Scielo RSS <![CDATA[New Trends in Qualitative Research]]> vol. 20 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[IDENTIFICATION OF BARRIERS AND FACILITATORS TO HIV PRE-EXPOSURE PROHYLAXIS (PREP) USE IN GAY AND BISEXUAL MEN]]> Resúmen Introducción: Estudios previos en relación con los determinantes del uso de la profilaxis preexposición al VIH en Colombia son escasos, en este estudio nos proponemos usar el modelo de capacidad, motivación y oportunidad COM-B para estimar los determinantes de la intención de uso de PrEP en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). Metodología: se realizaron 14 entrevistas semiestructuradas con HSH reclutados por muestreo de bola de nieve, con una duración entre de 30-60 minutos, por zoom o teléfono. Se realizo un análisis de contenido y luego se realizó el mapeo de los temas con los dominios de capacidad, motivación y oportunidad. Resultados: Se encontró como posibles facilitadores las habilidades e interés para buscar información sobre PrEP (Capacidad), el apoyo social y la opinión de pares (oportunidad), y las motivaciones para usar la PrEP como una herramienta adicional en la prevención del VIH. Como barrera se resalta principalmente el estigma hacia la homosexualidad y el VIH (oportunidad), la organización y financiación del sistema de salud, (oportunidad), la percepción de falta de habilidad para cumplir con el uso de PrEP (capacidad), y la monitoria de PrEP que se pudiera atribuir a factores personales y del sistema de salud (capacidad y oportunidad). Consideraciones finales: se sugieren 4 estrategias para abordar esas barreras 1) adaptación de intervenciones que promuevan el conocimiento y las habilidades para PrEP, 2) desarrollos de intervenciones de navegantes que promuevan la participación de organizaciones y lideres, 3) educación y habilidades para médicos de atención primaria, 4) mejoramiento del sistema de atención en salud sexual.<hr/>Abstract Background: Objectives: The COM-B model of capability, motivation, and opportunity was used to estimate the determinants of PrEP usage intention among men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods: Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with MSM recruited through snowball sampling. The interviews lasted 30-60 minutes and were conducted via Zoom or telephone. The data were analyzed using Atlas Ti v.8 and mapped to capability, motivation, and opportunity domains. Results: Potential facilitators identified were the skills and interest in seeking information about PrEP (capability), social support and peer opinion (opportunity), and motivations to use PrEP as an additional tool in HIV prevention. The main barriers identified were stigma towards homosexuality and HIV (opportunity); healthcare system organization and financing (opportunity); perceived lack of ability to adhere to PrEP usage (capability); and monitoring of PrEP that could be attributed to personal and healthcare system factors (capability and opportunity). Conclusions: Four strategies are suggested to address these barriers: 1) adaptation of interventions that promote knowledge and skills for PrEP; 2) development of navigator interventions to engage organizations and leaders; 3) education and skills training for primary care physicians; and 4) improvement of sexual health care systems. <![CDATA[YOUNG FUTURE DOCTORS ON THE BATTLEFIELD. A NARRATIVE INQUIRY STUDY IN MEXICO]]> Resúmen Introducción: A un año de la llegada de la pandemia de Covid-19 a México, en febrero de 2021 inició la vacunación tan ansiosamente esperada. Los primeros invitados a recibir la vacuna fueron los adultos mayores por su mayor riesgo de muerte al contraer la enfermedad. Un grupo de estudiantes avanzados de Medicina de una universidad pública de la Ciudad de México participaron en esta primera etapa del proceso en una región del sur de esta ciudad habitada por población de bajos recursos económicos. Objetivo: Recoger y estudiar las experiencias vividas por cuatro estudiantes avanzados de Medicina involucrados en la primera fase de vacunación contra Covid-19 en una zona pobre de la Ciudad de México Método: Esta indagación estuvo orientada por la tradición teórico-metodológica conocida como Investigación Narrativa, que se centra en el relato de las experiencias vividas como forma de representar la experiencia humana desplegada en el tiempo y en el espacio entendidos como contexto histórico-social en el que puede comprenderse el significado de los acontecimientos relatados para quienes los experimentan. Las narraciones analizadas proceden de los informes finales de servicio social elaborados a lo largo de 2021 por los cuatro estudiantes que participaron, dos varones y dos mujeres. El análisis e interpretación fueron efectuados por la autora bajo los lineamientos de la Investigación Narrativa Resultados: Se presentan fragmentos narrativos sobre las vicisitudes atravesadas por los participantes, las ansiedades, temores y reacciones que enfrentaron, la manera como lo hicieron, la forma en la que se lo representaron, y algunos efectos de todo ello sobre la constitución de su incipiente identidad profesional. Consideraciones finales: Los relatos estudiados nutren la reflexión sobre los conflictos personales y profesionales vividos a lo largo de la ruta hacia convertirse en médico en una situación especialmente demandante y muestran la potencia de la Investigación Narrativa.