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Revista de Enfermagem Referência
Print version ISSN 0874-0283On-line version ISSN 2182-2883
QUEIROS, Paulo Joaquim Pina et al. Nurses and nursing schools in the yearbooks of the University of Coimbra, from 1866 to 1956. Rev. Enf. Ref. [online]. 2020, vol.serV, n.4, pp.e20061-e20061. ISSN 0874-0283.
Background: The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century combine a period of profound transformations in care institutions and their professionals. Objective: To know this period of nursing history in Portugal, analyze the yearbooks of the University of Coimbra, considering them as the primary source. Methodology: Descriptive historical analysis of 73 yearbooks, with a survey of sources and construction of descriptive and interpretative synthesis. Results: The available material was centered on the years 1896 to 1927. The analysis synthesized 4 topics: 1) names and functions of nurses; 2) nurses, in the decree of the reform of the Hospitals of the University of Coimbra, in 1911, the staff and salaries in 1915-16; 3) equine veterinary nurses and military nurses in 1915-16 and 1917-18; 4) the nursing school from 1919-20 to 1926-27 and university professors. Conclusion: We found 104 names with defined functions, considered as auxiliary staff and non-clinical personnel. The head nurse comes out prominently. The nursing school of the university hospitals appears, with the identification of the university head teachers.
Keywords : history of nursing; nursing schools; nurses; nursing.