Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Observatorio (OBS*)]]> vol. 9 num. 4 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>A peaceful pyramid? Hierarchy and anonymity in newspaper comment sections</b>]]> Several studies have linked deindividuation to an increase in aggression and incivility. This paper seeks to ascertain the influence of anonymity and hierarchy in online aggression by comparing two different newspaper comment sections: one with a hierarchical system and the other with an equalitarian setting. This study distinguishes itself form previous works by analyzing systems where identification is optional and where identified and anonymous users coexist. The hierarchical solution might be relevant to dissuade aggression when optional identifiability is seen as an essential asset. Results show that a hierarchical system provides some improvements in terms of civility and comment moderation, but that poor implementation of the hierarchy causes perversions in the system and affects its effectiveness. <![CDATA[<b>Does media coverage of research misconduct impact on public trust in science? A study of news reporting and confidence in research in Sweden 2002-2013</b>]]> Over the past decade, there has been a gradual decline in public trust in science in Sweden. Questions have been raised as to whether or not this decline is the result of news media reports on research misconduct. Taking off in a theoretical discussion about the news media agenda-setting function, this study examined the extent to which, if any, there really is a connection between public trust and news content. It did so by drawing empirical support from a content analysis of the largest Swedish news media reporting on research misconduct in the years 2002-2013 and also from annual surveys of Swedes´ media consumption and trust in science, conducted over the same time period. Using news consumption, i.e. media exposure, as a proxy variable in the analysis, this study came to the conclusion that exposure to this type of news reporting had a positive rather than negative effect on public trust in science. The article discusses why this is so and also identifies some important questions that require to be further researched in order to understand public trust in science. <![CDATA[<b>Beyond the Grave on Facebook</b>: <b>Life after Death and Mourning in the Digital Age</b>]]> Este artigo promove o debate sobre uma área de estudos relativamente recente nos estudos das ciências sociais: os estudos da morte. As nossas identidades digitais são resultado da interacção entre o comportamento social e a tecnologia e sobrevivem aos nossos corpos biológicos. De que forma transpomos os nossos actos e rituais do quotidiano para o mundo digital? Que diferenças foram possibilitadas por essa transposição? De que modo a cultura participativa influenciou as relações de poder e democratizou o processo do luto? Como persistem as nossas identidades num contexto de aproximação à intemporalidade? Através desta análise, poderemos ver como os media sociais promovem a expansão temporal, espacial e social do luto público e dos rituais associados à morte, não de uma forma disruptiva com os meios sociais tradicionais, mas complementando-os, duma forma apenas possível na Era da Sociedade em Rede.<hr/>This article promotes the debate about a relatively recent area of study of social sciences: death studies. Our digital identities are the result of the interaction between our social behaviour and technology and survive our biological bodies. In what way do we transpose the daily acts and rituals to the digital world? What differences were allowed by this transposition? In what way did the participatory culture influence the power relations and democratise the mourning process? How do our identities persist in a timeless context? Through this analysis we will see how social media expand public mourning and death rituals in temporal, spatial and social ways, not in disruption with traditional social means but as a complement in a way only possible in the Network Society Age. <![CDATA[<b>Strategic Communication applied to the promotion of Science. The Communication and Society Research Centre's case</b>]]> A ciência é uma atividade que torna possível o desenvolvimento tecnológico, social, cultural e económico. É importante avaliar a forma como o mundo científico comunica, nomeadamente a capacidade de adequação da comunicação da ciência às novas ferramentas e às respetivas formas de interação com os públicos. Referimo-nos à comunicação digital que traz potencialidades acrescidas, face à comunicação tradicional. Na verdade, procuraremos demonstrar que o investimento que é feito na comunicação online, inserida numa estratégia de comunicação sólida e coerente, pode trazer benefícios acrescidos à divulgação científica. O Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade tem, como preocupação primária, a divulgação dos resultados da sua investigação. A atual inquietação à volta do desinvestimento na ciência torna a avaliação das políticas de comunicação levadas a cabo no CECS uma necessidade premente, para demonstrar a importância da sua atividade e do financiamento necessário à sua prossecução. Neste contexto, esta investigação procura desvendar a importância da comunicação online, no âmbito da comunicação da ciência e da investigação científica. Para este efeito, faremos uma auditoria de comunicação focando-nos nas ferramentas de comunicação online do CECS, procurando perceber a importância da utilização destas na estratégia de divulgação científica.