Scielo RSS <![CDATA[RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação]]> vol. num. 27 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Automation of an industrial power plant through distributed control</b>]]> La logística forma parte de los procesos de automatización en la industria 4.0. De la rapidez y eficiencia con que se realicen los procesos de llenado, clasificación, empaquetado y transporte dependen la sostenibilidad industrial. La automatización de estos procesos ayuda a mejorar los ratios de eficiencia en cualquier industria. El uso de control distribuido resulta adecuado para plantas industriales del sector servicios-alimentación. como pueden ser fabricación de yogures, queso, nata, mantequilla, postres, etc. En este trabajo se presenta la automatización del proceso de fabricación de arroz con leche en una planta de productos lácteos correspondiente a una PYME. La planta objeto de automatización consta de zonas de llenado, cocción, vaciado y una zona de retorno. Para ello, se ha procedido al empleo de tres PLC's que se comunican mediante comunicación Profibus utilizando el protocolo Maestro-Esclavo. Para corroborar el correcto funcionamiento del proceso se utiliza un Sistema de Adquisición de Datos (SCADA).<hr/>Logistics is part of the automation processes in Industry 4.0. The industrial sustainability depends on the speed and efficiency with which the filling, classification, packaging and transport processes are carried out. The automation of these processes helps to improve the efficiency ratios in any industry. The use of distributed control is suitable for industrial plants in the service-food sector. such as manufacturing of yoghurts, cheese, cream, butter, desserts, etc. This paper presents the automation of the process of making rice with milk in a dairy products plant corresponding to an SME. The plant object of automation consists of areas of filling, cooking, emptying and a return zone. To do this, we have proceeded to the use of three PLC's that communicate through Profibus communication using the Master-Slave protocol. A Data Acquisition System (SCADA) is used to corroborate the correct operation of the process. <![CDATA[<b>PLC Update of a Computer-Integrated Manufacturing System</b>]]> En el presente artículo se detalla la migración y rehabilitación de la etapa de control de un Sistema de Manufactura Integrada por Computador, mediante la implementación de un sistema de automatización actual para el uso didáctico y profesional de los alumnos de la carrera de Ingeniería en Control y Automatización. Se realiza la selección de los nuevos equipos de control para cada una de las estaciones de trabajo que la componen, se desarrolla la topología de interconexión entre las diferentes estaciones mediante el protocolo EtherNet/IP, y se diseña e implementa la lógica de funcionamiento de las estaciones.<hr/>In this article the migration and rehabilitation of the control stage of a Computer Integrated Manufacturing System is detailed, through the implementation of a recent automation system for the didactic and professional use of the students of the Control Engineering and Automation. The selection of the new control equipment for each of the work stations that compose it is carried out, the interconnection topology is developed between the different stations through the EtherNet/IP protocol, the operating logic of the stations is designed and implemented. <link></link> <description>Sistemas de aprendizagem móvel surgem como uma importante alternativa de potencializar o ensino e a aprendizagem virtual. Neste contexto, a aprendizagem móvel vem sendo utilizada em diversas áreas do conhecimento, principalmente na área das Engenharias, flexibilizando e motivando o ensino e o treinamento por parte dos aprendizes e trabalhadores, sobretudo em relação as temáticas mais teóricas e abstratas. Deste modo, este trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver um sistema de aprendizagem móvel com foco nos conceitos e aplicações práticas da Industria 4.0. O sistema foi construído sob a forma web design responsivo, apresentando definições, terminologias, e um conteúdo educacional específico capaz de motivar e disseminar o conhecimento sobre o contexto da Indústria 4.0.<hr/>Mobile learning systems emerge as an important alternative to enhance teaching and virtual learning. In this context, mobile learning has been used in several areas of knowledge, especially in the area of ​​Engineering, making teaching and training more flexible and motivated by apprentices and workers, especially in relation to more theoretical and abstract themes. Therefore, this project aims to develop a mobile learning system focused on the concepts and guidelines of Industry 4.0. The system was constructed in the form of responsive web design, presenting definitions, terminologies, and a specific educational content capable of motivating and disseminating knowledge about the context of Industry 4.0.