Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Media & Jornalismo]]> vol. 16 num. 29 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Este artigo propõe-se refletir sobre as relações entre a arte da performance portuguesa e a guerra colonial portuguesa. A simultaneidade no tempo histórico, entre os anos de 1960-1970, levaria a crer que, tal como aconteceu com as temáticas da Ditadura/Revolução, a guerra colonial pudesse ter sido abordada pela performance desenvolvida em Portugal. Contudo, paradoxalmente, se até recentemente não havia registos de nenhuma obra de arte da performance portuguesa desse período que tivesse tratado diretamente o tema, por outro lado, a rememoração inerente aos 40 anos da Revolução e a temas como o Retorno, a Guerra Colonial, etc., assim como o contexto de crise e a re-emergência de um “guião revolucionário” nos novos movimentos sociais em Portugal (que tem vindo a ser disseminado pelos diversos media) têm levado, quer à emergência de projetos artísticos onde a performance e a performatividade têm vindo a ganhar um papel importante, quer a novas re-significações de alguns projetos de performance acontecidos precisamente entre os anos de 1960-1970. Em 2015, por exemplo, Ernesto de Melo e Castro faz referência ao Funerão de Aragal desenvolvido por António Aragão no âmbito do Concerto e Audição Pictórica (1965) caracterizando-o com um “simbolismo evidente tendo em atenção os mortos das guerras nas colónias de África”. Neste contexto que papéis assume a performance arte na comunicação da “História” da guerra colonial portuguesa?<hr/>This article explores the relationship between Portuguese performance art and the Colonial War. Their synchronization in the historic time between the 1960s and 70s could lead us to believe that, as with the themes of the Dictatorship and the Revolution, the performance art being produced in Portugal at the time might well have addressed the Colonial War. Paradoxically, however, there is no record of any performance art of the period directly addressing the issue. On the other hand, the memories stirred by the 40th anniversary of the Revolution and issues such as the returning colonists, the Colonial War, as well as the economic crisis and the re-emergence of a “revolutionary script” in the new Portuguese social movements (disseminated by various areas of the media) has led both to the emergence of artistic projects in which performance and performativity have been acquiring an important role, and to new interpretations of some performance projects that took place between 1960-1970. In 2015, Ernesto de Melo e Castro referred to António Aragão's Funerão de Aragal (Aragal's Funeration) - devised within the scope of the Concerto e Audição Pictórica (1965) (Concert and Pictorical Hearing) -, characterizing it as “clear symbolism taking into account the dead from the wars in the African colonies.” In this context, what roles can performance art take on in telling the story of the Portuguese colonial war?</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Um dos traços mais marcantes da cultura digital contemporânea é a constante partilha de memórias e experiências, vividas ou imaginadas. A presença ubíqua das redes sociais, associada a um desenvolvimento frenético do software e das aplicações que permitem captar e transmitir as mais variadas mensagens, alterou o modo como nos confrontamos com as imagens e narrativas que vão constituindo a memória cultural da nossa sociedade. Este artigo enquadra teoricamente e apresenta o projeto de investigação artística Estórias: Portugal-África que pretende responder a estes processos através da produção de um arquivo digital sobre experiências de entrosamento entre Portugal e África com raíz em histórias individuais, familiares e comunitárias, de migrações e cruzamentos culturais, provenientes da época colonial ou dos fenómenos pós-coloniais da miscigenação cultural e da afro-descendência. Neste texto, reflete-se em torno das dinâmicas transculturais possibilitadas pelos media, pelas redes de informação, pelas indústrias culturais e pelas artes contemporâneas mobilizadas por este projeto.<hr/>One of the most distinctive traits of contemporary digital culture is the uninterrupted sharing of memories and experiences both lived and imagined. The ubiquitous presence of social networks, along with the fast development of software and applications that enable the recording and transmission of many different messages has changed the way in which we confront the images and narratives that make up our societies' cultural memory. This article theoretically frames and describes the project Estórias: Portugal-África, which tries to be an answer to these processes by producing a digital archive about personal experiences that connect Portugal and Africa, experiences that can be rooted in family or community, in migrations and cultural crossings, in the colonial period or the post-colonial situations of cultural miscegenation. In this article I reflect on the transcultural dynamics made possible by the new media, the information networks and the practices of contemporary art mobilized for this project.