Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Observatorio (OBS*)]]> vol. 11 num. 1 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Comunicación Internacional</b>: <b>Un análisis cuantitativo de la función de comunicación internacional para la movilidad internacional estudiantil</b>]]> El presente estudio presenta una visión exploratoria de las estrategias y conductas de comunicación internacional universitaria en Chile y España. Mediante una encuesta a 66 responsables de comunicación internacional en las universidades, se determinó que la comunicación internacional en Chile, está en manos del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales en un 86% de los casos, en cambio en España, se reparte entre, un 44% únicamente en Relaciones Internacionales y un 40% en ambos, el de Comunicación y el de Relaciones Internacionales. No parece haber planes periódicos de Comunicación Internacional (solo 29% sí los tiene en Chile y España); tampoco los presupuestos aparecen con gran relevancia (43% de las chilenas y 36% de las españolas sí los tiene). Ni los equipos de gestión ni los responsables tienen formación en comunicación. Las universidades en ambos países usan material impreso tradicional; participación en ferias y misiones internacionales; y la sección web con contenido específico como acciones más comunes en sus estrategias de comunicación. El articulo presenta algunas ideas de cómo se estructura la gestión de la comunicación internacional en las universidades y líneas de investigación que pudieran ayudar a incrementar el marco de conocimiento para la profesionalización de la disciplina.<hr/>The present paper offer an exploratory vision of the strategies and behaviors of international communication on Chilean and Spanish universities. Through a survey applied to 66 Directors of International Communications, we found out that the International Relations Office is in charge of international communications in Chile, in an 86% of the cases. On the other hand, in Spain, in the 40% of the universities, International Relations Office performs this job, but in the 44% of the institutions, this responsibility also rely on two offices, International Relations and Communications. It seems they have not periodical plans of International Communications (only 29% of Chilean and Spanish universities has it), also budgets not appear very often (43% of Chilean and 36% of Spanish universities has it). Neither the team nor the responsible of international communication has preparation in Communications. In both countries, universities use traditional printed brochures, fairs and international missions and web sites as more common international communication activities. This paper presents some ideas of how the management of international communications is structured in universities and it suggest some future research lines that could help to increase the knowledge frame, for the professionalization of the International Communications in the Universities. <![CDATA[<b>A luz, as sombras e a procura da verdade</b>: <b>Os média e a construção de uma realidade equívoca e totalizante</b>]]> A luz, associada à ideia de verdade, realça o real que vive dela e a reflete em tons diferenciados. Platão (”Alegoria da Caverna”) observava que a caverna correspondia ao mundo do visível e o sol ao fogo cuja luz se projetava dentro dela. Para Nietzsche ‘verdade' era um ponto de vista, sendo que Umberto Eco prefere as mentiras (Eco, 2015). José Saramago (Ensaio sobre a cegueira) utiliza inúmeras metáforas para explicar como é que as pessoas vão cegando no mundo contemporâneo. Existem, por conseguinte, várias realidades, todas elas socialmente construídas (Berger & Luckmann, 1999). A anterior visão do mundo, demasiado primária, quando não excluía Deus, interpretava as noções de “Céu” e “Inferno” como consequências das próprias ações humanas (Mattoso, 2012). O certo é que, apesar da anunciada morte de Deus, ainda hoje a incerteza e o vazio reativam antigas e novas espiritualidades (Lipovetsky, 2007). O que significa então, hoje, a verdade? Será que a luz ilumina a realidade? A luminosidade em excesso não pode provocar cegueira? Há um mundo paralelo criado pela dissimulação da luz? O dos média, por exemplo, que deixam fora do agenda setting e do framing, a maior parte da realidade? São estas reflexões que tentarei desenvolver neste artigo.<hr/>The light associated with the idea of truth, enhances the actual living of it and reflects it in different tones. Platão (”Alegoria da Caverna” [Cave Allegory]) observed that the cave corresponded to the visible world and the sun to the fire whose light projected into it. For Nietzsche 'truth' was a point of view; Umberto Eco prefers the lies (Eco, 2015). José Saramago (Ensaio sobre a cegueira [Blindness]) uses many metaphors to explain how people are becoming more and more blind in the contemporary world. There are therefore various realities, all of them socially constructed (Berger & Luckmann, 1999). The previous world's view, too primary, if it didn't exclude God, interpreted the notions of "Heaven" and "Hell" as consequences of human actions themselves (Mattoso, 2012). The truth is that despite the announced death of God, uncertainty and emptiness still reactivate old and new spiritualities (Lipovetsky, 2007). What then means the truth today? Does the light illuminate reality? Can the excess of light cause blindness? Is there a parallel world created by concealment of light? Does the media world with its agenda setting and framing, exclude most of reality? These are reflections that will be dealt with in this article. <![CDATA[<b>La memoria histórica de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas desde el documental televisivo de divulgación histórica</b>: <b>acercamiento crítico</b>]]> El presente texto es una reflexión crítica del estudio: La memoria histórica