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: In February 2021, one year after the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic to Mexico, the vaccination so eagerly awaited began. As in many other countries, the first summoned to receive the vaccine were the elderly, because their increased risk of death when contracting this new disease. A group of advanced Medicine students from a public university in Mexico City were involved in the first stage of the vaccination process in an area of southern Mexico City inhabited by low-income population Objective: The purpose of this study was to collect and analyze the experiences lived by four of these students who participated in it. Method: The research was oriented by the theoretical methodological tradition known as Narrative Inquiry, which focuses on the story of lived experiences as a way of representing the human experience deployed in time and space. This strategy delve into the comprehension of the meaning of the events reported for those who experience them in that socio-historical context. The stories analyzed here come from the final social service reports prepared throughout 2021 by the participants, two men and two women. The analysis and interpretation were carried out directly by the author of this paper within the guidelines of the Narrative Inquiry tradition. Results: The stories about the vicissitudes lived by these young future doctors with the older adults they cared for made it possible to highlight some of the anxieties, fears and reactions they faced and some of their effects on the incipient constitution of their professional identity. Final considerations: The stories analyzed nourish the reflection on the personal and professional conflicts experienced on the path that leads to becoming a doctor in a particularly demanding situation and reveal the power of Narrative Inquiry. <![CDATA[ADVANCING THE NURSING PROFESSION, RESEARCH AND PERSONAL CAREER GROWTH: NOVICE FACULTY AND COLLABORATIVE WORK]]> Abstract Introduction: Pre-tenure early career researchers within academic settings play an important role as catalysts for new research and methodological innovations. However, the tenure-track process can be a high-pressure experience for such faculty. Examining organic collaborations amongst new pre-tenured faculty can afford opportunities for internal capacity building. However, literature is lacking in the benefits of developing such partnerships among novice faculty members with other novice faculty members. Research Objectives: This study aimed to examine the research programs of three novice tenure-track nursing faculty members and the connections between such programs for current and future collaborations, advancement of the nursing profession and scholarship, and personal-professional growth. Methodology: Narrative Inquiry with a specific focus on self-study was utilized with participants who identify as tenure-track nursing faculty members and are also the three investigators on this study. Each participant underwent a self-reflection process directed by a question guide informed by the literature and theoretical lens of Creamer (2003), and an aspect of the Narrative Reflective Process. Participants reflections were analyzed against each other and with relevant literature for co-construction to occur, moving participants’ experiences from being an individual activity to one that can have social significance for others with diverse programs of research. Results: The study explored common narrative threads that emerged from the faculty members’ reflections: stakeholder collaboration and involvement; nursing policy, practice, and research leadership. Final Considerations: This study has demonstrated potential areas for future collaborations between novice faculty members leading to benefits for the nursing profession, nursing research and personal career growth. <![CDATA[PERCEPTION OF MIGRANTS' HEALTH CARE IN PORTUGAL, SPAIN AND BELGIUM]]> Resúmen Introducción. El flujo de migrantes entre los diferentes países es una realidad en Portugal, España y Bélgica. Como consecuencia, una de las principales preocupaciones es la atención a personas migrantes en