Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Observatorio (OBS*)]]> vol. 11 num. 4 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Patterns of European youngsters' daily use of media</b>]]> The mediatisation of young people daily lives constitutes a significant subject due to the expressive use of media in their daily routines. In this article, we resort to a representative sample of 3609 online respondents aged between 14 and 30 years old from nine European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Poland and Portugal), in order to perceive the impact new (and “old”) media have in these youngsters daily media consumption activities. The results of this online survey show complementary uses between networked and traditional media, but also highlight a gradual substitution of “old” by “new” networked individualized media when leisure and news-related activities are at stake. <link></link> <description>Este artigo interdisciplinar tem por objetivo analisar o papel do Twitter no meet do centro comercial Vasco da Gama de 20 de agosto de 2014, o qual se tornou particularmente mediático, trazendo para a opinião pública o debate sobre este tipo de eventos. Para tal, começamos por refletir sobre a multiplicidade dos usos do Twitter, pela sua utilização pela população mais jovem e também sobre o fenómeno dos meets e a sua finalidade. Em seguida analisamos o conteúdo de 1976 tweets publicados entre os dias 14 e 24 de agosto, que foram filtrados de forma automática recorrendo a um método de classificação designado por Fuzzy Fingerprints (Impressões Digitais Difusas) com base em hashtags e palavras-chave relevantes sobre o tema. Esta análise empírica mostra-nos, por um lado, o Twitter como plataforma de mobilização e comentário, potencializadora de interações online/offline e que é utilizada pelos jovens como fonte de distinção social. Por outro lado, os tweets partilhados em torno do meet ilustram de modo expressivo os processos culturais, linguísticos e sociais que estão por detrás deste fenómeno.<hr/>This interdisciplinary article aims to analyze the role of Twitter in the “meet” at the shopping center Vasco da Gama, in 20 August 2014, which had particularly high media coverage, bringing this type of events to debate on the public sphere. For this purpose, we start by reflecting on the multiplicity of uses of Twitter, its uses by the younger population and also about the phenomenon of “meets” and its purpose. Then, we analyze the content of 1976 tweets posted between 14 and 24 August, which were filtered automatically by a method called Fuzzy Fingerprints using hashtags and relevant keywords on the topic. This empirical analysis shows, on the one hand, Twitter as a platform for mobilization and commentary, enabler of online/offline interactions and used by young people as a source of social distinction. On the other hand, the tweets related to the “meet” expressively illustrate the cultural, linguistic and social processes underlying this phenomenon.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Informed Students</b>: <b>Counter-information management of young Chileans on Facebook</b>]]> Las movilizaciones estudiantiles ocurridas en Chile desde 2011 han redefinido las formas en que son empleadas las tecnologías con propósitos políticos. Esto interroga acerca de cómo se modifica la participación de los/as jóvenes, quienes han identificado en las redes sociales nuevas maneras de acceder a los medios de comunicación tradicionales mediante la gestión contra-informativa de contenidos asociados al movimiento. El presente estudio de caso analiza la Fan Page de Facebook Estudiantes Informados, que actualmente cuenta con más de 190.000 seguidores de entre 18 y 24 años. La investigación emplea estadística descriptiva y análisis crítico del discurso para categorizar 190 posteos realizados en los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2011. Se concluye que los/as estudiantes reorientan estratégicamente las prácticas informativas hegemónicas, disputando la resignificación política. Esto responde a la fijación de marcos de interpretación colectiva formulados en cuatro niveles complementarios: cognitivo, discursivo, comunicativo e ideológico.<hr/>The students' demonstrations that have happened in Chile since 2011 have redefined the way in which technologies are used for political purposes. This raises questions about the way in which youth's participation is modified due to the fact that they have found in the social networks new ways of accessing the traditional media by the counter-informative management of contents associated with the movement. The present case study analyzes the “Estudiantes Informados” (Informed Students) fan page on Facebook, which currently has got more than 190.000 followers between 18 and 24 years old. The investigation uses descriptive statistics and critical discourse analysis, in order to categorize 190 posts written between August and September 2011. The conclusions show that students strategically readjust hegemonic practices, disputing the political resignification. This is explained by establishing frameworks of collective interpretation formulated in four complementary levels: cognitive, discursive, communicative and ideological. <![CDATA[<b>The Argentinian emigrants and the construction of national identities on Internet forums</b>]]> En este artículo se analizan las construcciones identitarias de los emigrantes argentinos hacia España e Italia realizadas discursivamente en soportes de Internet, durante el período 2001-2005. A partir de reconocer que en ellos se producen particulares dinámicas de establecimiento de vínculos e identidades colectivas, se dará cuenta de las construcciones discursivas mediante las que se elaboró en distintos foros de Internet a la argentinidad como una dimensión identitaria en sí misma, que fundó a su vez dos grandes caracterizaciones: el migrante argentino como involucrado o prescindente en relación a su país de origen, y aquél que hace de su calificación del propio ser argentino un tópico de identificación y debate.