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Quando se iniciou a contestação internacional à posse de colónias por Portugal, como é que o Estado Novo usou o cinema na projecção de uma retórica luso-tropical? A partir de 1965, vários documentários realizados pelos franceses Jean-Noel Pascal-Angot e Jean Leduc foram exibidos internacionalmente, no circuito comercial de distribuição cinematográfica, em festivais, nas televisões e mostrados às principais organizações não governamentais. O financiamento desta produção supostamente independente - em que o Brasil era apontado como o modelo social em recriação em Angola enquanto que o funcionamento da Commonwealth era assumidamente inspirador em Moçambique -, dando enfoque ao desenvolvimento económico e social, foi mantido confidencial. “Do Minho a Timor somos todos portugueses” era a “evidência” que este cinema encomendado queria impor. Através da análise de filmes de propaganda do colonialismo português realizados por realizadores franceses questiono, porém, se a afirmação do “orgulhosamente sós” foi uma declinação retórica, para afirmação da política colonial internamente, enquanto para o exterior se projectava, progressivamente e com maior intensidade durante o Marcelismo mas ainda durante o Salazarismo, a imagem de outro Portugal, menos espartilhado, em termos de costumes, e aberto ao capital estrangeiro.<hr/>When the United Nations began to question the possession of colonies by Portugal, how were films used by Estado Novo to project a luso-tropical rhetoric? From 1965, documentaries directed by French filmmakers Jean-Noel Pascal-Angot and Jean Leduc were showed internationally in cinemas, film festivals, televisions and were presented to the major non-governmental organizations. The Portuguese regime's funding to this production supposedly independent - in which Brazil was appointed as the social model in recreation in Angola and the functioning of the Commonwealth was presented as inspiring for Mozambique - was kept confidential. “From Minho to Timor we are all Portuguese” was the “evidence” that this commissioned film production wanted to impose. Through the analysis of these international colonial propaganda films commissioned by Portuguese regime, I question, however, if Salazar's claim of Portugal standing “proudly alone” was a rhetorical declination, only to affirm internally the colonial policy, while abroad it was being projected an image of another Portugal, less corseted in terms of customs, and open to foreign capital.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Tarzan & dr. Moreau vs the subhumans & the vodoo zombies</b>: <b>colonialist and anti-colonialist discourses in pre-code Hollywood (1932-1934)</b>]]> El presente artículo analiza los discursos colonialista y anticolonialista implícitos en seis películas de Hollywood de los primeros años treinta, antes de que se impusiera definitivamente el discurso hegemónico sustentado por el código de censura de 1934. El recorrido comienza con Tarzán, guardián de las colonias africanas, y termina con Island of Lost Souls, una película que los aborígenes australianos tenían prohibido ver.<hr/>In this paper I analyse the implicit discourse about colonialism in six Hollywood films of the early thirties. That is, filmed before the hegemonic discourse supported by the censorship of the Production Code Administration was definitively imposed in 1934. The tour begins with Tarzan, guardian of the African colonies, and ends with Dr. Moreau in Island of Lost Souls, a film that Australian aborigines were forbidden to see. <link></link> <description>Neste texto vamos procurar entender algumas das razões fundamentais que explicam o facto de a televisão nunca ter chegado às colónias portuguesas, quer durante a governação de Salazar, quer inclusivamente com Marcello Caetano, apesar de ter sido ele o impulsionador da televisão em Portugal. Da análise do contexto político nacional e internacional e do confronto com a própria experiência sul-africana, mais determinada na sua “iconoclastia” catódica, algumas das conclusões que retiramos conduzem-nos a uma pergunta para a qual a própria experiência política e mediática do apartheid parece sugerir uma resposta. E que tem a ver com os impactos possíveis de uma outra estratégia propagandística televisiva em contexto colonial. Que consequências diversas poderia ter tido? Deixemos que seja aqui o próprio leitor a retirar as suas conclusões.<hr/>In this text we will try to understand some of the fundamental reasons for the fact that television never reached the Portuguese colonies, either during the government of Salazar or even with Marcello Caetano, although he was the promoter of television in Portugal. The analysis of national and international political context and the confrontation with the South African own experience, more determined in its “cathodic iconoclasm”, some of the conclusions we draw lead us to a question that the very political and media experience of apartheid seems to suggest an answer. And that has to do with the possible impacts of another television propaganda strategy in the colonial context. What diverse consequences could that have had? Let the reader be here him or herself to withdraw its conclusions.