Scielo RSS <![CDATA[CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios]]> vol. num. 35 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<b>Living Mobilities</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>A Critical Approach to the Demographics of Ageing</b>: <b>The Case of Oslo</b>]]> Demographic analysis is on the basis of every city plan. It is often regarded as a technical and indisputable tool to inform policy making. In a strongly contested political environment, information on population is crucial to set priorities and define goals. However, the frequently misinterpretation, or overinterpretation, of demographic information, might also support inadequate public policy design. The increased interest on ageing in the urban context has already resulted in various initiatives all-over the world. The idea of an unsustainable “elderly boom” is a powerful narrative that is frequently used to argue for the need of improved policies for older persons. The article argues that city planners and urbanists inadequate use of demographic assessment of ageing might generate policies that can ultimately work against the interests of the older persons. I use the city of Oslo as an example of the varieties of approaches that can be used to assess ageing on a specific population. Contrary to the general assumption that Oslo will face an “elderly boom”, the study shows that the city's ageing process today is less intense than the observed in the past. A particular attention is paid to the varieties of demographic trends observed within Oslo's different scales. <![CDATA[<b>Post-Graffiti in Lisbon</b>: <b>On spatial localization and market absorption</b>]]> Graffiti-making has been historically well located within the politics of territoriality/ transgression, deindustrialization/ decline, appropriation/ affirmation and other such inter-related frameworks. Such historicizations exist in parallel to a history of institutionalization of graffiti-making, leading up to the first emergence of the phrase post-graffiti in the discourse. The post-graffiti has alternatively and independently also been used to describe an empirically observed shift in graffiti-making practices; from the typographical to the iconographical. In this context, the operationalization of a set of urban intervention policies by the Lisbon City Council provide an interesting inroad into the processes that underlie the market absorption of graffiti. Through a field analysis of street art in Lisbon as well as an examination of the intervention policy and its consequences, this paper presents that the intervention policies and associated public rhetoric manufactured a binary of order-disorder within the practices of graffiti-making, enabling graffiti and graffiti-making practices in Lisbon to be spatially localized. Such spatial localization, in turn, facilitated market activities surrounding graffiti. For the graffiti and the graffiti-makers, state/administrative sanction and the emergence of market activities meant heightened security, safety and a greater audience field - conditions that made iconographical aesthetics a virtue and a greater necessity. Thus, the post-graffiti shift in aesthetics has to be understood within the context of institutionalization of street art enabled by urban interventions and contemporary capitalism. <![CDATA[<b>Requalification of Residual Spaces Waterfronts in Brazil</b>: <b>The Cases of Porto Maravilha and Cais José Estelita</b>]]> A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo identificar estratégias sustentáveis utilizadas na requalificação de vazios urbanos situados em áreas portuárias brasileiras, de modo a reestruturá-los produtivamente, atentando aos interesses da coletividade. O estudo analisa, especificamente, os projetos de intervenção Porto Maravilha, no Rio de Janeiro, e a proposta para o Cais José Estelita, no Recife. O método consiste na (i) revisão de alguns instrumentos do Estatuto da Cidade, na (ii) compreensão em torno da formação de vazios urbanos e na (iii) análise das soluções adotadas para refuncionalização de setores da cidade, como o marketing urbano. A partir do estudo comparativo é possível verificar que a recuperação dos vazios urbanos portuários depende fundamentalmente do planejamento urbano integrado, centrado nas necessidades sociais e culturais das comunidades enraizadas em torno da área de intervenção.<hr/>The present research aims to identify sustainable strategies used in the requalification of urban voids located in brazilian port areas, in order to productively restructure them, attempting to the community's interests. The study analyzes, specifically, the intervention projects Maravilha Port, in Rio de Janeiro, and the proposal for the José Estelita Pier, in Recife. The proposed method consists in (i) revising some instruments of the City Statute, in (ii) the understanding around the urban voids' formation and in (iii) the analysis of solutions adopted for the refunctionalization of city's sectors, as the urban marketing. From the comparative study, it is possible to verify that the port urban voids' recovery depend crucially on integrated urban planning, centered on the social and cultural needs of communities rooted around the intervention area. <![CDATA[<b>100 times social housing</b>: <b>rehabilitated buildings or buildings with rehabilitation potential in São Paulo central area</b>]]> O recorte temático deste artigo contempla políticas públicas cujo enfoque são as reabilitações de edifícios ociosos e deteriorados e sua conversão em habitação de interesse social. Nesse contexto, seu principal objetivo é apresentar e classificar cerca de 100 imóveis localizados na região central de São Paulo, divididos