Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Medievalista]]> vol. num. 24 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>O cancioneiro de Martin Codax tem suscitado posições interpretativas nem sempre conciliáveis entre si. Aqui são apresentadas e discutidas as contribuições recentes mais significativas, em particular as de William Paden. Passa-se seguidamente a tentar perceber que aspectos musicais, no Pergaminho Vindel, poderão apontar para um antigo estilo de canção feminina simbolizado pela temática de “amigo”. Convocam-se os estudos de género e o seu impacto no debate sobre a cantiga d'amigo, avaliado por Alan Deyermond; apresentam-se as diversas abordagens suscitadas pelas melodias desde que foram descobertas. Explora-se ainda a diferença entre as cantigas II e III e as restantes aí apontadas, bem como a interpretação métrica da terceira, com referência aos trabalhos recentes de Stephen Parkinson e Rip Cohen, propondo-se novas edições musicais para essas duas cantigas (e também, de passagem, para a cantiga V). São finalmente identificados, de forma hipotética, os aspectos estilísticos no Pergaminho que poderão remontar à esfera da canção de mulher, por oposição aos que provavelmente espelham uma elaboração artística de iniciativa dos jograis galegos.<hr/>The songs by Martin Codax have been interpreted according to different, often incompatible, perspectives. The author discusses the most recent and relevant contributions, namely by William Paden. Then he tries to ascertain which musical traits in these cantigas might point to an earlier style of women's song symbolized by the “boyfriend” and related keywords. After invoking the impact of gender studies on the interpretation of the cantiga de amigo, as evaluated by Alan Deyermond, the author presents and discusses the different views on the style of the melodies voiced since their discovery a century ago. An excursus explores differences between cantigas II and III and the remaining, and the metrics of the latter, with reference to a recent work by Stephen Parkinson and Rip Cohen; a new musical edition is proposed for these two (and also, in passing, for cantiga V). Finally, those stylistic aspects that in the Vindel MS may betray an earlier tradition, in contrast to those that can be attributed to the artistic initiative of Galician jongleurs, are tentatively identified.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Preservados pelos seus refúgios eclesiásticos, a cultura erudita, a escrita e o ensino expandem-se na Baixa Idade Média, multiplicando-se a oferta de acordo com os destinatários e as suas motivações. A mobilidade social que uma boa educação poderia trazer, as necessidades de uma hierarquia eclesiástica cada vez mais exigente, a especialização dentro das administrações central e local, a especificidade das minorias étnico-religiosas ou o prestígio associado ao saber, sagrado ou profano, são alguns dos fatores responsáveis pelo surgimento de diversos estabelecimentos de ensino. Évora, sede de concelho, cidade episcopal e destino frequente da Corte Régia, revela-se como um excelente caso de estudo desta expansão tardo-medieval, intimamente ligada com a dinâmica de uma cidade em crescimento.<hr/>Preserved by their ecclesiastical sanctuaries, the erudite culture, the writing and reading and school education expand during the Late Middle Ages, with an augmenting supply adapted to its recipients and their motivations. The social mobility that a good education could bring, the needs of an increasingly demanding ecclesiastical hierarchy, the specialization within the central and local administrations, the specificities of the religious minorities, as well as the prestige associated with high culture, are some of the factors responsible for the creation of these new schools. Évora, municipality, episcopal city and frequent stop of the Royal Court, reveals itself as an excellent case study of this late medieval expansion, intimately connected to the dynamics of a growing city.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Este estudo aborda os oficiais de armas e a heráldica portuguesa enquanto conjuntos de ciência, arte e técnica, ou seja, possuindo uma carga simbólica reflectida por intermédio de cores, figuras e partições dispostas num escudo de armas, de acordo com as regras heráldicas. Desta forma, aprimorava-se a imagem como marca de comunicação visual de um determinado discurso de honra interligado com a diplomacia medieval. Partindo desta abordagem à heráldica e aos oficiais de armas, vemos que a Coroa transmitia mensagens ideológicas através de veículos privilegiados de autorrepresentação e de comunicação; por outro lado, também se podem compreender melhor os contextos e o pensamento implícitos à política externa portuguesa.<hr/>This study aims to discuss the officers of arms and Portuguese heraldry as an aggregate of science, art and technique, that is, possessing symbolic meaning reflected through colours, figures and their organization in a coat of arms - according to heraldic rules. In this way, it would be possible to improve the image and use it as a statement of visual communication of a discourse of honor, deeply connected with medieval diplomacy. From this approach to heraldry and officers of arms, we will, on the one hand, suggest that the Crown conveyed ideological messages trough privileged means of self-representation; and, on the other, that the Portuguese foreign policy context and implicit thought becomes clearer.