Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Psicologia]]> vol. 37 num. 1 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[The psychological experience of medical rescuers during the COVID-19 pandemic]]> Abstract Medical rescuers are the frontline for COVID-19 and their psychological experience and health are major concerns to our society and healthcare system. This study aims to understand how medical rescuers psychologically experienced this pandemic and explore the contributing variables to COVID-19 anxiety. Portuguese medical rescuers (n = 203) answered questions about their COVID-19 experience, the COVID-19 Anxiety Scale, Patient-Health Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale, Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory, and Well-Being Questionnaire. Rescuers presented low COVID-19 anxiety and low-moderate levels of fear. Most already faced or were facing changes in their job-related tasks, did not change household and did not feel stigma/discrimination. COVID-19 workplace security measures were considered moderately adequate and low anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, low to moderate stress and moderate well-being were found. Only COVID-19 fear and security measures, anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive symptoms explained COVID-19 anxiety. Overall, findings showed these rescuers were psychologically well adjusted during the pandemic’s initial stages. <![CDATA[Coping with COVID-19: Measuring self-efficacy, collective efficacy and proxy efficacy beliefs]]> Abstract Investigating efficacy beliefs for coping with COVID-19 can be helpful when proposing interventions that contribute to mitigate the disease. Six scales of efficacy beliefs for coping with COVID-19 were built: self-efficacy; family and community collective efficacy; and proxy efficacy to the municipal, state and federal governments. To obtain evidence of validity based on the internal structure and reliability estimates of these measures, 518 participants completed an online form. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that all scales had a unidimensional structure. Cronbach's alphas ranged from .819 to .968. Although positive correlations predominated between the scores of the six scales, the magnitudes were, in general, weak or moderate, showing that they were distinct constructs. These scores differed from each other, with levels of efficacy decreasing as individual control over the actions necessary to mitigate COVID-19 decreased. Thus, the six scales initially presented satisfactory psychometric properties. Study-related limitations, implications and recommendations are also presented. <![CDATA[Reflexos da COVID-19 na saúde mental de estudantes universitários]]> Resumo Face à situação pandémica, as universidades atravessaram um conjunto de desafios, nomeadamente, a mudança do ensino “face a face” para aulas online. O presente estudo visa contribuir para a compreensão da situação de confinamento em estudantes universitários portugueses, através da análise dos níveis de stress percebido, sintomas de ansiedade e depressão. Participaram no estudo 694 estudantes do ensino superior português. Os resultados denotam sintomas moderados a severos de perturbação ansiosa, bem como o contributo explicativo de variáveis sociodemográficas, académicas e de vivência da pandemia. De destacar por um lado, o papel protetor da satisfação com o acompanhamento e supervisão por parte dos docentes e de ter momentos “isolados” para estudar. Por outro lado, os resultados revelam que a preocupação com a pandemia e com o seu impacto no percurso educacional são fatores de risco. Este estudo possibilita destacar pontos chaves de foco na prevenção de sintomatologia de ansiedade.<hr/>Abstract Reflections of COVID-19 on the mental health of university students: In view of the pandemic situation, universities have gone through challenges, such as the change from teaching “face to face” to online classes. The present study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the impact confinement situation on Portuguese university students, through the analysis of perceived stress, symptoms of anxiety and depression. 694 Portuguese higher education students participated in the study. The results show moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety disorder, as well as the explanatory contribution of socio-demographic, academic and pandemic experience variables. On the one hand, the protective role of satisfaction with the accompaniment and supervision by teachers and of having “isolated” moments to study should be highlighted. On the other hand, results reveal that the concern with the pandemic and its impact on the educational path are risk factors. This study makes it possible to highlight key points of focus in the prevention of anxiety symptoms. <![CDATA[Contributos da avaliação técnica na tomada de decisão judicial no âmbito tutelar educativo em Portugal: Uma análise documental]]> Resumo Este estudo propõe analisar o contributo da avaliação técnica na tomada de decisão judicial tutelar educativa nas fases pré e pós sentenciais. Para o efeito, foram consultados 30 processos judiciais tutelares educativos de 37 jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 16 anos, tendo sido feita uma análise documental, com recurso à construção de uma grelha analítica. Os resultados indicam que os magistrados concordam com 93,3% das medidas tutelares sugeridas pelos técnicos/psicólogos forenses. Quando há revisão de uma medida tutelar, observa-se uma correspondência entre as sugestões técnicas e a aplicação de medidas judiciais em 87,5% dos casos. Relativamente à frequência de interações entre técnicos e magistrados no período pós-sentencial, esta ronda os 73,3%. Estes resultados sugerem uma cooperação consistente entre magistrados e técnicos sociais durante todo o processo, assim como uma ampla valorização do trabalho e das propostas dos técnicos sociais.