Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Observatorio (OBS*)]]> vol. 12 num. 1 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Predictors of Mistrust</b>: <b>Towards Basic Characteristics of Czech</b> <b>Mistrusting News Media Audiences</b>]]> This study examines audiences mistrusting in Czech journalists. It is based on two representative survey of Czech adult population. Data were subjected to descriptive, correlation and regression analysis. Analysis reveals that public trust in journalists declined by a third between 2004 and 2016. The major contribution of study is the finding that the mistrust in Czech journalists has multi-dimensional structure and supports main parts of the regression model. The regression analysis revealed five main predictors of mistrust among mistrusting audiences - age (the youngest respondents), the lowest economic background, left-wing orientation, perceived negative ethical image of journalists and perceived negative professional image of journalists. The analysis suggests that a significant part of the Czech public is returning to the old communist regime perception of journalists as representatives of establishment who do not represent its interests. <![CDATA[<b>Elementos sobre a ideia de audiência nos inícios da TV portuguesa</b>]]> O processo histórico de construção de uma audiência televisiva inclui as representações e os discursos que sobre ela se publicam. Este artigo observa o período inicial da televisão portuguesa, em busca de compreender qual a concepção de audiência que vigorava no salazarismo. Com base na imprensa televisiva da época, cruzamos discursos com origens diversas: nos círculos oficiais e na RTP; nos observadores jornalísticos; nas elites intelectuais; nos próprios telespectadores, que por um momento emergem como público interventivo. Num cenário em que os profissionais dos media tendem a dizer aos espectadores como se deviam comportar e os espectadores tendem a dizer aos produtores como a televisão devia ser, assiste-se a uma competição e a uma negociação entre duas concepções de audiência<hr/>The process of making an audience for television involves also the representations and the discourses published about such audience. Trying to understand which ideas prevailed about the audience during the dictatorship led by Salazar, this paper examines the early period of Portuguese television. It draws on the coeval press dedicated to television, from which it gathered discourses from diverse origins: the official milieu; TV professionals; newspapers journalists; intellectual elites; and members of the public which for a while were quite interventive. Two different conceptions compete about the television audience and a negotiation process takes place within the dictatorial context <![CDATA[<b>Incorrect, fake, and false.</b> <b>Journalists' perceived online source credibility and verification behavior</b>]]> This study focuses on the extent journalists verify information provided by online sources, and tests to what extent this verification behavior can be explained by journalists' perceived credibility of online information and other factors, such as journalism education of journalists, work and Internet experience, and work environment (broadcasting, newspapers, Internet). Although several studies have focused on perceived credibility of online information, none have tested its effect on actual verification behavior. This study will perform that test. Using a sample from the membership database of the Dutch Association of Journalists, a web questionnaire was used to ask journalists about their opinions, behavior, and professional background characteristics. Regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Analyses show that journalism education does not affect journalists' verification behavior, neither directly nor indirectly via perceived online source credibility. Perceiving online information as less credible does not lead to verifying online information more extensively. Journalism education only affects the extent journalists perceive online (semi-) governmental information as less credible. The findings question the role of formal and informal professional socialization in training journalists to become professional journalists adhering to professional standards. <![CDATA[<b>Who Can See My Stuff? </b> <b>Online Self-Disclosure and Gender Differences on Facebook</b>]]> This study investigates the gendered privacy practices and concerns on Facebook, by leaning on the idea of privacy management as a form of digital labour. We analyse if young Facebook users are more concerned about the privacy against other users than against Facebook as a company or against third-party partners. We also analyse if privacy concerns and visibility rules are differentiated by gender. Using a structured online survey, we collected responses from a sample of 813 Italian university students (aged 18-34). Our results show that the respondents have just slightly more privacy concerns against other users than against Facebook, and much less against third-party partners. Unlike a majority of previous studies, we show that women are consistently more concerned about privacy-related risks than men, which can be associated with efforts to take care of digital labour in their everyday life. <![CDATA[<b>Mediatization of life</b>: <b>Exploring the influence of the mobile and other media in Nigeria</b>]]> As the 21st Century continues to engender amazing innovations in the communication space, the influence of the