Scielo RSS <![CDATA[RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação]]> vol. num. 47 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Increase of the level of service in a hardware store cluster with the application of mixed methodologies]]> Resumen El problema identificado en las pymes ferreteras dedicadas a la comercialización y distribución de diversos productos es la deficiente gestión de almacenes, debido a que utilizan altos tiempos para la realización de los procesos de recepción de productos, almacenaje y picking. Además, tienen desconocimiento de la exactitud de inventario, el cual ocasiona las roturas de stock y no permite en muchos de los casos la entrega completa de los pedidos. Todo ello ocasiona que el nivel de servicio de la empresa esté por debajo del estándar. La propuesta diseñada consiste en la aplicación de las herramientas 5S, ABC, system layout planning y estandarización del trabajo para mejorar la gestión de almacenes. Entre los principales resultados de la implementación de la propuesta, se incrementó el nivel de servicio a un 95%, se redujo el tiempo del proceso de picking en un 55%, el de almacenaje en un 57% y el de recepción de productos en un 63%.<hr/>Abstract The problem identified in hardware SMEs engaged in the marketing and distribution of various products is the poor management of their warehouses because they use long times to carry out the processes of receiving products, storage and picking. In addition, they are unaware of the inventory accuracy, which causes stock ruptures and does not allow in many cases the complete delivery of orders. All this causes the company's service level to be below standard. The proposal designed consists of the application of the 5S, ABC, System Layout Planning and Work Standardization tools to improve warehouse management. Among the main results of the research, the service level was increased to 95%, the picking process time was reduced by 55%, the storage time by 57% and the product reception time by 63%. <![CDATA[Development of a technological platform based on management boards for the digitization of the SIGET PROS business management system in an academic environment]]> Resumen Se presentan los resultados de investigación asociada a una metodología de gestión empresarial denominada SIGET PROS, y que se enfoca en el diagnóstico del estado de las MIPYMES (Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas) mediante la definición de "escenarios", según la estrategia corporativa, para posteriormente recomendar las acciones necesarias para potencializar su crecimiento. El desarrollo tecnológico realizado utilizó la metodología ágil Scrum, con roles y responsabilidades, para generar la solución tecnológica que permite la gestión de datos en las organizaciones con herramientas que faciliten la digitalización de sus operaciones y brinden flexibilidad, al poder integrarse con otras fuentes de datos de forma natural o flexible, soportado por la cultura DevOps (Desarrollo y las Operaciones), tecnologías BI (Inteligencia Empresarial), tableros de desarrollo y adaptación a plataformas virtuales.<hr/>Abstract The results of research associated with a business management methodology called SIGET PROS are presented, which focuses on diagnosing the state of MSMEs by defining "scenarios", according to corporate strategy, to later recommend the necessary actions to potentiate its growth. The technological development carried out used the agile Scrum methodology, with roles and responsibilities, to generate the technological solution that allows data management in organizations with tools that facilitate the digitization of their operations and provide flexibility, by being able to integrate with other data sources in a natural or flexible way, supported by the DevOps (Development and Operations) culture, BI (Business Intelligence) technologies, development boards and adaptation to virtual platforms. <link></link> <description>Resumo As tecnologias da informação (TI) se tornaram importantes recursos para os diferentes processos de trabalho das organizações. No contexto de organizações da Economia Solidária (ES) a utilização dessas tecnologias pode se tratar de questões de sobrevivência e estratégia para a organização. Desta forma teve-se como objetivo investigar os desafios na gestão das tecnologias da informação no processo de fortalecimento de movimentos sociais solidários tendo como base as experiências de empreendimentos de Economia Solidária nas cidades de João Monlevade e Nova Era em Minas Gerais - Brasil. Quanto a metodologia realizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, observação participante, visitas in loco, pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Buscou-se dados sobre o uso das TI, processos produtivos e a gestão nos empreendimentos. Os resultados demonstraram fragilidades, limitações, potencialidades, necessidades e desafios no que se refere a ES e TI. Mas, também oportunidades aos profissionais de TI atuarem como mediadores no processo de inclusão e desenvolvimento humano.