los servicios de salud. Esta atención no está sistematizada en los manuales de buenas prácticas que se encuentran disponibles. No se dispone de formación en esta área, ni en los currículos educativos ni en la formación continua de profesionales de la salud. Objetivos. Conocer la percepción de las personas migrantes sobre la atención sanitaria que reciben en los tres países. Método/s. Estudio descriptivo transversal en el que adoptamos un enfoque cualitativo basado en la Teoría Fundamentada realizado mediante grupos focales y entrevistas telefónicas semiestructuradas. Para el proceso de análisis se identificaron las dimensiones principales en torno a las cuales se articula el discurso, diferenciándose los aspectos más relevantes de cada tema, agrupando los datos en torno a las categorías relacionadas con el objetivo del estudio. Para el análisis se utilizaron los programas informáticos Atlas-ti 8 y N-Vivo Resultado/s. Las principales dificultades a las que se enfrentan las personas migrantes en la atención sanitaria son: déficit de acceso al sistema sanitario; las barreras en la atención, sobre todo la de la comunicación; el frecuente trato discriminatorio: la escasa competencia cultural estructural, sobre todo con la carencia de recursos de traducción y mediación intercultural, la escasa flexibilidad del sistema y su orientación biomédica y la insuficiente competencia cultural profesional. Conclusiones. Se evidencian dificultades de acceso al sistema sanitario: no manejo del idioma, desconocimiento del itinerario asistencial y percepción de un trato discriminatorio por parte de profesionales de la salud. Además, las personas migrantes proponen la mejora de la competencia y la sensibilidad cultural de profesionales de la salud y estrategias de mejora del sistema, como la traducción y la mediación intercultural.<hr/>Abstract Introduction. The flow of migrants between different countries is a reality in Portugal, Spain and Belgium. As a consequence, one of the main concerns is the care of migrants in health services. This healthcare is not systematised in the good practice manuals that are available. There is no training in this area, neither in educational curricula nor in the continuous training of health professionals. Objectives. To find out migrants' perceptions of the health care they receive in the three countries. Method(s). Cross-sectional descriptive study in which we adopted a qualitative approach based on Grounded Theory carried out through focus groups and semi-structured telephone interviews. For the analysis process, the main dimensions around which the discourse is articulated were identified, differentiating the most relevant aspects of each topic, grouping the data around the categories related to the objective of the study. The software Atlas-ti 8 and N-Vivo were used for the analysis. Results. The main difficulties faced by migrants in health care are: poor access to the health care system; barriers to healthcare, mainly communication barriers; frequent discriminatory behaviours; poor structural cultural competence, especially due to the lack of translation and intercultural mediation resources; poor health system flexibility and biomedical orientation; and insufficient professional cultural competence. Conclusions. Difficulties of access to the health system are evident: lack of language skills, ignorance of the care itinerary and the perception of discriminatory treatment by health professionals. In addition, the improvement of the competence and cultural sensitivity of health professionals and system improvement strategies, such as translation and intercultural mediation, are proposed. <![CDATA[EDUCATING THE "GODS": OPERATIONS, OUTCOMES, AND OPPORTUNTIES IN TREATMENT COURTS]]> Abstract Introduction/Frame: Treatment courts (TCs) were developed in the 1980s to address challenges facing individuals with a substance use disorder (SUD) involved in the criminal justice (CJ) system. TCs are an alternative to the punitive nature of the CJ system by joining SUD treatment with the accountability of the judicial system. By design, treatment court (TC) implementations are highly varied. Each implementation adopts the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) key components that are consistent with yet bound by their community resources, values, and political realities. Research Questions/Objective: Using qualitative community-based participatory research, two case studies and one phenomenological study were conducted with treatment courts in a mid-Atlantic state in the USA to examine successful TC operations. Methodology: Using purposive sampling, the analytic plan included individual semi-structured interviews with judges, TC team members, program graduates, and community stakeholders. Interviews were professionally