Scielo RSS <![CDATA[RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação]]> vol. num. 14 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Representation and Knowledge Management</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Information Architecture to Support Quality Management in Hospital Units</b>]]> A Gestão da Qualidade ocupa um lugar estratégico nas organizações, ao mesmo tempo que a utilização de ferramentas informáticas numa arquitetura de informação alinhada facilita o desafio de realizar mais com menos promovendo a competitividade e sustentabilidade. Neste contexto, particularmente na saúde, as organizações estão dependentes da capacidade de (re)definir rapidamente objetivos dando resposta às mudanças constantes das necessidades e requisitos dos clientes. Assim, os hospitais dependem deles próprios na procura de vantagens de mercado, atualizando os seus processos de negócio. A Arquitetura de Informação (AI) permite às organizações um melhor conhecimento mas sobretudo facilita (ou não) a gestão. Fica mais simples reinventar processos, reformular procedimentos, estabelecer pontes e permitir a cooperação entre os vários atores da organização. Desta forma, impõe-se a necessidade de estabelecer uma AI de suporte à gestão da qualidade que auxilie a organização. Consequentemente foi planeada a AI para o Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) de um Hospital a qual permitiu desenvolver e implementar a aplicação QUALITUS. Esta aplicação informática proporcionou ganhos significativos na Unidade Hospitalar objeto de estudo.<hr/>Quality management occupies a strategic place in organizations, in addition to use of it tools in information architecture aligned facilitates the challenge of accomplishing more with less by promoting competitiveness and sustainability. In this context, and particularly in the health and hospital organizations are dependent on the ability to (re) define objectives quickly responding to changes in the needs and requirements of customers. Thus, hospitals depend on themselves to looking for advantage in the competitive market, upgrading their business processes. The information architecture (AI), enables organizations to better understanding but also facilitates (or not) the management. It is simpler to reinvent, redesign processes and procedures, build bridges and enable cooperation between the various actors of the organization. Thus there is the need to establish an AI quality management support that responds to requirements of quality and assist the management of the organization. Consequently the AI was planned for the Quality Management System (QMS) of a Hospital which allowed us to develop and implement the QUALITUS application. This software application provided significant gains in the Hospital Unit object of study. <![CDATA[<b>TICE.Healthy</b>: <b>Integration of ICT solutions for “Health and Quality of Life”</b>]]> Este artigo descreve o projeto português TICE.Healthy, que possui como principal meta a integração de soluções de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) para a “Saúde e Qualidade de Vida”. Este projeto integra oito sub-projetos que visam a disponibilização de aplicações numa plataforma web, denominada eVida, permitindo a partilha e troca de informação e dados médicos, utilizando formatos padrão. Cada um dos sub-projetos possui dados de natureza diferente e, por este motivo, para que a sua integração seja eficiente, foram desenvolvidas diferentes estratégias de definição, uso e integração de informação. Este artigo aborda com mais detalhe um destes sub-projetos, o Metabolic.Care, sendo apresentadas as estratégias adotadas, as melhores práticas encontradas para resolver os problemas, as oportunidades e os riscos, e as dificuldades encontradas.<hr/>This paper describes a portuguese project, TICE.Healthy, which has as main goal the integration of ICT solutions for “Health and Quality of Life”. This project includes eight sub-projects aimed at providing applications in a web platform named eVida, allowing for sharing and exchange of information and medical data using standards. Each of the sub-projects has data from different nature and, for this reason, strategies are being developed for an efficient integration. This paper discusses in greater detail the sub-project Metabolic.Care, the strategies that were adopted, the found best practices, opportunities and risks, and presented difficulties. <![CDATA[<b>The impact of the digital divide in the potential use of an electronic market for health and social care services</b>]]> Cada vez mais os indivíduos necessitam de competências digitais avançadas para participar plenamente na sociedade. Numa Europa em crescente envelhecimento é atualmente reconhecida a importância e o potencial da indústria de serviços para envelhecer bem baseados nas tecnologias de informação e de comunicação (TIC), de que é exemplo o mercado eletrónico de serviços sociais e de cuidados de saúde, o GuiMarket, proposto pelos autores para um município do Norte de Portugal. Com base nos resultados de um inquérito realizado junto de uma amostra de 315 indivíduos, o artigo discute a importância reconhecida a tal serviço e a frequência de utilização prevista, concluindo existir uma íntima relação entre o acesso às TIC e a utilização que os inquiridos preveem fazer do GuiMarket.<hr/>More and more, individuals need advanced digital skills to fully participate in society. In a Europe increasingly aging is now recognized the importance and potential of the service industry for aging well based on information and communication technologies (ICT), as exemplified by the electronic market of social services and healthcare, the GuiMarket, that the authors proposed to a municipality in the North of Portugal. Based on the results of a survey undertaken on a sample of 315 individuals, this article discusses the importance recognized to such service and the frequency of intended use, concluding that there is an intimate relationship between the access to ICT and the use that respondents anticipate making of the GuiMarket. <![CDATA[<b>Analysis of Knowledge Flows in Software Process Improvement Projects under a multi-perspective approach</b>]]> La Gestión de conocimiento (GC) tiene el potencial de proveer diversos beneficios a las organizaciones dedicadas al desarrollo de software. Entre ellos la gestión de activos de conocimiento, el aumento de la productividad o el incremento de la capacidad de sus procesos software. Sin embargo, debido al crecimiento y evolución que ha tenido la industria de software, se requieren nuevos paradigmas asociados a la generación y reutilización de diversos tipos y flujos de conocimiento con el propósito de promover procesos de innovación centrados en la Mejora de procesos software (SPI). En este artículo se presenta un análisis de tres enfoques de flujos de conocimiento, con el cual se ofrece una estrategia para apoyar la creación, transferencia y evolución del conocimiento involucrado en un proyecto SPI. Además, se define un marco de trabajo para la identificación de flujos de conocimiento relacionados con elementos de un modelo de referencia de procesos.