Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Observatorio (OBS*)]]> vol. 10 num. 4 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Modelo Circular da interação</b>: <b>design da interação na esfera do ciberjornalismo</b>]]> Este artigo visou o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceptual e transdisciplinar para o design da interação na esfera do ciberjornalismo, concretizado numa matriz de análise com base em critérios definidos com o propósito de ser passível de se aplicarem casos concretos. O modelo partiu da premissa de que o Design da Interatividade é o conceito central dos processos de comunicação e interação de produtos informativos online. O modelo que desenhámos processa-se ao nível da orientação à tarefa e, consequentemente, à informação. A passagem da audiência para o conceito de utilizador assume-se como o pressuposto chave do modelo delineado. O modelo desenvolvido pretende analisar o impacto do Design da Interação no contexto do Ciberjornalismo, operacionaliza-se numa matriz de análise e numa escala de interatividade. Através de um instrumento de observação desenhado com base nas variáveis definidas na matriz, aplicámos o modelo desenvolvido a uma amostra de jornais digitais. Os resultados demonstram a exequibilidade do modelo na análise dos processos de interação no ciberjornalismo. O estudo empírico demonstrou que o Design da Interação altera os tradicionais processos de comunicação na esfera do Ciberjornalismo e incentiva a uma construção negociada entre emissor e receptor, através da conjugação das metáforas visuais com os comportamentos.<hr/>This paper aimed the development of a conceptual and transdisciplinary model for the interaction design in the sphere of cyberjournalism, embodied in a matrix of analysis based on defined criteria in order to be applied to concrete cases. The model assumes the premise that the Design of Interactivity is the core concept of the processes of communication and interaction of media online informative products. The model outlined proceeds at the level of direction to the task and thereby to the information. The transition of the audience to the concept of user assumes itself as the key assumption of the model outlined. The conceptual model developed aims to analyse the impact on the Interaction Design in the context of Cyberjournalism. The model was operationalized in a matrix and in an interactivity scale. Through an observation instrument constructed with variables from the matrix, we applied the developed model to a sample of digital newspapers. The results show the viability of the model to analyse the interaction processes in cyberjournalism. The empiric study indicated that the Interaction Design changes the traditional process of communication in the Cyberjournalism sphere and that it encourages a negotiated construction between the sender and receiver, through a conjugation of visual metaphors with the behaviours. <![CDATA[<b>Percepción de la publicidad destinada a crear imagen cultural de marca. </b><b>Los casos de las marcas abanca y gas natural fenosa</b>]]> El presente artículo tiene como objeto de estudio el de la percepción que el espectador tiene de las campañas publicitarias que se centran en el refuerzo de la identidad cultural alrededor de una marca. El objetivo es el de comprobar cómo es percibida la publicidad que apela a una identidad cultural basada en territorios o idiomas. Para este estudio se propone una investigación experimental cualitativa realizada con eye tracking y cuestionarios cerrados y abiertos a los usuarios participantes. Se analizarán para el estudio dos campañas publicitarias, las de Abanca y Gas Natural Fenosa. Ambas tienen una estrategia muy similar: asocian la marca a la comunidad autónoma de Galicia y utilizan a sus trabajadores como protagonistas. Sin embargo, también presentan diferencias que afectan a la percepción de la identidad cultural por parte del espectador.<hr/>This article aims to study the perception of the viewer about advertising campaigns that focuses on cultural identity strengthening around a brand. The aim is to check how advertising that appeals to a cultural identity based on territories or languages is perceived. For this study a qualitative experimental research with eye tracking and closed-open questions to users is proposed. For the article two advertising campaigns were analyzed: one of Abanca and the other of Gas Natural Fenosa. Both have a very similar strategy: the association of their brands with Galicia and the use of its workers as the campaign´main characters. However, they also have differences that affect the cultural identity perception in the viewer. <![CDATA[<b>El desafío de la transparencia en la comunicación digital. Un estudio de caso sobre las webs municipales de Galicia y Norte de Portugal</b>]]> El advenimiento de Internet y las herramientas de la web