Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Journal of Digital Media and Interaction]]> vol. 7 num. 16 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Digital Media, Agenda 2030 and Education (Editorial)]]> <![CDATA[An Audiovisual Strategy to Raise Higher Education Students’ Awareness about Digital Skills Development]]> Abstract In today’s world, digital skills have become crucial and recognized as essential tools for citizens’ personal fulfilment, employability, active citizenship, and social inclusion. Several initiatives have arisen to address this topic. This study focused on developing an audiovisual strategy to be disseminated in social media, to raise higher education students’ awareness about digital skills development. In the first stage, the study analysed the social media platforms used by higher education students and their preferences for audiovisual content consumption. The findings revealed that students gravitate towards short, impactful videos that evoke emotions and tell compelling stories. Five short videos were created incorporating these elements based on these insights and disseminated on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Despite some challenges, such as the absence of paid video promotion in a saturated digital landscape, the videos demonstrated effectiveness in raising awareness among academic students about the digital skills sought by the labour market. <![CDATA[(Using Augmented Reality for the Development of Sustainable Development Goals: An Experience with Students at Risk of Social Exclusion)]]> Resumen Para el desarrollo, tanto personal como socioeconómico, la educación es un elemento primordial. Sin embargo, pese a su relevancia e importancia no hay una educación inclusiva que permita el acceso a toda la población. Esto es especialmente notorio en contextos de estudiantes que se encuentran en riesgo de exclusión. Este trabajo presenta un proyecto que fomenta disminuir el gap tecnológico en las clases sociales más desfavorecidas, impulsando el uso de tecnología de Realidad Aumentada. Para ello se presenta una experiencia con niños en riesgo de exclusión social en la que realizaron dos talleres formativos durante dos semanas, organizando los estudiantes en dos grupos, donde uno usaba Realidad Aumentada con Tablet y el otro no. El objetivo de la experiencia fue evaluar el impacto del uso de esta tecnología en el estado emocional de los estudiantes, así como en el desarrollo de la competencia de pensamiento computacional. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes que usaron Realidad Aumentada mejoraron considerablemente los resultados académicos sobre programación en bloque respecto a los que no la usaron. Además, se encontró que el estado emocional de los primeros fue en general de emociones más agradables respecto a los segundos.<hr/>Abstract For personal and socioeconomic development, education is a fundamental element. However, despite its relevance and importance, there is no inclusive education that allows access to the entire population. This is especially noticeable in contexts where students are at risk of exclusion. This paper presents a project that aims to reduce the technological gap in the most disadvantaged social classes by promoting the use of Augmented Reality technology. To this end, an experience with children at risk of social exclusion is presented, in which they participated in two training workshops over two weeks, organized into two groups, where one group used Augmented Reality with Tablets and the other did not. The objective of the experience was to assess the impact of using this technology on the emotional state of the students, as well as on the development of computational thinking competence. The results show that students who used Augmented Reality significantly improved their academic results in block programming compared to those who did not use it. Additionally, it was found that the emotional state of the former was generally more pleasant compared to the latter. <![CDATA[Diversity and Inclusion through Technology in the Teaching of Antitrust Law]]> Abstract Sustainable Development Goals try to foster several targets for a better planet. Universities play a key role in providing access to tertiary education. Our teaching experience focuses on two SDGs: number 4 on quality education and number 10 on reduction of inequalities with the objective to build an inclusive and effective learning environment for students within quality education. Antitrust law was selected as part of the legal course to be taught with an innovative methodology. Our methodology consists of using the SCORM package due to the benefits it brings to the learning process and its management. Exe-Learning has been used as a tool to create the SCORM package. Social inclusion of people with some type of disability is enhanced with the content editor, contributing to the University's goal of reducing inequalities in diversity. One of the ways to eliminate disparities for the most vulnerable people, including people with disabilities, has been achieved by implementing accessibility elements, for integration of students from other cultures through a script that includes a language translator. Finally, from the material perspective of the subject, the horizontal guidelines on sustainability agreements are taught, which clarify that antitrust regulations do not hinder agreements between competitors that pursue a sustainability objective. <![CDATA[Audiovisual on 2030 Agenda and human rights: an analysis for undergraduate students]]> Resumen A veces, la información que se proporciona de la Agenda 2030 es bastante fragmentada y dispersa y carece de una sistemática que explique la vinculación que debe existir entre los ODS y los derechos humanos. La falta de criterios que expliquen con facilidad el contenido de la Agenda 2030 y el impacto de los derechos humanos en el orden internacional, obliga a realizar un documento visual y sonoro a través del cual se puedan cubrir esas lagunas. El problema que se detecta en el ámbito del conocimiento de la Agenda 2030 y su relación con los derechos humanos será una ausencia sistemática y ordenada del significado y alcance de esta Agenda y de su impacto en una de las esferas críticas que son definidas en la Resolución 70/1 de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas: las personas. Este proyecto de innovación docente, al tiempo que cubre los vacíos conceptuales y normativos que existen sobre la Agenda 2030, ahonda en los componentes centrales que, desde un prisma de innovación, son necesarios para estudiar y comprender el contenido de los ODS. Sobre estas bases, queda claro que existe la necesidad de contar con herramientas virtuales y de carácter audiovisual que aborden los contenidos de desarrollo sostenible y que presenten los aspectos que definen los derechos humanos en el orden internacional. La presente publicación tiene como principal objetivo dar a conocer el resultado del proyecto realizado entre cuatro profesores en el marco de los proyectos de innovación educativa del Vicerrectorado de Transformación digital e innovación docente de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, convocatoria 2022-23 y liderado por la profesora Elena Díaz Galán. El resultado principal del proyecto fue la elaboración de un audiovisual sobre la Agenda 2030 y los derechos humanos, con el fin de desarrollar nuevas metodologías docentes para el aprendizaje de estos contenidos por los alumnos de grado.