Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 17 num. 1 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Adolescent obesity facts]]> <link></link> <description>RESUMO A anemia falciforme é uma doença crônica capaz de afetar gravemente a habilidade de processar rapidamente uma informação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o tempo de reação em crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme, usando testes de tempo de reação simples e tempo de reação de escolha . Foi realizado um estudo transversal no Hospital da Criança de Brasília, com pacientes do ambulatório de hematologia. O grupo experimental foi composto por 24 crianças falcêmicas e o grupo controle por 22 crianças não afetadas pela enemia falciforme. O tempo de reação simples e o tempo de reação de escolha foram avaliados por meio de equipamentos desenvolvidos para esse fim. Os resultados mostraram déficit significativo no tempo de reação de escolha das crianças com anemia falciforme (p= 0.000161). No tempo de reação simples o grupo experimental apresentou menor atenção, cometendo uma maior proporção de erros por omissão, quando comparado ao grupo experimental (p= 0.00678). O menor índice de acerto nos testes de tempo de reação simpoles e tempo de reação de escolha em crianças com anemia falciforme pode estar relacionada à alta prevalência de infarto cerebral silencioso nessa população. Outro fato que pode ser associado ao aumento do tempo de reação nas crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme é a falta de vivência e oportunidades de atividades motoras ao longo da infância em razão da patologia.<hr/>ABSTRACT Sickle cell anemia is a chronic disease that can severely affect the ability to process information quickly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reaction time in children with sickle cell anemia using simple reaction time and choice reaction time tests. A cross-sectional study was performed at the Children's Hospital of Brasília, with patients from the hematology outpatient clinic. The experimental group was composed of 24 sickle cell children and the control group by 22 children not affected by sickle cell anemia. The simple reaction time and choice reaction time were evaluated using equipment developed for this purpose. The results showed a significant deficit in the choice reaction time of children with sickle cell anemia (p= 0.000161). In simple reaction time, the experimental group showed less attention, committing a higher proportion of errors by omission when compared to control group (p= 0.00678). The lower rate of success in simple reaction time and choice reaction time tests in children with sickle cell anemia may be related to the high incidence of silent cerebral infarction in this population. Another fact that may be associated with high reaction time in patients with sickle cell anemia is the lack of experience and opportunities for motor activities throughout childhood due to the pathology.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>RESUMO Esse estudo teve como objetivo comparar as prevalências de deslocamento passivo para a escola e analisar os fatores sociodemográficos associados em adolescentes de duas cidades brasileiras. Adolescentes das cidades de São José, Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil (n= 1.024) e Manaus, Amazonas, Norte do Brasil (n= 1.109), de ambos os sexos, de 15 a 18 anos, participaram desse estudo epidemiológico transversal, de base escolar. Um questionário autoadministrado contendo informações sobre o tipo de deslocamento para a escola, a idade, o sexo e a renda familiar foi auto preenchido. Empregou-se a regressão de Poisson para estimativas de razão de prevalência e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%). Os adolescentes catarinenses foram mais passivos no deslocamento para a escola (53,5%; IC95%: 50,1– 56,0) em relação aos amazonenses (37,3%; IC95%: 34,5– 39,7). Ser do sexo feminino e pertencer às famílias com maior renda mensal aumentaram as chances de se deslocar passivamente para a escola nas duas cidades. Ter 16 e 17 anos diminui as chances dos adolescentes de Manaus se deslocarem passivamente para a escola. Medidas para evitar e reduzir o deslocamento passivo devem ser direcionadas principalmente ao sexo feminino e aos adolescentes com maior renda familiar.<hr/>ABSTRACT The level of physical activity of adolescents has been a concern for public health agencies, suggesting the maximum use of the physical activities available in daily life. This study aimed to compare the prevalence of passive commuting to school and analyze the sociodemographic factors associated with adolescents from two Brazilian cities. The participants of this cross-sectional, epidemiologic, and school-based study were adolescents boys and girls, aged 15 to 18, from a city of Southern Brazil, São José/Santa Catarina (= 1024), and from a city of Northern Brazil city, Manaus/Amazonas (n= 1109). Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire with information regarding commuting to school, age, gender, and Family income. Poisson regression was used to estimate the prevalence ratios and confidence intervals of 95% (CI95%). The adolescents from Santa Catarina were more passive (53.5%; CI95%: 50.1– 56.0) than adolescents from Amazonas (37.3%; CI95%: 34.5– 39.7) in commuting to school. Female gender and being part of a Family with higher monthly income were associated with increased chances of passively commuting to school in both cities. The ages of 16 and 17 were associated with diminished chances of passively commuting to school in adolescents from Amazonas. Measures to avoid and reduce passive commuting should target, especially, girls and adolescents from higher-income Families.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>RESUMO Práticas motoras devem proporcionar às crianças a aquisição dos padrões maduros das habilidades fundamentais, mas a Educação Física escolar não parece oferecer estímulos suficientes. O objetivo foi investigar o efeito de aulas sistematizadas na coordenação motora de pré-escolares. O nível coordenativo de 84 crianças de quatro a cinco anos foi avaliado através da bateria de testes de coordenação corporal para crianças, antes e após dois distintos programas de atividades motoras – aulas regulares de Educação Física de professores regentes (grupo controle) e intervenção baseada na abordagem desenvolvimentista (grupo experimental). Comparamos as pontuações das tarefas entre os grupos para cada momento; entre pré e pós-teste para cada grupo; analisamos os tamanhos dos efeitos; e efetuamos análises posteriores segmentadas por sexo e por idade. Ambos os grupos melhoraram significativamente em todas as tarefas. No pós-teste, o grupo experimental apresentou valores superiores aos de grupo controle para uma tarefa apenas, mas obteve efeitos maiores para todas as tarefas. Os resultados segmentados não diferiram quanto ao efeito das intervenções em relação ao sexo, mas indicaram que crianças mais jovens possam ser particularmente sensíveis a tais intervenções. Discutimos a relevância da aplicação de conteúdos sistematizados, variados, com dificuldade progressiva, e compatível com a faixa etária para um adequado desenvolmimento da coordenação motora de pré-escolares.<hr/>ABSTRACT Motor practices should provide children with mature patterns of fundamental skills, but scholarly Physical Education currently does not offer sufficient stimulation. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of systematized classes on preschool children's motor coordination. The coordinative level of 84 children aged four to five years was evaluated through the battery of tests Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder, before and after two distinct programs of motor practices, namely the regular Physical Education classes given by non-specialist physical education teachers (control group) and intervention based on a developmental approach (experimental group). The Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder test scores were compared between groups for each moment and between pre- and post-tests for each group. The analysis was stratified by sex and by age, and the effect sizes were calculated. Both groups have improved the scores in all tasks. In the post-test, experimental group achieved statistically higher scores compared to control group for only one task of Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder, but it achieved higher effect sizes in all tasks. The stratified results did differ in relation to the effect of the interventions regarding sex but indicated that younger children might be particularly sensitive to those interventions. We discuss the relevance of systematized contents with organization, variability, progressive difficulty, and suitability to the age range for adequate development of motor coordination in preschoolers.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[The effect of a six months multicomponent training in elderly's body composition and functional fitness – A before-after analysis]]> ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the elderly's functional fitness and body composition effects between pre and post multicomponent training program with six months of intervention. The sample of this study was composed of 34 volunteered elders with 68 (± 7.55) years old. The body composition was evaluated by a Tanita BC-545, and a functional fitness test assessed the elderly's functional fitness. The body composition did not present significant changes between the pre- and post-exercise program intervention. The training program increased the upper limbs’ strength levels and upper body flexibility, and aerobic endurance. Different associations between body composition and functional fitness variables were found between pre and post multicomponent training program. In this study, body composition seems not to be affected. However, functional fitness in upper limbs strength, upper body flexibility, and aerobic endurance improved under six months of multicomponent training. <link></link> <description>RESUMO O VidaProFit pretende caracterizar os profissionais de fitness em Portugal, nomeadamente Diretores Técnicos e Técnicos de Exercício Físico, relativamente a variáveis sociodemográficas e à sua intervenção. Foi construído e validado um questionário que foi preenchido pelos profissionais numa plataforma online. Os dados foram recolhidos entre novembro de 2019 e março de 2020, sendo que a amostra foi constituída por 445 profissionais. Em relação à caracterização sociodemográfica