Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 18 num. 1 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[The prevalence and association of motor competence with weight status and bullying: a cross-cultural study]]> Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the prevalence of motor competence among children and adolescents from two metropolitan cities, one in Portugal and one in Brazil, and analyzed the association between motor competence and weight status and bullying roles. A Cross-sectional and cross-cultural study was applied. The sample comprised 785 children and adolescents aged 7-14. Motor competence was assessed using The Körperkoordinationtest Für Kinder (KTK) test, while participation in bullying was assessed using a sociometric test and the students’ Body Mass Index (BMI), which was calculated from height and weight and reported as kg/m2. Portuguese students had a higher prevalence of impairment/disturbance in motor coordination. Also, obese students and bullying victims had higher odds of having a motor competence below normal values in both countries. These findings provide evidence of a link between motor competence and sex and weight status of schoolchildren and suggest that motor competence is associated with bullying roles. <link></link> <description>RESUMO O Método Pilates tem sido considerado um sistema de exercícios que visa melhorar a flexibilidade, resistência física, força, equilíbrio e coordenação motora. Dessa forma, muitas pessoas têm buscado o Método para melhorar ou manter a saúde. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito do treinamento de exercícios de pré-pilates na execução do exercício Hundred por meio da eletromiografia de superfície em praticantes de Pilates. Foram avaliados praticantes de Pilates (N=29) de ambos os sexos (idade média de 44,31±12,807 anos). Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, analítico e transversal. Foi realizado um protocolo com exercícios pré-pilates e exercícios Hundred. Cem. Foram feitas análises de ativação eletromiográfica de superfície nos músculos reto abdominal, transverso abdominal/oblíquo interno, oblíquo externo e multífido. A percepção subjetiva de esforço foi avaliada por meio da escala de Borg, uma parcela (36,6%) dos voluntários classificou Hundred sem pré-pilates como mais leve que Hundred com pré-pilates. A menor parte (13,3%) considerou Hunderd com pré-pilates mais leve do que sem pré-pilates. Os resultados da análise eletromográfica não comprovaram o aumento da ativação elétrica dos músculos avaliados ao realizar o exercício Hundred com pré-Pilates em relação ao Hunded sem pré-pilates em praticantes.<hr/>Abstract The Pilates Method has been considered an exercise system that aims to improve flexibility, physical endurance, strength, balance and motor coordination. In this way, many people have sought the Method in search of improving or maintaining health. The aim of the study was to verify the effect of pre-pilates exercise training in the execution of the Hundred exercise by means of surface electromyography in Pilates practitioners. Pilates Practitioners (N= 29) of both gender (average age of 44.31± 12.807 years) were evaluated. This is a quantitative, analytical and cross-sectional study. A protocol was carried out with pre-pilates exercises (fundamentals) and a Hundred exercise. Surface Electromyographic activation analysis were made in the muscles rectus abdominis, transverse abdominal/internal oblique, external oblique and multifidus. The rate of perceived exertion was assessed using the Borg scale, part (36.6%) of the volunteers rated Hundred without pre-pilates lighter than Hundred with pre-Pilates. The smallest part (13.3%) considered Hundred with pre-pilates lighter than without pre-Pilates. The results of the electromyographic analysis did not prove the increase in the electrical activation of the evaluated muscles when performing the Hundred exercise with pre-Pilates in relation to the Hundred without pre-Pilates in practitioners.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Elite futsal players’ perceptions of paths to expertise: a multidimensional and qualitative approach]]> Abstract This study aimed to describe the perception of expert futsal players about the pathway that guides their development to expertise. Twenty-three professional futsal players from Brazil, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Argentina were interviewed. The participants must have reached the elite in futsal by competing in professional leagues, as well as to have participated in international competitions with the national team. Six categories emerged from qualitative analysis: (1) positive influence of context, (2) Abilities/skills of the young player, (3) Educational background, (4) Training stages, (5) Key aspects of training, and (6) Retirement and post-career. Results revealed similar patterns in the pathway to expertise within futsal. Participants considered their family and coaches as key individuals in their careers. They also highlighted psychological and personal skills as the most relevant for a player to reach the elite. Furthermore, most participants considered that both unstructured play and training with better players positively influenced their careers. Our results could help coaches to adjust their long-term talent development models. <![CDATA[Autonomous fundamental motor skills in the school environment: a cross-sectional