media is becoming more pervasive. Thus, the media can no longer be studied separately from society; rather they must be seen as an integral part of the social structure upon which modern societies rest. Mediatization, as a theory, explains the manner in which social institutions are affected by, and seek to adapt to, the media. This paper seeks to contribute to the scholarly discussion of mediatization as a concept. It discusses its applicability within the Nigerian context and considers its implications for society. Using a mix of literature review and comments based on the authors' observation, it discusses and interrogates the mediatization of the contemporary Nigerian society. <![CDATA[<b>Satire as a radical practice of freedom of expression. The case of the “puppeteers” on TVE news and</b> <b>in</b> <b><i>ABC </i>texts</b>]]> The main objective of this paper is to analyse the coverage that TVE-1 news programmes gave to the case of the “puppeteers”, since being remanded in custody on 6 February until their release four days later on the 10th, under the provisions of Act 17/2006 pertaining to fulfilling its public service remit. Besides this, the news coverage on TVE-1 is compared with news items published in ABC on 6 and 11 of February, in order to assess whether there were any differences. The case of the puppeteers is a relevant indicator of the limits imposed on freedom of thought and expression versus the defence of public order in Spain, since the use of satire was linked to the glorification of terrorism and incitement to hatred (Arts. 578 and 510 of the Spanish Criminal Code). Thus, the intention is to assess whether the practically inappreciable differences in the news coverage between Spanish public television and a private media company made the former an accomplice to the partisan struggle to reflect reality in a context of political and institutional crisis.<hr/>El objetivo principal del presente artículo es analizar el tratamiento que los informativos de TVE-1 dio al caso de los titiriteros, desde que ingresaron en prisión el 6 de febrero de 2016 hasta su salida el 10, siguiendo las directrices de la Ley 17/2006 para el cumplimiento de su misión como servicio público. En segundo lugar, el contenido de los informativos será comparado con los textos de ABC publicados los días 6 y 11 de febrero con el fin de valorar si existen diferencias en el tratamiento. El caso de los titiriteros se presenta como un indicador relevante de los límites que se imponen a la libertad de pensamiento y de expresión frente a la defensa del orden público en España, puesto que el ejercicio de la sátira se vincula a la apología del terrorismo e incitación al odio (art. 578 y 510 del Código Penal). De este modo se pretende comprobar si las exiguas diferencias en el tratamiento informativo entre un medio público y otro privado, convierte a la televisión pública en partícipe de la lucha politizada por nombrar la realidad en un contexto de crisis política e institucional <![CDATA[<b>Social and Media Repercussion of Anonymous Suicides in Spain during the financial crisis</b>]]> Suicide accounts for more than 3000 casualties in Spain every year, turning into one of the most prevalent causes of death. These figures are similar to other Western countries, meaning that suicides are common in these societies, although one might not be aware of their occurrence. Media attention is voluntarily outside of this daily phenomenon, as a way to avoid replication and proliferation of suicidal behaviours, even there is not clear evidence about this causal linkage between coverage and imitation. There is not a solid line of research about the causes lying behind suicides, so the economic and social factors are present, even their influence is not well determined yet. The unexpected impact of the financial crisis in Spain led to a growing number of cases with a direct relation between life conditions and the fatal decision. This article explores the coverage (and the lack of it) in the Spanish media of several cases of “economic” suicide, most of them linked to eviction processes and critical financial situations. We aim to shed some light on a controversial issue regarding media effects and public policies <![CDATA[<b>El eneagrama<i> sauriano</i></b>: <b>geometrías de la memoria en el cine de Carlos Saura durante la Transición democrática española</b>]]> El cine de Carlos Saura durante la Transición democrática española tiene un fuerte componente revisionista. La memoria y su representación impregnan un cuerpo de seis películas que pivotan sobre esa vuelta atrás que llevan a cabo los personajes saurianos . Analizados uno a uno y realizando una lectura transversal, llama la atención que responden a lo que parece ser una disposición -más o menos consciente- que se repite hasta adquirir la categoría de esquema. Lo hemos llamado “Eneagrama Sauriano” porque supone la reiteración de una serie de figuras arquetípicas cuyas funciones están al servicio de la memoria, hasta conformar algo similar a un modelo memorístico (¿extrapolable?) a cargo de un cineasta que no dejaba nada al azar en sus realizaciones. Y ese modelo, además, nos permite delinear las principales características de la memoria en el cine de Carlos Saura<hr/>Carlos Saura's filmography during Spanish Transition is strongly revisionist. Memory and its representation imbue a group of six films that revolve around this return the characters of Saura implement. A comparative analysis of them reveals the saurian characters shape some kind