social ha propiciado cambios en las relaciones sociales; cambios a los que la Administración Pública no es ajena. En aras de una Administración más abierta, donde el ciudadano usuario de la red exige una participación más activa en la Res Pública, cobra sentido el concepto de transparencia. Una noción que propone una nueva relación entre la Administración y la ciudadanía. El acceso a la información que hace posible Internet, no obstante, debe ser medible. En este sentido, la transparencia necesita parámetros y clasificaciones para su cuantificación o, al menos, posibilidad de ser medida. Este estudio propone un ranking de trasparencia de los ayuntamientos más poblados de la Eurorregión Galicia - Norte de Portugal. Así, la muestra está conformada por un total de 44 websistes: 32 municipios lusos y 12 españoles. La ficha de análisis empleada evalúa la información aportada sobre los miembros de la cámara y órganos de gobierno, información sobre el propio ayuntamiento (con especial interés en la transparencia económica) y las posibilidades de comunicación que utiliza cada consistorio tanto en su website como en redes sociales. La acotación temporal se fijó en el mes de marzo de 2015, periodo carente de comicios electorales en ambos países. El resultado ha sido un ranking que permite comparar la transparencia de los ayuntamientos, desglosando las puntuaciones obtenidos en los apartados que conforman la ficha de análisis.<hr/>The advent of the Internet and social web tools has led to changes in social relations that have also affected the Public Services. The concept of transparency makes sense in the framework of a general need for a more open government, where networked citizens demand for more active participation in public affairs. This notion suggests a new relationship between the public administration and its citizens. Internet has opened new pathways to access information; however, such access needs to be measured. In this sense, transparency requires ratings and parameters to be quantified or measured. This study proposes a transparency ranking for municipalities with more than 30,000 inhabitants in the Galicia - North Portugal Euroregion. Thus, the study sample consists of a total of 44 websites of 32 Portuguese and 12 Spanish municipalities. The scorecard used evaluates the information provided by members of the municipality and other local governing bodies; information about the council itself (with special focus on economic transparency) and forms of communication on the website and social media. The analysis was conducted during the month of March 2015, as no municipal elections took place in any of the countries. The result is a ranking that compares municipal transparency, with detailed scores for each of the items in the scorecard. <![CDATA[<b>Comunicación corporativa-RSC-Divulgación científica. Propuesta de “triángulo virtuoso” para las empresas biotecnológicas</b>]]> Este artículo presenta la viabilidad de articular la comunicación corporativa de las empresas biotecnológicas en torno a un ejercicio básico: nutrir su Responsabilidad Social Corporativa con actuaciones de divulgación científica. Tales intervenciones contribuirían, no solo a mejorar el conocimiento científico de la sociedad y a que sus opiniones sobre los ámbitos de aplicación de la biotecnología estén fundados, sino también, a dialogar sobre estos y otros asuntos con la ciudadanía, en especial la más cercana. Pero tal implementación precisaría, en primer lugar, que la empresa perciba a sus vecinos como público de interés. De ahí que esta investigación parta del análisis de la comunicación externa de este tipo de empresas. Nuestra muestra la constituyen las 32 pymes biotecnológicas asentadas en cuatro parques tecnológicos de Andalucía. Los resultados de ese trabajo muestran que la divulgación científica tiene una presencia casi nula en sus sitios web y apenas se alude en ellos a alguna actuación de RSC; además, su aparición en los periódicos locales es escasa y se liga a aspectos estrictamente empresariales. Sin embargo, una encuesta a la que han contestado los gestores de esas firmas nos descubre que una amplia mayoría están dispuestos a aumentar los vínculos con su entorno.