Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 17 num. 4 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Mhealth, physical activity and sedentary behavior in college students]]> RESUMO A relação entre o uso tecnologias móveis e aplicativos de saúde e a mudança de comportamento de jovens carece de maiores investigações. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar o uso de smartphones e aplicativos de saúde entre jovens universitários e comparar seus níveis de atividade física e comportamento sedentário. Foram avaliados 591 jovens universitários, com idade de 21± 4 anos, que responderam a dois questionários, sendo o primeiro sobre hábitos de utilização de smartphones e aplicativos de saúde e o segundo, o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física. Os resultados demonstraram que 88,7% dos jovens possuíam smartphones e que 30,2% haviam utilizado aplicativos de saúde, sendo os de exercício físico e controle alimentar os mais prevalentes (73,8%). Apenas 22,4% realizavam menos de 150 minutos de atividades físicas semanais. Por outro lado, dispendiam 8,2± 3,4 horas por dia sentados. Usuários de smartphones e de aplicativos de controle alimentar demonstram-se mais ativos. O tempo diário sentado não apresentou diferenças significativas entre usuários e não usuários. Nossos resultados apontam para o potencial de penetração de smartphones e uso de aplicativos de exercícios físico e controle alimentar e que atenção especial deve ser dada no uso de tais tecnologias ao combate do comportamento sedentário entre jovens universitários.<hr/>ABSTRACT The relationship between the use of smartphones and health applications with physical activity and sedentary behaviour needs further investigation. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the use of smartphones and health applications among college students and compare their levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour. For that, 591 college students (age 21± 4 years) responded to two questionnaires about the use of smartphones and health applications and physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Our results demonstrated that 88.7% of students owned smartphones and that 30.2% were users of health applications, being exercise and food control the most prevalent (73,8%). Only 22.4% of all students were physically inactive (less than 150 min/week). Smartphone and food control application users revealed to be more active. On the other hand, they spent on average 8.2± 3.4 hours/day in a sitting position. Sitting time was not different between users and non-users of smartphones and health applications. Our results highlight the high penetration of smartphones, exercise and food control applications among college students. Special attention must be given to novel technological approaches preventing sedentary behaviours in this particular group. <![CDATA[Effects of isostretching on quality of life and functional capacity in women with low back pain in a health unit]]> RESUMO O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do Isostretching na qualidade de vida, na capacidade funcional e na dor de mulheres adultas com dor lombar crônica (DLC) em uma unidade de saúde. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado não randomizado. Os grupos foram divididos em Grupo Intervenção (GI, n= 14) e Grupo Controle (GC, n= 10). As participantes foram avaliadas pelo Questionário de Qualidade de Vida (SF-36), Índice de Incapacidade de Owestry (ODI) e Escala Visual Analógica (EVA). As intervenções foram realizadas durante 3 meses, 2 vezes por semana, com duração de 60 min, totalizando 24 sessões. Na comparação intragrupos, houve melhora em todos os domínios do SF-36 e EVA no GI. Na comparação intergrupos, houve diferença entre GI e GC nos domínios capacidade funcional [(23,2 (16,1) vs 7,0 (16,8), p= 0,02), dor (35,8 (14,1) vs 6,9 (14,0), p= 0,00) e vitalidade (30,3 (14,0) vs 9,0 (7,9), p= 0,02). Quanto à capacidade funcional, 35,7% do GI foram classificadas com Incapacidade Mínima antes da intervenção e após aumentou para 92,9%. Na EVA foi observada diferença significativa entre o GI e GC [(4,8 (2,4) vs 2,1 (2,5), p= 0,00). Desta forma, o Isostretching foi eficaz para melhorar a qualidade de vida, a capacidade funcional e reduzir o quadro álgico de mulheres com DLC na unidade de saúde.