<hr/>Abstract Information technologies (IT) have become important resources for the different work processes of organizations. In the context of Solidarity Economy (SE) organizations, the use of these technologies can be a question of their survival and strategy for the organization. In this way, the objective was to investigate the challenges in the management of information technologies in the process of strengthening social solidarity movements based on the experiences of Solidarity Economy ventures in the cities of João Monlevade and Nova Era in Minas Gerais - Brazil. As for the methodology, a qualitative approach was carried out, participant observation, on-site visits, bibliographic and documentary research. Data on the use of IT, production processes and management in the enterprises were sought. The results showed weaknesses, limitations, potentialities, needs and challenges with regard to ES and IT. But also opportunities for IT professionals to act as mediators in the process of inclusion and human development.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Inter-academic cooperation as a determining factor for the academic productivity of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa]]> Resumen La innovación tecnológica incentiva la cooperación entre académicos para impulsar el desarrollo de regiones competitivas mediante investigaciones aplicadas de la universidad a la que pertenecen. Se busca conocer el nivel de cooperación entre los investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa hacia la innovación, a través su Parque de Innovación Tecnológica, que permite el aumento de la competitividad de la región. 44 académicos participaron en el llenado del cuestionario estructurado y sus respuestas se analizaron con el software estadístico SPSS, encontrando una media de 3.895 puntos de 5 en cuanto a sus necesidades de cooperación y que la cooperación para innovar es la más representativa de los cuatro tipos de cooperación. En conclusión, se puede incentivar a los investigadores a innovar y producir más capacitándolos, poniendo énfasis en la venta y distribución de sus productos, promocionando sus perfiles entre ellos y mejorando la comunicación al adquirir herramientas.<hr/>Abstract Technological innovation encourages cooperation between academics to promote the development of competitive regions through applied research from the university to which they belong. We seek to know the level of cooperation between researchers from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa towards innovation, through its Technological Innovation Park, which allows the increase of the region's competitiveness. 44 academics participated in filling out the structured questionnaire and their answers were analyzed with the SPSS statistical software, finding an average of 3,895 points out of 5 in terms of their cooperation needs and that the cooperation to innovate is the most representative of the four types of cooperation. In conclusion, researchers can be encouraged to innovate and produce more by training them, emphasizing the sale and distribution of their products, promoting their profiles among them and improving communication when acquiring tools. <![CDATA[Generational diversity and pattern Information and Communication Technologies use]]> Resumen El objetivo es describir el patrón de uso de las TIC en cinco generaciones. La metodología es cuantitativa no experimental. Se miden 4 dimensiones: uso del computador, uso de internet, uso de redes sociales y uso de aplicaciones móviles. La muestra fue de N=3600 sujetos. Los resultados evidencian que en el uso del computador las generaciones jóvenes prefieren el aprendizaje autónomo, en cambio, las generaciones mayores necesitan ayuda de familiares y/o amigos. En el uso de internet las generaciones afirman que ha mejorado su calidad de vida. Para el uso de redes sociales, las generaciones afirman que las más utilizadas son WhatsApp y Facebook y en el uso de aplicaciones móviles, las generaciones afirman que utilizan Netflix y Spotify. En conclusión, las generaciones presentan usos similares de las TIC, se evidencia que subyace una estructura de uso común que disminuye la idea de brecha digital entre estas.<hr/>Abstract The aim is to describe the pattern of ICT use in five generations. The methodology is non-experimental quantitative. Four dimensions are measured: use of the computer, use of the Internet, use of social networks, and use of mobile applications. The sample was N=3600 subjects. The results show that in the use of the computer, young generations prefer autonomous learning, while older generations need help from family and/or friends. In the use of the Internet, generations affirm that it has improved their quality of life. For the use of social networks, the generations affirm that the most used are WhatsApp and Facebook and in the use of mobile applications, the generations affirm that they use Netflix and Spotify. In conclusion, the generations present similar uses of ICTs, it is evident that there is an underlying structure of common use that diminishes the idea of ​​a digital gap between them. <link></link> <description>Resumo A implantação da tecnologia da Internet das Coisas (IoT) traz benefícios à vida, como controle remoto de pragas na agricultura, monitoramento da cadeia de suprimentos, melhoria na educação e monitoramento de pacientes. No entanto, apesar dos benefícios, existem desafios embutidos na implementação desta tecnologia. Um dos maiores desafios da área é a violação de privacidade e segurança de dados. Portanto, é necessário avaliar a probabilidade de falha dos elementos e, consequentemente, a causa desse problema. Assim, é neste contexto que este trabalho se propõe a identificar, modelar e calcular a probabilidade de falha através de uma análise sistemática, utilizando Redes Bayesianas. Os resultados mostraram que através do uso do modelo proposto foi possível avaliar diferentes cenários para o uso de redes de Internet das Coisas, bem como simular o efeito da probabilidade de falha nos elementos críticos do sistema.