study]]> Abstract Autonomous fundamental motor skills (AFMS) are understood as movements practiced in a spontaneous, voluntary manner, without any instruction or command. The aim of the study was to compare the frequency of occurrence and the quality of performance of AFMS in children during recess and Physical Education (PE) classes. Elementary school students (n= 148) from a private school were observed during recess and PE classes, and had their AFMS classified by stages (initial; elementary-emergent; proficient). All AFMS were identified in recess and PE classes, except jump. Most skills were classified in the elementary-emergent stage and were slightly more frequent during PE classes, both in the locomotor (27 vs 23%) and manipulative (31 vs 13%) categories. The AFMS frequency of occurrence was low and the classification showed poor quality at all times observed. Recess was statistically (p&lt; 0.05) less favorable for motor development in 60% of AFMS. The low frequency of AFMS, especially during recess, and poor classification of motor repertoire suggest the need for measures to reverse the motor deficit in the school environment. Strategies are needed to promote AFMS in the school context so that they are more diverse and challenging. <link></link> <description>RESUMO A prática de exercício físico é importante para a saúde de meninas pré-adolescentes. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o efeito da Eutonia, Ginástica Holística e Pilates na qualidade de vida de meninas pré-adolescentes matriculadas em escolas públicas do município de Campinas/SP. Realizou-se um ensaio clínico aleatorizado de abordagem quantitativa, com intervenção, comparando três métodos de práticas corporais Eutonia, Ginástica Holística e Pilates na qualidade de vida de meninas pré-adolescentes. A amostra constituiu-se de 80 meninas divididas em: 26 Grupo Eutonia, 27 Grupo Ginástica Holística e 27 Grupo Pilates. Para avaliação da qualidade de vida foi aplicado o questionário Kidscreen-52 e os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, adotando-se nível de significância 5%. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que houve melhor percepção da qualidade de vida em todas as práticas corporais na dimensão atividade física e a Eutonia também proporcionou melhor percepção em relação à dimensão emocional, amigos e escola. Exercício físico ampliou a percepção da qualidade de vida das participantes.<hr/>Abstract Physical exercise is important for the health of pre-adolescent girls. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of Eutonia, Holistic Gymnastics and Pilates on the quality of life of pre-adolescent girls enrolled in public schools in the city of Campinas/SP. It was conducted a randomised clinical trial of quantitative approach with intervention, comparing three methods of body practices Eutonia, Holistic Gymnastics and Pilates on the quality of life of pre-adolescent girls. The sample consisted of 80 girls divided into 26 Eutonia Group, 27 Holistic Gymnastics Group, and 27 Pilates Group. To evaluate the quality of life, the Kidscreen-52 questionnaire was applied, and the data were statistically analysed, adopting a 5% significance level. The results of the study showed a better perception of quality of life in all body practices in the physical activity dimension, and Eutonia also provided better perception in relation to the emotional dimension, friends, and school. Physical exercise broadened the participants’ perception of quality of life.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Body image, muscle dysmorphia, and muscularity concerns: a comparison of crossfit athletes, weight-trainers, and non-athletes]]> Abstract CrossFit is a strength-and-conditioning physical activity programme that some studies have shown results in healthier body image outcomes. However, prior studies have typically examined CrossFit in isolation, without adequate group comparison. This study aimed to investigate body image experiences in CrossFit athletes in comparison to weight-trainers and non-athletes. The study used a cross-sectional design in which CrossFit athletes, weight-trainers, and non-athletes from Brazil were asked to complete a measure of positive body image (i.e., body appreciation), negative body image (i.e., body dissatisfaction), and gender-specific muscle-oriented body image (i.e., muscularity concerns in women and muscle dysmorphia symptomatology in men). Betweengroup comparisons showed that CrossFit athletes and weight-trainers had healthier body image than non-athletes, but differences between the two groups were small. There were no significant between-group differences in muscularity concerns in women, whereas weight-training men had a significantly higher drive for size compared to both CrossFit athletes and non-athletes. Male CrossFit athletes and weight-trainers also showed significantly higher functional impairment as a result of exercise compared to nonathletes. These results suggest that participation in CrossFit may be a route to promoting a healthier body image while mitigating unhealthy muscularity-related attitudes and behaviours. More broadly, our results support the suggestion that physical activity is associated with a healthier body image. <link></link> <description>RESUMO O American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) publica anualmente um estudo com as tendências mundiais do fitness. Em 2021 foi publicado o