Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Nascer e Crescer]]> vol. 21 num. 3 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Hiperhidrose, simpaticectomia toracoscópica e satisfação dos adolescentes</b>]]> Introdução: A hiperhidrose axilar e palmar (HAP) corres­ponde à sudorese excessiva das axilas e palmas das mãos, em quantidades desmesuradamente maiores que as necessárias para a normal termorregulação. Afecta muitos adolescentes e a sua etiologia ainda não foi totalmente esclarecida. A simpati­cectomia toracoscópica (ST) é uma opção terapêutica com re­sultados excelentes mas associa-se a sudorese compensatória (SC). Objectivo: Avaliação da interferência da HAP no dia-a-dia dos adolescentes, antes e após a cirurgia, avaliação da presen­ça de SC e avaliação da morbilidade cirúrgica associada. Material e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, incluindo quatro doentes, (3♀,1♂; média de 17 anos de idade) submetidos a ST bilateral T2-T4. A HAP foi avaliada recorrendo à “Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale”(HDSS-International Hyperhidrosis So­ciety®). Resultados: Pré-operatoriamente, todos os doentes ti­nham HDSS 4, todos tinham de mudar o vestuário mais de duas vezes/dia e todos consideraram que a HAP interferia muito com a sua auto-estima. No primeiro dia pós-operatório, nenhum apre­sentava HAP. Uma semana depois, três referiram SC no tórax/ joelhos. Um doente referiu SC gustatória. Na primeira semana de pós-operatório, HDSS mudou para 2 num doente e para 1 nos restantes. Aos seis meses e ao primeiro ano de pós-operatório, a SC diminuiu em todos os doentes e a HDSS manteve-se no mesmo valor que na primeira semana de pós-operatório. Sem registo de complicações cirúrgicas. Conclusões: A melhoria na HAP e satisfação dos doentes foi imediata, acentuada e mantida no tempo. Apesar da pequena amostra, os resultados demonstram que a HAP é uma condição dramática para os adolescentes. Porém é facilmente tratada e associa-se a uma SC bastante tolerável, devendo merecer mais atenção em idade pediátrica.<hr/>Introduction: Axillary and palmar hyperhidrosis (APH) af­fects many adolescents. Thoracoscopic sympathectomy (TS) is a reliable therapeutic option with excellent results but is associated with compensatory sweating (CS). Aims: Evaluation of adolescents’ pre and post-operative satisfaction concerning hyperhidrosis severity, surgical morbidity and CS assessment. Methods: Prospective study including four patients (3♀,1♂;average 17 years-old) who underwent T2-T4 TS for APH. APH was assessed by “Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale” (HDSS-International Hyperhidrosis Society®). Results: Pre-operatively, all patients were HDSS 4, all had to change their clothes more than twice/day and all stated that APH much interfered with their self-esteem. On day one post­-op none had hyperhidrosis. One week after, three complained of CS from thorax/knees. One patient complained of facial flushing when eating. At that time, HDSS improved to 2 in one and to 1 in three patients. Six months and one year post-op, CS diminished in all patients, and HDSS was the same as one week post-op. There were no surgical complications. Conclusion: Hyperhidrosis and patients’s satisfaction improvement was prompt, marked and sustained. Despite the small sample, our results strengthen the fact that adolescents’ hyperhidrosis is a devastating condition easily managed and as­sociated with a bearable CS, hence deserving more attention in paediatrics. <![CDATA[<b>Recorrência do refluxo gastro-esofágico após fundoplicatura em crianças</b>]]> Introdução e Objectivos: A fundoplicatura de Nissen é o tratamento padrão da hérnia do hiato e da doença do refluxo gastro-esofágico resistente à terapêutica médica. A recorrência da doença (rRGE) é um problema comum. O objectivo deste es­tudo foi perceber em que doentes a rRGE será mais provável e porquê? Material e métodos: Análise retrospectiva dos processos dos doentes submetidos a fundoplicatura de Nissen entre Feve­reiro de 2000 e Março de 2009, na nossa Instituição. Dividiram­-se os doentes em: grupo rRGE e grupo controlo (sem sinais clínicos ou imagiológicos de rRGE). Compararam-se os dois grupos quanto ao sexo, idade e percentil de peso à data da ci­rurgia, presença de hérnia do hiato, outras comorbilidades, pre­sença de compromisso neurológico, história de convulsões, de medicação pulmonar crónica, de necessidade de O2 e/ou anti­bióticos cronicamente no período pré-operatório, técnica usada (aberta ou laparoscópica), colocação de gastrostomia, usando o teste exacto de Fischer. Resultados: 65 doentes foram submetidos a fundoplicatura de Nissen. Foram incluídos no grupo rRGE 10 doentes (15,4%). Dos parâmetros em análise, apenas foi encontrada diferença significativa em relação à colocação de gastrostomia prévia ou simultaneamente (50% no grupo rGE versus 13%, p=0,015). Conclusões: No nosso estudo, a rRGE foi maior nos doen­tes a quem foi colocada gastrostomia prévia ou simultaneamente. Este pode ser um sinal indirecto de um compromisso neurológico mais grave, embora não fosse encontrado significado estatístico para os restantes parâmetros comparados. Serão necessários mais estudos e com um maior número de casos para conclusões mais seguras.<hr/>Introduction and aim: Nissen fundoplication is the stand­ard treatment of hiatal hernia repair and treatment of gastro­esophageal reflux resistant to medical therapy. Recurrence of the disease (rGER) is a common problem. The aim of this study was to understand in which patients rGER will most probably appear and why. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of the charts of patients submitted to Nissen fundoplication between February 2000 and March 2009 in our Hospital. Patients were divided in: rGER group and control group (without rGER). We compared both groups, concerning gender, age, and weight at the time of surgery, diagnosis of hiatal hernia, other comorbidities, presence of severe neurological failure, frequent seizures, chronic pulmo­nary medication, O2 supplementation, and/or chronic antibiother­apy pre-operatively, surgical technique (open or laparoscopic), gastrostomy tube placement, using exact Fischer’s test. Results: 65 patients were submitted to Nissen fundiplica­tion. Ten patients were included in the rGER group (15,4%). After analyzing the above parameters, we found only find statistical significance for gastrostomy tube placement previous or simulta­neously to the fundoplication (50% in rGER group versus 13% in control group, p=0,015). Conclusions: In our study, rGER was higher in patients in whom a gastrostomy tube was placed previous or simultaneous­ly. This could be an indirect sign of a worse neurological impair, although no statically difference was found in the other parameters. Further studies with more cases will be necessary for more reliable conclusions. <![CDATA[<b>Hemoglobinúria paroxística ao frio</b>: <b>quando suspeitar?</b>]]> Introdução: A hemoglobinúria paroxística ao frio é uma for­ma rara de apresentação de anemia hemolítica auto-imune. Caso Clínico: Descreve-se o caso de uma criança, de 23 meses de idade, com icterícia e urina escura de início súbito. Ha­via referência a infecção das vias respiratórias superiores uma semana antes. Apresentava anemia grave com hemoglobinúria. A DHL era elevada e a prova de Coombs directa era positiva com especificidade anti-C3d. A positividade da prova de Donath­-Landsteiner, ao demonstrar o carácter bifásico do autoanticorpo, confirmou o diagnóstico de hemoglobinúria paroxística ao frio. Conclusão: Com este caso os autores pretendem realçar a importância do reconhecimento desta patologia e do seu ca­rácter de hemólise intra-vascular, de forma a contribuir para um diagnóstico e tratamento mais rápidos.<hr/>Introduction: The paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria is a rare form of presentation of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Case report: We describe the case of a 23 months-old child with jaundice and dark urine of sudden onset. There was refer­ence to upper respiratory infection a week earlier. He presented severe anemia with hemoglobinuria. DHL was rised and the di­rect Coombs test was positive with specific anti-C3d. The positive of Donath-Landsteiner proof, to demonstrate the biphasic nature of the autoantibody, confirmed the diagnosis of paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Conclusion: With this case report the authors aim to high­light the importance of recognizing this condition and the char­acter of intravascular hemolysis, so that quicker diagnosis and treatment can be made. <![CDATA[<b>Sequestro Vascular Intralobar</b>: <b>apresentação no primeiro ano de vida</b>]]> Introdução:O sequestro pulmonar é uma malformação rara caracterizada por uma massa de tecido pulmonar não fun­cionante que recebe irrigação arterial proveniente de uma artéria sistémica. Pode classificar-se em sequestro intralobar e seques­tro extralobar. Os sequestros intralobares raramente são diag­nosticados nos lactentes. Caso clínico: Descrevemos o caso clínico de um lactente de dois meses de idade, com quadro de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, cuja investigação revelou a presença de um seques­tro intralobar. O cateterismo cardíaco confirmou a presença de vaso anómalo com origem na porção inferior da aorta torácica irrigando o lobo pulmonar inferior esquerdo. Foi submetido a lo­bectomia do lobo inferior esquerdo e laqueação do vaso, com resolução do quadro. Discussão/Conclusão: O sequestro pulmonar intralobar é uma causa pouco frequente de insuficiência cardíaca no lactente. O diagnóstico requer um elevado grau de suspeição clínica para que seja instituído o tratamento eficaz e de forma atempada.<hr/>Introduction: Pulmonary sequestration is a rare abnormal­ity characterized by an area of non-functioning abnormal lung tissue, which receives its blood supply from a systemic artery. It is divided into two subtypes: intralobar and extralobar sequestra­tion. Intralobar sequestrations are rarely diagnosed in infancy. Case report: We describe the case of a two-months old child presenting with congestive heart failure, whose investiga­tion revealed intralobar sequestration. Cardiac catheterization confirmed the presence of a vessel arising from the descending aorta to the inferior lobe of the left lung. He underwent surgical lobectomy of the left lower lobe and occlusion of the feeding ves­sel, with clinical resolution. Discussion/Conclusion: Intralobar pulmonary sequestration is an uncommon cause of heart failure in the infant. Diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion in order to prompt adequate treatment. <![CDATA[<b>Tuberculose e cancro</b>: <b>pior que um só dois!