Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Motricidade]]> vol. 19 num. 2 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Comparison of pre-competition mood state between winners and losers: a study with young beach volleyball athletes]]> RESUMO O objetivo foi comparar o estado de humor de jovens atletas de voleibol de praia em função do resultado do jogo. Participaram do estudo 16 atletas (idade= 17± 2,44 anos). Todos foram submetidos a uma competição simulada, seguindo as regras oficiais. Previamente, os atletas respondiam (30 minutos antes de jogar), ao Perfil de Estados de Humor (POMS), divididos nas dimensões tensão, depressão, raiva, vigor, fadiga e confusão. Os dados foram comparados utilizando o teste U de Mann-Whitney, de acordo com o desempenho (vencedor e perdedor). Além disso, calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação bisserial por ponto (Tau de Kendall) e determinação (т-quadrado), para as variáveis com diferença significante, adotando significância 5%. Independentemente do desempenho o perfil de humor observado foi “iceberg”. Além disso, verificou-se diferença significante na dimensão “confusão” (Vencedor= 2,00 Vs. Perdedor= 5,50; U= 13,00; p= 0,043; d= 1,151). Adicionalmente, o coeficiente de correlação e determinação foi т= 0,457 (p= 0,043) e т2= 0,208, respectivamente. Independente do resultado, o perfil de humor 30 minutos antes do jogo foi “iceberg”. Para mais, a subescala “confusão” foi o principal indicador de desempenho psicológico identificado, explicando ∼20% a variação entre vencer e perder.<hr/>ABSTRACT The present study aimed to compare the mood of young beach volleyball athletes according to the result of the match. Sixteen male athletes participated in the study (age= 17± 2.44 years). All were submitted to a simulated competition, following the official rules. Previously, the athletes responded (30 minutes before playing) to the Profile of Mood States (POMS), divided into the dimensions tension, depression, hostility, vigor, fatigue, and confusion. The data were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test, according to the result (winner and loser). The biserial correlation coefficient per point (Kendall’s Tau) and determination (т-square) were calculated for the variables with a significant difference, adopting a 5% significance. Regardless of the result, the observed profile was iceberg characterised by high vigour and low in other dimensions. In addition, there was a significant difference only in the “confusion” dimension (Winner= 2.00 vs Loser= 5.50; U= 13.00; p=.043; d= 1.151). Additionally, the correlation and determination coefficient was т= 0.457 (p=.043) e т2= 0.208, respectively. Regardless of the result, the mood profile 30 minutes before the game was “iceberg”. Furthermore, the “confusion” subscale was identified as the main psychological performance indicator, explaining ∼20% of the variation between winning and losing. <![CDATA[Association between scholar's motor proficiency and the opportunities for movement offered in their neighbourhood]]> RESUMO Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a associação entre a proficiência motora e o ambiente da vizinhança de 397 crianças de seis a dez anos de idade. Para avaliar o desempenho motor foi utilizado o Teste de Proficiência Motora de Bruininks-Oseretsky - BOT-2. O ambiente da vizinhança foi avaliado por um questionário elaborado pelos pesquisadores e o nível socioeconômico das famílias foi avaliado pelo Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB-ABEP). Para comparação entre grupos foi utilizado o Teste Kruskall-Wallis e o Teste U Mann-Whitney e para associação foi utilizado o Teste de χ2. Os resultados demonstraram que 68,3% das crianças estão na média para a idade no desenvolvimento motor global. A classe social com nível socioeconômico maior mostrou melhor coordenação motora fina, controle corporal, força e agilidade e o desenvolvimento motor global. Foi encontrada associação entre utilizar Academia da terceira idade e o desenvolvimento motor global, a praça/parquinho com a coordenação corporal e desenvolvimento motor global, e clubes/escolinhas particulares com coordenação motora fina, força e agilidade e desenvolvimento motor global. Conclui-se que o ambiente da vizinhança em que a criança reside não influenciou o desempenho na proficiência motora, mas o nível socioeconômico sim, tanto que pertencer a classe socioeconômica mais baixa desfavoreceu o desempenho motor global das crianças. Frequentar espaços abertos e públicos como calçadas e ruas não resultou numa maior proficiência motora, o que ocorre em espaços construídos com equipamentos como as ATI, praças/parquinhos, centros esportivos/quadras de esportes e clubes/escolinhas esportivas.