of scheme. We've called “Carlos Saura's Enneagram” because it implies the repetition of a group of archetypes subordinate to the Memory. Our main objective is to define a memory model by a film director who never left nothing up to fate. This model also makes posible to delineate the main characteristics of the memory in Saura's cinema <![CDATA[<b>A map of Latin American and Spanish studies on video games</b>]]> En este artículo exploraremos las principales tendencias analíticas de la investigación sobre videojuegos en América Latina y España. Para ello presentaremos tres vías de análisis de los videojuegos cuya presencia es indudable en nuestro contexto regional e idiomático. Primero nos abocaremos a los intentos de definición de los juegos digitales desde aquellos estudios que hacen hincapié en su carácter narrativo hasta los que subrayan sus componentes interactivos. En un segundo momento, rotaremos el eje de análisis para comprender la centralidad en el contexto elegido de las aproximaciones sobre videojuegos que indagan su relación con la educación y el aprendizaje. Por último, nos concentraremos en las investigaciones que ven a los videojuegos como problemas para las teorías sociales. En el último apartado señalaremos cuánto pueden ayudar estos múltiples aportes de diversas tradiciones teóricas para pensar nuevos problemas (como los que se desprenden de las actuales condiciones de producción de videojuegos en la región delimitada).<hr/>This paper approaches the main analytical trends in video game research in Latin America and Spain. To achieve such aim, three paths are followed analyzing video games, which are undoubtedly present in our regional and idiomatic context. Firstly, the attempts to define digital games ̶ starting from those studies highlighting their narrative nature to those which underscore their interactive components ̶ are addressed. Secondly, attention is turned to understanding the core issue of the approaches linking video games with education and learning in the chosen context. Finally, this study focuses on research which regards video games as problems in the field of social theories. The last section points out how much these multiple inputs from diverse theoretical traditions may contribute to the creation of new problems, as those arising from the current conditions of video game production in the region chosen. <![CDATA[<b>Youth and politics</b>: <b>a review of studies from latin america</b>]]> La percepción que los jóvenes tienen sobre la política en Latinoamérica se encuentra caracterizada por un desencanto y desinterés originado por la praxis de los políticos. La disociación que existe entre los discursos democráticos propuestos en campaña y el accionar mezquino en la ejecución de éstas, han creado en los jóvenes un alejamiento de la práctica formal de la política en la sociedad. Esta desilusión se reafirma cuando el joven experimenta las consecuencias políticas en los sistemas de atención a la sociedad, como es el caso de la negligencia dentro del sistema de salud, por poner un ejemplo. Otro factor que influye de forma negativa en la construcción política de la juventud es el contenido que se ofertan en los medios de comunicación. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión de varios factores que han influenciado en la percepción del joven latinoamericano hacia la política. La metodología seguida se basó en la revisión de veinte y tres artículos indexados en las principales bases de datos Latindex, Redalyc, Scielo, JSTOR, SAGE, SCOPUS y WEB OF SCIENCE. Los términos de búsqueda utilizados fueron: política, juventud, percepción política de jóvenes latinoamericanos.<hr/>The perception that young people have about politics in Latin America is characterized by a disenchantment and disinterest caused by the praxis of politicians. The dissociation that exists between the democratic discourses proposed in the campaign and the petty action in the execution of these, have created in the young a departure from the formal practice of politics in society. This disappointment is reaffirmed when young people experience political consequences in systems of care for society, as is the case of neglect within the health system, to give an example. Another factor that negatively influences the political construction of youth is the content offered in the mass media. In the present article a review of several factors has been carried out that have influenced the perception of the young Latin American towards politics. The methodology used was based on the review of twenty-three articles indexed in the main databases: Latindex, Redalyc, Scielo, JSTOR, SAGE, SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE. The search terms used were: politics, youth, political perception of Latin American youth. <![CDATA[<b>Social networks as a career opportunity for Communication students in Spain and Latin America</b>]]> El estudio de las redes sociales entre los jóvenes internautas (generación “milennial”) se ha convertido en una línea de investigación que ha generado numerosos trabajos y artículos. Sin embargo, apenas se ha estudiado la visión de estas plataformas como escenarios de desarrollo profesional de los futuros comunicadores. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada en 16 países con 1.080 estudiantes de comunicación que reflexionaron sobre la posibilidad de trabajar a futuro en una red social. El estudio, que reunió un total de 32.400 evidencias, concluye que los estudiantes de comunicación están presentes en las redes sociales y valoran positivamente su uso, pero que no han tomado conciencia de las posibilidades que, a nivel profesional, éstas les ofrecen.