<hr/>ABSTRACT The aim was to evaluate the effects of isostretching on quality of life, functional capacity and pain in adult women with chronic low back pain in a health unit. It was a non-randomized controlled clinical trial. The groups were divided into Intervention Group (IG, n= 14) and Control Group (CG, n= 10). The participants were assessed before and after the intervention through the SF-36 Life Quality Questionnaire, Owestry Incapacity Index (ODI) and Visual Analogical Pain Scale (VAS). The interventions occurred through 3 months, 2 times per week, with a duration of 60 minutes each, totalizing 24 sessions. In the intragroup comparison, there was observed in all SF-36 domains and VAS in GI. In the intergroup comparison, there was a difference between GI and CG in the domains functional capacity [(23.2 (16.1) vs 7.0 (16.8), p= 0.02)], pain [(35.8 (14.1) vs 6.9 (14.0), p= 0.00)] and vitality [(30.3 (14.0) vs 9.0 (7.9), p= 0.02)]. Regarding functional capacity, 35.7% of GI were classified as Minimal Disability before intervention and after increased to 92.9%. The VAS showed a significant difference between GI and CG [(4.8 (2.4) vs 2.1 (2.5), p= 0.00)]. Thus, Isostretching was effective in improving the quality of life, functional capacity and reducing the pain of women with CLD in the health unit. <![CDATA[Gold Score Basketball: a hybrid scientific talent identification model for male basketball]]> RESUMO A identificação de talentos esportivos no basquetebol brasileiro carece de sistematização. O objetivo foi criar um modelo matemático de avaliação do potencial esportivo de jovens basquetebolistas e testar suas propriedades psicométricas. 178 jovens atletas do sexo masculino (12 a 17 anos; nível competitivo regional/estadual) foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes multidimensional e avaliados pelos seus treinadores (aspectos intangíveis do potencial esportivo e expectativa de sucesso futuro). Foram calculados escores Z e percentis. Através de procedimentos analíticos e heurísticos, criou-se o Gold Score Basketball, um índice híbrido (testes + olhar do treinador) e ponderado para estimativa do potencial esportivo com 26 indicadores objetivos e 2 indicadores subjetivos. O modelo classificou 5,1% dos atletas como potencial de excelência (Gold Score&gt; 90). A consistência interna foi moderada (r= 0,59) e a estabilidade do diagnóstico foi elevada (r= 0,82). Atletas com maior nível competitivo (62,9± 14,4 vs. 50,7± 15,6, p&lt; 0,001; validade de construto) e que venceram campeonatos estaduais/nacionais (64,3± 15,4 vs. 52,1± 15,6, p&lt; 0,001; validade de critério) apresentaram maior Gold Score. Conclui-se que o Gold Score Basketball é um modelo científico válido e fidedigno de avaliação do potencial esportivo de jovens basquetebolistas, sendo útil na identificação de talentos esportivos.<hr/>ABSTRACT Talent identification in Brazilian basketball lacks systematization. The present study aimed to create a mathematical model to assess the sport's potential of young basketball players and test its psychometric properties. One hundred seventy-eight young male players (12 to 17 years old; regional/state competitive level) underwent a multidimensional battery of tests and were evaluated by their coaches (intangibles aspects of sporting potential and expectation of future success. Z scores and percentiles were calculated). The Gold Score Basketball was created through analytical and heuristic procedures, a hybrid (tests + coaches’ eye) and a weighted index for estimating sporting potential with 26 quantitative and 2 qualitative indicators. The model classified 5.1% of athletes as excellence potential (Gold Score&gt; 90). Internal consistency was moderate (r= 0.59) and diagnostic stability was high (r= 0.82). Players with higher competitive level (62.9± 14.4 vs 50.7± 15.6, p&lt; 0.001; construct validity) and players who won state/national championships (64.3± 15.4 vs 52.1± 15.6, p&lt; 0.001; criterion validity) had higher Gold Score. In conclusion, Gold Score Basketball is a valid and reliable scientific model for assessing the sporting potential of young male basketball players, being useful in identifying sporting talents. <![CDATA[Reasons for practicing paralympic athletics in adults with physical disabilities]]> RESUMO Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar e correlacionar os motivos de adesão à prática do atletismo paralímpico em adultos com deficiência física. Participaram do estudo 27 adultos (idade: 34,93± 8,51 anos). Todos foram avaliados pelo questionário de motivação para exercícios (EMI-2). A amostra foi subdividida em dois grupos de etiologia da deficiência (congênita, DC, N= 17; e adquirido, DA, N= 