Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Observatorio (OBS*)]]> vol. 9 num. 1 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>The Freedom of The Press or The Fear Factor? Analysing Political Decisions and Non-Decisions in British Media Policy 1990-2012</b>]]> The four British Prime Ministers giving testimony to the Leveson Inquiry choose not to confront the media on issues of large-scale media abuse. “A missed opportunity”, John Major said. “I think you certainly do fear the power being directed at you”, Tony Blair declared. “We had no mandate”, Gordon Brown asserted. The relationship between the media and politicians “has become too close”, David Cameron stated. How did this closeness come about? This article discusses the political actors’ decisions and non-decisions with regard to possible media policy strategies in Britain during four different Prime Ministers in the period between 1990 and 2012. The four cases examine media policy goals, values, contexts and alternatives offered for every Prime Minister. Their testimonies to the Leveson Inquiry are used for a comparison of media policy decision strategies during the examined period. <link></link> <description>Este artigo analisa o modo como os públicos jovens compreendem, interpretam e se posicionam em relação às representações mediáticas de mulheres que desempenham cargos políticos. Com base na análise do material que resultou da realização de grupos focais, este artigo mostra que a existência de assimetrias de género nos média informativos não é considerada pelos públicos (jovens) como uma questão relevante. A maioria das/os participantes adotou posicionamentos tranquilizadores relativamente à representação qualitativa de mulheres que exercem cargos políticos, tendo revelado a falta de consciência crítica sobre as consequências da manutenção de relações de poder desiguais no contexto mediático. Além disso, procurando explicar as causas subjacentes aos paradigmas representacionais identificados, as/os participantes raramente questionaram os fatores económicos, socioculturais e políticos que influem na produção noticiosa. Enformado por uma perspetiva feminista, este estudo sublinha, assim, a necessidade de promover a literacia crítica mediática juntos dos públicos com vista à desconstrução de assunções de género hegemónicas, bem como de se refletir sobre os eventuais impactos das representações mediáticas ao nível da (re)configuração do espaço político/público.<hr/>This paper examines the way in which young audiences understand, interpret and position themselves in relation to media representations of women politicians. Based on the analysis of focus group data, this paper shows that the existence of gender asymmetries in the news media is not considered by (young) audiences as a relevant issue. Most participants adopted reassuring attitudes towards qualitative representation of women politicians, having shown a lack of critical awareness about the consequences of the maintenance of unequal power relations in the media context. Moreover, in an attempt to explain the causes of the representational paradigms identified, participants rarely questioned the economic, socio-cultural and political factors that exert influence on the news production. Informed by a feminist perspective, this study therefore asserts the ned to promote critical media literacy projects to deconstruct hegemonic gender assumptions, as well as to reflect about the impact of the media representations on the (re)configuration of the political/public sphere.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>A infoexclusão e a literacia digital são temas presentes no debate científico devido ao acentuado progresso tecnológico. Neste trabalho qualitativo analisamos as perceções dos nativos digitais sobre esta problemática, nomeadamente as suas reflexões sobre a desigualdade digital entre jovens e séniores. Centro e trinta e cinco estudantes universitários responderam a várias questões abertas através de questionário. Os resultados apresentam uma visão tecnológica funcional ancorada em perceções idadistas. Apesar de os nativos digitais dominarem o uso das novas tecnologias, é fundamental expandirem o seu conhecimento teórico sobre a infoexclusão para que possa existir a compreensão necessária para uma aposta na literacia digital dirigida a todos os públicos.<hr/>Digital divide and digital literacy are recurrent themes in the scientific debate due to the accelerating technological progress. In this qualitative study we analyze digital natives perceptions on this issue, including their thoughts on digital divide between young people and older adults. One hundred thirty-five college students answered to several open questions through a questionnaire. Results illustrate the functional perception digital natives have regarding this theme, which is anchored in ageist perceptions. Although digital natives appear to have an excellent practical command of new technologies, it is important to link that knowledge with theoretical awareness regarding the digital divide, in order to improve their understanding and support of a digital literacy addressed to all.