<hr/>The analysis of social networks among young Internet users ("Millennial" generation) has become a research field that has generated numerous studies and articles. However, the visualisation of these platforms as scenarios of professional careers development of the future communicators has scarcely been studied. This article presents the results of a research carried out in 16 countries with 1,080 students of Communication who thought about the possibility of working in a social, digital network. The study, which gathered a total of 32,400 evidences, concludes that communication students are present in social networks and value their use positively, but they have not become aware of the professional possibilities that they offer them. Keywords: Social networks, Communication, Milennials, Youth, Employment. <![CDATA[<b>O desenvolvimento da TV não linear e a desprogramação da grelha</b>]]> Este artigo discute as mudanças em curso na televisão, acentuadas pelo aumento da oferta de conteúdos fornecidos on-demand . Tais conteúdos são disponibilizados, principalmente, por operadores de TV por assinatura, possibilitando uma experiência de TV não linear. Para caracterizar o cenário internacional da oferta de conteúdos de TV não linear, realizou-se uma pesquisa em 62 países que permitiu catalogar as diversas tipologias de serviços oferecidos. Complementarmente, foi feita uma revisão detalhada da literatura referente ao tema que evidenciou a inexistência de levantamentos similares. Desta forma, pode-se constatar a crescente oferta de serviços de TV não linear, comportando dois efeitos: 1. uma migração da audiência televisiva para estes serviços, com mudanças estruturais, ainda que incipientes, na organização dos programas e das narrativas; 2. um fortalecimento da televisão em direto (ao vivo) na TV tradicional, linear. Neste enquadramento, o presente artigo fornece bases empíricas para análises teóricas aprofundadas, discutindo um tema ainda incipiente nas ciências da comunicação e áreas correlacionadas.<hr/>This article discusses the changes taking place on television, accentuated by the increased supply of on-demand content. Such content is made available primarily by pay-TV providers, allowing a non-linear TV experience. To frame the international scene offering non-linear TV content, a survey was conducted in 62 countries, where the offered services were catalogued. In addition, a detailed review of the relevant literature was made, being possible to realize the lack of similar surveys. In this scope, one can note the growing supply of non-linear TV services, with two effects: 1. a migration of the audience to these services, with structural changes, even if incipient, in the organization of programs and narratives; 2. A reinforcement of live television in the traditional linear TV. The present article provides an empirical basis for in-depth theoretical analysis, discussing a still incipient topic in communication sciences and related areas. <![CDATA[<b>Journalists' opinions about the treatment of disability on television</b>]]> La atención que prestan los medios de comunicación españoles a la audiencia con discapacidad continúa siendo limitada, en una sociedad donde el número de personas con discapacidad alcanza los 3,8 millones, lo que supone el 8,5% de la población. En este estudio se recogen las opiniones de siete profesionales de la comunicación que trabajan o han trabajado como directores, productores y/o presentadores de programas de televisión centrados en este público específico. A partir de entrevistas en profundidad, ofrecen una visión general del tratamiento mediático de la discapacidad, la sensibilización de las audiencias y el papel de los medios en relación a las minorías sociales. La muestra, a pesar de ser reducida, presenta un valor añadido: tres de las personas entrevistadas tienen una discapacidad, siendo sus opiniones especialmente relevantes por tratarse de la propia voz de un colectivo que es objeto de estudio. Se incluye, además, una radiografía de la programación televisiva española relacionada con la discapacidad. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de un mayor compromiso de los medios públicos, que apuestan por programar espacios que fomenten la normalización y la integración social de las personas con discapacidad, aunque se hace necesario una atención más continuada y menos episódica, y una mayor especialización periodística.<hr/>The attention paid by the Spanish mass media to audiences with disabilities remains limited, in a society where the number of people with disabilities reaches 3.8 million, representing 8.5% of the population. This study includes the opinions of seven journalists who work or have worked as directors, producers and/or anchormen of television programs focused on this specific audience. Analyzing their interviews, we provide a view of the media treatment of disabilities, the awareness of the audience and the role of the media related to social minorities. It also includes a portrayal of the Spanish television programming related to disability. The results show the existence of a greater compromise of the public media, which is committed to program spaces that encourage normalization and social integration of people with disabilities, even though it is necessary to have a more continuous and less episodic attention, and a greater journalistic specialization.