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Nos finais da Idade Média, a jovem dinastia de Avis, depois de se unir por laços de sangue à Inglaterra, a Aragão e à Borgonha, aposta no tabuleiro da Cristandade numa ligação ao mais alto nível: o Sacro Império Romano-Germânico. Afinal, ao concretizar-se o casamento da infanta D. Leonor com Frederico III, entre 1451 e 1452, D. Afonso V joga não só um processo de afirmação da sua Coroa como de legitimação da sua linhagem, garantindo ao Rex Romanorum a indispensável noiva para estabelecer a Casa dos Habsburgo no trono imperial. O desenvolvimento da historiografia das relações internacionais medievas, nas últimas décadas, deu o mote para observarmos a aproximação política daqueles dois reinos, geograficamente distantes, a partir de um importante casamento régio, que nos legou um considerável conjunto de fontes (narrativas, documentais e iconográficas). Assim, num primeiro momento, procuraremos analisar as dinâmicas das alianças que, numa Cristandade em mudança, resultaram naquele interesse matrimonial; numa segunda fase, considerando os progressos da diplomacia àquele tempo, seguiremos o processo negocial do enlace entre as Coroas; por último, observaremos as distintas fases do casamento régio, de Portugal à Península Itálica, perspectivando um novo ciclo de relações entre as dinastias de Avis e de Habsburgo.<hr/>In the late Middle Ages, the young dynasty of Avis, after linked by kinship to England, Aragon and Burgundy, attempts to create in the space of Christianity a connection at the highest level: the Holy Roman Empire. With the marriage of the princess Leonor and Frederick III, arranged between 1451 and 1452, king Afonso V played not only with a process of affirmation of his Crown but also with the legitimation of his lineage, granting the Rex Romanorum the right bride to establish the Habsburg House on the imperial throne. The development of the historiography of medieval international relations in the last decades has given the pretext to observe the political approximation of those two kingdoms, geographically distant, based on an important royal marriage that has given us a considerable set of primary sources (chronicles, documents and iconography). Initially, we will try to analyze the dynamics of the alliances that have resulted in that matrimonial interest; in a second phase, considering the progress of diplomacy, we will follow the negotiation process between the Crowns; finally, we will observe the different phases of royal marriage (from Portugal to Italy), which foresee a new cycle of relations between the Avis and Habsburg dynasties.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>The use of the river in an Andalusian territory governed by the Order of Saint John</b>: <b>water mills in Alcolea del Río during the 15th century</b>]]> En el presente trabajo centramos nuestra atención en el estudio de una encomienda de la Orden de San Juan en la Andalucía de la Baja Edad Media: Alcolea del Río, en la actual provincia de Sevilla. Alcolea, por su proximidad al río Guadalquivir, supo utilizar este recurso como una herramienta para potenciar su crecimiento económico mediante la construcción y explotación de distintos grupos de aceñas, que estudiamos detalladamente en este trabajo. El crecimiento demográfico y económico experimentado por la población durante el siglo XV le permitió alcanzar la categoría de encomienda independiente de la de Lora del Río en 1504.<hr/>In this paper we focus our attention on the study of a territory governed by the Order of Saint John in Andalusia at the end of the Middle Ages: Alcolea del Río, in the province of Seville (Spain). This town, due to its proximity to Guadalquivir river, was able to take advantage of this resource in order to improve its economic and demographic development, by constructing and using different groups of water mills. We study them in this paper. The development experienced by Alcolea during the 15th century was the cause of an important achievement at the beginning of the Early Modern period: its independence from Lora del Río in 1504. <link></link> <description>En el presente trabajo centramos nuestra atención en el estudio de una encomienda de la Orden de San Juan en la Andalucía de la Baja Edad Media: Alcolea del Río, en la actual provincia de Sevilla. Alcolea, por su proximidad al río Guadalquivir, supo utilizar este recurso como una herramienta para potenciar su crecimiento económico mediante la construcción y explotación de distintos grupos de aceñas, que estudiamos detalladamente en este trabajo. El crecimiento demográfico y económico experimentado por la población durante el siglo XV le permitió alcanzar la categoría de encomienda independiente de la de Lora del Río en 1504.<hr/>In this paper we focus our attention on the study of a territory governed by the Order of Saint John in Andalusia at the end of the Middle Ages: Alcolea del Río, in the province of Seville (Spain). This town, due to its proximity to Guadalquivir river, was able to take advantage of this resource in order to improve its economic and demographic development, by constructing and using different groups of water mills. We study them in this paper. The development experienced by Alcolea during the 15th century was the cause of an important achievement at the beginning of the Early Modern period: its independence from Lora del Río in 1504.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>En el presente trabajo centramos nuestra atención en el estudio de una encomienda de la Orden de San Juan en la Andalucía de la Baja Edad Media: Alcolea del Río, en la actual provincia de Sevilla. Alcolea, por su proximidad al río Guadalquivir, supo utilizar este recurso como una herramienta para potenciar su crecimiento económico mediante la construcción y explotación de distintos grupos de aceñas, que estudiamos detalladamente en este trabajo. El crecimiento demográfico y económico experimentado por la población durante el siglo XV le permitió alcanzar la categoría de encomienda independiente de la de Lora del Río en 1504.<hr/>In this paper we focus our attention on the study of a territory governed by the Order of Saint John in Andalusia at the end of the Middle Ages: Alcolea del Río, in the province of Seville (Spain). This town, due to its proximity to Guadalquivir river, was able to take advantage of this resource in order to improve its economic and demographic development, by constructing and using different groups of water mills. We study them in this paper. The development experienced by Alcolea during the 15th century was the cause of an important achievement at the beginning of the Early Modern period: its independence from Lora del Río in 1504.