os profissionais apresentam uma média de idade de 30,4 anos, experiência profissional de 8,7 anos, sendo na sua maioria solteiros, sem filhos e licenciados. As funções mais realizadas são aulas de grupo, treino personalizado e sala de exercício, respetivamente. Em relação às horas de trabalho 58% trabalha 35 horas ou mais e 42% 34 horas ou menos, apesar de 66,3% indicar que não tem outra profissão. A maioria executa funções em ginásios/health clubs, possui vínculo laboral de trabalhador independente e aufere um salário entre 631,98€ e 842,63€. Em relação à associação entre as variáveis idade, experiência profissional e o número de horas por função verificou-se que uma idade mais elevada e um maior número de anos de experiência profissional se encontram associadas significativamente com o maior número de horas de funções mais associadas a tarefas de coordenação, parecendo indicar que à medida que os profissionais têm mais idade/experiência realizam mais este tipo de funções.<hr/>ABSTRACT VidaProFit intends to characterize fitness professionals in Portugal, namely Technical Directors and Physical Exercise Technician, regarding sociodemographic variables and their intervention. A questionnaire was built and validated, and professionals respond on an online platform. Data were collected between November 2019 and March 2020, with a sample of 445 professionals. Regarding the sociodemographic characterization, the professionals have an average age of 30.4 years, professional experience of 8.7 years, and most of them are single, without children and graduates. The most performed functions are group classes, exercise room, and personal training. Regarding working hours, 58% work 35 hours or more and 42% less or 34 hours, although 66.3% indicate that they do not have another profession. Most professionals perform functions in gyms/health clubs and have a job as an independent worker with a salary between €631.98 and €842.63. Regarding the verification of the association between the variables age and professional experience and the number of hours per function, it was found that higher age and number of years of professional experience are significantly associated with the higher number of hours of more associated with coordination tasks, seeming to indicate that as professionals get older and gather experience, they perform more this type of functions.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Impact of sex, age and practice time on self-efficacy in brazilian volleyball high-level athletes]]> ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between age and practice time with the self-efficacy in volleyball athletes according to sex and the relationship between age and practice time with general self-efficacy, as well as to verify how these aspects impact the beliefs of volleyball players’ efficacy. High-performance volleyball athletes (n= 300), mean age was 24.88± 5.51 years, and the meantime of experience was 11.12± 5.24 years answered the Volleyball Self-Efficacy Scale and the Perceived General Self-Efficacy Scale. Age and practice time are correlated with the Global Self-Efficacy in Volleyball and the dimensions Self-Efficacy in the Game, Defensive Self-Efficacy in Volleyball and Offensive Self-Efficacy Volleyball of men athletes, female, men, and women. Perceived General Self-efficacy is related to the age and practice time of female athletes and female and male athletes of both sexes. These variables represent important aspects for the construction and solidification of positive beliefs of athletes of both sexes regarding their specific abilities and for women for general self-efficacy in life. <link></link> <description>RESUMO A ansiedade pode influenciar significativamente o rendimento do atleta no jogo. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a ansiedade traço e estado referentes às situações competitivas e correlacionar com as variáveis de ansiedade e autoconfiança. Trinta e uma estudantes-atletas universitárias (21,61; desvio padrão= 2,72 anos) da modalidade de basquetebol responderam os questionários de caracterização da amostra, o Sport Competition Anxiety Test e o Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 em três momentos de coleta (basal; pré-jogo e; pós-jogo). Os resultados: a) não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos três momentos analisados na ansiedade traço, com correlações estatisticamente significativas com ansiedade cognitiva e autoconfiança (r= 0,389 e - 0,414, respectivamente); b) na ansiedade estado somática, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os níveis basais, pré-jogo e pós-jogo, com correlações estatisticamente significativas com ansiedade cognitiva (r= 0,313) e autoconfiança (r= - 0,511); c) na ansiedade estado cognitiva, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os níveis basais, pré-jogo e pós-jogo, com correlações estatisticamente significativas com autoconfiança (r= 0,289). Esta pesquisa, que avaliou a ansiedade em situações competitivas, possibilita identificar suas variações ao longo do tempo para fornecer dados importantes para a comissão técnica, melhorando assim as estratégias de intervenção no desempenho de atletas do esporte universitário.