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Revista de Enfermagem Referência
Print version ISSN 0874-0283On-line version ISSN 2182-2883
ZANATTA, Elisangela Argenta; SCARATTI, Maira; ARGENTA, Carla and BARICHELLO, Ângela. Experiences of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Rev. Enf. Ref. [online]. 2020, vol.serV, n.4, pp.e20044-e20044. ISSN 0874-0283.
Background: Type 1 diabetes is a common chronic disease in adolescents and requires maturity, responsibility, acceptance, and constant care. Objectives: To understand how adolescents live with type 1 diabetes and describe their sociodemographic profile. Methodology: A quantitative/qualitative exploratory, descriptive research was conducted with 61 adolescents diagnosed with type 1 diabetes who followed the Facebook page Diabética tipo Ruim. Results: The majority of the participants were male (78.68%), White (60.65%), students (80.16%), aged 15 to 18 years (60.65%), and lived in Southeastern Brazil (40.98%). They reported feelings of fear (31.66%), sadness (22.95%), and anger (14.75%) toward the diagnosis. Qualitative data were divided into three categories: Impact of the diagnosis of diabetes on the adolescents' lives; Accepting the disease to live better; Family, friends, and health professionals as a support network. Conclusion: Diabetes has a major impact on the daily lives of adolescents, requiring self-care and a support network composed of family, friends, and health professionals.
Keywords : adolescent; diabetes mellitus, type 1; nursing; chronic disease.