<hr/>Science is an activity that makes possible the technological, social, cultural and economic development. It is important to assess the way the scientific world communicates, including the ability of adequacy to the new tools of communication of science and their respective forms of interaction with the publics. We refer to digital communication that brings increased capabilities, in relation to traditional communication. In fact, we will try to demonstrate that the investment made in online communication, embedded in a strong and coherent communication strategy can bring increased benefits for scientific dissemination. The Communication and Society Research Centre has, as a primary concern, the dissemination of the results of their research. The current unrest around the divestment of science makes the evaluation of communication policies implemented in CECS an urgent need, to demonstrate the importance of their activity and for pursuing necessary funding for their continuation. Thus, this research aims to uncover the importance of online communication within the communication of science and scientific research. For this purpose, we we will audit communication, focusing us on the Communication and Society Research Centre online communication tools, trying to realize the importance of using digital tools in the scientific dissemination strategy. <![CDATA[<b>The presence and representation of unemployment of people older than 45 years in the Spanish press</b>]]> La prensa tiene una gran influencia en la generación de opinión pública. Según la teoría de la Agenda Setting las noticias más relevantes para los medios lo serán para su público. El desempleo de los mayores de 45 años es una problemática social que afecta a muchas familias en la actualidad, sin embargo está en cuestión si los diarios le conceden suficiente importancia. A través del análisis documental y de contenido de los principales diarios españoles, este trabajo pretende dar a conocer qué cobertura ofrece la prensa española a la problemática social sufrida por los desempleados mayores de 45 años. Los resultados muestran un insuficiente tratamiento del problema, con escasa especificidad en las noticias que abordan el tema, con pequeñas diferencias en función de la Comunidad Autónoma. Las noticias se enmarcan en general en contextos políticos y económicos. Sin embargo, las noticias con marco formativo y social manifiestan mayor tendencia a mostrar iniciativas de mejora para el acceso al empleo. Se concluye que el desempleo de los mayores de 45 años queda relegado a noticias puntuales y se trata en la mayor parte de los casos como un tema secundario de la noticia.<hr/>Press has a great influence in the generation of public opinion. According to the Agenda Setting theory, the most relevant news for the media will be also for their audience. The unemployment of people older than 45 years is a social problem that affects many families today, however is in question if newspapers give it enough importance. Through the documentary and content analysis of the main Spanish newspapers, this study aims to show which coverage gives the Spanish press to the social problems suffered by the unemployed older than 45 years. The results show insufficient treatment of the problem, with little specificity in the news that address the issue, with slight differences depending on the region. The news are part of overall political and economic contexts. However, the news with educational and social framework show a greater tendency to show improvement initiatives for the access to employment. It is concluded that unemployment of people older than 45 years is relegated to occasional news and in the most of cases is a secondary topic of the new. <![CDATA[<b>Emotions in the use of technology</b>: <b>An analysis of the research on mobile phones</b>]]> Hoy en día asistimos a una revalorización de la dimensión afectiva de la persona en la vida social. Este proceso se advierte a su vez en el ámbito académico, donde las emociones se han convertido en objeto de estudio de numerosas ramas del conocimiento. También la disciplina de la Comunicación participa de este interés científico por las emociones, en concreto en relación con la tecnología digital. En este trabajo de corte teórico se examina el campo de investigación en el que convergen las emociones y la tecnología digital; tomando como caso de estudio el uso de los teléfonos móviles. Un análisis de la literatura científica evidencia que la tecnología no sólo despierta afectos en sus usuarios y sirve de canal para la expresión de las emociones, sino que también influye en el modo en que dichas emociones se modulan y despliegan, así como en la configuración de la identidad personal.