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>“The Blacks of Indonesia”</b>: <b>the Articulation of Papuan Ethnic Identity on Social Media</b>]]> This study aims to explore how Indonesian ethnic minorities construct their identity online. It will focus on the way Papuans articulate their ethnic identity online particularly on Facebook. It looks for the way in which Papuans present and express themselves through posted and shared messages. The articulation of Papuan identity from the Papuans' view is significant due to the fact that Papuans were denied the freedom to express their ethnic identity. Multimodal discourse analysis is chosen as the method. This method offers a tool to collect and analyse data that is appropriate to study texts in social media. This study will provide analysis on the way Papuans articulate their “Papuanness”, through the posted messages within the Orang Papua group. It reveals that through social media, Papuans are strengthening their identity by raising their distinctive ethnic consciousness. Papuans are emphasising their affiliation to Melanesian race to show their ethnic distinctiveness and to contrast with Indonesians, creating the notion of ethnic authenticity to redefine their ethnic identity, contesting the negative stereotype previously attached to them to empower themselves. Papuans' marginalisation, oppression and economic exploitation along with being recognised by their black skin and curly hair, have made Papuans “the Blacks of Indonesia”. Papuan ethnic consciousness is facilitated by Facebook platform which allow them to choose and post messages to support their preferred online identity. Through social media, members of the Orang Papua group have shown attempts for power struggle by constructing identity according to their values and interests. <![CDATA[<b>The Macheteros and the role of the press in the National Liberation Struggle in Puerto Rico</b>]]> El siguiente artículo recapitula parte la cobertura de prensa de la detención, el encarcelamiento y el procesamiento de los miembros de la organización separatista clandestina puertorriqueña Los Macheteros. Con la intensión de acentuar la importancia de la prensa independiente y los organismos de solidaridad política para romper el cerco informático por parte de las autoridades o sectores de la prensa comercial (mass media) que reproducen los discursos hegemónicos del estado. Además de reconocer su valor como fuente histórica. También se reseña algunos acontecimientos en los que las autoridades coloniales interfirieron con el derecho a la libertad de prensa, al interferir con algunos periodistas que trabajaron de cerca las historias relacionadas a Los Macheteros. Eventos que permiten reflexionar sobre la reproducción o desafíos de las posturas oficiales articuladas por las autoridades contra los miembros de la organización clandestina y la cobertura de los acontecimientos por la prensa.<hr/>The following paper reviews the press coverage of the arrest, detention and prosecution of members of the clandestine Puerto Rican separatist group Los Macheteros. We emphasize the relevance of the independent press and political solidarity groups' defiance of the official stance against the anticolonial armed movement and the mass media reproduction of the hegemonic discourse. Pointing the authorities' interference with the right to freedom of the press. As well as pointing out the writter press value as a rich historical research reference. <link></link> <description>Analisar a trajectória do jornalismo e as relações entre a imprensa o império na Guiné ao longo do colonialismo são os objectivos do artigo. O estudo adopta uma perspectiva multidisciplinar de investigação e análise, na qual a imprensa é observada na sua interdependência às dimensões política, económica e social. Aplicam-se as teorias do jornalismo em regimes liberais e autoritários para se observar a imprensa. O tardio surgimento da imprensa oficial reflectiu a fragilidade da presença portuguesa durante a Monarquia Constitucional. Ao longo da República a imprensa independente não se afirmou como espaço de debate público. No Estado Novo a imprensa serviu à propaganda do regime autoritário. Ao longo do colonialismo a imprensa na Guiné desempenhou o papel de apoiar e defender o império.<hr/>The main goals of this article are to analyze the trajectory of journalism and the relationship between the press and the empire throughout colonialism in Portuguese Guinea. The study adopted a multidisciplinary perspective of research and analysis, in which the press is seen in their interdependence to the political, economic and social dimensions. To observe the journalistic performance this research applied the theories of journalism in liberal and authoritarian regimes. The late emergence of the official press reflected the fragility of the Portuguese presence during the Constitutional Monarchy. Along the Republic's the independent press did not asserted as a space for public debate. In the Estado Novo the press was used to the propaganda of the authoritarian regime. Throughout colonialism the press in Guinea played the role of supporting and defending the Portuguese Empire.</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>A Antena, revista do Rádio Clube Português (RCP), coincide no tempo com o desenrolar da guerra colonial. Entre 1965 e 1968, a revista Antena é, essencialmente, palco das histórias pessoais e profissionais das “estrelas” da música, teatro e cinema da época. Ainda assim, perpassam alguns ecos das situações de conflito em África. A partir da análise de todos os números da Antena, este artigo procura indagar que imaginário colonial é transmitido pela revista, sobretudo no que respeita aos conflitos nas três frentes africanas. Destacamos também as transformações vividas pelo RCP nesta década, tanto ao nível técnico como no campo da programação, e da emergência de um jornalismo radiofónico que tende para a afirmação de uma linguagem e identidade próprias.