entre edifícios já reabilitados e edifícios com potencial de reabilitação, identificados e organizados no âmbito do pós-doutorado do autor, em andamento, realizado na FAU-USP. Após identificados, todos os edifícios foram visitados pessoalmente: foram realizadas 19 visitas técnicas entre agosto de 2016 e fevereiro de 2017. Os exemplares foram divididos em dez categorias, que serão tipificadas e detalhadas. O trabalho estabelece procedimentos para sistematizar e catalogar possíveis oportunidades para reabilitações nos termos aqui estudados, pois apresenta certos potenciais jurídico-admistrativos e econômico-construtivos, entrevistos nas dez categorias estabelecidas. O autor também realizou ampla revisão bibliográfica e identificou grande parte do que já foi publicado sobre os casos de reabilitações localizadas na cidade São Paulo, trabalhos que abordam o tema a partir de diversos enfoques: territorial, social, político, arquitetônico e construtivo. No presente trabalho, essa bibliografia será utilizada na medida em que contribui para embasar seus argumentos e atingir seus principais objetivos.<hr/>The subject this article includes public policies about unused and deteriorated buildings rehabilitation and converting them to social housing use. In this context, the main goal of this article is to introduce and classify about 100 buildngs located in são paulo downtown. This sample is divided between rehabilitated buildings and buildings with rehabilitation potential. They were identified and organized by the author in his post-doctorate course (FAU-USP). With the sample identified, all of buildings were visited: there were 19 visits between august 2016 and february 2017. The buildings were divided among ten classes, which will be detailed in this paper: 1. Rehabilitated buildings, 2. Expropriated buildings, 3. Expropriation in progress buildings, 4. Zeis buildings, 5. Fupam buildings, 6. Unused buildings, 7. Deteriorated buildings, 8. Unfinished buildings, 9. Occupied buildings, 10. For sale buildings. This paper indicates procedures to organizer and to catalog rehabilitation opportunities, because it shows juridical-administrative and economic-constructive potentials under these ten building classes. The author also did a large literature review and identified the most of academic researches that approach the theme from several ways: territorial, social, political, architectural and constructive. In this paper, this literature review will be used according it supports their arguments and achieves their main ends. <![CDATA[<b>The urban transformations of the last twelve years in the historic centre of Vila Nova de Gaia</b>: <b>its continuity with the historic center of Porto and the challenges for tourism and heritage conservation</b>]]> Apesar da independência administrativa e da sua especificidade territorial, os centros históricos de Porto e de Vila Nova de Gaia apresentam uma contiguidade e inter-relação. Este artigo pretende realizar uma leitura das dinâmicas urbanas e das transformações nos últimos doze anos no centro histórico de Gaia, incluindo as que foram operadas nos armazéns de vinho do Porto, que ocupam cerca de 60% do centro histórico. Esta leitura permitirá uma compreensão da especificidade deste território que deve ser lido atendendo à sua continuidade com o centro histórico do Porto. A abertura num curto período de um grande número de alojamentos, restaurantes e outros espaços de consumo está a conduzir a uma nova monofuncionalidade do Entreposto. Também em termos estruturais as intervenções recentes merecem uma reflexão. Se, por um lado, as acções de salvaguarda e de reabilitação aumentaram, por outro lado, acentuaram-se os casos de descaracterização e de demolição do edificado ligado ao vinho, com efeitos irreversíveis para o interesse patrimonial de conjunto do edificado e para a perda da identidade do lugar.<hr/>The historic centres of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia while being divided by administrative borders have a territorial continuity. This paper aims to address the recent urban dynamics and transformations in Gaia, including the ones that occurred in the port wine cellars, which occupy about 60% of Gaia's historic center. In a short period of time, the fast spread of a large amount of accommodation, restaurants and other spaces of consumption is gradually leading to a new monofunctional urban zone. Besides, the intervention in buildings' structures also deserves a reflection: refurbishments have increased while the loss of authenticity and the demolition of buildings have been observed, with irreversible effects on the historic ensemble and on the loss of the identity of the historic centre. <![CDATA[<b>An interpretive approach to the uses of the means of transport and transportation in commuting mobilities</b>: <b>An exploratory study (of) in the City of Luxembourg</b>]]> Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever e analisar um conjunto de narrativas sobre os usos dos meios de transporte e deslocação recolhidas na Cidade do Luxemburgo através da modalidade de entrevista em movimento, conjugada com a utilização da observação direta. Estudos diversos têm versado sobre as mobilidades pendulares ligadas aos trajetos casa-trabalho e vice-versa, enquanto fenómenos estáticos, debruçando-se, nomeadamente, sobre a caraterização dos fluxos e dos motivos que levam os atores a usarem um ou outro meio de deslocação, de forma continuada e rotineira. Neste texto, apresentamos uma análise ao fenómeno que privilegia a dimensão criativa dos trajetos casa-trabalho, elucidando a forma como estes são objetos de composição e de construção, por parte dos sujeitos, refletindo formas de avaliar e pensar sobre a vida, assim como de participar de forma ativa na desconstrução e na crítica às formas de (re) produção social do espaço e do tempo da cidade. O texto formula algumas considerações acerca do interesse das abordagens centradas nas narrativas da mobilidade para a compreensão das escolhas e usos dos meios de transporte e deslocação.