<hr/>Knowledge Management (KM) can provide several benefits to software development organizations. Some of them are knowledge assets management, productivity increase, or an improvement in their software process capability level. However, due to the evolution and growth in the software development industry, there is a requirement for new paradigms associated to creation and reuse of different types and flows of knowledge, tending to encourage innovation processes around Software Process Improvement (SPI). This paper presents an analysis of three approaches to knowledge flows, proposing a strategy that supports the creation, exchange and evolution of knowledge involved in an SPI project. We define a framework for capture of different types of knowledge and identification of knowledge flows from the elements of a process reference model. <![CDATA[<b>Workflow Adaptation based on Ontologies</b>]]> Los workflows para procesos administrativos son utilizados en empresas e instituciones públicas pero, para poder utilizarlos adecuadamente en sus distintas áreas y departamentos, deben ser adaptados a las características propias de cada uno de ellos, respetando las normas que regulan el proceso a nivel general. Este problema, llamado Problema de la Adaptación Jerárquica, también implica establecer las medidas que se deben tomar cuando la normativa general cambia, para mantener la consistencia entre los distintos niveles mediante la propagación de los cambios a todas las adaptaciones. Para resolver este problema, en este trabajo se presenta el Método de Adaptación Jerárquica. Un método basado en ontologías que define las reglas que debe satisfacer un workflow genérico para ser considerado adaptable a diferentes casos de aplicación y las reglas que deben satisfacer las adaptaciones. Además, proporciona las operaciones que facilitan tanto la adaptación de los workflows administrativos como la propagación de los cambios.<hr/>Administrative workflows are used in enterprises and public institutions but, in order to use them adequately in their different areas and departments, they must be adapted to the particular conditions of each one, complying with the general regulations of the process established at the top level. This problem, called Hierarchical Adaptation Problem, also implies establishing the proper measures to accomplish when the general regulation is changed. Such measures must maintain the consistency among the different levels by means of the propagation of the changes to all the adaptations. To solve this problem, this work presents the Hierarchical Adaptation Method. A method based on ontologies that defines the rules that must satisfy a generic workflow to be considered adaptable to different application cases and the rules that must satisfy the adaptations. Moreover, it provides the operations that facilitate both adaptation of administrative workflows and propagation of changes. <![CDATA[<b>Empirical evaluation of business rules mappings for ontology development</b>]]> Las metodologías de desarrollo de ontologías usadas como un artefacto de software aún constituyen un campo abierto de investigación. Esto se debe a la inmadurez de las metodologías actuales; donde las más reconocidas se basan en UML por ser éste un lenguaje maduro para los ingenieros de software. Trabajos recientes proponen el mapeo de expresiones SBVR a sentencias ontológicas como técnica de desarrollo, pero hasta el momento existe sólo un estudio empírico que compara técnicas basadas en SBVR y UML. El presente trabajo analiza la factibilidad técnica del mapeo SBVR a OWL 2 presentando una primera réplica diferenciada del experimento original variando los enfoques considerados y el tamaño y composición de las unidades experimentales, comparando técnicas de desarrollo basadas en SBVR y ODM. Los resultados obtenidos permiten sostener la factibilidad técnica de los mapeos SBVR a OWL 2, como una técnica de desarrollo de ontologías por ingenieros de software.<hr/>The methodologies for the development of ontologies aimed to be used as software artifacts remain to be an open research area. Although the most widely recognized are rooted on UML given the acceptance of that language in the community of software engineering, none of them are fully mature. Recent works propose the mapping of SBVR expressions to ontology statements as a building technique, but just an empirical study comparing SBVR and UML-rooted techniques has been performed until now. This work analyzes the technical feasibility of SBVR to OWL 2 mappings by depicting a first differentiated replication of the original experiment varying the treatments, the size and composition of the experimental units, and comparing the performance of SBVR and ODM-based techniques. The findings allow sustaining the technical feasibility of the SBVR to OWL 2 mappings as an ontology development technique able to be applied by the software engineering community. <![CDATA[<b>A Knowledge Representation of Geographic Information using an Ontologies-based Approach</b>]]> Actualmente el empleo de la información geográfica es inherente a muchos dominios de aplicación en diversas disciplinas. Dado el potencial de la información geográfica, ésta constituye una herramienta relevante para facilitar la toma de decisiones y la gestión de recursos. Existen estándares para la representación a través de modelos conceptuales de la información geográfica. Sin embargo, éstos presentan limitaciones tanto para incorporar expresividad semántica, ya que sólo consideran los aspectos técnicos; como para modelar adecuadamente aplicaciones que utilizan información geográfica, ya que no consideran todos los conceptos involucrados en el dominio geoespacial, sus características y relaciones. En este trabajo se presenta una meta-ontología que permite crear modelos semánticos enriquecidos capaces de representar y realizar inferencias sobre el conocimiento de la información geográfica.<hr/>Nowadays, the use of Geographic Information is inherent in many application domains in various disciplines. Given the potential of geographic information, it is an important tool to facilitate decision making and resource management. There are different standards for representation through conceptual models of geographic information. However, these have limitation for both incorporate semantic expressiveness, since only considered the technical aspect, to properly model applications that use geographic information, because they do not consider all the concepts involved in the geospatial domain, their characteristics and relationships. This paper presents a meta-ontology that creates rich semantic models able to represent and make inferences about the knowledge of geographic information.