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Artistic relations between Portugal and Flandres through the Books of Hours preserved in Portugal</b>: <b>Tese de Doutoramento em História da Arte Medieval, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Junho de 2017. Orientação da Doutora Maria Adelaide Miranda, do Doutor Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa e do Doutor Dominique Vanwijnsberghe</b>]]> En el presente trabajo centramos nuestra atención en el estudio de una encomienda de la Orden de San Juan en la Andalucía de la Baja Edad Media: Alcolea del Río, en la actual provincia de Sevilla. Alcolea, por su proximidad al río Guadalquivir, supo utilizar este recurso como una herramienta para potenciar su crecimiento económico mediante la construcción y explotación de distintos grupos de aceñas, que estudiamos detalladamente en este trabajo. El crecimiento demográfico y económico experimentado por la población durante el siglo XV le permitió alcanzar la categoría de encomienda independiente de la de Lora del Río en 1504.<hr/>In this paper we focus our attention on the study of a territory governed by the Order of Saint John in Andalusia at the end of the Middle Ages: Alcolea del Río, in the province of Seville (Spain). This town, due to its proximity to Guadalquivir river, was able to take advantage of this resource in order to improve its economic and demographic development, by constructing and using different groups of water mills. We study them in this paper. The development experienced by Alcolea during the 15th century was the cause of an important achievement at the beginning of the Early Modern period: its independence from Lora del Río in 1504. <![CDATA[<b>La cruzada en las fuentes cronísticas castellanas de la Guerra de Granada</b>: <b>Tese de Doutoramento em História apresentada à Universidade de Extremadura (Espanha), Julho de 2017. Orientação do Professor Doutor Manuel Rojas Gabriel</b>]]> En el presente trabajo centramos nuestra atención en el estudio de una encomienda de la Orden de San Juan en la Andalucía de la Baja Edad Media: Alcolea del Río, en la actual provincia de Sevilla. Alcolea, por su proximidad al río Guadalquivir, supo utilizar este recurso como una herramienta para potenciar su crecimiento económico mediante la construcción y explotación de distintos grupos de aceñas, que estudiamos detalladamente en este trabajo. El crecimiento demográfico y económico experimentado por la población durante el siglo XV le permitió alcanzar la categoría de encomienda independiente de la de Lora del Río en 1504.<hr/>In this paper we focus our attention on the study of a territory governed by the Order of Saint John in Andalusia at the end of the Middle Ages: Alcolea del Río, in the province of Seville (Spain). This town, due to its proximity to Guadalquivir river, was able to take advantage of this resource in order to improve its economic and demographic development, by constructing and using different groups of water mills. We study them in this paper. The development experienced by Alcolea during the 15th century was the cause of an important achievement at the beginning of the Early Modern period: its independence from Lora del Río in 1504. <link></link> <description>En el presente trabajo centramos nuestra atención en el estudio de una encomienda de la Orden de San Juan en la Andalucía de la Baja Edad Media: Alcolea del Río, en la actual provincia de Sevilla. Alcolea, por su proximidad al río Guadalquivir, supo utilizar este recurso como una herramienta para potenciar su crecimiento económico mediante la construcción y explotación de distintos grupos de aceñas, que estudiamos detalladamente en este trabajo. El crecimiento demográfico y económico experimentado por la población durante el siglo XV le permitió alcanzar la categoría de encomienda independiente de la de Lora del Río en 1504.<hr/>In this paper we focus our attention on the study of a territory governed by the Order of Saint John in Andalusia at the end of the Middle Ages: Alcolea del Río, in the province of Seville (Spain). This town, due to its proximity to Guadalquivir river, was able to take advantage of this resource in order to improve its economic and demographic development, by constructing and using different groups of water mills. We study them in this paper. The development experienced by Alcolea during the 15th century was the cause of an important achievement at the beginning of the Early Modern period: its independence from Lora del Río in 1504.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Growing presence of the IEM at the International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, Michigan)</b>]]> En el presente trabajo centramos nuestra atención en el estudio de una encomienda de la Orden de San Juan en la Andalucía de la Baja Edad Media: Alcolea del Río, en la actual provincia de Sevilla. Alcolea, por su proximidad al río Guadalquivir, supo utilizar este recurso como una herramienta para potenciar su crecimiento económico mediante la construcción y explotación de distintos grupos de aceñas, que estudiamos detalladamente en este trabajo. El crecimiento demográfico y económico experimentado por la población durante el siglo XV le permitió alcanzar la categoría de encomienda independiente de la de Lora del Río en 1504.<hr/>In this paper we focus our attention on the study of a territory governed by the Order of Saint John in Andalusia at the end of the Middle Ages: Alcolea del Río, in the province of Seville (Spain). This town, due to its proximity to Guadalquivir river, was able to take advantage of this resource in order to improve its economic and demographic development, by constructing and using different groups of water mills. We study them in this paper. The development experienced by Alcolea during the 15th century was the cause of an important achievement at the beginning of the Early Modern period: its independence from Lora del Río in 1504.