<hr/>This article analyzes the constructions of identities for the Argentinian emigrants towards Spain and Italy, studying the discourses published in Internet forums among 2001-2005. Proposing that in these supports there are built particular settings of links and collective identities, there are recognized the discoursive constructions that elaborated argentinity as an identitary recognition. In particular, there will be examined the characterizations of the Argentinian migrant as involved or dispensive with his native land, and the emigrant that makes his qualification of the proper Argentinian being, a topic of identification and debate. <![CDATA[<b>A close-up on ‘top tweeters' in Finland</b>: <b>Relevance of the national context in political Twitter campaigning</b>]]> This article examines the use of Twitter by Finnish candidates in the European parliamentary election of 2014. It concentrates on two groups of candidates: the 20 most active Twitter users measured by the number of tweets sent and those 20 candidates who aroused the most interest, measured by the number of Twitter replies received. The study takes into consideration contextual variables, such as gender, age, party, position and place of residence of the candidates. The main research question asks for what kind of candidates does Twitter offer a platform to challenge existing political power structures (equalizing hypothesis), and for what kind of candidates does Twitter not offer this platform (normalization hypothesis) The main finding was that Twitter was mostly used by established, middle-aged, urban, professional politicians of the right-wing National Coalition Party. This party has mostly young, well-educated and urban supporters in Southern Finland. For these people, Twitter was an effective tool to normalize the current power structures. However, for some other candidates Twitter seemed to have a more equalizing nature: the Green candidates, women and representatives of the parties' youth organisations. The article demonstrates the need for a more nuanced approach to the normalization/equalization hypothesis in future research. <link></link> <description>No dia 12 de maio de 2016 o Senado Federal brasileiro aprovou a abertura do processo de impeachment contra a presidente da República, Dilma Rousseff. Os programas jornalísticos, que há meses faziam a cobertura da crise política, noticiaram os desdobramentos da histórica votação. Este artigo, que tem como objeto um desses programas - o Jornal Nacional, da Rede Globo - faz uma análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 1977) da edição apresentada no dia em que a presidente caiu. O objetivo geral é interpretar como o afastamento foi noticiado. O objetivo particular é analisar o telejornal à luz dos conceitos de jornalismo (Traquina, 2005), gêneros jornalísticos (Beltrão, 1969, 1976, 1980) e ética (Bucci, 2004).<hr/>On May 12, 2016, the Brazilian Senate approved the opening of the impeachment proceedings against the president Dilma Rousseff. Journalists who were covering the political crisis reported these historic moment from the capital of the country, Brasília. This article analyzes the Jornal Nacional, the main TV newscast in Brazil, produced by Rede Globo. The overall objective is to interpret how the impeachment was reported. The study used concepts from Traquina (2005), Beltrão (1969, 1976, 1980) e Bucci (2004).</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Dealing with viewers' complaints</b>: <b>Role, visibility and transparency of PSB Ombudsmen in ten European countries</b>]]> The article shows the results of a comparative analysis of the complaints management mechanisms offered by ten European Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) systems on their corporate websites. Using a qualitative methodology, it maps the procedures and evaluates the visibility, transparency and dissemination of results. The findings show, firstly, great diversity in terms of responsible election and management, despite the converging media governance. Also noteworthy is the margin of substantial improvement in the transparency and dissemination possibilities, specially relating to the interaction offered by the digital environment. Among the ten public corporations analysed, the BBC is the best ranked, while RAI presents the worst performance. Finally, the comparative analysis shows some correlation within the Hallin and Mancini Mediterranean model, but less are evident among the countries included in the Liberal and Democratic Corporate model. <link></link> <description>Nos últimos anos, a produção de conteúdos para múltiplas plataformas passou a ser uma realidade na maioria das redações, estabelecendo novos métodos e práticas de trabalho. No presente artigo, procura-se perceber como esta modernização está a ser operacionalizada nas redações