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On-line version ISSN 1646-740X
COUTINHO, Maria. De computo de Rábano Mauro: O texto e as iluminuras do Santa Cruz 8 e do Alc. 426. Med_on [online]. 2014, n.15, pp.01-35. ISSN 1646-740X.
This article proposes a comparative study between the work De computo of Hrabanus Maurus that takes part of two Portuguese manuscripts dated from the 13th century: Santa Cruz 8 (from the Monastery of Santa Cruz de Coimbra) and Alc. 426 (from the Monastery of Santa Maria de Alcobaça). The aim is then to reflect on the reasons of a parcelled copy of the work, accompanied by the finger reckoning images, and to determine the affinity between the two manuscripts considering not only their proximity, but also their striking differences, specially on Hrabanus’s illuminations. The study will have a concise introduction on the relevance of the computus for the high Middle Ages and a brief presentation of the general contents of Hrabanus’s treatise.
Keywords : Computus; Hrabanus Maurus; Bede; Papias; Finger reckoning.