Scielo RSS <![CDATA[RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação]]> vol. num. 46 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Resumo No cenário atual em que as organizações devem reagir mais rapidamente às mudanças nos seus ambientes externo e interno, as informações tornam-se cada vez mais necessárias à gestão efetiva dos negócios. Neste contexto, encontram-se as Universidade Federais Brasileiras procurando atender às demandas sociais, fazendo uso de técnicas e ferramentas de Business Intelligence (BI) que podem fornecer suporte às decisões estratégicas institucionais. Particularmente, o interesse por sistemas de apoio à decisão utilizando BI na gestão acadêmica vem crescendo. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a experiência da aplicação de uma solução de BI para a gestão acadêmica da Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Verificou-se a viabilidade do uso de BI como instrumento importante no auxílio aos gestores universitários no processo de visualização e entendimento das informações existentes sobre o fenômeno específico da evasão estudantil, para posterior construção de medidas visando combater este fenômeno.<hr/>Abstract In the current scenario in which organizations must react more quickly to changes in their external and internal environments, information becomes increasingly necessary for effective business management. In this context, the Brazilian Federal Universities are looking to meet social demands, using Business Intelligence (BI) techniques and tools to support institutional strategic decisions. Particularly, interest in decision support systems using BI in academic management has been growing. This work presents a study on the experience of applying a BI solution for academic management at the Federal University of Alagoas. It was verified the feasibility of using BI as an important tool to help university managers view and understand existing information on the specific phenomenon of student dropout for later construction of measures to combat this phenomenon.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[The Podcast: a virtual resource for the autonomous learning in university students]]> Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la influencia de la elaboración y uso del Podcast en el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje autónomo, en sus dimensiones de autorregulación, competencias informacionales y trabajo colaborativo, en los estudiantes universitarios. La investigación fue de diseño cuasi experimental y nivel explicativo, la muestra comprendió 293 estudiantes de cinco universidades peruanas. Se les suministró un pretest - postest y entre ambas se realizó una intervención, que consistió en la elaboración de un Podcast sobre un tema de una asignatura de su carrera profesional, lo que ejercitó el control volitivo, manejo del tiempo, motivación, creatividad, la práctica de la empatía, sinergia, cooperación en el aula, entre otros. La aplicación del estadístico de Wilcoxon permitió afirmar que existen diferencias significativas entre el pretest y postest. Estos resultados demuestran que el uso del recurso virtual Podcast influyó, significativamente, en el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje autónomo de los estudiantes.<hr/>Abstract The objective of this research was to determine the influence of the elaboration and use of the Podcast in the strengthening of autonomous learning, in its dimensions of self-regulation, informational competences and collaborative work, of university students. The research was of quasi-experimental design and explanatory level, the sample comprised 293 students from five Peruvian universities. They were given a pretest - posttest and an intervention was carried out between them, which consisted of the development of a Podcast on a topic of a subject of their professional career, which exercised volitional control, time management, motivation, creativity, practice of empathy, synergy, cooperation in the classroom, among others. The application of the Wilcoxon statistic allowed us to affirm that there are significant differences between the pretest and posttest. These results show that the use of the Podcast virtual resource significantly influenced the strengthening of students' autonomous learning. <![CDATA[Systematic review of quality assessment instruments for learning objects]]> Resumen En este trabajo se presenta una revisión exhaustiva de instrumentos de evaluación de calidad de objetos de aprendizaje propuestos en la literatura con el objetivo de determinar si es necesario elaborar un nuevo instrumento que contemple necesidades no previstas en aquéllos; o si, por el contrario, alguno puede ser adoptado para valorar esta clase particular de recursos educativos en la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de Argentina. El instrumento a ser elegido debe guardar un adecuado equilibrio entre cobertura, extensión y facilidad de aplicación, a la vez que dar garantías de confiabilidad y validez. Del análisis de resultados se concluyó que el modelo de la norma de la Agencia Española de Normalización, UNE 71362 Calidad de los materiales educativos digitales, verifica los requisitos de selección.<hr/>Abstract This paper presents an exhaustive review of learning objects quality assessment tools proposed in the literature in order to determine if it is necessary to develop a new instrument that addresses needs not foreseen in them; or if, on the other hand, one can be adopted to value this particular class of educational resources at the National Technological University of Argentina. The instrument to be chosen must keep an adequate balance between coverage, extension and easy to use, while providing guarantees of reliability and validity. From the analysis of results, it was concluded that standard of the Spanish Agency for Standardization, UNE 71362 Quality of digital educational materials, verifies the selection requirements. <link></link> <description>Resumo Esta pesquisa identifica os requisitos para cientistas de dados no Brasil em anúncios de emprego. Para analisar estes documentos, adota métodos de mineração de texto: n-grama, modelagem de tópico e agrupamento. Os resultados apontam uma concentração de vagas em São Paulo e revelam que a modalidade remota é a segunda mais ofertada. Além disso, destaca que os salários no Brasil estão abaixo da média de outros países, mesmo que as organizações procurem por profissionais experientes e com alto nível educacional. Quanto aos requisitos, há o predomínio de habilidades técnicas como machine learning, modelos estatísticos, python, banco de dados, dentre outras. Para as técnicas de mineração, demonstra que n-grama e o agrupamento são mais adequadas que a modelagem de tópicos.<hr/>Abstract This research identifies in job postings the requirements for data scientists in Brazil. To analyze these documents, it adopts text mining methods of analysis: n-gram, topic modeling, and clustering. The findings point to a concentration of job opportunities in São Paulo while demonstrating that the remote modality is the second most offered. Additionally, it highlights that salaries in Brazil are below the average of other countries, even if organizations look for experienced professionals with an elevated level of education. About the requirements, there is a predominance of technical skills such as machine learning, statistical models, python, and database, among others. The results also demonstrate that n-gram and clustering are more suitable for text mining techniques than topic modeling.