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Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health

versión impresa ISSN 0873-3015versión On-line ISSN 1647-662X


MORAIS, Nídia Salomé  y  FIGUEIREDO, Sandra. From social media to engagement: the case of three alcoholic drink brands. Mill [online]. 2020, n.esp5, pp.389-398.  Epub 30-Jun-2020. ISSN 0873-3015.


Over the last few years, the importance of social networks in brand communication has turned marketing around completely. Companies have realized that their consumers are online and, consequently, that their presence all over social networks is mandatory. However, the dynamics that characterize digital environment require a constant adaptation and improvement of the communication strategies used in social networks and that depend largely on the feedback they get from their target audience. Engagement is one of the most important metrics for managing social networks and little is known about the factors that may influence engagement in alcoholic drink brands.


It’s important to determine the best ways to use social networks to increase public and potential customers’ engagement and to understand the differences between different social networks. The objective was to observe the communication of three alcoholic drink brands that are particularly active on Facebook and Instagram in Portugal.


A case study was developed and a mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative methods were used) was chosen in order to observe the communication activities of three alcoholic brands (Licor Beirão, Super Bock and Sagres) in social media.


Based on the results obtained, it was possible to determine which factors influence engagement. Some factors such as the level of vividness and the type of content seemed to have distinct influence on Facebook and Instagram. Other variables such as the frequency of publications, level of interactivity, positive comments and response to fans had similar results in the level of engagement generated on both platforms.


The study shows how these brands’ Instagram and Facebook pages can be used in different ways to enhance engagement with their target audience and it was possible to identify some clues that will help create more effective communication strategies directed to these two social networks.

Palabras clave : engagement; facebook; Instagram; social media; marketing.

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