Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 16 num. 2 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Use and weight of shoulder bag in female gait]]> ABSTRACT This work aimed to assess the influence of the use and weight of shoulder bag on female gait. A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to September 2018, with 258 women (18-59 years old) who used shoulder bags. A questionnaire was used, and body weight and bag weight were measured. Gait was assessed with and without a bag using a baropodometer. The percentage of bag weight-body weight ratio was associated with having children (OR=0.210, p=0.002) and doing physical activity (OR=2.122, p=0.049). As for the side used to carry the bag, right stride length increased when the bag was carried on the opposite site and decreased when carried on both sides (p&lt;0.05). There was a reduction of the left surface area and left foot peak pressure, and an increase in the left step length in relation to the percentage of weight carried (p&lt;0.05). Regardless of the side used to carry the bag and the weight of the bag, the changes perceived during gait while carrying shoulder bags were discrete. However, attention should be drawn to these changes, mainly due to the adaptive capacity of the body and the long-term effects of bag use. <![CDATA[Moderators of the effect of high-intensity and moderate-intensity games in schoolchildren on cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition]]> ABSTRACT This study examined the moderators of sex, maturity sexual stage, and age in the intervention of high intensity and moderate-intensity exercises on changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and body composition. Forty-eight children (aged 9,48±0.5 years); 32 girls and 16 boys; were selected randomly to perform high-intensity intermittent games (HIIG) and moderate-intensity games (MIG). The intervention is applied in the physical education (PE) class. Twenty meters shuttle run test was used to estimate CRF; and body composition was measured by body fat percentage (BF%), the skinfolds sum, body mass index (BMI) z-score, and waist circumference (WC). Sex, sexual maturity stage, and age did not moderate the result on changes in Delta difference (Δ) in CRF. Furthermore, no moderation was observed in the interaction between groups of CRF intervention. A significant moderation of the interaction between groups of the intervention was observed on ΔWC. Hence, they differ in their effectiveness according to sexual maturity stage in connection to ΔWC. In sexual maturity stage and age, a quasi-significant value of moderation of the interaction between groups of intervention respect ΔBMI z-score was also observed. HIIG can be incorporated into PE classes regardless of sex, sexual maturity stage, and age ΔCRF. MIG group may have a better effect on body composition on students with sexual maturity stage Tanner 2 and 9-year-old children. High-intensity intermittent activities improve CRF and can be incorporated with no restriction of the moderators studied in PE class. Therefore, it turns into an alternative for PE class. <![CDATA[Effectiveness of a Yoga program in improving self-esteem and self-image of the elderly]]> ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a Yoga program in improving the self-esteem and self-image of the elderly. Thirty-six elderly individuals were evaluated, divided into two groups. The program lasted 2 months and was practiced 3 times a week, with a duration of 60 minutes each class. A structured and validated questionnaire was used to assess self-esteem and self-image. The elderly had a mean age of 60.5 ± 2.86 years, height of 1.66 ± 0.03 meters, and body mass of 69 ± 5.17 kg. For self-image an F = 52.36 was verified; p&lt;0.001 and for self-esteem F = 48.78; p&lt;0.001. It can be concluded in this research that the practice of yoga is effective in improving the levels of self-esteem and self-image of the elderly, it can be used through the therapeutic effects of exercise in the non-pharmacological treatment and prophylaxis of some psychiatric illness such as depression. <![CDATA[Menstrual cycle and use of different doses of oral contraceptive do not affect torque parameters in strength training programs]]> ABSTRACT The aim of this study was twofold: (a) to verify the effects of different periods of Menstrual Cycle (MC) (menstrual and non-menstrual) of women who use (users) or did not use (non-users) oral contraceptive (OC); (b) to compare the influence of the use of different doses of