transcribed and coded consistent with thematic analysis procedures. Results: Analysis revealed themes of judicial sovereignty juxtaposed with a lack of knowledge of SUDs, the importance of a fully dedicated coordinator to serve as an extension of the judge, and purposeful courtroom set-up and norms conducive to a therapeutic rather than punitive approach. Final Considerations: Transferable recommendations to other specialty docket evaluators and teams which can be adopted to fit a variety of dockets, including mental health court, veterans court, and juvenile court include mandatory judicial training, evolving operations norms, values alignment among the TC team, and a TC coordinator to oversee day-to-day operations. In addition, stakeholder engagement to drive an iterative evaluation process converges with the traditions of action research in community settings. <![CDATA[EXPLORING BEYOND CONVENTIONAL BOUNDARIES: BODY MAPPING AS A DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH]]> Abstract Qualitative research has traditionally relied on specific methodologies for data collection, with interviews being the predominant and preferred approach. Vast quantities of information have been published regarding traditional mechanisms for collecting qualitative data, but few studies have addressed more unconventional mechanisms such as body mapping. This is a distinctive technique commonly used in health sciences. It offers a versatile alternative that encourages participant creativity, reflexivity, and protagonism. It was adapted for use in an educational study with the aim of eliciting participants' constructivist experiences and emotions related to a particular social phenomenon. It was used as part of a descriptive case study which employed two other triangulation techniques, namely semi-structured virtual interviews, and document collection. After the researchers’ reflective processes, it was concluded that body mapping represented an ideal means to facilitate the data collection process. The primary objective of the study, grounded in qualitative research, was to explore the perceptions of five primary English teachers in the Sarapiquí Regional Directorate of Education in Costa Rica regarding the return to in-person education amid the COVID-19 public health crisis. For the body mapping technique, three participants engaged in a face-to-face session, structured into seven phases: map outlining, reflections on distance education, reflections on combined education, reflections on in-person education, finalization of body maps, testimony giving, and concluding reflections on the technique. Although the focus was on in-person education (2022), the distance and combined modalities (2020-2021) were used to activate participants’ prior knowledge and to provide context for the study. This paper demonstrates the procedure followed in applying the body mapping technique for qualitative data collection in a study on the perspective and experiences of teachers, and highlights the valuable insights gained through its use. <![CDATA[PHOTO-PROVOCATION, NARRATIVE PRODUCTIONS AND VIRTUALITY: METHODOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE STUDY OF OLD AGE AND EXCLUSION]]> Resúmen Este artículo comparte una reflexión sobre la complementariedad del uso de la Foto-provocación y la Metodología de las Producciones Narrativas (MPN) aplicadas en contexto virtual en el campo de los estudios de vejez y exclusión social. En primer lugar, se describe la discriminación que afecta a las personas mayores y a las mujeres mayores en particular, agudizada mediante el uso de estrategias metodológicas que por lo general infantilizan y desestiman la agencia de la población mayor en los procesos de intervención e investigación. En segundo lugar, se presenta una experiencia de investigación con mujeres mayores activistas en Chile realizada entre el 2018 y 2022. Se expone como se adaptó la investigación a un diseño virtual y se desarrolla la utilización de la MPN y la Foto-provocación, como estrategias que al ser utilizadas conjuntamente contribuyen al trabajo remoto con mujeres mayores. Este trabajo, ofrece una descripción empírica y una reflexión teórico-metodológica de esta experiencia investigativa. En las consideraciones finales se discute la contribución del andamiaje narrativo-visual a la producción de conocimiento científico en el área del envejecimiento, sus aportes al reconocimiento de la agencialidad de las mujeres mayores y su visibilidad como sujetas de conocimiento. Se distingue el compromiso ético-político al que se adscriben estas metodologías, caracterizado por facilitar la proximidad con los participantes, el análisis crítico frente a las problemáticas que les afectan y la búsqueda de soluciones colectivas en base al reconocimiento de sus experiencias. Asimismo, su potencial para confrontar el edadismo enquistado en la producción científica tradicional.