de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas desde el documental televisivo de divulgación histórica, realizada entre enero de 2012 y junio de 2013 como ejercicio de grado de dos estudiantes de periodismo de ese centro de educación superior cubano. La investigación sistematizó la historia de la casa de altos estudios al caracterizar tres etapas de desarrollo coincidentes con cambios radicales en el país y su sistema educativo. Esa memoria audiovisual construida en un contexto conmemorativo, catalizó el ejercicio de memoria y su institucionalización como historia oficial del centro educativo. Las siguientes reflexiones en torno al estudio empírico realizado, aborda sus marcos teórico y metodológico, las limitaciones y aportes del ejercicio de realización fílmica y la relación del proceso con la construcción del pasado mediáticamente, revelando que la carga significativa del sentido histórico tuvo lugar en el diálogo entre la verdad histórica y la identidad, cognición y emoción, situado una dimensión social (educación) donde sus actores (educandos-educadores) se autentifican en la rememoración de una experiencia de formación compartida (estudiar en la universidad).<hr/>This reflection criticize the research: Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas´s historical memory from historical diffusion´s Television documentary, developed from January 2012 to June 2013 as college thesis of two Journalism students from that Cuban university. The study systematize the history of the University to characterizes three developing stages coincident with radicals changes on politics and educational system of Cuba (Authentic Governments y Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, 1940-1959; Cuban Revolution Triumph at 1959 and beginning of Economic Crisis in 1991). Such stages was exposed in documentary trilogy of independent filmmaking. That visual memory construed in the University 60 Anniversary context, catalyze the memory work and its institutionalization as official history of that educational center. Nevertheless, the approach faces format and aesthetics limitations of a television product, at least separated from political agendas; but however restring interpretative options in the process of building a historical relate, even though increase the significance of the historical sense on the dialogue between the historical truth and the identity, cognition and emotion, located in a social dimension (education) where his actor (students-professors) self-identify at a share formation experience´s remembrance (study at the university). <![CDATA[<b>The transition of a traditional newspaper to the internet age</b>: <b>an historical account of <i>Le Monde</i>'s case</b>]]> This essay analyzes how traditional media has dealt with the arrival of the internet age, examining its reactions and efforts to adapt to this new environment. For such, we will explore the case of the French daily Le Monde, which carries a long and renowned tradition in print and, therefore, faced numerous challenges to adjust itself to the digital domain, having to overcome barriers in its organization culture, newsroom workflow and business models until a suitable strategy was found to ensure its competitiveness. The investigation is supported by historical bibliographic review and original interviews with personnel from the media group. <![CDATA[<b>A comparação da identidade dos jornalistas online em suas relações com os públicos no Brasil e na França</b>]]> O artigo analisa as interações entre jornalistas e públicos de redações on-line no Brasil e na França. Discute as novas modalidades de participação das audiências no jornalismo. Nesse sentido, busca-se entender as possíveis mudanças nessa relação, mas também o papel dos contextos nacionais na estruturação das práticas de jornalistas e públicos nos dois países. Esta pesquisa comparativa e qualitativa utilizou entrevistas em profundidade com dez jornalistas brasileiros e dez franceses a partir de um roteiro padrão. Os resultados revelaram similitudes na forma como os jornalistas enunciaram suas interações com os públicos dos dois países: as representações são geralmente estereotipadas e as audiências são apreendidas a partir de uma visão quantitativa. Essas constatações se juntam a outros estudos sobre o tema e que relativizam a capacidade de integração dos leitores nas redações on-line. Do ponto de vista dos estudos comparativos, elas permitem reforçar a nossa hipótese de uma identidade transnacional dos jornalista on-line, baseadas sobretudo na circulação de discursos estruturantes em relação a essas prática.<hr/>This paper analyses the interactions between journalists and the public in Brazilian and French online newsrooms. It discusses the new modalities of audience participation in journalism. Thus, it aims to understand the possible changes in this relation. The role of national contexts on structuring the practices of journalism and the public is also considered. This comparative and qualitative research is focused on in-depth interviews with ten journalists from each country and used a common guide. The results reveal resemblances on how journalists enunciate their interactions with public from both countries: their representations are stereotyped and audiences are perceived through a quantitative bias. These findings reinforce other studies that minimize the ability of online newsrooms to integrate the public. From the viewpoint of comparative studies, our hypothesis of a transnational identity of online journalists is strengthened. This hypothesis is mainly based on the circulation of structured discourses related to this practice. <![CDATA[<b>Intergenerational and collaborative use of tablets</b>: <b>«in-medium» and «in-room» communication, learning and interaction</b>]]> This study is anchored on two fundamental ideas: i) promoting intergenerational solidarity, relations and communication is a key factor for social development in an aging world; and ii) understand how different generations interact with and around digital media and technology is crucial to reconfigure design methods, so we may enhance intergenerational communication, learning and understanding. In particular, we aim to study how tablet's devices and applications are jointly and collaboratively used by older adults/grandparents and (grand)children and the perceived impact that those interactions may have on: i) intergenerational relationships; ii) children and older adult's digital literacy; and iii) attitude towards the other. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews and exploratory studies will be conducted, in the context of which «Joint Media Engagement» (Takeuchi & Stevens, 2011) sessions between selected cases of older adults and children (with and without parental relations) will be promoted, in order to observe, describe and characterize their «in-medium» (Takeuchi & Stevens, 2011) and «in-room» (Stevens, Satwicz & McCarthy, 2008) activities and interactions. We expect to be able to propose a set of guidelines for the design of contents for tablets, intended for intergenerational and collaborative use by older adults and/or grandparents and children and/or grandchildren. <![CDATA[<b>A Rhetorical Analysis of English and Persian Online Comments on the News Articles Related to Iran's Nuclear Issue</b>]]> The comments section of news articles is intended for the public to share their views on posted news stories. Accordingly, this section has been subject to numerous analyses from a wide range of perspectives. The current study analyzes the tone and purpose of comments posted on news articles dealing with Iran's nuclear issue. The data consisted of 150 online comments in English and 150 in Persian. The comments were taken from three news websites in English and three in Persian. These websites were chosen based on their different political leanings in order to take account of the various approaches to Iran's disputed nuclear talks. The results did not indicate a significant difference between the tone of English and Persian comments, but the purposes intended by English and Persian comments varied extensively. It was also found that the political leaning of news agencies is a major cause of the observed differences. <![CDATA[<b>Limitaciones en el uso y apropiación de tecnologías de información y comunicación para la negociación internacional en empresas colombianas</b>]]> Este artículo establece las principales limitaciones y razones de no uso y apropiación de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) para el proceso de negociación internacional. Para esto, se lleva a cabo en Colombia una investigación en 380 empresas que realizan operaciones de importación y/o exportación, a las cuales se les aplicó una encuesta telefónica para identificar los motivos que impiden el uso de TIC. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos, se destaca que el principal motivo de no uso de TIC especializadas es el desconocimiento de estas, por lo cual se realiza una caracterización de estas tecnologías con base en una revisión de literatura. Se concluye que para mejorar el nivel de uso y apropiación de TIC especializadas, se requiere una mayor divulgación de la funcionalidad, aplicación y beneficios que estas ofrecen a las organizaciones.<hr/>This article establishes the main obstacles to use and appropriate information and communication technologies (ICT) for the international negotiation process. For this, a research in 380 Colombian enterprises engaged in import and / or export operations is conducted, supported in a telephone survey to identify the reasons that affect the use of ICT. Within results, it is noted that the main reason for non-use specialized ICT is the lack of knowledge about the existence of these, so a characterization of these technologies is performed, based on a literature review. It is concluded that to improve the level of use and appropriation of specialized ICT, it is required a greater divulgation about the functionality, applicability and benefits that they offer to organizations. <![CDATA[<b>A invisibilidade do desemprego juvenil no discurso mediático da imprensa portuguesa</b>]]> A actual crise internacional, que deriva do colapso subprime de 2007, gerou um efeito económico recessivo à escala global. No contexto português uma das consequências maiores do fenómeno é o acentuar da precarização laboral e o aumento do desemprego juvenil. Importa perceber como a imprensa diária constrói a cobertura mediática deste fenómeno social e em que termos propõe o debate público. Para a concretização do objectivo enunciado efectuámos em dois jornais diários portugueses uma análise de conteúdo, apurando frequências e temáticas discursivas acerca do desemprego juvenil. Os resultados revelam um alheamento mediático em relação ao fenómeno, que prima por uma cobertura minimalista e um excessivo enfoque institucional do problema, prática que neutraliza a compreensão da complexidade do fenómeno.<hr/>The present international crisis, rooted in the 2007 subprime lending crisis, had a major economic impact at a global scale. For Portugal, main consequences included the increase of insecure jobs and the rise of youth unemployment. From the perspective of media studies, it was important to understand how the media covered both the phenomena and in what ways public debate around insecure jobs and youth unemployment was promoted. The methodology adopted was built-in the content analysis of two Portuguese daily newspapers, namely frequency and textual analysis. Results evidence the detachment of media in relation to the phenomena. Alternatively, media opted for a minimalist coverage characterized by an excessive institutional focus of the problem, thus avoiding a full comprehension of the complexity of the phenomena.