10) Os dados foram correlacionados pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e comparados por uma análise multivariada de covariância. Diversão/bem-estar, prevenção de doenças e competição (médias= 4,76; 4,48; 4,47; respectivamente). Para o grupo DC, os motivos mais frequentes foram competição, diversão/bem-estar e prevenção de doenças (médias= 4,66; 4,63; 4,49; respectivamente). No grupo DA, prevenção de doenças, saúde/bem-estar e condição física (médias= 4,45; 4,45; 4,40; respectivamente), foram os mais frequentes. Observou-se correlações significativas entre reconhecimento social e tempo de deficiência (r= 0,406; p&lt; 0,05) e entre a prevenção de doenças e a idade (r= 0,403; p&lt; 0,05). A análise multivariada revelou que reconhecimento social (p= 0,006) e competição (p= 0,043) apresentam-se de maneira diferente entre os grupos DA e DC. Contudo, ao se considerar a covariável idade, o controle do estresse (p= 0,016) e a condição física (p= 0,015), apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos avaliados. Concluímos que do ponto de vista absoluto, os aspectos relacionados à saúde, bem-estar e a competição parecem despertar mais motivação para a prática do atletismo paralímpico. Porém há que se considerar a idade e a etiologia da deficiência como fatores que podem modular os motivos de participação na modalidade.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare and correlate the reasons for adherence to the practice of paralympic athleticsin adults with physical disabilities. Twenty-seven adults participated in the study (34.93± 8.51 years). All were assessed using the exercise motivation questionnaire (EMI-2). The sample was subdivided into two groups of aetiology of disability (congenital, CD, N= 17; and acquired, AD, N= 10). Data were correlated by Pearson's correlation coefficient and compared by a multivariate analysis of covariance. Fun/well-being, disease prevention and competition (means= 4.76; 4.48; 4.47; respectively). For the CD group, the most frequent reasons were competition, fun/well-being and disease prevention (means= 4.66; 4.63; 4.49, respectively). In the AD group, disease prevention, health/well-being and physical condition (means = 4.45; 4.45; 4.40; respectively) were the most frequent. Significant correlations were observed between social recognition and time of disability (r= .406; p&lt; .05) and between disease prevention and age (r= .403; p&lt; .05). Multivariate analysis revealed that social recognition (p= .006) and competition (p= .043) are presented differently between the AD and CD groups. However, when considering the covariate age, stress control (p= .016) and physical condition (p= .015) showed significant differences between the evaluated groups. It was concluded that from an absolute point of view, aspects related to health, well-being and competition seem to arouse more motivation for the practice of paralympic athletics. However, age and the aetiology of the disability must be considered as factors that can modulate adapted athletics participation reasons. <![CDATA[School-based swimming lessons enhance specific skills and motor coordination in children: the comparison between two interventions]]> ABSTRACT This study aimed to verify the impact of two learn-to-swim programs, implemented for 12 weeks, in age school Brazilian children's aquatic readiness and motor coordination. Thirty-one children aged 7-9 years old (mean± SD 8.00± 0.86 years) were randomly divided into two different experimental groups. One was submitted to lessons mainly focused on basic skills development (BS), and the other was mainly focused on the formal skills of swimming techniques (FS). The aquatic readiness (17 skills) and the motor coordination (Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder test) were evaluated before and after the interventions. After 12 weeks, the total score of the swimming skills was different between groups (F= 24.19, p&lt; 0.01, ηp2= 0.46), changing from 34.35± 9.22 to 50.18± 8.49 points (p&lt; 0.01, d= 2.60) in the BS and from 36.00± 5.86 to 42.64± 7.46 points in the FS (p&lt; 0.01, d= 1.88). Leg kicking with breath control at ventral and dorsal body position, feet-first entry and deep-water immersion were significantly higher after the training in the BS. The motor coordination scores increased in both the BS (135.57± 37.45 to 172.64± 33.17, p&lt; 0.01, d= 2.11) and FS (130.18± 37.71 to 162.71± 40.40, p&lt; 0.01, d= 1.41). These results showed that both swimming practices