<hr/>Abstract This article shares a reflection on the complementarity of the use of Photo-provocation and the Methodology of Narrative Productions (MPN) applied in a virtual context in the field of studies of old age and social exclusion. First, it describes the discrimination that affects older people and older women, exacerbated by the use of methodological strategies that generally infantilize and dismiss the agency of the older population in the processes of intervention and research. Second, a research experience with older women activists in Chile conducted between 2018 and 2022 is presented. It is exposed how the research was adapted to a virtual design and develops the use of MPN and Photo-provocation, as strategies that when used together contribute to remote work with older women. This work offers an empirical description and a theoretical-methodological reflection of this research experience. The final considerations discuss the contribution of the narrative-visual scaffolding to the production of scientific knowledge in the area of aging, its contributions to the recognition of the agency of older women and their visibility as subjects of knowledge. The ethical-political commitment to which these methodologies are ascribed, characterized by facilitating proximity to the participants, critical analysis of the problems that affect them and the search for collective solutions based on the recognition of their experiences. Likewise, its potential to confront the ageism entrenched in traditional scientific production. <![CDATA[ESTRATÉGIAS ADOTADAS FACE AO IMPACTO DA COVID-19 NO MUNDO DO TRABALHO]]> Resumo Introdução/Enquadramento: A pandemia Covid-19 trouxe diversos desafios a nível económico e laboral, social e organizacional, tendo as organizações que adotar estratégias para garantir o seu funcionamento, mas também garantir e promover a saúde e bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Questão de Investigação/Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e descrever: (1) o impacto da Covid-19 no mundo do trabalho, e (2) as estratégias que as organizações adotaram para minimizar esse impacto. Método: Foi realizado um estudo transversal qualitativo descritivo, onde foram recolhidos dados de 18 participantes (10 Gestores de Recursos Humanos, cinco especialistas de áreas relevantes sobre as vivências profissionais com a Covid-19 e três representantes de entidades públicas e da sociedade civil portuguesa nas áreas do trabalho e do género) através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados foram analisados à luz da análise de conteúdo categorial temática, com o apoio do NVivo®. Resultados: A pandemia teve impacto (QI1) a nível do trabalho, económico e laboral, da conciliação, e da saúde e bem-estar. As medidas (QI2) mais frequentemente implementadas pelas organizações foram ao nível da higiene e segurança no trabalho, adaptação ao teletrabalho, conciliação e comunicação. Considerações finais: Os dados apontam para um mundo do trabalho cada vez mais remoto e flexível, transformado pelo uso das novas tecnologias. No (re)desenho do trabalho é essencial ter em conta as características e necessidades de cada trabalhador.<hr/>Abstract Framework: The Covid-19 pandemic has brought several challenges at an economic, labor, social, and organizational level, and organizations had to adopt strategies to ensure their functioning, as well as to ensure and promote the health and well-being of workers. Research Question/Goals: This study aimed to identify and describe (1) the impact of Covid-19 on the world of work and (2) the strategies that organizations have adopted to minimize this impact. Method: A descriptive qualitative cross-sectional study was carried out, where data were collected from 18 participants (10 Human Resources Managers, five specialists from relevant fields regarding professional experiences with Covid-19, and three representatives of public entities and Portuguese civil society from the fields of work and gender) through semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed using thematic categorical content analysis with the support of NVivo®. Results: The pandemic impacted (RQ1) on work, economic and labor, work-life balance, and health and well-being. The measures (RQ2) most frequently implemented by the organizations were in terms of health and safety at work, adaptation to teleworking, work-life balance, and communication. Final considerations: The data points to increasingly remote and flexible work transformed by new technologies. In the (re)design of the work, it is essential to consider the characteristics and needs of each worker. <![CDATA[DESENVOLVIMENTO