OCs at these MC moments. Two groups, women who did not use OC (NCG = 13) and women who use OC (CG = 13). The participants were assessed on the 1st or 2nd day of their menstrual period and the 14th or 15th day post-menstrual period. The Peak Torque (PT) and work (W) variables were evaluated at all MC moments. To compare the estrogen dosage, CG was subdivided into two subgroups, (ULCG = 6) that used ultra-low doses of estrogen and a group (LCG = 7) that used low. No interaction (group x period) was observed for PTisometric (F=0.170, p=0.687), PTconcentric (F=0.495, p=0.495) and PTeccentric (F=0.348, p=0.566), Wconcentric (F=0.001, p=0.971) and Weccentric (F=0.075, p=0.790). In addition, no significant interactions (dose x period) were observed in the torque parameters between women who used OC at different estrogen dosages (PTisometric: F=0.803, p=0.411; PTconcentric: F=0.548, p=0.492; PTeccentric: F=0.239, p=0.645; Wconcentric: F=0.030, p=0.869, Weccentric: F=0.027, p=0.876). In conclusion, using or not using OC seems to have no effect on torque parameters at the different moments of MC. Furthermore, the different doses of the OCs did not seem to promote effects on torque and work during MC. <link></link> <description>RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever comportamentos de riscos para a saúde em adolescentes e verificar as possíveis associações entre estes. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, realizado na cidade de Teresina/PI, com 540 adolescentes de 14 a 19 anos. O instrumento utilizado para o levantamento de dados foi uma adaptação do questionário do projeto “COMPAC”. Cerca de 35% dos adolescentes relataram assistir televisão por quatro horas, apenas 22% relataram o uso do computador de uma a duas horas, enquanto 60% afirmaram usar o celular por mais de quatro horas durante a semana. O percentual de adolescentes considerados fisicamente inativos foi superior a 35%. Mais de 15% dos adolescentes consumia bebida alcóolica uma a duas vezes e 11% consumia até duas doses por semana. A quantidade de doses diárias de bebidas alcóolicas foi significativamente associada ao tempo assistindo televisão por semana (OR = 2,45; p = 0,040) e no fim de semana (OR = 2,05; p = 0,032). Foi encontrada alta prevalência de adolescentes fisicamente inativos e de tempo despendido em comportamentos sedentários. Além disso, o comportamento sedentário esteve associado ao consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, Assim, é importante repensar o uso da televisão e do uso álcool no cotidiano dos adolescentes.<hr/>Abstract The objective of this study was to describe health risk behaviors in adolescents and to verify the possible associations between them. It was a cross-sectional study conducted in Teresina / PI, with 540 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years. The instrument used for data collection was an adaptation of the “COMPAC” project questionnaire. About 35% of teens reported watching television for four hours, only 22% reported using their computer for one to two hours, while 60% reported using their cell phone for more than four hours during the week. The percentage of adolescents considered physically inactive was greater than 35%. More than 15% of adolescents consumed alcoholic beverages one to two times, and 11% consumed up to two doses per week. The amount of daily doses of alcoholic beverages was significantly associated with TV watching time per week (OR = 2.45, p = 0.040) and at the weekend (OR = 2.05, p = 0.032). It was found a high prevalence of physically inactive adolescents and time spent in sedentary behaviors. In addition, sedentary behavior was associated with alcohol consumption. Thus, it is important to rethink television and alcohol use in adolescents’ daily lives.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>RESUMO A aprendizagem motora pode ser influenciada por diferentes fatores. O conhecimento de resultado (CR), um tipo de feedback extrínseco, existe em um destes fatores. Há diferentes formas de fornecer CR para otimizar a aprendizagem motora. Faixa de amplitude é uma dessas formas de fornecimento de CR. Sendo um fator que afeta a aprendizagem motora, deve-se levar em consideração a especificidade da tarefa para investigação dessa temática. Assim o objetivo do estudo é analisar os efeitos da faixa de amplitude de CR na aprendizagem da preensão no dinamômetro manual. A amostra foi composta por 48 voluntários de ambos os sexos, de 18 a 35 anos (M = 24, DP = 3,92) e inexperiente na tarefa. A aprendizagem do controle da força manual através do dinamômetro foi investigada em dois grupos: um grupo que era permitido uma faixa aceitável de erro (10%) e um grupo controle que não possuía faixa para erro (0%), ambos os grupos recebiam informação do pesquisador apenas se estivessem fora da faixa permitida pra erro. O desempenho foi inferido pela média e desvio padrão dos erros absoluto, constante e variável. Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos e, considerando a média, os voluntários melhoraram em uma das medidas de precisão (erro absoluto) e na consistência (erro variável) durante a aquisição.<hr/>ABSTRACT Motor learning can be influenced by different factors. Knowledge of Results (KR), a type of extrinsic feedback, exists in one of these factors. There are different ways to provide KR to optimize motor learning. Bandwidth is one of these forms of provision of KR. Considered as a factor that affects motor learning, one must take into consideration the context in which the task is inserted for reliable conclusions. Thus, the objective of the study is to analyze the effects of the bandwidth KR in the learning of the handgrip on the dynamometer. The sample consisted of 48 volunteers of both sexes, from 18 to 35 years old (M = 24, SD = 3.92), and inexperienced in the task. The learning of manual force control through the dynamometer was investigated in two groups: one group that allowed an acceptable error range (10%) and a control group that had no error range (0%), both groups received information from the researcher only if they were outside the allowed error range. Performance was inferred by the mean and standard deviation of the absolute, constant, and variable errors. There was no significant statistical difference between the groups and, considering the mean, the volunteers improved on one of the measures of precision (absolute error) and consistency (variable error) during acquisition.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[The effect of the transition command on the long jump performance by visually impaired athletes]]> ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of transition command related to caller location (front, back, right and left side of the take-off board) and type of caller communication (voice and clap hands) on the long jump performance by visually impaired athletes. Eight long jumpers with visual impairment (T11 class), both male and female, with an average age of 26.35 years (± 6.29), and their respective callers (n = 5) took part in this experiment. Two conditions were experimentally manipulated: (i) caller location and (ii) type of communication. Two long jumps were performed in each location under each type of communication, totalizing 16 long jumps per athlete. Results showed that type of command, as well as the callers’ locations, affected similarly the performance of the long jump by visually impaired athletes. They also showed that athletes and callers’ preferences for the type of transition command and positioning location had the same effects. <link></link> <description>RESUMO Este estudo analisou os fatores associados ao comportamento sedentário (CS) entre usuários da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) com diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 2 e/ou hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) nos quatro polos macrorregionais de saúde do estado de Pernambuco. Participaram usuários diabéticos e/ou hipertensos cadastrados na ESF, com ≥ 20 anos. O CS foi mensurado a partir do International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) e utilizou-se o STATA para a realização das análises, considerando como desfecho o tempo sentado ≥ 6 horas. Para associações entre variáveis e desfecho foi realizada a regressão logística. A prevalência de CS ≥ 6 horas foi de 21.9% e 23.9% em dias de semana e final de semana, respectivamente. Os fatores associados ao CS ≥ 6 horas, após ajuste, com valor de p &lt; 0.05 foram: Semana – residir no interior, renda familiar &lt; um salário mínimo e ser inativo fisicamente; Final de semana – residir no interior, homens, idade ≥ 60 anos, renda familiar &lt; um salário mínimo e ser inativo fisicamente. O CS é uma questão relevante nos dias atuais e ressalta-se a importância de uma atenção à saúde mais ampliada aos usuários com doenças crônicas, com políticas públicas que considerem a redução desse comportamento.