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Music, radio and public service broadcasting</b>: <b>What does it sound on and BBC Radio 6 Music morning shows</b>]]> Radio y servicio público a menudo se encuentran asociados con información aunque la programación musical ha estado ligada a la radiodifusión de titularidad pública desde sus inicios. La cuestión radica en que no todas las corporaciones audiovisuales entienden de la misma manera el concepto de radio especializada musical. Por ello, en el presente artículo se pretende hacer una primera aproximación exploratoria al estudio comparativo del modus operandi de dos emisoras de titularidad pública: y BBC Music. En el marco de las teorías sobre los estudios comparados de sistemas mediáticos, pondremos el foco en el estudio de los listados de reproducción de los morning show, como programas estrella del prime time radiofónico y punta de lanza de las políticas programáticas de las emisoras. Aunque las diferencias culturales entre Cataluña y Reino Unido son patentes, hemos escogido estas emisoras porque tienen planteamientos similares en torno a una concepción temática que se aleja de las radiofórmulas comerciales y bajo una política programática que gira en torno a la llamada música indie.<hr/>Radio and public service are often associated with information even though music programming has been part of public radio since its beginnings. The question is that not every audiovisual corporation shares the same notion of specialized music radio. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present a first exploratory approach by comparing the modus operandi of two public radio stations: and BBC Radio 6 Music. Within the framework of comparative media systems studies, we focus on studying the morning shows’ playlists, as the flagship program of radio prime time and spearhead of the stations’ programming policies. Obviously there are cultural differences between Catalonia and United Kingdom, nonetheless, we have chosen these stations because they both have similar approaches to a thematic conception that departs from commercial formula stations and operate under a programming strategy based on the so-called indie music. <![CDATA[<b>Social web and development of socio-communicative competences</b>: <b>The case of a public school in Chile</b>]]> El artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar la inserción curricular de la aplicación Web 2.0 GigaPan para el desarrollo de competencias socio-comunicativas en una escuela primaria de Valdivia, Chile. Metodológicamente, para sistematizar el estudio de caso se levantaron datos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Por un lado, se aplicaron pre y post test para evaluar los progresos y dificultades en el dominio de competencias escriturales y, por otro, se realizaron grupos de conversación con los estudiantes para reflexionar sobre aspectos metacognitivos y motivacionales propios de la innovación educativa. Los principales resultados indican que los progresos escriturales se expresan mejor en dominios tales como Coherencia Textual (14%) y Originalidad del Contenido (17%), y las mayores dificultades radican en el Énfasis en Ideas Relevantes (3%) y la Cohesión Textual (7%). Del lado de la implementación de las TIC los grupos de conversación muestran una positiva disposición a las mediaciones apoyadas por web social y al trabajo colaborativo.<hr/>This paper aims to characterize the curricular insertion of GigaPan Web 2.0 in a primary school of Valdivia, Chile, with the purpose of developing socio-communicative competences. Methodologically, to systematize this case study, quantitative and qualitative data were found. On one hand, pre and post tests were applied to assess the progress and difficulties in scriptural competences command and, on the other hand, conversation groups were performed with students to think over metacognitive and motivational aspects present in educational innovation. The main results suggest that the scriptural progress is better expressed in commands such as Textual Coherence (14%) and Content Originality (17%) and the major difficulties are present in relevant ideas emphasis (3%) and Textual Cohesion (7%). About TIC implementation, conversation groups showed a positive disposition to mediation supported by social web and collaborative work. <![CDATA[<b>The Importance of Self-regulation and Co-regulation in the New Digital Audiovisual Market</b>]]> On April 5, 2013, under the Plan for Children and Adolescents 2013-2016, the adoption of new Self-regulatory codes on audiovisual content on the part of the media was announced. On January 14, 2013 the first Co-regulation Agreement applicable to broadcast advertising was signed by radio service providers. Proper assessment of instituting these codes requires previous analysis of more than one issue, one being the reason for applying these instruments to the audiovisual market, and another being an analysis and evaluation regarding the characteristics of the digital audiovisual market. This study delves deep into said aspects for the purpose of evaluating the future application of self-regulation and of co-regulation to the media sector within Spain. <![CDATA[<b>The perceived value of videos in newspapers on iPad</b>]]> This work sets out to analyse the perceived value of the videos inserted in paid-for editions of tablet newspapers. It is a qualitative investigation centred on a user profile defined by two parameters: regular reading of paid-for journalistic content and familiarisation with the iPad device. The object of this study is the video content inserted in the publication El Mundo in Orbyt. The results demonstrate that the sample subjects find that the videos do not give added journalistic value. <![CDATA[<b>New social interactions</b>: <b>Ways of understanding the flow of communication in organizations and daily life</b>]]> Este artículo