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vol.35 número1De las letras a los modos: La experimentación y la prudencia como ethos de la investigaciónSecreto, anonimato y ética en la investigación con niños índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Portuguesa de Educação

versión impresa ISSN 0871-9187versión On-line ISSN 2183-0452


TORRES SANTANA, Anthony Fábio; COLLA, Rodrigo Avila  y  PEREIRA, Marcos Villela. The concept of experience in Dewey and Gadamer and its implications for formation. Rev. Port. de Educação [online]. 2022, vol.35, n.1, pp.208-225.  Epub 21-Jul-2022. ISSN 0871-9187.

This article aims to investigate the concept of experience in the philosophy of Dewey and Gadamer, as well as its implications for formation. Therefore, the question that moves us is: what are the effects of experience on the formation process? Currently, much is said about experience and formation, and from this context comes the need to take a careful look at the elements that are composing these concepts, especially in the field of Education. This is a qualitative study, whose methodological support is the bibliographic research. In this sense, when we seek to create a theoretical map visiting different traditions, we compose the framework that underlies this research, instrumentalizing us with the reading of: Gallo, Heidegger, Hermann, Kneller, Kuhn, Trevisan and, especially, Dewey and Gadamer. Thus, we present as a result the understanding that, be it an extraordinary event or something simple, experience is everything that changes the way of thinking and/or acting of the subject, starting to constitute it differently, therefore forming it.

Palabras clave : Education; Experience; Formation..

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