<hr/>Abstract This study analyzed the factors associated with sedentary behavior (SB) among Family Health Strategy (FHS) users with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and/or hypertension in the cities handing the four healthcare administrative regions of Pernambuco. Participated 391 diabetic and/or hypertensive enrolled in the FHS, aged ≥ 20 years. Data related to SB from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and STATA was used for the analysis, considering as outcome the sitting time ≥ 6 hours. The associations between variables and outcome, a binary logistic regression was performed. The prevalence of CS&gt; 6 hours was 21.9% and 23.9% on weekdays and weekends, respectively. Factors associated with SC&gt; 6 hours after adjustment, with p-value &lt;0.05 were: Week - living in the countryside, family income &lt; one minimum wage and being physically inactive; Weekend - Indoors, men, &gt; 60 years of age, family income &lt; one minimum wage and physically inactive. SB is a relevant issue today and emphasizes the importance of broader health care for users with chronic diseases, with public policies that consider the reduction of this behavior.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>RESUMO Este estudo analisou a intensidade dos jogos Kinect Sports® em universitários através das variáveis hemodinâmicas e da percepção subjetiva de esforço. Tratou-se de um estudo experimental, com 34 jovens estudantes (21.5±1.9anos) que foram submetidos a três sessões consecutivas de jogos, divididas em jogos de boxe, boliche, beisebol e tênis; vôlei de areia, golfe, atletismo e esqui; tênis de mesa, futebol, dardos e futebol americano. A frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial (PA) e percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) foram registradas a cada dois minutos de cada jogo. One-way ANOVA for repeated measurements was used to verify differences in HR, BP and PSE at each time of the game and the effect size (p&lt;0.05). Houve diferenças significativas na FC (p&lt;0.01, η2p&lt;0.284) nos jogos de boxe, atletismo e beisebol; na PAS (p&lt;0.01, η2p&lt;0.203) no atletismo e beisebol, bem como na PSE (p&lt;0.01, η2p&lt;0.309) no boxe, atletismo, esqui, vôlei de areia, tênis, futebol americano e tênis de mesa. Quanto a classificação dos jogos por intensidade, através do percentual de proximidade da Frequência Cardíaca Máxima (FCmáx), apenas o jogo de Boxe se apresentou com intensidade forte (70 a 89% da FCmáx), 50% como intensidade moderada (55 a 69% FCmáx), e 42% dos jogos em intensidade leve (35 a 54% da FCmáx). Conclui-se que uma tabela de classificação que identifique a intensidade dos jogos Kinect Sports® em universitários, possibilita selecionar jogos que estejam voltados a condição física do sujeito, tornando a prática dessa atividade uma alternativa para que o indivíduo passe de um estado de repouso para ativo gerando impactos benéficos a sua saúde.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study analyzed the intensity of Kinect Sports® games in college students through hemodynamic variables and perceived exertion. An experimental study, with 34 young students (21.5 ± 1.9 years) who underwent three consecutive games sessions, divided into boxing, bowling, baseball, and tennis games; sand, golf, athletics, and ski flights; table tennis, football, darts, and American football. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded every two minutes of each game. One-way ANOVA for repeated measurements was used to verify differences in HR, BP, and RPE at each time of the game and the effect size (p &lt;0.05). There were significant differences in HR (p &lt;0.01, η2p &lt;0.284) in boxing, athletics and baseball games; in PAS (p &lt;0.01, η2p &lt;0.203) in athletics and baseball, as well as in RPE (p &lt;0.01, η2p &lt;0.309) in boxing, athletics, skiing, sand volleyball, tennis, football and table tennis. As for the classification of the games by intensity, through the percentage of proximity of the Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax), only the Boxing game presented with strong intensity (70 to 89% of the HRmax), 50% as moderate intensity (55 to 69% FCmax), and 42% of games at light intensity (35 to 54% of FCmax). It is concluded that a classification table that identifies the intensity of Kinect Sports® games in university students allows selecting games that are geared to the subject's physical condition, making the practice of this activity an alternative for the individual to move from rest to an active state generating beneficial impacts to health.</description> </item> </channel> </rss> <!--transformed by PHP 03:06:58 26-06-2024-->