<hr/>Antena, a magazine owned by the radio station Rádio Clube Português (RCP), coincides in time with the development of the Portuguese colonial war. Between 1965 and 1968, Antena is essentially a stage for the personal and professional stories of the music, theatre and cinema “stars” of the time. Still, some echoes of the conflicts in Africa seeped in. Starting from an analysis of all the issues of Antena, this article seeks to investigate which colonial imaginary is transmitted by the magazine, particularly with regard to conflicts in the three African fronts. We also highlight the changes experienced by the RCP station in this decade, both at the technical level and in the field of programming, as well as the emergence of a radio journalism that tends to affirm its own language and identity.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Colonial Media and post independence Experience in North Africa</b>]]> European colonialism had not only occupied many african countries, exploited their natural resources and deprived their inhabitants of basic rights, but also sought to establish its new political, social, economic and cultural system. However, in order to impose its new rules and values, it had used military forces as well as political and media means to convince and influence people minds and hearts. The press was one of the main arguments of seduction and dissimination of the colonial culture and information. This paper which focuses in its first part on French occupation of North Africa, describes how French colonial authority used and abused the media to perpetuate its presence and set up new forms of values and ideas aimed at destroying local culture and traditions. The second part describes how local populations had reacted to the colonial presence by adopting new forms of opposition and resistance. Again, the ‘indigenous press' was a determining factor in promoting ideas of militantism, independence and sovereignty. The third part highlights the main phases of the media evolution and experience during the post independence period. <link></link> <description>O presente estudo analisa as informações que a imprensa brasileira vem divulgando acerca da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), que completa 20 anos em 2016. Segundo as ideias de communitas trabalhadas por Roberto Esposito (2012), o que une os membros de uma comunidade é uma falta, uma carência, gerando uma obrigação, um dever recíproco e fraterno. Nessas condições, a CPLP pode ser imaginada como uma communitas possível? No caso do Brasil, o desafio começa pelo enfrentamento da invisibilização da comunidade. Nossa investigação revelou que, desde o início, a CPLP esteve ausente nos dois maiores jornais brasileiros: Folha de S. Paulo e O Globo. Até os poucos registros encontrados são exemplares para debater esse não reconhecimento. Todavia, as construções identitárias entre os povos da CPLP, as condições históricas comuns e a conjuntura contemporânea são potencialidades que provocam uma discussão sobre essa comunidade na perspectiva da communitas.<hr/>As the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP) turns 20 years old in 2016, this article analyzes information published by the Brazilian press about this community. We propose a discussion on the sense of community, drawing on Roberto Esposito's (2012) ideas of communitas. According to Esposito an absence unites the members of a community, where some lack or neediness generates obligation and a reciprocal and fraternal duty amongst the members. Under such circumstances, is the CPLP able to be held as a possible communitas? In the case of Brazil, the immediate challenge is to face the community's invisibility. Our research has found that, in nearly 20 years, the CPLP has been absent of the two largest Brazilian newspapers: Folha de S. Paulo and O Globo, even though the few known records of them are copies that discuss this non-recognition. However, the identity constructions within the CPLP nations, the common historical conditions, and the contemporary environment are potentialities that encourage community building in the light of the communitas.</description> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Hardship in the headlines</b>: <b>global poverty and neocolonialism in western news media</b>]]> Poverty is one of the most significant issues facing the world today. Although Western news media often report on the manifestations of poverty-famine, overcrowding, epidemics, or natural disasters-they rarely reflect the political, economic, and ideological structures that have directly caused and continue to exacerbate it on a global scale. This article argues that Western news media communicate global poverty, as a pressing issue, but ultimately fail to point out underlying causes or suggest any changes to the status quo. This fosters an understanding of poverty as a series of events, rather than the lived daily experience of many. This article, therefore, investigates the structures of neocolonial capitalism and neoliberal ideologies that gained momentum in the 20th century and continue to frame the content of