<hr/>Abstract The implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology provides benefits to life, such as remote pest control in agriculture, monitoring the supply chain, improvement environment in education, and monitoring patients. However, despite the benefits, there are challenges embedded in the implementation of this technology. One of the biggest challenges in the area is the violation of privacy and data security. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the probability of failure of the components and, consequently, the cause of this problem. So, it is in this context that this work proposes to identify, model, and calculate the failure probability through a systematic analysis, using Bayesian Networks. The results showed that through the use of the proposed model it was possible to evaluate different scenarios for the use of Internet of Things networks, as well as to simulate the effect of the probability of failure in the critical components of the system.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Structuring model of the Internet electronic consumer purchase decision in the electronic in Costa Rica; A neuro explorative approach]]> Resumen el artículo aborda dos aristas de relevancia en materia del estudio de la decisión de compra de bienes tangibles a través de la Internet en Costa Rica. Precisando en primer lugar el perfil del comprador, el cual es basado en datos propios del individuo, pero analizados de forma inductiva desde una eventual perspectiva neural, haciendo un señalamiento de las posibles activaciones neuroconductuales que la persona pudiese estar generando. La segunda parte señala los elementos conformantes de la decisión de compra electrónica de la persona, indicando los aspectos que estructuran este patrón conductual, mismo que es analizado también desde una perspectiva de la neuroconducta de la comprador, logrando detallar así los aspectos que definen su estructuración final. Se finaliza con una propuesta de ecuación para la observancia de la decisión específica de forma ordenada y sistemática, permitiendo generar un modelo para su eventual aplicación.<hr/>Abstract the paper addresses two relevant aspects in the study of the tangible goods purchase decision through the Internet in Costa Rica. Specifying in the first place the buyer profile, based on the person´s own data, but analyzed inductively from an eventual neural perspective, demonstrating the possible neurobehavioral activations that the person could be generating. The second part of the paper points out the conforming elements of the person's electronic purchase decision, indicating the structural aspects of this behavioral pattern, which is also analyzed from the buyer's neurobehavioral perspective, thus managing to detail the aspects that define its final structuring. It ends with a proposal of an equation for the observance of the specific decision in an orderly and systematic way, allowing to generate a model for its eventual application. <link></link> <description>Resumo O presente trabalho visa contribuir na avaliação dos aspectos relacionados à aplicabilidade de técnicas de computação afetiva aos testes psicológicos computadorizados, a fim de encontrar as reais contribuições na transformação de testes psicológicos de consultório para versões computadorizadas, que sejam sensíveis aos estados emocionais do paciente. Para tanto, será proposta uma arquitetura de sistema específica para este contexto, com ênfase na adoção de um módulo de computação afetiva. Também, como prova de conceito, serão apresentados um teste psicológico computadorizado desenvolvido sob o modelo proposto de arquitetura e seus resultados.<hr/>Abstract The present work aims to contribute to the evaluation of aspects related to the applicability of affective computing techniques to computerized psychological tests, in order to find the real contributions in the transformation of psychological tests in the office to computerized versions, which are sensitive to the emotional states of the patient. Therefore, a specific system architecture for this context will be proposed, with emphasis on the adoption of an affective computing module. Also, as proof of concept, a computerized psychological test developed under the proposed model of architecture and its results will be presented.</description> </item> </channel> </rss> <!--transformed by PHP 02:06:16 01-06-2024-->