<hr/>Abstract Sometimes the information provided on the 2030 Agenda is quite fragmented and dispersed and there is a lack of systematic explanation about the link between the SDGs and human rights. The lack of criteria that easily explain the content of the 2030 Agenda and the impact of human rights in the international order is one of the reasons why a visual and sound document is necessary. The problem that is detected regarding 2030 Agenda knowledge and its relationship with human rights will be a systematic and orderly absence of the meaning and scope of this Agenda and its impact on one of the critical areas: people. This innovation Project, while covering the conceptual and normative gaps that exist on the 2030 Agenda, delves into the central components that, from an innovation perspective, are necessary to study and understanding the SDGs content. There is a need for virtual and audiovisual tools that address sustainable development content and the aspects that define human rights. The main goal of this publication is letting know the results of the project carried out by four professors, within the framework of the URJC Educational Innovation Projects, 2022-23. The main result of the project was the development of an audiovisual on the 2030 Agenda and human rights that develops new teaching methodologies for learning these contents by undergraduate students. <![CDATA[Social Media for COVID-19 Era Information Collection, and Dissemination: A Case Study of Three Tertiary Hospitals in Ghana]]> Abstract The emergence of digital media platforms like social media has considerably influenced health information collection and dissemination. Through in-depth interviews and purposive sampling, data was solicited from (N=27) frontline health professionals, and public relations officers from Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (Greater Accra Region); Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (Ashanti Region) and Tamale Teaching Hospital (Northern Region) to evaluate the effectiveness of social media for COVID-19 information collection and dissemination in Ghana. The participants sampled for the study include; regional public relations officers(n=2); district public relations officers(n=10); COVID-19 contact tracers (n=10) and regional public health officers (n=5). The responses from the participants were analyzed using the qualitative condensed thematic approach. The findings of the study show that social media for public health information facilitates the retrieval of official information, disease detection, timely estimation, and prediction of disease incidence and severity. The predominant social media platforms for COVID-19 information collection and dissemination were, WhatsApp, Facebook, and X (Twitter). On the types of digital content mostly used for dissemination of COVID-19-related information, the findings identified text (such as news releases &amp; blog posts), videos, photos, digital flyers, and podcasts. Regarding the constraints facing health professionals' use of social media for COVID-19 public health information collection, this study identified the high cost of internet data and smartphones, and low budgetary allocation as the three critical limitations. Other challenges are fake news in the form of misinformation, and disinformation on social media platforms. The study recommends an increase in budgetary allocation and required infrastructural development, to enhance the application of social media in public health information collection and dissemination for public health management. <![CDATA[(Navigating between the material and the digital: multisensory teaching in architecture)]]> Resumen La evolución de la representación espacial en arquitectura se ha transformado con la llegada de la informática. Las plataformas digitales han habilitado a los diseñadores para representar con precisión el espacio en dimensiones 2D y 3D, integrando elementos visuales y temporales. En educación, los modelos físico-digitales se han convertido en herramientas pedagógicas eficaces para representar y manipular espacios arquitectónicos. En este contexto, sumerge a los estudiantes en el diseño mediante entornos tecnológicos, facilitando la exploración gráfica y el dominio de herramientas digitales. Los estudiantes adquieren destrezas para construir modelos 2D y 3D, optimizando la producción y comunicación espacial con sistemas digitales. Este trabajo resalta las ventajas pedagógicas de los modelos físico-digitales en la enseñanza espacial. Permiten una investigación sincrónica y diacrónica del espacio, facilitando la comparación de escalas y variables, y la extracción de conclusiones. La metodología se estructura en tres bloques: sistemas CAD y construcción de objetos 2D, modelado e impresión 3D, y conceptos de infoarquitectura y postproducción. La enseñanza combina teoría y práctica en talleres, promoviendo el desarrollo autónomo. Estos modelos se convierten en herramientas investigativas que enriquecen la comprensión del espacio arquitectónico, contribuyendo al conocimiento colectivo para las generaciones venideras.<hr/>Abstract The evolution of spatial representation in architecture has been transformed by the advent of computing. Digital platforms have enabled designers to accurately represent space in 2D and 3D dimensions, integrating visual and temporal elements. In education, physical-digital models have become effective pedagogical tools to represent and manipulate architectural spaces. In this context, it immerses students in design through technological environments, facilitating graphic exploration and mastery of digital tools. Students acquire skills to build 2D and 3D models, optimising spatial production and communication with digital systems. This work highlights the pedagogical advantages of physical-digital models in spatial education. They allow a synchronic and diachronic investigation of space, facilitating the comparison of scales and variables, and the drawing of conclusions. The methodology is structured in three blocks: CAD systems and construction of 2D objects, 3D modelling and printing, and concepts of infoarchitecture and post-production. The teaching combines theory and practice in workshops, promoting autonomous development. These models become research tools that enrich the understanding of architectural space, contributing to collective knowledge for generations to come.