news media today. Discussing the concepts of ‘compassion fatigue' and Anthony Downs' ‘issue-attention cycle', this article is a normative analysis of news media, exploring new ways to educate citizens on the global political economy. Drawing on the work of Lauren Berlant and Robert McChesney, this article ultimately discusses new ways of communicating poverty, which will require an acknowledgement of neocolonialism and a rethinking of crisis as lived daily experience. <link></link> <description>Compreendendo o jornalismo (nas sociedades ocidentais) como uma instituição que, na sua forma atual, é resultado tanto dos progressos políticos que possibilitaram a afirmação das democracias como sistemas hegemônicos, quanto dos avanços do capitalismo e colonialismo, propomos algumas reflexões para pensar esse paradoxo fundamental, que condiciona as leituras e realizações do jornalismo contemporâneo. Para tal, tomamos como objeto de análise os discursos que Jornal do Commercio e Aqui PE - dois jornais pernambucanos - veiculam sobre transexualidade e travestilidade. Olhando esses fenômenos como legitimadores de violências e marginalização social (tal como são historicamente construídos no ocidente e hegemonicamente reproduzidos), e apontando o jornalismo como espaço privilegiado de lutas pela visibilização e significação da realidade social, questionamos: onde, e de acordo com que racionalidade, sujeitos de gênero não-conforme existem por/para essa instituição? O trabalho é fundamentado nas Teorias Construtivistas do Jornalismo, bem como nas Teorias Subalternas (principalmente Estudos Queer, mas também Estudos Pós-Coloniais).<hr/>Considering journalism (in Western societies) as an institution that, in its present form, results from both the political progress that made possible the affirmation of democracy as a hegemonic system, as the advances of capitalism and colonialism, we propose some reflections about this fundamental paradox which conditions the readings and achievements of contemporary journalism. To this end, as object of analysis we consider the discourses that Jornal do Commercio and Aqui PE - two Pernambucan newspapers - publish about transgender people. Looking at those phenomena as legitimizing violence and social marginalization (as they are historically constructed in the West and hegemonically reproduced), and pointing journalism as privileged space for struggles of visibility and significance of social reality, we ask: where, and according to which rationality, does nonconforming gender people exist for/to that institution? The work is based on the Constructivist Theories of Journalism and the Subaltern Theories (Queer Studies and Postcolonial Studies).</description> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description>Pouco se fala sobre os intertextos literários do discurso jornalístico que se fazem presentes no romance português. Perpassando pela natureza dos poderes político-económicos que estão por trás dos instrumentos da comunicação, nossa atenção especial será dada à análise dos romances O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis e A jangada de pedra de José Saramago, de modo a enfatizar, respectivamente, o cenário do jornalismo impresso na Lisboa salazarista da década de 1930 e o jornalismo radiotelevisivo da década de 1980. Observaremos nesse artigo que, com a leitura desses dois romances, fica claro que ambas as fases do jornalismo português , antes e depois da revolução democrática do 25 de abril, sofrem um processo de interferência contínua de manipulação e dissimulação das notícias, o que contribuiu para proliferar no discurso da imprensa de certo “irrealismo”, nos preceitos de Eduardo Lourenço. Realizaremos, por fim, uma abordagem mais esclarecedora acerca desse irrealismo cultural constituído por muitas décadas de dissimulação comunicativa, evidenciando os processos literários através dos quais o discurso manipulador da mídia é representado. Tais processos serão reconhecidos no texto saramaguiano pela intertextualidade, em seu aspecto central, e pelos processos de alegoria e dialogismo.<hr/>Very little is said about literary intertexts of journalistic discourse that are present in the Portuguese novel. Permeating the nature of political and economic powers behind of the communication's instruments, our special attention will be given to the analysis of the novels O ano da morte de Ricardo Ricardo Reis and A jangada de pedra. We argue that these texts were written by José Saramago in order to explore the print journalism's set in Salazar's Lisbon of the 1930s and the telejournalism's set of the 1980s. Based in this reading, we will observe in this article that the journalistic discourse still suffers a brutal interference process of manipulation, which contributed to proliferate certain fictional vision among the people, even after the drop of the dictatorship of Salazar in the 1970s. We will release, finally, a more insightful approach about this discursive unreality consisting of many decades of communicative dissimulation, highlighting some literary processes by which the manipulative discourse of journalism is represented. Such processes will be recognized in the Saramago's text by the intertextuality, in its central aspect, besides the allegory processes and the dialogism.</description> </item> </channel> </rss> <!--transformed by PHP 06:06:17 02-06-2024-->