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Determinants of the competitiveness of the Spanish sector of industrial computing, 1995-2015</b>: <b>A panel data analysis</b>]]> El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en dilucidar los factores que determinan la posición competitiva del sector de la informática industrial de España en la eurozona en el período 1995-2015. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, se adopta el enfoque teórico de la ventaja absoluta de coste Shaikh (2016), quien postula que los términos reales de intercambio entre las naciones se encuentran regulados en el largo plazo por los costes laborales unitarios reales de las empresas de los sectores de bienes transables. La hipótesis de la investigación es que la posición competitiva del sector de la informática industrial de España se encuentra determinada en el largo plazo por los costes laborales unitarios reales relativos. Para contrastar dicha hipótesis, se llevan a cabo pruebas de raíces unitarias y de cointegración, y se aplica la prueba de causalidad de Granger.<hr/>The main aim of this research is to explain the factors that govern the competitive position of the sector of industrial computing in Spain during the period 1995-2015. To achieve this objective, we adopt the Shaikh (2016) theoretical approach of the absolute cost advantage, which postulates that the real terms of exchange between nations are regulated in the long term by the real unit labor costs of the companies from tradable goods sectors. The hypothesis of the research is that the competitive position of the Spanish sector of industrial computing is determined in the long term by the relative real unit labor costs. To test this hypothesis, unit root and cointegration tests are carried out, and the Granger causality test is applied. <link></link> <description>Em um cenário global de rápida e crescente ascensão do uso das mídias sociais como ambiente de negócios, este artigo apresenta os resultados da pesquisa conduzida com o objetivo de analisar como a utilização do Facebook Commerce pode impactar o desempenho de micro e pequenas empresas brasileiras. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa de caráter exploratório, foi conduzida por meio de um instrumento survey para a coleta de dados, os quais foram submetidos à análise de estatística descritiva e fatorial. Como resultados, foi possível verificar que as pressões externas são o principal fator motivador para adoção dessa modalidade de comércio social pelos gestores de micro e pequenas empresas. Os resultados indicaram, ainda, que o uso de uma rede social auxilia diretamente no desempenho dos processos dessas empresas.<hr/>In a global scenario of rapid and increasing rise in the use of social media as a business environment, this article presents the results of the research conducted with the objective of analyzing how the use of Facebook Commerce can impact the performance of micro and small Brazilians firms. Methodologically, the exploratory research was conducted by means of a survey instrument for the data collection, which were submitted to descriptive and factorial statistics analysis. As a result, it was possible to verify that external pressures are the main motivating factor for the adoption of this modality of social commerce by managers of micro and small companies. The results also indicated that the use of a social network directly assists in the performance of these companies' processes.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Corporate Governance and IT Corporate Governance Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Creating Value</b>]]> La creación de valor depende directamente de la Gobernanza Corporativa (GC) y de la Gobernanza Corporativa de TI (GCTI), ambas vinculadas con los objetivos corporativos porque presentan a la empresa de manera más segura y sostenible a los stakeholders y a la sociedad en general, aumentando su diferencial competitivo. En este sentido de crear valor para satisfacer las necesidades de las partes interesadas, estructurando sistémicamente la empresa y perfeccionando su proceso decisorio multicriterio es en el que este trabajo integra las dos gobernanzas a través de los criterios de Beneficios, Riesgos y Recursos y de diferentes sub-criterios y alternativas de decisión. Para ello se aplica el método Analytic Hierarchy Process para definir cuáles son las prioridades en GC y GCTI que más valor crean para las empresas. Esta cuestión ha sido respondida generando un modelo teórico-práctico estructurado por medio del Generador de Sistemas de Apoyo a la Decisión. Los resultados encontrados están relacionados con los criterios de Beneficios (55%), Recursos (24%) y Riesgos (21%). Las alternativas prioritarias están vinculadas con decisiones de: inversión y prioridades de TI (32,6%); necesidades de aplicaciones de negocios (24,6%); principios de TI (16,0%); arquitectura de TI (16,0%); e infraestructura de TI (10,8%).