improved aquatic readiness and motor coordination, with higher aquatic competence after the lessons that mainly focused on basic skills development. <![CDATA[Predictive role of coping on athletes]]> RESUMO Este estudo investigou as relações das estratégias de coping sobre o estresse, e os sintomas de ansiedade em atletas de futebol da categoria sub-20. Participaram 23 atletas de quatro equipas do Campeonato Baiano sub-20 2019. Como instrumentos foram utilizados o Inventário Atlético de Estratégias de Coping, o Daily Analysis of Life Demands in Athletes e o Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2R. A análise de dados foi conduzida por meio das análises de correlação de Pearson e Regressão Linear Múltipla (plt; 0,05). Os resultados indicaram que no início da época o coping se relacionou com a Ansiedade (Cognitiva, R2= 0,43; Autoconfiança, R2= 0,30; p&lt; 0,05). Enquanto que, no final da época, relacionou-se com o estresse (R2= 0,18; p&lt; 0,05), Ansiedade (AC, R2= 0,66; p&lt; 0,05). Conclui-se que, no final da época, a magnitude das relações do coping sobre o estresse e a ansiedade foram potencializadas nos jovens jogadores de futebol da categoria Sub-20.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between coping strategies on stress and anxiety symptoms in under-20 soccer players. Twenty-three athletes from four teams from the 2019 Bahia Under-20 Championship participated. The Athletic Coping Strategy Inventory, the Daily Analysis of Life Demands in Athletes and the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2R were used. Data analysis was conducted using Pearson's correlation analysis and Multiple Linear Regression (p&lt; 0.05). The results indicated that coping was related to anxiety at the beginning of the season (Cognitive, R2= 0.43; Self-confidence, R2= 0.30; p&lt; 0.05). While, at the end of the season, with stress (R2= 0.18; p&lt; 0.05), Anxiety (AC, R2= 0.66; p&lt; 0.05). It is concluded that, at the end of the epoch, the magnitude of coping relationships on stress and anxiety were enhanced in young football players in the Under-20 category. <![CDATA[12 Weeks of progressive resistance training on postural balance and concerns about falling in older adults: randomized controlled trial]]> ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the effects of 12 weeks of a progressive resistance training (PRT) intervention on postural balance and concerns about falling in older adults. This study is a randomized controlled trial. Fifty men and women, community-dwelling older adults (aged 60 and older), were randomly assigned to a PRT (n= 25) or control group (n= 25). Participants allocated to the PRT performed a supervised RT program for 12-weeks (three times per week; three sets of 10-15 repetition maximum of nine whole-body exercises). Control group participants did not perform any structured exercise. Outcomes were obtained at baseline and follow-up and included postural balance assessment using the centre of pressure (CoP) variables. Concerns about falling and leg extension muscle strength were also evaluated using the falls efficacy scale international (FESI) and 1-RM, respectively. At the end of the intervention, PRT did not improve anteroposterior and mediolateral amplitude and velocity, and total velocity and area of CoP in any condition (bipodal, with eyes open and closed — p&gt; 0.05 for all) or concerns about falling (mean difference: +1 point; 95%CI −2; +5). Conversely, compared with the control group, participants in the PRT demonstrated muscle strength gains in the leg extension exercise (+19 kg; 95%CI +3; +35) after the intervention. In summary, 12-weeks of PRT did not improve postural balance or concerns about falling in healthy older adults. <![CDATA[Analysis and prediction of competition performance in master swimmers]]> ABSTRACT This study aimed to quantify the participation of male master swimmers during ten seasons (2008/2009 – 2018/2019) in the national master swimmers and predict the results for the 2020/2021 season in the events of 50 100, 200 and 400 m freestyle. Eight age groups were considered, namely, A to H with a total of 5,368 participants, in the four events analysed 50, 100, 200 and 400 m freestyle. The best time of each race was recorded in the selected age groups that took place in the last decade of the National Summer Championship, through the specific website “Swimrakings” ( The resulting equation for the calculation was y= (–) ax2 – bx + c, y being the rate of increase or decrease in