Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Medievalista]]> vol. num. 25 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Os documentos do chamado Fundo do juiz dos órfãos de Loulé, do Arquivo Histórico desta cidade, são peças raras no contexto medieval português, com enorme interesse para o estudo da orfandade medieval. Apesar de produzidos para salvaguardar o interesse dos órfãos e para acompanhar a maneira como os tutores respectivos administravam os seus bens, ou prestavam contas dessas tutelas, eles revelam de modo igual imensas outras facetas do viver medieval. Dez deles, redigidos ao longo de setenta anos, entre 1408 e 1479, são aqui utilizados para recuperar os utensílios de uso comum na cozinha e na mesa medieval, associados à armazenagem, à confecção e ao consumo dos alimentos. Não esquecendo a natureza e os limites dos registos escritos, mas conjugando os informes destes com os dados da Arqueologia e da Etnografia, obteve-se um panorama bastante coerente, a que não faltam observações sobre o significado social da escassez de alfaias em certos agregados familiares, ou sobre a distinção denunciada pela qualidade e pela raridade de alguns outros utensílios.<hr/>The documents of the so-called Fund of the judge of the orphans of Loulé, from the Historical Archive of this city, are rare pieces in the Portuguese medieval context, with enormous interest for the study of medieval orphanage. Although produced to safeguard the interest of the orphans, and to follow the way the respective guardians administered their property or held accounts of these tutelages, they equally reveal many other facets of medieval living. Ten of them, drafted over seventy years, between 1408 and 1479, are used here to recover the utensils used in the kitchen and at the medieval table, associated with the storage, cooking and consumption of food. Not forgetting the nature and limits of the written records, but combining their reports with archaeological and ethnographical data, a fairly coherent picture was obtained, with observations on the social significance of the shortage of equipments in certain households, or on the distinction denounced by the quality and rarity of some other kitchenware.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>The route of a list</b>: <b>From visigothic Hispania to beneventan Italia, from Liber Iudiciorum to Pseudo Isidore</b>]]> Este trabajo trata sobre una copia de la lista de los reyes visigodos, localizada en dos manuscritos que contienen los Decretales del Pseudo-Isidoro: Montecassino, ms. 1 y París, BnF, lat. 1557. La asociación entre lista regia visigoda y derecho canónico carolingio resulta sorpredente, pues aquella fue creada junto al Liber Iudiciorum, código legal visigodo, publicado en el 654. Además, el texto de ambos códices presenta modificaciones frente a las otras copias de la lista, añadiendo de este modo los nombres de Gregorio Magno, del emperador Mauricio y del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla. Proponemos una identificación de la difusión manuscrita de las listas pertenecientes al Pseudo-Isidoro, así como una interpretación de las modificaciones, que revelan una intención deliberada.<hr/>This article deals with a copy of a visigothic regnal list, which is found in two manuscripts of Pseudo-Isidore: Montecassino, ms. 1 and Paris, BnF, lat. 1557. The visigothic regnal list/canon law association is surprising because the list was created with the Liber Iudiciorum, a visigothic legal code, published in 654. Moreover, the list from both these codices has modifications: the names of Gregory the Great, the emperor Maurice and the bishop Isidore of Seville were added. We propose to identify the manuscript difusion of the list, in relation to the Liber Iudiciorum and the Pseudo-Isidore, as well as to interpret these deliberate modifications. <link></link> <description>Em 1405, Christine de Pisan redigiu um tratado didáctico de grande sucesso na época: o Livre des Trois Vertus. Posteriormente, entre 1428 e 1455, o texto foi traduzido para português e, em 1518, a obra foi impressa em Lisboa por ordem de D. Leonor, com o título Espelho de Cristina. O presente artigo recolhe, de forma sucinta, as particularidades dos contextos social, histórico e político tanto da França de inícios do século XV - onde nasce a obra - como de Portugal na altura da sua tradução e posterior impressão, assim como as características e o laço existente entre as cortes de ambos os países. Tentar-se-á ainda identificar qual era o público-alvo previsto em cada caso, com o intuito de encontrar um elo de ligação entre estes elementos e as alterações que o texto sofreu no decorrer da sua transmissão.<hr/>In 1405, Christine de Pisan wrote a book of instruction that reached great success at the time: the Livre des Trois Vertus. Later, between 1428-1455, the text was translated into Portuguese and, in 1518, queen D. Leonor ordered its printing in Lisbon with the title Espelho de Cristina. The present article briefly summarizes the particularities of the social, historical and political contexts of France from the beginning of the fifteenth century - where the work is born - and of Portugal at the time of its translation and subsequent printing, as well as the characteristics and the ties between the courts of both countries. It also aims to identify the target audience foreseen in each case, in order to find a link between these elements and the changes that the text suffered in the course of its transmission.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Delectare ed prodesse</b>: <b>aventures, pleasure and didactism in the Conte du Papegau</b>]]> Cuando el destino final del legendario rey Arturo estaba definitivamente sellado, un autor anónimo compuso un relato de sus mocedades. Primer intento conservado hasta el presente de ofrecer al anciano soberano ejemplar de la fabulosa Bretaña una posibilidad de demostrar, retrospectivamente, su talento caballeresco frente a oponentes excepcionales. En este trabajo, se intentara demostrar, mediante el análisis de algunas marcas textuales, que el Conte du Papegau está destinado a un público juvenil y tiene como finalidad educarlos en las cualidades caballerescas y morales necesarias para todo joven de la nobleza.