<hr/>This paper discusses the feasibility of joint Corporate Communication of biotech companies around a basic exercise: nourish its Corporate Social Responsibility activities in Science Communication. Such interventions would help not only to improve the scientific understanding of society and that their views on the areas of application of biotechnology are founded but also to discuss these and other issues with the public, especially the closest. But such implementation would require, first, that the company perceives its neighbors as public interest. Hence, this research starts from the analysis of the external communication of these businesses. Our sample are the 32 biotech SMEs settled in four technology parks in Andalusia. The results of this work show that disclosure has almost no presence on their websites and hardly aware of them of any action of CSR;also appeared in local newspapers is scarce and is linked to strictly business aspects. However, a survey of the managers of these firms reveals that the vast majority are ready to expand ties with their environment. <![CDATA[<b>Prensa y democratización en México. Tres miradas</b>: <b>Excélsior, La Jornada y Reforma</b>]]> El artículo analiza el tratamiento que la prensa de referencia mexicana realizó del debate público de la demanda de democracia durante las elecciones presidenciales de 1988, 1994 y 2000. El trabajo aborda el establecimiento y descripción de la tematización periodística de dicho asunto - en un contexto de cambios donde la victoria del candidato de oposición Vicente Fox- significó la alternancia política en el año 2000. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de contenido a 586 artículos de opinión para determinar el papel que estos diarios tuvieron en la democratización del país durante los años de 1988 a 2000.<hr/>This article discusses the theme of democracy in the media through the journalistic examination of a key period of Mexican political history. It analyses the editorial treatment of three notable Mexican newspapers during the elections of 1988, 1994 to 2000 in the face of political change using the journalistic thematization model. The article examines 585 opinion articles and identifies the active role that the press must play, serving as a public space to construct democracy in Mexico during 1988 to 2000. <![CDATA[<b>Broadcast television flow scheduling and the viewers'</b> <b>zapping</b>: <b>conflicting practices</b>]]> Broadcast television and its audiences live a paradoxical situation: on the one hand, channels still schedule according to the concept of flow; on the other hand, viewers' zapping counters it. This paper wishes to ascertain the audiences' practices regarding their fidelity to flow. The research tries to answer these questions: how many viewers watch the same channel during a long consecutive period? How many viewers watch a complete programme? Are there significant differences in zapping versus flow faithfulness according to sex, age, socio-demographic class and cable TV access? Is “companionship television” still a viewers' consume practice? The research verifies the effectiveness of flow scheduling, which, while being an ideology and a scheduling and self-promotion practice, is not a practice of most viewers. The results show that flow faithfulness flow is a minority behaviour mainly of older people, women, lower classes and viewers without occupation. <![CDATA[<b>As ONG como fontes de informação nos media - um olhar sobre o discurso jornalístico não governamental na RTP, TSF, Público e agência Lusa</b>]]> As Organizações não Governamentais (ONG) representativas de uma voz da sociedade civil vêm nos media a projeção do trabalho desenvolvido. Diariamente há uma presença relativamente regular de vozes não governamentais nos meios de comunicação social. Consideramos que as ONG contribuem para o estímulo do debate público sobre questões sociais, através dos media. Este texto apresenta alguns dos principais resultados de uma investigação em que foram analisadas 462 notícias. Os temas, as estratégias de comunicação, as principais vozes presentes e o tom dos porta-vozes da informação são algumas das questões sobre as quais nos debruçamos e que nos dão pistas sobre as dinâmicas destas entidades como fontes de informação. A partir dos dados recolhidos compreendemos o recurso a estas organizações como fontes de informação no contexto da atualidade noticiosa. A supremacia da notícia curta, e pouco contextualizada, aproxima estas fontes de um espaço de notícias de atualidade, que acompanham mais a agenda diária.<hr/>Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) usually represents a civil society voice, and media should project their work. Every day there is a relatively regular presence of non-governmental voices in the media. We believe that NGOs contribute to the stimulation of public debate on social issues through the media. This paper presents some of the main results of a research that analysed 462 news. The themes, communication strategies, the main voices present and the tone of information mouthpieces are some of the issues on which we look back and give us clues about the dynamics of these entities as information sources. From the data collected we understand the use of these organizations as information sources in the context of news today. The supremacy of the short news, and little contextualized, approaching these sources of a current news space, more follow the daily news agenda. <![CDATA[<b>Going Viral</b>: <b>News Sharing and Shared News in Social