa e ao contexto da investigação explorado pelo pesquisador. Desse modo, este artigo aborda a pesquisa qualitativa pelo eixo epistemológico “teoria como expressão da prática”, com enfoque na abordagem teórico-metodológica da Sistematização Coletiva do Conhecimento (SCC). Compreendemos por esse eixo epistemológico, a vivência e a análise crítica de um processo metodológico que busca alterar as relações sociais estabelecidas no ambiente educacional. Assim, nosso objetivo de pesquisa é identificar quais as possibilidades de uso da SCC na constituição de design de pesquisas qualitativas. Para isso, utilizamos como método a revisão narrativa, pesquisa do tipo estado da arte, contemplando as seguintes etapas: definição do objeto de pesquisa, problema de pesquisa, critérios de exclusão e inclusão, itens da análise de dados, categorias de análise, organização dos dados, interpretação dos resultados e recomendações finais. A coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio de plataformas digitais de busca como a BDTD, e biblioteca digital da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, com foco em dissertações e teses que abordassem “teoria como expressão da prática” e “sistematização coletiva do conhecimento” como método investigativo de pesquisa qualitativa em seus trabalhos. Os dados foram organizados em quadros comparativos, com destaque para o aspecto metodológico, por meio das seguintes categorias de análise: temática, método, procedimento de coleta de dados e técnica de análise de dados; no intuito de verificar a forma como a SCC é utilizada: formação continuada e/ou método de pesquisa qualitativa. Depois dessa análise e da interpretação dos dados, concluímos que a SCC é uma alternativa viável para pesquisas das diversas áreas do conhecimento que abordam o processo de ensino-aprendizagem entre pares; sendo possível sua utilização tanto como formação continuada quanto como método de pesquisa qualitativa.<hr/>Abstract It is essential to consider the need for investigative procedures anchored in a viable and appropriate way of producing knowledge, as well as paying attention to the ethical research procedures and the context of the investigation explored by the researcher. In this context, this article addresses qualitative research through the epistemological axis of theory as an expression of practice, focusing on the theoretical-methodological approach of Collective Knowledge Systematization (SOK). We understand the epistemological axis of theory as an expression of practice as the experience and critical analysis of a methodological process that seeks to alter established social relations in the educational environment. Thus, our research objective is to identify the possibilities of using SOK in the constitution of qualitative research design. To achieve this, we used narrative review as our method, a state-of-the-art research type, encompassing the following stages: definition of the research object, research problem, criteria for exclusion and inclusion, data analysis items, analysis categories, data organization, interpretation of results, and final recommendations. Data collection occurred through digital search platforms such as BDTD and the digital library of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, focusing on dissertations and theses that addressed "theory as an expression of practice" and "collective knowledge systematization" as investigative methods of qualitative research in their works. The data were organized into comparative tables, highlighting the methodological aspect, through the following analysis categories: theme, method, data collection procedure, and data analysis technique; aiming to verify how SOK is utilized: as continued education and/or a qualitative research method. Following this data analysis and interpretation, we conclude that SOK is a viable alternative for research in various knowledge areas that address the teaching-learning process among peers and can be used both as continued education and as a qualitative research method.