<hr/>Nowadays we are witnessing in social life a revaluation of the affective dimension of the person. This process is also seen in academia, where emotions have become the object of study of many branches of knowledge. Media and Communication Studies also participates in this scientific interest in the emotions, particularly in relation to digital technology. This theoretical paper maps the field of study where emotions and digital technology converge. It focuses specifically on the use of mobile phones. An analysis of the academic literature demonstrate that technology not only arouses emotions in users and serves as a channel for the expression of affection, but also influences the way in which this affection is modulated and displayed, as well as the configuration of the personal identity. <![CDATA[<b>Towards an advanced political communication in Internet 2.0</b>]]> Los continuos avances tecnológicos han transformado unas relaciones de comunicación social tradicionalmente unidireccionales, verticales y asíncronas, en otras horizontales, multidireccionales, reticulares e interactivas. Lógicamente, este proceso también ha afectado a la comunicación política. Una de las consecuencias más positivas ha sido el empoderamiento del ciudadano que ha visto cómo se amplia su campo de acción para interactuar con el dirigente político. Proponemos una comunicación política avanzada basada en los nuevos medios sociales de Internet 2.0. Identificamos aquí los cambios que deberían adoptar para ello los principales actores del proceso de comunicación.<hr/>The continuous technological advances have transformed traditional communication relationships. Formerly unidirectional, vertical and asynchronous communications have become horizontal, multidirectional, interactive and networked ones. As a result, political communication can extend its scope and empower ordinary citizens. We propose an advanced political communication that makes use of these social media. We also identify the changes in behavior and attitude that should be adopted by major players in the process. <![CDATA[<b>Programming, advertising and social responsibility in the Spanish University radio stations</b>]]> El presente artículo pretende ser una aproximación a la programación y a los contenidos de las radios universitarias españolas. El objetivo es analizar en detalle la tipología genérica, la estructura, y la finalidad programática, así como los tipos de pausas publicitarias y los proyectos de responsabilidad social que proponen las 23 radios universitarias pertenecientes a la Asociación de Radios Universitarias de España (ARU). Para ello se han realizado entrevistas personales con los directores de las mismas. Las principales conclusiones alcanzadas advierten claras diferencias entre las programaciones propuestas por las radios universitarias y las realizadas por las emisoras convencionales, reflejando claramente una apuesta por lo alternativo en las emisoras académicas.<hr/>This article aims to be an approach to Spanish University radio stations lists of programs and contents. The objective is to analyze in detail the generic typology, structure, and the programmatic purpose, as well as the types of advertising spaces and social responsibility projects that propose the 23 University radios belonging to the Association of University Radio of Spain (ARU), in order to that their directors have been interviewed. The main conclusions reached show clear differences between the schedules proposed by conventional radio stations and University radio stations. These conclusions clearly reflect a bet on the alternative academic stations. <![CDATA[<b>iPhone</b>: <b>a juicy piece of meat</b>]]> Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar como a interação entre membros de uma comunidade virtual revela e influencia interesses e comportamentos acerca de um objeto tecnológico como o iPhone. Analisou-se, através de uma abordagem netnográfica, o tipo de cultura participativa presente no fórum on-line “Everythingicafe”, espaço dedicado à discussão sobre a marca Apple. Os resultados demostraram que na comunidade analisada os produtos da marca Apple adquirem um desmesurado valor simbólico, desafiam uma busca de status social e que a fidelidade à marca chega a configurar-se como devoção. Ademais, a participação em comunidades da marca, muitas vezes, testemunha o desejo de identificar-se com um determinado grupo, mesmo não possuindo os produtos dos quais se discute.<hr/>This research aimed to identify how the interaction between members of a virtual community reveals and influences interests and behaviors about a technological object such as the iPhone. Analyzed through a netnographic approach, participatory culture in this online forum "EverythingiCafe" space dedicated to discussion of the Apple brand. The results showed that in the community analyzed the Apple's products acquire an immense symbolic value, a pursuit of social status and that brand loyalty becomes devotion. In addition, participation in brand communities often witness the desire to identify with a particular group, even for who doesn't have the products discussed.