DE COMPETÊNCIAS EM SAÚDE PÚBLICA: PERCEPÇÃO DE PROFISSIONAIS-GESTORES SOBRE EFEITOS DE CURSO NA MODALIDADE À DISTÂNCIA]]> Abstract Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges to entities responsible for qualifying healthcare professionals worldwide, needing adaptation to offer distance learning courses in the face of implications such as social distancing. However, despite these courses, there are still gaps in understanding their effects. Objective: To analyse the feeling of professional managers on the effects of a distance learning course, implemented for the development of public health competencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: Qualitative research based on data collected from the virtual course environment, which included responses to a question posed to manager-professionals one month after completion: "Which tasks do you routinely perform that have undergone any modification due to your participation in the course?" Data analysis used Descending Hierarchical Classification with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ® software, focusing on Simple Segments of Text (SST). SSTs were classified based on their respective vocabularies of higher frequency and words with significant association (p&lt;0.001). Finally, the software produced a dendrogram illustrating the hierarchical class scheme. Results: 256 responses were processed with a utilization rate of 76.3% of SSTs, resulting in a dendrogram with four classes, revealing modifications in (1) Execution of daily work tasks; (2) Expansion of knowledge about work in the Unified Health System; (3) Coordination between areas for the development of actions in Public Health; (4) Support and guidance for health surveillance actions in collaboration with municipalities. Final Considerations: The use of IRAMUTEQ® software eased the processing and analysis of a large amount of qualitative data, yielding findings that showed significant changes in the professional practice of managers and, so, a positive impact on the development of public health competencies even during a pandemic.<hr/>Resumo Introdução: a pandemia COVID-19 trouxe desafios às instâncias responsáveis pela qualificação dos profissionais de saúde no mundo todo, que necessitaram se adaptar para oferta de cursos na modalidade à distância, frente às implicações impostas, como o distanciamento social. Entretanto, a despeito desses cursos, ainda persistem lacunas na produção de conhecimentos dos seus efeitos. Objetivo: analisar a percepção de profissionais-gestores sobre os efeitos de um curso na modalidade à distância, implementado para desenvolvimento de competências em saúde pública em tempos de pandemia COVID-19. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa realizada a partir de dados coletados do ambiente virtual do curso que, dentre outras informações, possuía respostas de uma pergunta realizada para os profissionais-gestores um mês após a sua conclusão: quais tarefas você executa habitualmente que sofreram algum tipo de modificação em consequência de sua participação no curso? A análise dos dados ocorreu por Classificação Hierárquica Descendente com auxílio do software IRAMUTEQ®, a partir de segmentos simples de texto (SST). Os SST foram classificados em função dos respectivos vocabulários de maior frequência e das palavras com associação significativa (p&lt;0,001). Por fim, o software produziu um dendrograma com a ilustração do esquema hierárquico de classes. . Resultados: foram processadas 256 respostas com aproveitamento de 76,3% dos SST, que resultaram em um dendrograma de quatro classes, sendo possível constatar modificações na/o: (1) Execução de tarefas do cotidiano laboral; (2) Ampliação do conhecimento acerca do trabalho no Sistema Único de Saúde; (3) Articulação entre áreas para desenvolvimento das ações em Saúde Pública; (4) Apoio e orientações de ações de vigilância em saúde junto aos municípios. Considerações Finais: o uso do software IRAMUTEQ® facilitou o processamento e a análise de grande número de dados qualitativos. Destarte, foram obtidos achados que apontaram mudanças significativas na prática profissional dos gestores e, consequentemente, efeito positivo no desenvolvimento de competências. <![CDATA[INCLUSION OF TRADITIONAL AZOREAN SONGS IN MUSICAL LEARNING - INFORMAL PRACTICES IN VIOLIN TEACHING]]> Abstract Portuguese Traditional Music is often overlooked in formal teaching at music schools in Portugal. Furthermore, there has been little research into its use in the classroom and the informal learning practices associated with it. Thus, an Educational Project was developed and implemented in 2021/2022, at the Regional Conservatory of Ponta Delgada (CRPD), involving 7 violin students aged between 9 and 14 years and focused on learning songs from