de imprensa portuguesa, focando as alterações verificadas nas rotinas de produção e o modo como os jornalistas se adaptam a estas mesmas transformações. A investigação pretendeu compreender qual a perceção da comunidade jornalística sobre as mudanças em curso e o modo como estas estão a ser incorporadas no seu trabalho diário. Através da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário foram inquiridos diretores e editores da imprensa generalista e especializada de âmbito nacional e regional com o intuito de compreender o modo como estes avaliam as práticas de jornalismo convergente no interior das redações. Os resultados mostram que continua a existir uma maior valorização da edição impressa por comparação com as edições produzidas para suportes digitais. Porém, é já evidente o relevo de novas rotinas e práticas editoriais, bem como o encorajamento que é feito junto dos jornalistas para aderirem a novos hábitos relacionados com o jornalismo de convergência.<hr/>Over the last years, the content production for multiple platforms became a new reality in different newsrooms introducing new work methods and practices related to the digital environment. In this article, we intend to understand how this is being operationalized in Portuguese newsrooms that produce printed editions, focusing on the changes observed in production routines and on journalists' adaptation to those transformations. This research intends to shed light on how the journalistic community perceives the current changes and the need to produce content for different media. To achieve these aims a survey was conducted among newspaper journalists in managerial positions in the local and national press. Results show that there is still a strong print culture in Portuguese newsrooms. Nevertheless, the shift towards convergence is visible in the strategic implementation of editorial routines and practices. Reporters are also encouraged to join digitalisation and convergence.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>El conflicto Palestino-Israelí en la prensa española</b>: <b>la cobertura de la Operación Margen Protector en <i>ABC</i> y <i>La Vanguardia</i></b>]]> Durante el desarrollo de uno de los episodios del conflicto palestino - israelí tuvo lugar la Operación Margen Protector, que atrajo la atención de la prensa hacia uno de los conflictos internacionales más largos de la historia. Esta investigación se centra en la cobertura que dos periódicos españoles dedicaron a este hecho: ABC y La Vanguardia. A través un análisis de contenido cuantitativo se pudo analizar aspectos tales como la presencia y la relevancia que le otorgaron a la contienda, así como aspectos como la presentación de sus protagonistas y el uso de las fuentes. Tras esto, se llegó a la conclusión de que, a pesar de pequeñas diferencias en el estilo de ambos medios, la cobertura y la relevancia fueron similares en ambas cabeceras.<hr/>During the course of one of the episodes of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, Operation Protective Edge took place, attracting the attention of the press to one of the longest international conflicts in history. This research focuses on the coverage that two Spanish newspapers dedicated to this event: ABC and La Vanguardia. Through a quantitative content analysis it was possible to analyze aspects such as the presence and the relevance that they gave to the conflict, as well as aspects such as the presentation of their protagonists and the use of the sources. After this, it was concluded that, despite small differences in the style of both media, coverage and relevance were similar in both newspapers. <link></link> <description>A competência digital dos cidadãos europeus continua longe do desejável para as necessidades de uma economia e sociedade altamente digitalizadas, sendo assim premente a necessidade de se estabelecer uma resposta global ao défice digital. A criação, em 2013, de um quadro europeu de referência para a compreensão e desenvolvimento da competência digital foi um passo nessa direção, mas os esforços para a sua aplicação continuam a ser de difícil concretização, em particular em Portugal. A importância do quadro consubstancia-se no contributo para a clarificação das principais componentes da competência digital, bem como para o estabelecimento de uma linguagem sólida e partilhada sobre a mesma. Porém, o seu principal objetivo é promover o desenvolvimento de iniciativas, para já nas áreas da educação, formação e emprego, que melhorem os níveis de competência digital dos cidadãos europeus. Este artigo tem um duplo objetivo: apresentar, fundamentadamente, o quadro europeu de referência para a competência digital e mapear iniciativas que têm surgido como consequência da sua existência. Estas, assim como o défice de outras, serão discutidas neste artigo na medida em que poderão servir de base para o desenvolvimento futuro de ações que valorizem a relevância da competência digital de qualquer cidadão e sugerir áreas de trabalho a serem desenvolvidas.