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Resumo Encontrar uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de software que seja aderente às características de fábricas de software é um grande desafio para pesquisadores. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia híbrida, denominada Agile Short Unified Process - ASUP. A proposta tem como base elementos extraídos do framework Scrum inseridos nas quatro fases do Unified Process - UP: Concepção, Elaboração, Construção e Transição. Em cada fase encontra-se um ciclo de vida representada e tipificada com todos os seus elementos. Para avaliar a eficiência, o ASUP foi aplicado em quatro projetos de duas instituições federais de educação profissional - IFTM e IFNMG. Após a aplicação da metodologia, alguns apontamentos foram realizados pelas equipes como forma de feedback e suas percepções finais foram de ganhos significativos nas atividades de gerenciamento dos projetos. Por fim, nas duas instituições, a metodologia foi aprovada e deixou de ser apenas sugestiva para ser considerada aplicável em outros projetos.<hr/>Abstract A great challenge for researchers is to find out a software development methodology that can be adhered to the characteristics of software factories. In this sense, this work presents a hybrid methodology, called Agile Short Unified Process - ASUP. The proposal is based on elements extracted from the Scrum framework inserted in the four phases of the Unified Process - UP: Conception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition. We can find a life cycle represented and typified with all its elements in each stage. The ASUP was applied in four projects of two federal institutions of professional education (IFTM and IFNMG) in order to evaluate its efficiency. After applying this methodology, some notes were made by the teams as a form of feedback, and their final perceptions realized meaningful gains in project management activities. In the end, the methodology was approved and was no longer only a suggestive one, but being considered perfectly possible to be applied in other projects, in both institutions.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[The importance of information security in the public sector in Colombia.]]> Resumen El presente artículo nace como respuesta a la importancia que ha tomado en el sector público la protección de la información que se comparte con los usuarios en la búsqueda de una gestión basada en la transparencia que garantice procesos eficientes y oportunos que beneficien a todas las partes interesadas. En el documento se exploran el origen y fundamentos del Gobierno en Línea, así como su marco legislativo. De igual manera, realiza una descripción del significado de sector público y los alcances que han tenido las entidades que lo conforman en relación a la implementación de la estrategia digital, permitiendo además comparar el país con otros de la región de América Latina. Asimismo, el estudio hace énfasis en el nivel de cumplimiento del Gobierno Digital y Seguridad Digital de los municipios de sexta categoría que pertenecen al sur del Departamento del Cesar, evidenciando una baja capacidad de respuesta a los factores evaluados. Finalmente, se planean los aspectos que deben tenerse en cuenta para la puesta en marcha de la estrategia del Gobierno en línea, soportado en el Decreto 2693 de 2012 y que debe contener los componentes de: a) elementos transversales, b) información en línea, c) interacción en línea, d) transacción en línea, y d) democracia en línea.<hr/>Abstract This article is born as a response to the importance that the protection of information shared with users has taken in the public sector in the search for a management based on transparency that guarantees efficient and timely processes that benefit all interested parties. The document explores the origin and foundations of Online Government, as well as its legislative framework. In the same way, it makes a description of the meaning of the public sector and the scope that the entities that comprise it have had in relation to the implementation of the digital strategy, also allowing the country to be compared with others in the Latin American region. Likewise, the study emphasizes the level of compliance with the Digital Government and Digital Security of the sixth category municipalities that belong to the south of the Department of Cesar, evidencing a low response capacity to the evaluated factors. Finally, the aspects that must be taken into account for the implementation of the online Government strategy that must contain the components of: a) transversal elements, b) online information, c) online interaction, d) online transaction, and d) online democracy. <![CDATA[Artificial intelligence in Psychology: new approaches for the detection of false statements]]> Resumen Las mentiras a través de las declaraciones falsas tienen consecuencias negativas por los daños y perjuicios a personas e instituciones inocentes que son involucradas o por los beneficios indebidos que persiguen ciudadanos deshonestos. En las investigaciones las declaraciones son utilizadas para obtener información sobre los hechos y la detección temprana de su falsedad representa un desafío. Los instrumentos que dispone el profesional de psicología para detectar la falsedad tienen altas tasas de error y con mucho retraso en brindar resultados debido al estudio individual de los implicados. Proponemos nuevos enfoques basados en inteligencia artificial como un nuevo mecanismo a las técnicas psicológicas existentes para la detección temprana de la falsedad en las declaraciones escritas. Los resultados preliminares demuestran la viabilidad de la Inteligencia Artificial para la predicción de la falsedad, lo que permitirá que el profesional de psicología disponga de nuevas herramientas en el proceso de la detección de mentiras.<hr/>Abstract Lies through false statements have negative consequences because of the damages to innocent people and institutions that are involved or because of the undue benefits pursued by dishonest citizens. In investigations, statements are used to obtain information about the facts and the early detection of their falsity represents a challenge. The instruments available to the psychology professional to detect falsehood have high error rates and a long delay in providing results due to the individual study of those involved. We propose new approaches based on artificial intelligence as a new mechanism to existing psychological techniques for the early detection of falsity in written statements. The preliminary results demonstrate the viability of Artificial Intelligence for the prediction of falsehood, which will allow the psychology professional to have new tools in the process of lie detection.