the Traditional Music of the Azores. These songs were prepared in class using informal learning practices - auditory learning and analysis, the use of recordings, memorisation without the use of sheet music, improvisation, etc. - and presented at a concert. Additionally, a research study was conducted to analyse the effects of such intervention on the motivation, learning and attitudes of the students, as well as the perceptions developed by the students, their parents, the teachers, and the general public involved in this experience. The study also aimed to assess the feasibility of combining formal and informal learning practices in violin teaching at the CRPD and to evaluate its implications for the preservation of regional cultural identity. To this end, qualitative data were collected, through direct observation of classes with field notes, audiovisual recordings, semi-structured interviews with the students, anonymous questionnaires to the parents and the audience present at the concert, and 27 violin teachers. This data was subjected to content analysis, namely by organising it into categories and sub-categories. The results show that the inclusion of Azorean Traditional Music, using informal learning practices, had a positive effect on the students' motivation, enhancing the development of technical, musical, cognitive, and social skills. In addition, the Azorean Traditional Music concert proved to be an effective means of disseminating and valuing the region's cultural heritage, boosting the students' identity development, and preserving the region's cultural identity. <![CDATA[NARRATIVES OF LIFE: A FEMINIST RESEARCH APPROACH FOR GENERATING CRITICAL REFLEXIVITY]]> Resúmen A partir de una perspectiva feminista, se presentan las posibilidades y límites de una técnica de investigación cualitativa que considera la participación activa de las personas que se articulan con la investigadora bajo una perspectiva crítica y con un rescate de su experiencia emocional corporeizada, como es la construcción de Narrativas de Vida. Este método feminista desafía las tradicionales maneras de generación de conocimiento cualitativo al promover una relación horizontal entre la persona investigadora y participante, y pretende hacer frente al cuestionado extractivismo académico, presente en la universidad contemporánea. En este caso, se generaron cuatro Narrativas de Vida con académicas que son o fueron directoras de programas de doctorado en universidades chilenas y que lideraron el proceso de aseguramiento de la calidad de sus programas. Se presentan los límites tanto técnicos como también respecto de las posibilidades efectivas de mover las estructuras tradicionales en la forma de producción de conocimiento. Asimismo, si bien esta técnica busca hacer frente a las críticas feministas relacionadas con el hecho de dejar la corporalidad y emocionalidad fuera de la investigación, no siempre esta incorporación es lograda con personas participantes ubicadas en posiciones de poder. Se concluye que este método permite una reflexividad critica propia de los trabajos feministas, permite desentrañar las dinámicas de poder presentes en los procesos de construcción del saber y además permite ver las consecuencias que las prácticas de investigación tienen tanto en los sujetos implicados como en sus contextos.<hr/>Abstract From a feminist perspective, we present the possibilities and limits of a qualitative research technique that considers the active participation of people who articulate with the researcher under a critical perspective and with a rescue of their embodied emotional experience, such as the construction of Life Narratives. This feminist method challenges the traditional ways of generating qualitative knowledge by promoting a horizontal relationship between the researcher and the participant and aims to confront the questioned academic extractivism present in contemporary universities. In this case, four Life Narratives were generated with female academics who are or were directors of PhDs in Chilean universities and who led the quality assurance process of their programmes. The limits are presented both technically and also with regard to the effective possibilities of moving traditional structures in the form of knowledge production. Furthermore, although this technique seeks to address feminist criticisms related to leaving corporeality and emotionality out of the research, this incorporation is not always achieved with participants in positions of power. It is concluded that this method allows a critical reflexivity typical of feminist work, unravels the power dynamics present in the processes of knowledge construction and also allows us to see the consequences that research practices have both on the subjects involved and on their contexts.