primeiro estudo com as tendências do fitness em Portugal. Neste estudo foi reproduzida a metodologia do ACSM e caracterizadas as tendências do fitness em Portugal para 2022 bem como comparadas as tendências 2021 e 2022, entre géneros, exercer ou não funções enquanto profissional e possuir o título de Técnico de Exercício Físico (TEF), Diretor Técnico (DT) ou não possuir título. Responderam a um questionário online 758 profissionais/estudantes de fitness (PF). As principais tendências do fitness para 2022 em Portugal são “Licenças (títulos) para PF”, “Empregar PF certificados”, “Personal trainer”, “Exercício para perda de peso” e Estilo de vida saudável e mudança comportamental”, respetivamente. Este top 5 de tendências é o mesmo obtido no estudo do ano anterior em Portugal. Na comparação das tendências 2021 e 2022 verificou-se existirem diferenças significativas em 17 das 42 tendências. Na comparação de género existiram diferenças significativas em 25 das 42 tendências, entre os profissionais que exerciam funções e os que não exerciam funções enquanto PF existiram diferenças significativas em 14 das 42 tendências e entre TEF, DT ou Sem Título existiram diferenças significativas em 16 das 42 tendências.<hr/>ABSTRACT The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annually publishes a study of global fitness trends. In 2021, the first study on fitness trends in Portugal was published. The present study reproduced the methodology of the ACSM trends study and characterized the fitness trends in Portugal for 2022. The trends between 2021 and 2022, between genders, between whether to do exercise functions as a professional and between holding the title of Exercise Technician Physical (TEF), Technical Director (DT) or without title, were compared. 758 fitness professionals (FP) responded to an online survey. The main fitness trends for 2022 in Portugal are “Licenses (titles) for FP”, “Employ certified FP”, “Personal trainer”, “Exercise for weight loss” and Healthy lifestyle and behaviour change”. These top 5 trends are the same as those obtained in the study on trends for 2021 in Portugal. When comparing the results of fitness trends 2021 versus 2022, there were significant differences in 17 of the 42 trends. Regarding gender comparison, there were significant differences in 25 of the 42 trends. In the comparison between professionals who exercised functions and those who did not exercise functions as FP there were significant differences in 14 of the 42 trends. In the comparison between professionals with a TEF, DT or untitled title, there were differences in 16 of the 42 trends.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>RESUMO Existem diversos benefícios através da realização de programas de exercício físico (EF) em indivíduos com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental (DID), no entanto a literatura apresenta uma escassez na implementação e um reduzido número de estudos com metodologias e tipos de treino muito diversos. Intervenções de curto prazo, número reduzido de estudos longitudinais, lacunas metodológicas e métodos de treino inapropriados, dificultam conclusões mais explícitas e consensuais ao nível da prescrição e dos seus resultados. Contudo, os programas de EF, em particular, o treino da força (TF) que tem sido associado à diminuição do risco de aparecimento de doenças cardiovasculares e metabólicas, pode ser uma mais-valia para o indivíduo com DID, atendendo à prevalência de diversas comorbilidades, nomeadamente hipertensão, colesterol e diabetes tipo II. O presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar os aspetos fundamentais e estruturantes para a prescrição de TF, nomeadamente os métodos de avaliação, intensidade, duração, frequência, exercícios adequados e a sua relação com os resultados, através da metodologia com recurso à revisão narrativa, partindo da caracterização de vários programas de TF implementados em indivíduos com DID. Os resultados são apresentados sob a forma de recomendações para a avaliação e prescrição de programas de TF, na população com DID.<hr/>ABSTRACT There are several benefits through the realization of physical exercise programs (EP) in individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties (DID), however, the literature presents a shortage in the implementation and a small number of studies with very different methodologies and types of training. Short-term interventions, a reduced number of longitudinal studies, methodological gaps and inappropriate training methods, hinder more explicit and consensual conclusions regarding the prescription and its results. However, EP programs, in particular strength training (ST), which has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, can be an asset for the individual with DID, given the prevalence of several comorbidities, namely hypertension, cholesterol and type II diabetes. The present study aims to identify the fundamental and structuring aspects for the prescription of ST, namely the assessment methods, intensity, duration, frequency, appropriate exercises and their relationship with the results, through the methodology using the narrative review, starting from the characterization of various ST programs implemented in individuals with DID. The results are presented in the form of recommendations for the evaluation and prescription of ST programs, in the population with DID.