<hr/>The level of European citizens' digital competence remains far from desirable for the needs of a highly digitized economy and society and the need for the EU to establish a comprehensive response to the digital skills deficit is rising. The creation of a common framework for the development and understanding of digital competence in 2013 was a step in the right direction, but the efforts towards its application continue to prove slow in its realization in Portugal. This article has a double objective. The first is to present the European framework for the development and understanding of digital competence. The second is to map initiatives that have emerged as a consequence of its existence. These, as well as the deficit of others, can help develop actions that value a relevance of the digital competence of any citizen and suggest areas of work to be developed, particularly in the Portuguese context. The importance of the framework is to clarify the main components of digital competence, as well as to establish a solid and shared language on the same. However, its main objective is to promote the development of initiatives in the areas of education, training and employment that can improve the digital competence of European citizens.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Com base numa sistematização de pareceres alargada a todos os organismos de regulação do jornalismo português, este artigo compreende uma análise aprofundada das temáticas, atores e resoluções que participam nas diferentes deliberações dos dois principais organismos da história da heterorregulação da comunicação social portuguesa: Alta Autoridade para a Comunicação Social (AACS) e Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC). O estudo baseia-se numa análise de 1738 processos da AACS e 1126 da ERC. Paralelamente, a presente investigação procura fundamentar empiricamente o desfecho de um atribulado e complexo processo de relação entre mecanismos, sustentado no receio das consequências de uma juridificação da deontologia e da captura estatal dos poderes da autorregulação do jornalismo. Sustentado numa análise de conteúdo, este artigo pretende ainda propor uma ferramenta metodológica apta a apoiar a investigação empírica sobre os organismos de regulação do jornalismo.<hr/>Based on a systematization of legal opinions extended to all Portuguese journalism regulatory bodies, this article embraces a comprehensive analysis of the subjects, actors and resolutions included in the decisions of the two main heterorregulatory organisms of the Portuguese media history: High Authority for the Media (AACS) and Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC). The study is based on the analysis of 1738 processes of AACS and 1126 of ERC. At the same time, this research aims to empirically substantiate the outcome of a troubled and complex process of relationship between mechanisms. This process was founded in the concern about the consequences of a juridification of the professional ethics provisions and a capture of the journalism self-regulation powers by the State. Underpinned by a content analysis basis, this article also intends to propose a methodological tool able to support empirical research on journalism regulatory organisms.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Simulation, fiction and handling of the reality in the digital era</b>: <b>photoshop and the photographic retouch</b>]]> El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la relación entre fotografía y verdad y evaluar de qué modo el mensaje icónico se modifica con la llegada de la era digital, la capacidad plástica de las imágenes de mapa de bits y la proliferación de fotografías en Internet y las redes sociales. En este artículo se recogen algunos resultados de una investigación con un enfoque diacrónico y antropológico, basada en el trabajo con documentación bibliográfica y en el análisis de imágenes difundidas desde diversos medios. Como valor añadido, se aporta la observación y experiencia activa como usuarios y profesionales del diseño gráfico y el uso de programas de retoque fotográfico como Adobe® Photoshop®. Se plantean preguntas para evidenciar cuestiones sobre el uso que viene haciendo la sociedad del retoque fotográfico y cuáles podrían ser los factores que crean interpretaciones sobre trabajos de retoque de imágenes considerados como necesidades de la edición técnica a diferencia de otros que sean entendidos como manipulación malintencionada. La imagen fotográfica funciona como elemento de la comunicación con diversos significados dependiendo del mensaje al que pertenece y los valores a los que sirve.<hr/>The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between photography and truth and to evaluate how the iconic message is modified due to the arrival of the digital age, the plastic capacity of bitmap images and the proliferation of photographs on the Internet and social networks. This article presents some relevant research findings carried out from a diachronic and anthropological approach. These outcomes are based on bibliographic documentations as well as on the analysis of images disseminated through different media. Besides, both observation and active experience as users and professionals of graphic design are provided. The use of photo retouching software such as Adobe@Photoshop@ has also been considered here. Some questions are raised in order to explain the reasons why society has been using photo retouching. In the same way this paper aims at explaining the possible factors that contribute to different interpretations related to the retouching work of images that are seen as a result of technical needs in contrast to those that can be understood as an adverse manipulation. The photographic image works as an element of communication with different meanings depending on the message to which it belongs and the values it serves.