Media</b>]]> Through the advent of social media, news achieves a life of its own online. The media organisations partly lose control over the diffusion process, and simultaneously individuals gain power over the process, and become opinion leaders for others. This study focuses on news sharers and news shared (or rather, interacted), and has three RQ:s: 1) What characterizes the people who share news in social media, 2) Have the characteristics of interacted news changed over time? and 3) Are there differences between news content interacted by ordinary people and news highlighted by media organisations? Two different studies have been conducted: A representative survey and a quantitative content analysis. The main results are that the opinion leaders differ from the majority by being younger, with a greater political interest, single and more digital in their general lifestyle, both concerning news consumption and other aspects. The content analysis shows that the most interacted news on social media follow the traditional news values rather well, with a few exceptions. Most apparent is that interacted news is more positive over time and compared to print front-page news. Accidents and crime dominate print front-pages, while politics is more prominent in interacted news. <![CDATA[<b>Goodbye politics, hello lifestyle. Changing news topics in tabloid, quality and local newspaper websites in the U.K. and Sweden from 2002 to 2012</b>]]> Although considerable efforts have studied online news, studies so far have not investigated how the actual news topics are affected by digitalization in general, if at all, or compared them to different media constructs. Instead, changes in content are assumed or illustrated anecdotally rather than systematically assessed. This empirical study, covering Swedish and UK news sites within tabloid, quality morning, and local/regional varieties between 2002 and 2012, shows that there is a tabloidization effect in general but that it is stronger in tabloids and in Sweden compared to the UK. Further, this tabloidization can be more precisely described as a shift from political to more lifestyle journalism, as it is in the areas where the prime growth and decline are found. In addition, the study reveals that it is the slower news that increases most suggesting that the immediate character of online news is mediated by production conditions <![CDATA[<b>On Medium Theory and the Third Person Effect</b>]]> Although in the last three decades many works have been devoted to the study of Davison's (1983) Third-Person Effect (TPE) for a great variety of media contents, as far as we know none of them has explored the presumed impact of media type on the magnitude of the effect. The objective of this study is to compare the magnitude of the TPE for news, advertising, violence and pornography on TV and the Internet, and its behavioral consequences for controversial contents. The study shows that media type has an impact on the TPE for news, advertising and pornography, but not for violent content. On the contrary, it shows that there is not a clear relationship between media type and people's willingness to support the limitation of controversial contents, such as violence and pornography. <![CDATA[<b>Uma proposta de um modelo taxonómico para a classificação de fontes de informação</b>]]> As fontes de informação jornalística são um vetor central para avaliar a qualidade do jornalismo e a vitalidade do espaço público que vamos construindo através dos media. Constituindo-se como centro do campo disciplinar na Sociologia das Fontes Jornalísticas, as fontes permitem um estudo dos conteúdos jornalísticos a montante, durante e a jusante de todo o processo de construção noticioso. Em qualquer um dos pontos que assente a investigação, exige-se uma compreensão clara e profunda daqueles/daquilo que é citado nos textos noticiosos. Para isso, são necessários instrumentos analíticos completos e de simples aplicação àquilo que se pretende estudar. Ainda que a literatura das ciências da comunicação nos devolva algumas tipificações que agrupam variáveis de análise, não há um modelo taxonómico que permita uma classificação algo exaustiva das fontes citadas nos textos jornalísticos. É uma proposta para esse modelo que aqui apresentamos.