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New Trends in Qualitative Research

 ISSN 2184-7770

CARVALHO,, Dina de Jesus Peixoto de. “What if Carolina could communicate her emotions?”Girls already mothers. []. , 14, e742.   01--2022. ISSN 2184-7770.  https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.14.2022.e742.

In this study, we were concerned to analyze the life narratives of girls-mothers and adolescent parents, based on their own stories, their voice, and the terms with which they narrate their experiences. We wanted to explore topics that are not usually addressed in studies on motherhood and pregnancy in young adolescents, and that require paying attention to the voice of the subjects and listening to them. It should be noted that we were based on an approach inspired by the grounded theory of the author Anselm Strauss (grounded theory). We will say that pregnancy and motherhood present themselves as a stage of unimagined discoveries and pressing fears for girls-mothers. There are sorrows, doubts, uncertainties that will progressively cease to exist in order to be able to build their own pregnancy. Pregnancies that were not desired, have not been planned, but will be part of a new project - that of being a mother. Sometimes we are facing a well-designed phase with the appearance of changes, both physical, psychological, and social, that will lead to moments in the lives of these very peculiar adolescent mothers and that will gradually allow the young woman to be a mother or In the first case, which corresponds to most of the situations we analyzed and studied, the maternity project that was not desired would eventually be assumed, albeit through different trajectories. They became mothers without wanting to, nevertheless, they incorporated a new life project in which they included the baby as if it were a planned project. It should also be noted, because it is important for these girls that at the time we conducted the interviews (and took place on the ground for 9 months), only one girl did not have her boyfriend with her. Afraid or 'earned' by the idea of being a father left the 12-year-old girl pregnant. We heard reports, in the first person, of girls who became mothers unintentionally, but who with the tenderness of affections believed that it would be possible to build a new identity - that of a mother.

: Motherhood; Pregnancy; Communication of Emotions..

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