<hr/>Value Creation directly depends on Corporate Governance (CG) and Corporate Governance of IT (CGTI), both linked to corporate objectives because they present the company in a more secure and sustainable way to stakeholders and society in general, increasing their competitive differential. In this sense of creating value to satisfy the needs of stakeholders, systemically structuring the company and perfecting its multicriteria decision-making process is where this work integrates the two governances through the criteria of Benefits, Risks and Resources and different sub-criteria and decision alternatives. To do this, the Analytic Hierarchy Process is applied to define the CG and CGTI priorities that create the most value for companies. This question has been answered by generating a theoretical-practical model structured through the Decision Support System Generator. The results found are related to the criteria of Benefits (55%), Resources (24%) and Risks (21%). The priority alternatives are linked to decisions of: IT investment and priorities (32.6%); business application needs (24.6%); IT principles (16.0%); IT architecture (16,0%); and IT infrastructure (10.8%). <link></link> <description>O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar uma Escala de Motivação de Realização, como primeira aplicação a estudantes portugueses e brasileiros, que aprendem programação informática em 3D. A escala original em língua inglesa foi traduzida para português de Portugal e Brasil, retrovertida para inglês, por falantes das três línguas, até chegar à versão aplicada à nossa amostra, composta por 204 estudantes, 102 brasileiros e 102 portugueses. Determinámos três índices: (i) A Sensibilidade dos itens, (ii) A Validade Fatorial recorrendo à Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) com Rotação Varimax, (iii) e o Alfa de Cronbach. Os resultados podem ser considerados positivos. Os itens revelaram boa ou muito boa sensibilidade; a AFE sugere que a estrutura fatorial proposta pelo modelo teórico não se confirmou na nossa amostra; os Alfas de Cronbach podem ser considerados bons.<hr/>This research aims to validate the Achievement Motivation Inventory with a sample of Portuguese and Brazilian students who learn programming computer using 3D tools. The original Scale is in English was translated to Portugal and Brazilian Portuguese, and after retranslated to English, by three languages speakers. The final version was applied to our sample: 204 students, 102 Brazilians and 102 Portuguese. To the validation process, we determined three indexes: (i) the Sensibility of each item of the Scale, (ii) the Factorial Validity using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with Varimax Rotation, (iii) and the Cronbach Alpha. The results can be considered positive. The items presented a good or very good Sensibility; the EFA suggests that the factor structure proposed by the theoretical model was not confirmed in our sample; Cronbach's Alphas can be considered good.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Revenue Assurance Method using Risk Analysis and Computing with Words</b>]]> El incremento de la competitividad en los mercados globales ha provocado la necesidad de perfeccionamientos en las organizaciones orientadas a proyectos, dirigidas a mejorar su salud financiera. El aseguramiento de ingresos combina técnicas de estadística, gestión de riesgos, alcance, tiempo, soft computing y minería de datos anómalos, orientado a la reducción de costos y la maximización de ingresos en las organizaciones. Este trabajo presenta un método para el aseguramiento de ingresos basado en técnicas de análisis de riesgos y computación con palabras. Con ello se persigue mejorar los procesos de detección y prevención de situaciones que afectan los ingresos en las organizaciones orientadas a proyectos. Se desarrolla la gestión de riesgos con un enfoque proactivo para la planificación y la evaluación cualitativa de riesgos. Se realiza un análisis final que muestra las ventajas de la propuesta con respecto a los resultados obtenidos con la técnica tradicional del PMBOK.<hr/>The increase in competitiveness in global markets has led to the need for improvements in project-oriented organizations aimed at stimulating financial health. Revenue assurance combines statistical techniques, risk management, scope, time, soft computing, and anomalous data mining, with goals of reducing costs and maximizing revenue in the organizations. This paper presents a method for revenue assurance based on risk analysis techniques and word computation. Furthermore, this aims at improving the detection and prevention processes of situations that affect revenue in project-oriented organizations. Risk management is developed with a proactive approach for planning and qualitative risk assessment. A final analysis is carries out that shows the great advantages of the proposal with respect to the results obtained with the traditional PMBOK technique.