<hr/>News sources play an important role in the assessment of journalism's quality. They are also central to the liveliness of the public space that is built by the media. The study of news sources is part of a broader field of studies called Sociology of News Sources and it allows us to understand the whole agenda building process. We should have a clear knowledge of those who are quoted in the news, no matter what our focus of the agenda building process is. In order to do so, one needs to use complete analytical tools which are applicable to our object of study. Even though there are some typologies of news sources within communication studies, there is not a theoretical model that leads us clearly towards a typology of news sources. That is why we propose to do so in our study. <![CDATA[<b>E-books como elementos de innovación y gestión del conocimiento. Las posibilidades comunicativas de los libros electrónicos</b>]]> El libro ha sido uno de los productos mediáticos por excelencia, que permitió la democratización del acceso a la información, consolidada con la invención y la creación de los tipos móviles, fabricados en China hacia el año de 1040, y perfeccionados por Gutenberg hacia 1450. La gran contribución alemana no sólo estuvo en el perfeccionamiento del proceso técnico sino en la masificación (para esta época) de la producción editorial. Con el libro electrónico estamos asistiendo a una revolución del mundo digital. Si la multimedia, la participación social, la convergencia de medios han sido procesos vitales en la conformación de la gran red Internet; el turno ahora es para el mercado de la publicación electrónica de libros.<hr/>The book was one of media products, which enabled the democratization of access to information. With the e-book we are witnessing a revolution in the digital world. If the media, social participation, media convergence processes have been vital in shaping the vast Internet network, turn now is for the publishing industry with the arrival and the offer in the market of electronic publishing. <![CDATA[<b>The political thematic and the fiction on TV</b>: <b>A reflexion based on the miniserie O Brado Retumbante</b>]]> A proposta deste trabalho é estudar a temática política nas obras ficcionais televisivas, a partir da aplicação de conceitos semióticos da análise dos percursos narrativos e também da construção da imagem dos políticos brasileiros por meio dos personagens que integram uma trama. Para discutir estas questões, a série televisiva selecionada foi a minissérie O Brado Retumbante, exibida pela Globo em 2012. Avaliamos como esta produção incorporou fatos políticos e assuntos de grande repercussão, como eleições, corrupção e acordos políticos, que fazem parte da recente história do país, mesclando ficção e realidade na narrativa.<hr/>The political thematic and the fiction on TV: a reflexion based on the miniserie O Brado Retumbante. The proposal of this work paper is to study the presence of the political thematic in television fictional works, with the application of semiotic concepts in the analysis of narrative threads and also in the construction of the image of Brazilian politicians through the use of characters that integrate a plot. In order to discuss these questions, it has been selected a television miniseries O Brado Retumbante presented by Rede Globo in 2012. This has been evaluated how this TV production incorporated political facts and subjects of great repercussion, as elections, corruption and political agreements,which are part of the recent story of the country, mixing fiction and reality in the narrative. <![CDATA[<b>El perfil de los usuarios de Twitter más influyentes en Ecuador y la influencia del mensaje en la captación de seguidores</b>]]> La generalización de Internet como espacio público contemporáneo está determinando el auge de unas prácticas novedosas de participación social, las cuales cuestionan el paradigma asentado durante la llamada Sociedad de la Información.El objetivo de este estudio es describir el perfil de los usuarios más seguidos en Ecuador y examinar si el tono del mensaje y la frecuencia de uso determina la ganancia o pérdida de seguidores. Para ello se analizaron los perfiles de las 100 cuentas con más seguidores en 2014 y se repitió la medición en 2015. Los resultados revelan que estos usuarios responden a un perfil localizado y público. Asimismo, los datos no aportan evidencias concluyentes de la influencia de las características del mensaje sobre la captación de seguidores, lo que demuestra la creación de dinámicas propias de Twitter con respecto a otros países de la misma región.<hr/>The diffusion of Internet as a contemporary public space has determined the emergence of new social participatory practices, which might undermine the paradigms of the information society. The goal of this paper is to describe the profile of the TOP Twitter users in Ecuador and examine whether the tone of the message and frequency of use determine the winning/losing of followers. We content analyzed the 100 Twitter users with most followers in Ecuador during 2014 and repeated the same measurement in 2015. The findings show that the users' profiles are extremely localized and public. Additionally, data did not show enough evidence to support the hypotheses that the features of the message influence the number of followers, which suggested the creation of Twitter local dynamics in Ecuador when compared to other countries of the region.