<hr/>When the fate of the legendary King Arthur was finally sealed, an anonymous author composed a story of his early years as sovereign. This was the first attempt - preserved up to the present - that aimed to show retrospectively Arthur’s knightly talent when facing exceptional opponents. Through the analysis of some textual marks, in this article we aim to demonstrate that the Conte du Papegau was intended for a young audience. Besides it had the purpose of providing education in the chivalrous and moral qualities expected and necessary for the youth belonging to the nobility. <![CDATA[<b>Rolando Scriptoris or of Lisbon</b>: <b>a Portuguese Physician, Professor and Clergyman of the Fifteenth Century</b>]]> Cet article vise l’étude biographique d’un médecin portugais du XVe siècle, personnage encore insuffisamment connu de l’historiographie portugaise. Partant des faits connus et d’autres inédits, on propose une mise en perspective de son parcours entre l’Université, le service des Grands et le milieu ecclésiastique, constituant ainsi un cas de mobilité institutionnelle et géographique d’un médecin à la fin du Moyen Age.<hr/>This article aims at the biographical study of a Portuguese physician of the fifteenth century, still insufficiently known by the Portuguese historiography. Based on known and unpublished facts, it proposes a perspective into his public life, shared between the University, the service of the Great and the ecclesiastical environment, thus constituting a case of institutional and geographical mobility of a physician at the end of the Middle Ages. <link></link> <description>Cet article vise l’étude biographique d’un médecin portugais du XVe siècle, personnage encore insuffisamment connu de l’historiographie portugaise. Partant des faits connus et d’autres inédits, on propose une mise en perspective de son parcours entre l’Université, le service des Grands et le milieu ecclésiastique, constituant ainsi un cas de mobilité institutionnelle et géographique d’un médecin à la fin du Moyen Age.<hr/>This article aims at the biographical study of a Portuguese physician of the fifteenth century, still insufficiently known by the Portuguese historiography. Based on known and unpublished facts, it proposes a perspective into his public life, shared between the University, the service of the Great and the ecclesiastical environment, thus constituting a case of institutional and geographical mobility of a physician at the end of the Middle Ages.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Cet article vise l’étude biographique d’un médecin portugais du XVe siècle, personnage encore insuffisamment connu de l’historiographie portugaise. Partant des faits connus et d’autres inédits, on propose une mise en perspective de son parcours entre l’Université, le service des Grands et le milieu ecclésiastique, constituant ainsi un cas de mobilité institutionnelle et géographique d’un médecin à la fin du Moyen Age.<hr/>This article aims at the biographical study of a Portuguese physician of the fifteenth century, still insufficiently known by the Portuguese historiography. Based on known and unpublished facts, it proposes a perspective into his public life, shared between the University, the service of the Great and the ecclesiastical environment, thus constituting a case of institutional and geographical mobility of a physician at the end of the Middle Ages.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Cet article vise l’étude biographique d’un médecin portugais du XVe siècle, personnage encore insuffisamment connu de l’historiographie portugaise. Partant des faits connus et d’autres inédits, on propose une mise en perspective de son parcours entre l’Université, le service des Grands et le milieu ecclésiastique, constituant ainsi un cas de mobilité institutionnelle et géographique d’un médecin à la fin du Moyen Age.<hr/>This article aims at the biographical study of a Portuguese physician of the fifteenth century, still insufficiently known by the Portuguese historiography. Based on known and unpublished facts, it proposes a perspective into his public life, shared between the University, the service of the Great and the ecclesiastical environment, thus constituting a case of institutional and geographical mobility of a physician at the end of the Middle Ages.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Cet article vise l’étude biographique d’un médecin portugais du XVe siècle, personnage encore insuffisamment connu de l’historiographie portugaise. Partant des faits connus et d’autres inédits, on propose une mise en perspective de son parcours entre l’Université, le service des Grands et le milieu ecclésiastique, constituant ainsi un cas de mobilité institutionnelle et géographique d’un médecin à la fin du Moyen Age.<hr/>This article aims at the biographical study of a Portuguese physician of the fifteenth century, still insufficiently known by the Portuguese historiography. Based on known and unpublished facts, it proposes a perspective into his public life, shared between the University, the service of the Great and the ecclesiastical environment, thus constituting a case of institutional and geographical mobility of a physician at the end of the Middle Ages.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Cet article vise l’étude biographique d’un médecin portugais du XVe siècle, personnage encore insuffisamment connu de l’historiographie portugaise. Partant des faits connus et d’autres inédits, on propose une mise en perspective de son parcours entre l’Université, le service des Grands et le milieu ecclésiastique, constituant ainsi un cas de mobilité institutionnelle et géographique d’un médecin à la fin du Moyen Age.<hr/>This article aims at the biographical study of a Portuguese physician of the fifteenth century, still insufficiently known by the Portuguese historiography. Based on known and unpublished facts, it proposes a perspective into his public life, shared between the University, the service of the Great and the ecclesiastical environment, thus constituting a case of institutional and geographical mobility of a physician at the end of the Middle Ages.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Cet article vise l’étude biographique d’un médecin portugais du XVe siècle, personnage encore insuffisamment connu de l’historiographie portugaise. Partant des faits connus et d’autres inédits, on propose une mise en perspective de son parcours entre l’Université, le service des Grands et le milieu ecclésiastique, constituant ainsi un cas de mobilité institutionnelle et géographique d’un médecin à la fin du Moyen Age.<hr/>This article aims at the biographical study of a Portuguese physician of the fifteenth century, still insufficiently known by the Portuguese historiography. Based on known and unpublished facts, it proposes a perspective into his public life, shared between the University, the service of the Great and the ecclesiastical environment, thus constituting a case of institutional and geographical mobility of a physician at the end of the Middle Ages.</description> </item> </channel> </rss> <!--transformed by PHP 08:06:11 01-06-2024-->