swimming performance and the x variation depending on the year of events that one intends to estimate for 2021, x= 13. The results showed an increase in the number of participations in middle age groups (35-49 years) and a prediction of improvements in the results of 21 events for all the swimming races studied. In conclusion, we can verify that prediction becomes essential for the definition of new objectives and evolutionary trends in swimming. <![CDATA[Force production and symmetry in water fitness exercises: a gender comparison]]> ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyse and compare propulsive forces, relative force production and symmetry between genders during water fitness exercises. Eighteen participants (women, n= 9; age: 20.67± 0.87 years; body mass: 58.18± 4.97 kg; height: 159.19± 5.85 cm; and men, n= 9; age: 22.11± 1.76 years; body mass: 72.93± 7.00 kg; height: 170.83± 5.57 cm) underwent two incremental protocols performing horizontal adduction (HA) and the rocking horse (RHadd) exercises, from 105 to 150 bpm. Propulsive peak force of dominant (PFD) and non-dominant upper-limbs (PFND) was assessed by a differential pressure system. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to collect the dry-land isometric peak strength of the dominant upper-limb. Significant differences between genders were found for most of the music cadences in HA and RHadd. Men were able to produce higher propulsive force values for both upper-limbs during the overall incremental protocol, whereas women reached a higher relative force production. However, no significant differences were found between both genders at the same music cadence. Most actions were asymmetric in women, whereas men showed a symmetric pattern. The cadence of 135 bpm elicits a symmetric motion in both genders while exercising water fitness exercises. <![CDATA[ERRATUM]]> ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyse and compare propulsive forces, relative force production and symmetry between genders during water fitness exercises. Eighteen participants (women, n= 9; age: 20.67± 0.87 years; body mass: 58.18± 4.97 kg; height: 159.19± 5.85 cm; and men, n= 9; age: 22.11± 1.76 years; body mass: 72.93± 7.00 kg; height: 170.83± 5.57 cm) underwent two incremental protocols performing horizontal adduction (HA) and the rocking horse (RHadd) exercises, from 105 to 150 bpm. Propulsive peak force of dominant (PFD) and non-dominant upper-limbs (PFND) was assessed by a differential pressure system. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to collect the dry-land isometric peak strength of the dominant upper-limb. Significant differences between genders were found for most of the music cadences in HA and RHadd. Men were able to produce higher propulsive force values for both upper-limbs during the overall incremental protocol, whereas women reached a higher relative force production. However, no significant differences were found between both genders at the same music cadence. Most actions were asymmetric in women, whereas men showed a symmetric pattern. The cadence of 135 bpm elicits a symmetric motion in both genders while exercising water fitness exercises. <![CDATA[ERRATA]]> ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyse and compare propulsive forces, relative force production and symmetry between genders during water fitness exercises. Eighteen participants (women, n= 9; age: 20.67± 0.87 years; body mass: 58.18± 4.97 kg; height: 159.19± 5.85 cm; and men, n= 9; age: 22.11± 1.76 years; body mass: 72.93± 7.00 kg; height: 170.83± 5.57 cm) underwent two incremental protocols performing horizontal adduction (HA) and the rocking horse (RHadd) exercises, from 105 to 150 bpm. Propulsive peak force of dominant (PFD) and non-dominant upper-limbs (PFND) was assessed by a differential pressure system. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to collect the dry-land isometric peak strength of the dominant upper-limb. Significant differences between genders were found for most of the music cadences in HA and RHadd. Men were able to produce higher propulsive force values for both upper-limbs during the overall incremental protocol, whereas women reached a higher relative force production. However, no significant differences were found between both genders at the same music cadence. Most actions were asymmetric in women, whereas men showed a symmetric pattern. The cadence of 135 bpm elicits a symmetric motion in both genders while exercising water fitness exercises.