</b>]]> Introdução: A tuberculose é um problema de saúde global e crescente. A doença pulmonar primária é a forma mais comum de apresentação da tuberculose activa. A tuberculose esqueléti­ca é pouco comum e representa 10 a 20% das formas extrapulmonares no doente imunocompetente. Quando existe imunossu­pressão, esta forma é mais frequente podendo estar presente, de modo isolado ou em associação com tuberculose pulmonar, em quase metade dos casos. A sua apresentação clínica é ines­pecífica e o diagnóstico diferencial inclui diversas patologias, sendo essencial um elevado índice de suspeição. Caso clínico: Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma criança com tumor de Wilms, em tratamento com quimiote­rapia, que desenvolveu tuberculose óssea. Discussão: Salienta-se a importância do diagnóstico dife­rencial da tuberculose com doença oncológica (primária ou se­cundária), a limitação dos métodos imagiológicos, a importância da confirmação diagnóstica através de estudos histopatológicos e microbiológicos, e a necessidade de um plano terapêutico ade­quado e o mais precoce possível.<hr/>Introduction: Tuberculosis is a global and growing health problem. Primary pulmonary disease is the most common form of presentation of active tuberculosis. The skeletal tuberculosis is uncommon and represents 10 to 20% of extrapulmonary disease in immunocompetent individuals. In immunosupressed patients, bone involvement is more common, either singly or in associa­tion with pulmonary tuberculosis, reaching half of the cases. Its clinical presentation is nonspecific and the differential diagnosis includes several pathologies, therefore a high index of suspicion is required. Case report: The authors report the clinical case of a child with Wilms’ tumor who was diagnosed with bone tuberculosis during the treatment of nephroblastoma. Discussion: It is emphasized the importance of differential diagnosis of tuberculosis with malignancy (primary or secondary), the limitation of imaging methods, the importance of diagnostic confirmation by histopathological and microbiological studies, and the need for an appropriate treatment plan and as early as possible. <![CDATA[<b>Caso dermatológico</b>]]> The authors describe a clinical case of a 5-year-old girl with history of thickening and yellow discoloration of the great toenails with lateral deviation, since her first month of life. The patient was diagnosed with congenital malalignment of the great toenails. The congenital malalignment of the great toenails was first described as a nosological entity in 1983, by Baran et al. It is a nail disorder in which the nail plates are laterally deviated with respect to the longitudinal axis of the distal phalanx. Other ad­ditional clinical features include yellow-green discoloration, trans­verse ridging (Beau lines) and thickening with dystrophy. <![CDATA[<b>Caso electroencefalográfico</b>]]> Introduction: Typical absence seizures are quite common in childhood, in most cases fitting the criteria for childhood absence epilepsy. Differential diagnosis is mainly with inattention and focal hypomotor seizures. Response to adequate antiepileptic drug therapy is usually very good. Case report: We report a classical case of a school-age girl with many episodes per day of staring and eye rolling with a duration of some seconds. Hyperventilation during her first appointment elicited short-duration absences with slight eye blinking. The ictal video-EEG confirmed the diagnosis, showing generalized synchronous bursts of 3 Hz spike-wave discharges with a medium duration of eight seconds. The response to therapy with valproic acid was dramatic, and medication was withdrawn at the age of eleven with no recurrence of seizures. Conclusion: The most frequent epileptic syndrome with typical absences is childhood absence epilepsy. When inclusion and exclusion criteria are taken in consideration, we can expect a good prognosis, with remission by prepubertal age. <![CDATA[<b>Caso endoscópico</b>]]> We present a case of pyloric stenosis that occurred in a patient with ileocolic Crohn’s disease without significant gastric inflammation, and treated with azathioprine and messalamine. Balloon dilatation, steroid therapy, omeprazol and polymeric en­teral nutrition were successful to resolve the stenosis. Later the patient was put on infliximab with good clinical response. <![CDATA[<b>Caso radiológico</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Etiologia</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Vigilância pré-natal e decisão do parto</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Período neonatal</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Morbilidades futuras</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Microbiota e cultura de arranque</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b><i>Cyberbulling</i></b><b> na adolescência</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Panorama Nacional do Bullying</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Formas clássicas</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Importância do estudo genético para o tratamento pré-natal</b>: <b> Papel do endocrinologista </b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Diagnóstico</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Pulmão e doenças sistémicas</b>: <b>Vasculites</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Cardiopatia congénita</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <![CDATA[<b>Complicações pulmonares das doenças gastrointestinais</b>]]> We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcu­taneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described. <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description/> </item> </channel> </rss> <!--transformed by PHP 02:06:01 02-06-2024-->