<hr/>The aim of this article is to describe and analyze a set of narratives about the uses of transportation means. These narratives were collected in the City of Luxembourg through walking interviews, combined with the use of direct observation. Several studies have dealt with the home-work everyday mobilities, as a static phenomenon, focusing on the characterization of the flows and on the reasons given by actors to use certain means of displacement, in a continuous and routinized way. In this text, we present an analysis of the phenomenon that privileges the creative dimension of the home-work paths, clarifying the way these times and spaces are matters of personal composition and construction, reflecting modes of evaluating and thinking about life, as well as of participating actively in deconstruction and criticism of the forms of (re) social production of space and time in the city. The text makes some considerations about the interest of the approaches centered in the narratives of the mobility for the understanding of the choices and the uses of means of transport and displacement. <![CDATA[<b>A gender reading on rural mobility and accessibility</b>]]> Na contemporaneidade persistem fortes assimetrias na relação com o território (Carmo, 2014) sendo que em Portugal a zona interior é palco há várias décadas de um processo de despovoamento e perda de serviços (Fermisson, 2000). Ao mesmo tempo, a relação entre género e mobilidade apresenta especificidades dignas de nota visto que as mulheres têm necessidades e usos diferenciados de mobilidade e transporte e enfrentam obstáculos específicos (Hanson, 2013; Sales Oliveira, 2014). Neste sentido considerou-se relevante abordar a questão da mobilidade e acessibilidade rural de uma perspetiva de género no contexto português. De molde a efetuar uma primeira abordagem exploratória ao tema, a investigação decorreu sobre a forma de estudo de caso, com recurso às técnicas de inquérito por questionário e de mobility mapping de uma aldeia da Beira Interior. Encontrou-se uma composição social com maior diversidade do que o esperado, mas ainda assim com uma forte presença de pessoas idosas e de baixas habilitações. A posse de carta de condução e de veículo automóvel particular é um recurso díspar e central na construção de uma assimetria de padrões e perfis de mobilidade. Contudo, ao contrário do que seria de esperar, as mulheres não revelam menor mobilidade que os homens, pois apesar de serem mais elas quem não possui carta de condução ou veículo próprio/particular, são também quem mais frequentemente recorre a formas de mobilidades alternativas, nas quais as redes de contactos representam um importante fator.<hr/>Nowadays there are still strong asymmetries in the relationship with territory (Carmo, 2014), and in Portugal the inner country has been for several decades the scene of depopulation and loss of services phenomena (Fermisson, 2000). At the same time, the relationship between gender and mobility has specific characteristics since women have different needs and uses of mobility and transportation and face specific obstacles (Hanson, 2013; Sales Oliveira, 2014). This article discusses both these questions and tries to address the issue of rural mobility and accessibility from a gender perspective in the Portuguese context. In order to develop an exploratory approach the methodological option was a case study, using the techniques of survey and mobility mapping, of a village in Beira Interior. We found a social composition with greater diversity than expected but still with a strong presence of elderly people and low qualifications. Ownership of a driving license and a private vehicle is an unequal resource and a central element for the asymmetry of mobility patterns and profiles. However, contrary to what could be expected, we cannot say that women experience less mobility than men, since although they are the ones who do not have a driving license or a private vehicle, they are also the ones who most often use other mobility resources in which their social networks represent an important factor. <![CDATA[<b>La evolución del transporte alternativo en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires</b>: <b>un indicador de procesos de estratificación de la movilidad</b>]]> Durante las últimas décadas se ha verificado en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA) un notable proceso de génesis y consolidación de formas alternativas de transporte. El mismo responde a un conjunto de factores, entre los que destaca el surgimiento de movilidades vulnerables ligadas tanto al deterioro de la accesibilidad, como a la degradación del transporte público. Sin embargo estas condiciones también derivan de procesos más amplios que modificaron profundamente la estructura socio-territorial metropolitana y nacional. Así se observa la consolidación de una sociedad marcadamente dual, con profundas brechas riqueza-pobreza y en la que los contrastes hipermovilidad - inmovilidad se constituyen en rasgos distintivos. Nuestro trabajo presenta datos empíricos e inferencias siguiendo la hipótesis de que en la RMBA se ha consolidado una fase de movilidad estratificada, la que asociada a procesos de segregación socio-territorial, potencia las fragmentaciones preexistentes. Tras el objetivo de describir e interpretar la aparición y consolidación del transporte alternativo en la región, el estudio ofrece un panorama general sobre las principales características de la movilidad diaria, desde los años 70 hasta la actualidad, referida tanto a modos masivos tradicionales como a los alternativos (legales e ilegales). Consideramos asimismo, grandes lineamientos políticos, procesos de urbanización y características sociodemográficas prevalecientes en los distintos sectores o distritos que conforman la metrópolis. Para el sostén de los argumentos planteados analizamos articuladamente diversas fuentes secundarias y primarias: estadísticas sectoriales oficiales, observación de campo, entrevistas y estudios específicos sobre la temática.