<hr/>Abstract Contributions of Social and Psychological Assessments in Juvenile Justice Decision Making in Portugal: A Document Analysis: This study aims to analyze the contribution of social and psychological assessments in juvenile justice decision making in pre and post sentencing phases. For this purpose, 30 court cases of young people aged between 12 and 16 have been consulted. Document analysis was conducted through an analytic grid. The results indicate that the judges agree with 93,3% of socio-educational measures suggested by the social technicians/forensic psychologists. Towards the review of socio-educational measures, it is observed a high correspondence (87,5%) between technical suggestions (socio-educational measures) and the implementation of judicial measures. The frequency of interactions between technicians and judges in the post sentencing period rounds 73,3%. Therefore, it is noticed a consistent cooperation between judges and social technicians/forensic psychologists throughout the process, as well as the acknowledgment by the judges of the competence and technical knowledge of social technicians. <![CDATA[“In My Time…”: A Generational Difference in the Relation between Gender Roles and Well-Being]]> Abstract This article analyzes the beliefs and behaviors regarding gender roles of eight Portuguese youngsters and seven seniors. Our aim is to understand how individuals from different generations and sexes perceive gender roles and well-being, and how they manifest themselves. After semi-structured individual interviews, we used thematic analysis method, applying N-Vivo 12 software. Findings emphasize that, despite an expressed gender equality ideal, women tend to feel overloaded at home in trying to balance work and family tasks. Men seem to have greater domestic and labor power than women. Women express greater well-being when domestic duties are shared and when they perceive they are receiving support. Men simultaneously associate the experiences of sharing domestic duties and contributing less with well-being. Hardships of work-family balance were identified by diverse participants, from different sexes and ages, as a sign of lack of well-being. <![CDATA[Latent mean differences between men and women: The case of the Preference for the Intuition and Deliberation Scale]]> Abstract Intuition and deliberation are two modes of thinking for decision making. The objective of this research was to compare latent means between men and women’s preference for intuition and deliberation. However, empirical studies on the Preference for Intuition and Deliberation scale (PID) measurement invariance were not available. The results of our study showed the original PID-based model did not show a good fit to the data. Nevertheless, a revised PID-based model showed strong and strict measurement invariance. As a result, latent mean comparison indicated that women showed more preference for intuition and less for deliberation than men. <![CDATA[Decent work, positivity, and the satisfaction with life of Portuguese lawyers: An empirical study]]> Abstract The present study aimed to investigate the associations between Decent Work (DW) and the Positivity and Life Satisfaction of Portuguese lawyers (N = 84). The Decent Work Questionnaire, the Positivity Scale and the Satisfaction With Life Scale were applied. The multiple regression linear analysis showed that: Fulfilling and productive work was an important antecedent of the Positivity, and that Fulfilling and productive work, Meaningful remuneration for the exercise of citizenship and Opportunities were antecedents of Satisfaction With Life. Then, the analysis of canonical correlations showed that six DW dimensions (exception for Social protection) were significant and positively related to Positivity and Satisfaction With Life. The perception of Decent Work is relevant to promoting Positivity and Satisfaction With Life for Portuguese lawyers. Limitations, practical implications, and future development prospects are presented in the final section. <![CDATA[Intuitive risk perception, anxiety and worry during the COVID-19 outbreak in Mexico]]> Abstract Preventive behavior and decision-making processes depend greatly on risk perception. Incorporating the affective component in risk assessment provides valuable information for understanding COVID-19-related risk. The study aimed to adapt and validate the COVID-19 Risk Belief Scale and evaluating Intuitive Risk Perception and its association with anxiety and worry. A cross-sectional study was conducted analyzing data from 694 Mexican adults, which was collected through on-line platforms during 2020. The final CFA including 18 items showed adequate goodness-of-fit indices (RMSEA = 0.059, 90% CI [0.053, 0.065]; CFI = 0.95; TLI = 0.94; SRMR = 0.044) supporting a five-factor structure. Moderate levels of intuitive risk perception were found, as well as moderate to low levels of worry and somatic anxiety. Significant correlations between both measures and risk perception were observed. This study confirms the importance of the affective component within risk assessment and findings become highly significant considering the current worldwide pandemic conditions. <![CDATA[Resilience, pregnancy, and childbirth in a migratory context: A qualitative study on Brazilian women in Portugal]]> Abstract Based on the theoretical model of resilience devised by Guajardo (2011), this study aims to understand the adverse contexts and resilient responses of Brazilian women during the pregnancy-puerperium period when living in Portugal. Analyzing the interviews allowed us to understand the participants’ resilient movements. These movements were related to two categories: Self-interaction and Social skills. It was possible to verify a process of negotiating with themselves, with people closest to them, and/or with strangers. Thus developing alternatives and possibilities of overcoming the several challenges presented by a process of pregnancy and puerperium in another country. The construction and maintenance of bonds in the form of a support network were referenced by the women as an aspect that enabled self-efficiency, autonomy, and, consequently, resilient responses. Therefore, it was observed that these Brazilian women living in Portugal access resources to overcome the pregnancy-puerperium moment experienced within a migratory context.