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Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças
Print version ISSN 1645-0086
BOBROWICZ-CAMPOS, Elzbieta; PINHO, Maria Salomé and MATOS, Ana Paula. Portuguese version of cognition checklist for mania: revised. Psic., Saúde & Doenças [online]. 2017, vol.18, n.2, pp.401-419. ISSN 1645-0086.
Cognition Checklist for Mania (CCL-M; Goldberg, Wenze, Welker, Steer, & Beck, 2005) and its revised version (CCL-M-R, Beck, Colis, Steer, Madrak, & Goldberg, 2006) were developed to measure the severity of maladaptive beliefs and thoughts associated with mania. Dysfunctional cognitions are considered fundamental in the phenomenology and pathogenesis of affective disorders, and its early detection has a crucial role in preventing of exacerbation of clinical symptoms. CCL-M-R is composed by 29 items organized in four subscales: “myself”, “relationships”, “pleasure/excitement” and “activity”. It is quick to apply and simple to quote. In this study the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of CCL-M-R are presented. The sample includes 85 patients with bipolar disorder (39 remitted, 23 depressive e 23 hypomanic) and 47 healthy controls. After CCL-M-R translation by two bilingual persons and its application together with clinical symptoms assessment scales, the study of internal consistency and concurrent validity was performed. Also the principal components of this inventory were extracted. Cronbach alpha for the scale as a whole was of .94. For the concurrent validity, a positive correlation between CCL-M-R and YMRS (Young Mania Rating Scale) was obtained (p < .001). Finally, six principal components were found, with internal consistency varying from .69 to .92. Thus, the psychometric quality of CCL-M-R is good. Further studies of the inventory and its factorial structure revision are still needed.
Keywords : psychological assessment; automatic thoughts; maladaptive beliefs; bipolar disorder; mania; CCL-M-R.