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vol.11 número2La Red Austriaca de Escuelas-ECOLOG: Resultados de una Evaluación Cuantitativa“¿Para Quién Escribimos?”: Sobre la Publicación de Investigaciones en Estudios Comparados Basados en Evaluaciones Internacionales a Gran Escala índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Sisyphus - Journal of Education

versión impresa ISSN 2182-8474versión On-line ISSN 2182-9640


NEVES, Ana Teresa Ferreira Das; BOAVENTURA, Diana  y  GALVAO, Cecília. Perceptions of Elementary School In-Service Teachers about the Contribution of Citizen Science to Climate Change Education. Sisyphus [online]. 2023, vol.11, n.2, pp.108-138.  Epub 25-Jul-2023. ISSN 2182-8474.

Citizen science is an approach with huge potential in the study of biodiversity patterns in climate change scenarios. Its potential has also been recognized to contribute to the development of climate change education at earlier ages. This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of in-service teachers about the contribution of citizen science to climate change education. Seven teachers from 10 different elementary school classes participated in this study. Through a mixed methodology, data was collected using questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and participant observation. The results revealed that teachers recognized the potential of citizen science for their own pedagogical practice and students´ developed skills. This study reinforces the importance of teachers’ involvement in citizen science projects. It also stresses the importance of incorporating citizen science projects with an investigative approach in the school context for students and teachers to develop skills.

Palabras clave : citizen science; science education; climate change; elementary school; in-service teachers.

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