<hr/>During the last decades a remarkable process of genesis and consolidation of alternative forms of transportation has been verified in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (RMBA). It responds to a set of factors, among which the emergence of vulnerable mobility linked to both the deterioration of accessibility and the degradation of public transport. However, these conditions also derive from larger processes that profoundly altered the metropolitan and national socio-territorial structure. Thus we see the consolidation of a society markedly dual, with deep wealth-poverty gaps and in which the hypermobility-immobility contrasts constitute distinctive features. Our paper presents empirical data and inferences following the hypothesis that a stratified mobility phase has been consolidated in the RMBA, which associated with processes of socio-territorial segregation, reinforces the preexisting fragmentations. With the goal of describing and interpreting the emergence and consolidation of alternative transportation in the region, the study provides an overview of the main characteristics of daily mobility, from the 1970's to the present referred to both, traditional and alternative mass modes (legal and illegal). We also consider broad political guidelines, urbanization processes and sociodemographic characteristics prevailing in the different sectors or districts that make up the metropolis. In order to support these arguments, we analyze several secondary and primary sources: official sector statistics, field observation, interviews and specific studies on the subject. <![CDATA[<b>Review of "Arquitectura Popular: Tradição e Vanguarda / Tradición y Vanguardia"</b>]]> Durante las últimas décadas se ha verificado en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA) un notable proceso de génesis y consolidación de formas alternativas de transporte. El mismo responde a un conjunto de factores, entre los que destaca el surgimiento de movilidades vulnerables ligadas tanto al deterioro de la accesibilidad, como a la degradación del transporte público. Sin embargo estas condiciones también derivan de procesos más amplios que modificaron profundamente la estructura socio-territorial metropolitana y nacional. Así se observa la consolidación de una sociedad marcadamente dual, con profundas brechas riqueza-pobreza y en la que los contrastes hipermovilidad - inmovilidad se constituyen en rasgos distintivos. Nuestro trabajo presenta datos empíricos e inferencias siguiendo la hipótesis de que en la RMBA se ha consolidado una fase de movilidad estratificada, la que asociada a procesos de segregación socio-territorial, potencia las fragmentaciones preexistentes. Tras el objetivo de describir e interpretar la aparición y consolidación del transporte alternativo en la región, el estudio ofrece un panorama general sobre las principales características de la movilidad diaria, desde los años 70 hasta la actualidad, referida tanto a modos masivos tradicionales como a los alternativos (legales e ilegales). Consideramos asimismo, grandes lineamientos políticos, procesos de urbanización y características sociodemográficas prevalecientes en los distintos sectores o distritos que conforman la metrópolis. Para el sostén de los argumentos planteados analizamos articuladamente diversas fuentes secundarias y primarias: estadísticas sectoriales oficiales, observación de campo, entrevistas y estudios específicos sobre la temática.<hr/>During the last decades a remarkable process of genesis and consolidation of alternative forms of transportation has been verified in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (RMBA). It responds to a set of factors, among which the emergence of vulnerable mobility linked to both the deterioration of accessibility and the degradation of public transport. However, these conditions also derive from larger processes that profoundly altered the metropolitan and national socio-territorial structure. Thus we see the consolidation of a society markedly dual, with deep wealth-poverty gaps and in which the hypermobility-immobility contrasts constitute distinctive features. Our paper presents empirical data and inferences following the hypothesis that a stratified mobility phase has been consolidated in the RMBA, which associated with processes of socio-territorial segregation, reinforces the preexisting fragmentations. With the goal of describing and interpreting the emergence and consolidation of alternative transportation in the region, the study provides an overview of the main characteristics of daily mobility, from the 1970's to the present referred to both, traditional and alternative mass modes (legal and illegal). We also consider broad political guidelines, urbanization processes and sociodemographic characteristics prevailing in the different sectors or districts that make up the metropolis. In order to support these arguments, we analyze several secondary and primary sources: official sector statistics, field observation, interviews and specific studies on the subject.