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>RESUMO O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as habilidades motoras de crianças saudáveis de seis a 12 anos, identificar potenciais fatores associados aos déficits no desempenho motor e sintetizar os instrumentos usados para avaliação. Os descritores utilizados foram: criança saudável; crianças saudáveis; habilidade motora; desempenho psicomotor e desempenho motor, nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol. Nas bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs e Pubmed. Dois revisores realizaram a seleção dos estudos, extração de dados e análise da qualidade. A busca foi restrita a artigos transversais publicados entre 1997 e 2018. A qualidade dos estudos foi avaliada pelo Checklist for Analytical Cross Sectional Studies do Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Na busca inicial encontrou-se 4.746 referências, foram lidos 165 artigos, resultando em 11 artigos para a revisão final. As meninas demonstraram pior desempenho. Os instrumentos encontrados foram: Test for Gross Motor Development Second Edition-TGMD2; Koperkoordination test fur Kinder-KTK; Movement Assessment Battery for Children-MABC e Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition-MABC-2. Os testes MABC e MABC-2 avaliam além de motricidade grossa também motricidade fina. As habilidades motoras de crianças de seis a 12 anos foram consideradas satisfatórias em cinco estudos e em seis as crianças apresentaram atraso motor. O TGMD2 foi o instrumento o mais frequente.<hr/>ABSTRACT The present research aimed to analyze the motor skills of healthy children aged six to 12 years, identify potential factors associated with deficits in motor performance and synthesize the instruments used for assessment. The descriptors used were: healthy child; healthy children; motor skills; psychomotor performance and motor performance in English, Portuguese and Spanish in Scielo, Lilacs and Pubmed databases. Two independent reviewers performed the study selection, data extraction and methodological quality analysis. The search was restricted to original articles from observational studies published between 1997 and 2018. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) instruments. Results: In the initial search, 4746 references were found, and 165 full articles were read, resulting in 11 articles for fine review after using the exclusion criteria. The girls showed worse performance. The instruments used were: Test for Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2); Koperkoordination test fur Kinder (KTK); Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition (MABC-2); and Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition (MABC). TGMD-2 and KTK assess gross motor skills, whereas the MABC and MABC-2 tests also assess fine motor skills. This literature review showed that the motor skills of healthy children aged 6 to 12 years were considered satisfactory in five studies and that six children had a motor delay. The most frequent was the Test of Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2).</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[The influence of the pilates method on the quality of life of its practitioners: a systematic review]]> ABSTRACT Created in Germany by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s, the Pilates Method (PM) uses exercises aiming to improve physical health and mental balance. The present work objective was to verify, through a systematic literature review without delineating languages and dates, the influence of PM on the quality of life (QoL) of its practitioners. Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases were consulted. The articles were independently selected by two researchers, who also conducted the risk of bias assessment of the included articles. Were identified 2489 articles on the databases, of which 30 were included in the study synthesis. The practice of PM improves the QoL of its practitioners, providing enhanced functional capacity, pain relief, and improvement of emotional aspects in individuals of both sexes, different age groups, and different clinical contexts. <![CDATA[Measurement of aquatic competence in toddlers, infants, and children between 6 months and 14 years: a systematic review]]> ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the literature on tools for measuring aquatic competence in toddlers, infants, and children between the ages of 6 months to 14 years old. A systematic review was carried out following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement. Six of the eight studies selected obtained high valuations based on the Downs and Black Quality Assessment checklist. The studies were classified into three categories, one that proposed tools that measured actual aquatic competence (n= 6), the other one that measured perceived aquatic competence (n= 1), and the other that measured both (n= 1). Five studies measured emotional, social, cognitive, and communicative skills apart from motor skills. Most of the studies focused the proposed assessment tool on a specific age group, while two looked at a broader age group. In conclusion, eight instruments have been developed and validated in recent years for measuring aquatic competence for children between 6 months and 14 years of age from a multipurpose perspective. These have tools designed to facilitate and improve teacher assessment and determine children’s perception of their own aquatic competence.