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate motor proficiency in the neighbourhood environment in children aged six to ten. The sample was constituted of 397 children. The Motor Proficiency Test from Bruininks-Oseretsky-BOT-2 was used to evaluate motor performance. In the neighbourhood environment, it was used a questionnaire elaborated by the researchers. The Criteria of Economic Classification Brazil (CCEB-ABEP) was used to classify the socioeconomic level. In the group comparisons, the Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were used, and the χ2 test was used for the association. The results demonstrated that 68,3% of the children are inside the average for their age in global motor development. When comparing motor proficiency with the socioeconomic classes, a significant statistical difference was found between fine motor coordination, body control, strength and agility and global motor coordination. A relation was found between using ATI and global motor coordination, Square/Playground with body control and global motor coordination, and clubs/private schools with CMA, FO-AGI and DMG. It was concluded that the neighbourhood environment of the area where the child lived in the city of Maringá is not associated with motor proficiency. On the other hand, the socioeconomic level is so much associated with motor proficiency that belonging to the lower socioeconomic class disfavoured the performance of the evaluated children. In relation to the characteristics of the neighbourhood, frequenting opened and public spaces such as sidewalks and streets did not result in higher motor proficiency, but spaces with equipment, such as the ATI, square/playgrounds, sports centres/sports courts and clubs/private schools. <![CDATA[Physical inactivity promotes detrimental effects on body composition and strength performance in older and young females]]> ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe and compare the body composition (SMM and body fat), handgrip strength, and countermovement jump (CMJ) between young and older females. A descriptive-comparative study, which evaluated 101 females distributed in: older physically active females (Old-PA; n= 26); older physically inactive females (Old-PI; n= 25); young physically active females (You-PA; n= 25) and; young physically inactive females (You-PI; n= 25). Anthropometry, body composition, handgrip strength, relative strength, and CMJ were assessed following previous recommendations. The main results indicate that the Old-PA have greater SMM and body fat compared to Old-PI (p&lt; .01), and You-PA vs. You-PI and Old-PA (p&lt; .01). The You-PA had a higher handgrip strength (p&lt; .01) than the Old-PA, You-PI, and Old-PI. The Old-PA showed a higher handgrip strength vs Old-PI (p&lt; .01). The Old-PA presented a higher relative strength vs Old-PI (p&lt; .01), the You-PA vs You-PI (p&lt; .01), and the You-PA vs Old-PI (p&lt; .01). The Old-PA have a higher height in CMJ compared to the Old-PI (p&lt; .01), You-PA vs. You-PI (p&lt; .01), and Old-PA vs. You-PI (p&lt; .01). The physically inactive condition is related to decreases in SMM, handgrip strength and CMJ in young and older females. <![CDATA[The association of the step duration in an incremental protocol in the rower ergometer and the maximal lactate steady state intensity]]> ABSTRACT This study aims to analyse which are better step duration related to the maximum lactate steady-state test (MLSS) intensity and the intensity equivalent to the accumulation of 4mmol/L lactate (AnT4) determined through an incremental protocol using a rowing ergometer, using different steps durations (step3min, step5min, step7min). Ten elite Portuguese rowers (25.1± 4.82 years; 177.5± 5.50 cm; 69.8± 2.74 kg) performed rowing ergometer protocols to determine the maximum lactate steady state (MLSS). Subsequently, incremental tests were realised to determine AnT4, using different step durations (step3min, step5min, step7min). The results showed a strong correlation between MLSS and AnT4 (r&gt; 0.90; p&lt; 0.001) obtained AnT different steps (step3min, step5min, step7min). However, the determined intensity equivalent to 4 mmol/L obtained with different step durations that showed the highest correlation with MLSS (246.5± 35.20W) was verified in the protocol of 7minute steps (251.5± 35,72W). The present study indicates that the use of 7 minutes steps is the most appropriate for determining the AnT4 intensity related to the aerobic component of a high-performance rowing athlete. <![CDATA[Short-term static stretching does not affect balance or strength training performance in young adults]]> RESUMO Há insuficiência de evidências acerca dos efeitos agudos do alongamento estático de curta duração sobre o equilíbrio corporal e volume de treino no treinamento de força. Assim, objetivou-se investigar o efeito agudo de diferentes tempos de alongamento estático no desempenho e no equilíbrio de jovens fisicamente ativos, durante o treinamento de força. Participaram 10 indivíduos do sexo masculino, fisicamente ativos, com 21,5± 2,12 anos. O experimento ocorreu ao longo de sete sessões. Nas três primeiras foi realizada a familiarização e o teste e reteste de 10 repetições máximas e de equilíbrio, através do Star Excursion Balance Test. Da 4ᵃ a 7ᵃ sessão utilizou-se alongamentos de 0, 5, 10 ou 15 segundos, de forma randomizada. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os volumes de alongamento. Conclui-se que não houve redução no número de repetições com a carga de 10RM e nas distâncias alcançadas no teste de equilíbrio, quando precedidos por alongamento estático. O alongamento estático em intensidade moderada e duração de até 15 segundos, não afetou o desempenho tampouco o equilíbrio de jovens fisicamente ativos. Ademais, não há diferença entre alongar 5, 10 ou 15 segundos para as respostas agudas de força e equilíbrio mencionadas.<hr/>ABSTRACT There is insufficient evidence about the acute effects of short-term static stretching on body balance and training volume in strength training. Thus, the objective of the present study was to investigate the acute effect of different static stretching times on the performance and balance of physically active young people during strength training. Ten physically active male subjects, aged 21.5± 2.12 years old, participated in the experiment, which took place over seven sessions. In the first three sessions, familiarization, test and retest of 10 maximum repetitions and balance tests were performed, through the Star Excursion Balance Test. From the 4th to the 7th session, stretching of 0, 5, 10 or 15 seconds was used, randomly. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the stretching volumes. It is concluded that there was no reduction in the number of repetitions with the load of 10RM and the distances of the steps in the balance test when preceded by static stretching. Static stretching at moderate intensity and duration of up to 15 seconds did not affect the performance or the balance of physically active young people. Furthermore, there is no difference between stretching 5, 10 or 15 seconds for the mentioned acute strength and balance responses. <![CDATA[Sports management in local authorities: a conceptual analysis of municipal sports companies]]> RESUMO A investigação centra-se na caracterização das empresas municipais de desporto em Portugal, tendo como objetivo identificar a constituição temporal, distribuição territorial e o impacto na população. Metodologicamente, seguiu-se uma abordagem exploratória com recurso a métodos quantitativos-descritivos na análise e tratamento dos dados. A amostra (n= 18) foi definida após interpretação e análise documental da Lista de Empresas Locais 2021 (n= 173) e Relatório de Contas de 2017 a 2020. Os resultados demonstram que a maioria das empresas municipais de desporto situa-se na região norte do país (56%), têm como principal área de atividade a gestão de instalações desportivas (89%) e foram constituídas sobretudo entre 1992 e 2006 com maior incidência entre 1999 e 2002 (67%), abrangendo 6% dos municípios portugueses, 8% das freguesias municipais e 18% do total da população. Considerando o conhecimento científico neste âmbito, a investigação revela uma diminuição deste tipo de organização ao longo das últimas décadas, essencialmente por cessão de atividade, mudança de código de atividade económica ou maior especificação das categorias das empresas municipais. A sua implementação é reduzida e concentrada territorialmente, onde se incluem 11 distritos, 18 municípios, 249 freguesias, correspondendo a 6% do território e com um impacto direto em aproximadamente 2 milhões de cidadãos.<hr/>ABSTRACT The research focuses on characterising municipal sports companies in Portugal, aiming to identify the temporal constitution, territorial distribution and impact on the population. Methodologically, an exploratory approach was followed using quantitative-descriptive methods in data analysis and treatment. The sample (n= 18) was defined after interpretation and document analysis of the Local Enterprise List 2021 (n= 173) and Accounts Report from 2017 to 2020. The results show that most municipal sports companies are located in the northern region of the country (56%), their main area of activity is the management of sports facilities (89%), and they were mainly formed between 1992 and 2006, mostly between 1999 and 2002 (67%) covering 6% of Portuguese municipalities, 8% of municipal councils, and 18% of the total population. Considering the scientific knowledge in this area, research shows a decrease in this type of organisation over the last decades, essentially due to the cession of activity, change of economic activity code or greater specification of the categories of municipal companies. Their implementation is small and territorially concentrated, including 11 districts, 18 municipalities, and 249 parishes, corresponding to 6% of the territory and directly impacting approximately 2 million citizens. <![CDATA[Physical exercise, subjective well-being, quality of life, depressive and anxiety symptoms in a sample of Portuguese elderly]]> RESUMO A preocupação com a qualidade de vida, bem-estar e saúde mental dos idosos tem sido evidente na literatura, assumindo a prática regular de exercício físico um papel fundamental na sua promoção, especialmente tendo em conta o envelhecimento demográfico a que temos assistido. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os níveis de bem-estar subjetivo (satisfação com a vida e afeto positivo e negativo), qualidade de vida e sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa numa amostra de idosos portugueses, incluindo uma análise comparativa destas variáveis em função da frequência semanal de prática de Exercício Físico. Foram ainda analisadas as associações entre as variáveis. Para tal, recorreu-se a uma amostra de 92 idosos portugueses (76,55± 9.73 anos), 26 (28,3%) do sexo masculino e 66 (71,7%) do sexo feminino. Foram utilizadas as versões portuguesas da “SWLS”, do “PANAS”, bem da “HADS” e da “EUROHIS-QOL-8”. Os principais resultados revelaram a existência de diferenças significativas na variável afeto positivo (p= 0,01) (idosos que não praticavam exercício físico com valores mais reduzidos) e na variável sintomatologia depressiva (p= 0,01) (idosos com maior frequência de prática de exercício físico com menor sintomatologia depressiva). Destacam-se ainda as associações entre as variáveis em estudo (bem-estar, qualidade de vida e sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa). Este estudo parece assim dar um importante contributo na compreensão do papel da prática regular de exercício físico, não apenas para a saúde física do idoso, mas também para o seu bem-estar e sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa.<hr/>ABSTRACT The concern over the quality of life, well-being and mental health of the elderly has been evident in the literature, where the regular practice of physical exercise plays a crucial role, particularly considering the demographic ageing of the population. The purpose of this study was to characterise the subjective well-being levels (life satisfaction and positive and negative affect), quality of life, and depressive and anxious symptomology in a sample of Portuguese elders. A comparative analysis of the variables according to the weekly frequency of physical exercise practice was also performed. The associations between the variables were also analysed. A total of 92 Portuguese elders (76,55± 9.73 years) were enrolled in the present study. The Portuguese versions of “SWLS”, “PANAS”, “HADS”, and “EUROHIS-QOL-8” were used. The main results showed the existence of significant differences in the variable positive affect (p= 0,01) (elders without physical exercise practice had lower values) and for the variable depressive symptomology (p= 0,01) (elders with a higher frequency of physical exercise practice had lower depressive symptomology). Furthermore, it is noteworthy the correlation between the studied variables (well-being, quality of life, and depressive and anxious symptomology). Subsequently, this study represents an important contribution to the comprehension of the role of regular physical exercise practice, not just for the physical health of the elderly but also for their well-being and depressive and anxious symptomology. <![CDATA[Correlation between anthropometric variables and physical performance in lifeguard firefighters]]> RESUMO Algumas evidências mostram que militares, dentre eles os bombeiros guarda-vidas, com elevados níveis de aptidão física podem ser capazes de executar suas tarefas laborais com maior eficiência e tomar as melhores decisões. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a correlação entre variáveis antropométricas e desempenho físico, em bombeiros guarda-vidas. A amostra foi composta por 105 homens, bombeiros guarda-vidas do corpo de bombeiros militares do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram observadas correlações positivas entre perímetro do abdômen e tempo no sprint de 20 metros, tempo no zig zag COD, tempo total no Running Anaerobic Sprint Test; entre relação cintura quadril e tempo no sprint de 20 metros, tempo total no Running Anaerobic Sprint Test. Além do mais, foram observadas correlações negativas entre perímetro do abdômen e velocidade no sprint de 20 metros, velocidade no zig zag COD; entre relação cintura quadril e velocidade no sprint de 20 metros. Entretanto, não foram observadas correlações entre perímetro do abdômen e índice de fadiga; entre relação cintura quadril e tempo e velocidade no zig zag COD, índice de fadiga. Verifica-se que, em bombeiros guarda-vidas, elevados escores de circunferência abdominal e relação cintura quadril influenciam, de forma negativa, no desempenho físico.<hr/>ABSTRACT Some scientific evidence shows that military personnel, including lifeguard firefighters, with high levels of physical fitness may be able to perform their work tasks more efficiently and make the best decisions. The present work aimed to investigate the correlation between anthropometric variables and physical performance in lifeguard firefighters. The sample consisted of 105 men, lifeguard firefighters from the military fire department of the state of Rio de Janeiro. On the first visit, the following procedures were performed: a) completion of the par-Q and the Informed Consent Form; b) anthropometric and body composition measurements. On the second visit, the following tests were performed: 1) 20-meter sprint; 2) zigzag COD; 3) Running Anaerobic Sprint Test. Positive correlations were observed between abdominal perimeter and time in the 20-meter sprint, time in the zig-zag COD, total time in the Running Anaerobic Sprint Test; between waist-to-hip ratio and time in the 20-meter sprint, total time in the Running Anaerobic Sprint Test. Furthermore, negative correlations were observed between abdominal perimeter and velocity in the 20-meter sprint, velocity in the zig-zag COD; between waist-to-hip ratio and speed in the 20-meter sprint. However, no correlations were observed between the perimeter of the abdomen and the fatigue index; between waist-to-hip ratio and zig-zag time and speed COD, fatigue index. it was verified that, in lifeguard firefighters, high scores of abdominal circumference and waist-to-hip ratio negatively influence physical performance. <![CDATA[Bioimpedance phase angle and muscle strength performance in young male volleyball athletes]]> ABSTRACT Volleyball performance depends partially on lower limb strength. The phase angle (PhA) is a marker of functional muscle mass and a surrogate measure of athletic muscle performance. This study aimed to verify the correlation between PhA (bioimpedance) and lower limb muscle strength in young volleyball athletes. The sample included 38 young male volleyball athletes (Age: 16.7± 1.3 years; Weight: 73.7± 9.7 kg; Height: 179.3± 6.9 cm). We performed a cross-sectional observational study and evaluated the volleyball athletes for vertical jump tests (Counter-Movement Jump: CMJ and Squat Jump: SJ) and whole-body bioimpedance. The Pearson test showed positive and moderate significant correlations between the PhA, CMJ, and SJ (r= 0.550 and r= 0.559, respectively). Our findings demonstrated that assessing the PhA through bioimpedance provides relevant measures of muscle strength and power in young volleyball athletes. <![CDATA[The effect of an intermittent protocol on strength performance in female football players: an exploratory study]]> ABSTRACT Football is a sport that involves a combination of continuous and intermittent effort. Therefore, players need to be able to recover quickly between moments of high intensity to continue to perform at a high level of output throughout the entire match. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of an intermittent exercise protocol on the rate of high-intensive force production through the countermovement test (CMJ) in elite Portuguese female soccer players. The sample consisted of 12 players from the first division of women's football in Portugal (Age= 18.1± 0.9 years; Weight= 60.10± 5.8 Kg; Height= 1.63± 4.8 cm; BMI= 22.48± 1.5 kg/m2). The players performed an intermittent exercise protocol on a cycle ergometer, lasting 8 minutes, in which each minute corresponded to 40 seconds of high-intensity (4 W/kg, based on the player's body weight) and 20 seconds of low-intensity (75W). Before and after the protocol, the players performed the CMJ. Through the results obtained, it was possible to observe that players presented a significant decrease in the height of the CMJ between the two moments (before- 29.92± 3.55 cm vs after- 26.92± 4.05 cm; p &lt; .01). The present study allowed us to conclude that intermittent exercise protocol promoted a negative influence on CMJ performance.