<hr/>ABSTRACT Anxiety can significantly influence the athlete's performance in the game. The objective of this study was to analyze the trait anxiety and state anxiety related to the competitive situation and correlate it between anxiety and self-confidence variables. Thirty-three college basketball student-athletes (21.61; standard deviation= 2.72 years old) were evaluated using sample characterization questionnaires, Sport Competition Anxiety Test, and Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 in 3 collection moments (baseline, pre-game, and post-game). The results showed: a) no statistically significant difference in the three moments analyzed in the trait anxiety, with statistically significant correlations with cognitive Anxiety and self-confidence (r= 0.389 e 0. 414, respectively); b) in somatic Anxiety, there was a statistically significant difference between baseline, pre-game and post-game levels, with statistically significant correlations with cognitive Anxiety (r= 0.313) and self-confidence (r= - 0.511); c) in cognitive Anxiety, there was a statistically significant difference between baseline, pre-game and post-game levels, with significant correlations with self-confidence (r= 0.289). This research, which evaluated Anxiety in competitive situations, makes possible the identification of these variations over time in order to provide important data for the coaching staff, thus improving intervention strategies for the athlete's performance of college sport.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Is young athletes’ bullying behaviour different in team, combat, or individual sports?]]> ABSTRACT This study aims at describing and comparing the prevalence of bullying behaviours and the perspective of victims, bystanders, and aggressors in team, individual, and combat sports. The survey involved 664 athletes of both genders (13–18 years old) from sports school and federated of several sports (team n= 451, individual n= 173, combat n= 40), who filled in the Prevention of Violence in Sport Questionnaire. The prevalence of bullying (victims, bullies, and bystanders) was 26.7% in team sports; 19.1% in individual sports, and 23.1% in combat. Through the Chi-square test, it was verified that there were no significant differences between different sports in what concerns the prevalence of bullying behaviours; neither was there a difference in the perspective of victims, bystanders, and aggressors. The percentage was bigger in victims (7.7%) and bystanders (17.4%) in combat sports, and aggressors (3.3%) in team sports. There are not aggressors in combat sports. Further studies are needed in order to achieve a deeper knowledge of the problem and plan strategies to prevent this sort of behaviour. <![CDATA[Effects of weekly hippotherapy frequency on gross motor function and functional performance of children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial]]> ABSTRACT The present study aimed to verify whether hippotherapy once or twice a week has a different effect on gross motor function and functional performance in children with cerebral palsy. This trial had 20 children (age 2 to 5 years and 11 months) with cerebral palsy who were assigned to the groups once a week (n= 9) or twice a week (n= 11) and underwent 30 minute hippotherapy sessions for 16 weeks. The instruments used were the Gross Motor Function Measure and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, assessed at baseline and after 16 weeks. A significant time effect was observed for both groups without significant interactions between groups. Hippotherapy improved the gross motor function and functional performance of children with cerebral palsy, regardless of the weekly frequency of the sessions. This result has relevant clinical implications since hippotherapy has a high cost, and the prescription of weekly sessions could make this treatment more available for this population. <![CDATA[The effect of warm-up in resistance training and strength performance: a systematic review]]> ABSTRACT The warm-up is fundamental to optimize physical activity and exercise performance. However, little is known about the effect of warm-up in resistance training and strength performance. We performed a systematic review to synthesize and analyze the effects of different warm-up strategies in maximal and submaximal strength during resistance exercises. A search for studies was performed on four databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and ScienceDirect) for original research published between May 1973 and December 2019. Eleven articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies evaluated the effects of warm-up on maximal strength and the number of repetitions until failure. The results were not consensual regarding the use of general warm-up followed by a specific warm-up. Moreover, while some studies showed that specific warm-up did not lead to different results than without warm-up, others found that performing only the specific warm-up was the best way to obtain maximal strength performance. It seemed that the maximal strength and the number of repetitions could be positively affected when a specific warm-up is performed at loads close to the maximum. Further studies are needed to deepen the knowledge about the preparation procedures for optimizing resistance exercise performances.