pretende introducir al lector en una serie de elementos y, en el necesario, cambio de paradigma de la Comunicación. Su apuesta no es otra que servir de reflexión, para señalar que el mundo cambió y que la Comunicación lo hizo y lo hará. Los públicos y sus audiencias tienen la palabra; son el sentido y constituyen la razón de ser del mensaje. Este artículo recoge los resultados de dos investigaciones, realizadas en momentos distintos y con públicos y actores diferentes, bajo la aplicación de metodologías de análisis que apelaron al método ecléctico. Entre algunos de los hallazgos de estas investigaciones, se encuentran que la Comunicación cambió y lo hizo, debido a la incursión de nuevas pantallas, que son medios, y a nuevos actores, que somos ahora celebrities ciudadanas. El siglo XXI llegó con cambios que nos obligan a cambiar nuestros viejos paradigmas. Los nuevos sujetos actúan y conviven en el ciberespacio; seleccionan sus propios medios y desarrollan sus propios contenidos. La realidad no es que sea virtual, sino que es una realidad enriquecida por las nuevas pantallas (nuevos medios).<hr/>This paper introduces some of the main elements that configure a paradigm shift in Communication, with the aim of providing a reflection on the ever-changing nature of both the World and our discipline. This is the time for publics and audiences; they embody the message´s sense and its raison d´être. The present paper collects the results of two different research studies conducted at different times and with diverse actors and audiences, applying the eclectic method. Some of these findings are as follows: communication has changed due to the appearance of new screens (media) and new actors, who have now become “citizen celebrities”. The Twenty First Century has arrived, bringing with it changes to our old paradigms. The new subjects act and live together in cyberspace; they select their own media and develop their own content. Reality is not really virtual, but it is enriched by these new screens (new media). <link></link> <description>Na Educação a Distância, o processo de comunicação é feito basicamente mediante a escrita em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVA,s) por meio das ferramentas tecnológicas síncronas e assíncronas. Essas ferramentas são os elos entre professor e aluno que, quando usadas como ações motivacionais e afetivas, tornam-se um dos pilares que sustentam o sucesso dos cursos em EaD. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar alguns aspectos da comunicação escrita dentro dos fóruns que comprometem a afetividade e a motivação do aluno, tendo em vista que esses fatores são considerados essenciais para aprendizagem. Com base nas teorias e nas análises dos recortes de diálogos ocorridos nos fóruns de dúvidas, conclui-se que, o professor que atua como tutor a distância não deve focar somente nas intervenções conceituais e reflexivas, mas também nas afetivas e que, essencialmente, o mais importante nesse processo é que as atividades pedagógicas, assim como a comunicação e a interação sejam permeadas pelo sentimento de acolhimento, respeito, simpatia e apreciação, além da aceitação e compreensão.<hr/>In Distance Learning, the communication process is basically done by writing in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE´s) through synchronous and asynchronous technological tools. These tools are the links between the teacher and student and when used as motivational and affective actions they become the most important support to the success of Distance Learning courses. This study aims to identify some aspects of written communication within the forums that compromise affectivity and motivation of students, considering them as essential factors for learning. Based on theories and analyses of dialogues occurred in questions´ forums, the results indicate that the teacher who acts as tutor in Distance Learning should not focus only on conceptual and reflexive contents , but also in the emotional actions because what matters in this process is that the educational activities , as well as both communication and interaction, are to be permeated by the feeling of belonging, respect, sympathy and appreciation, in addition to acceptance and understanding.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Virtual identities of Muslim women</b>: <b>A case study of Iranian Facebook users</b>]]> The virtual identity of women in the cyberspace surrounding Muslim countries is undergoing a process of differentiation from real-life identity. Although in some Arab countries women present themselves in online social networks as faceless users, in other Muslim countries, such as in Iran, they act differently. Despite the risk of possible real-life consequences, in some Muslim countries women are starting to feel free to decide how to present themselves on the Net, especially regarding the Islamic hijab. In addition, Muslim men and women are engaging in more open dialogue through their digital identities. Furthermore, social networks have given Muslim citizens a political voice, giving them the freedom to express what they object to in social or political terms. Within the context of Iranian society, this research project analyzes how the virtual and real behavior of female Muslim Facebook users varies and how the social networks are pushing them towards a kind of ‘Westernization’. The data has been collected through a content analysis of 550 public Facebook profiles of Iranian female users who live inside and outside this country.