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Análise Social

 ISSN 0003-2573



«Bangla masdjid»: Islão e bengalidade entre os bangladeshianos em Lisboa**


José Mapril*



«Bangla masdjid»: Islam et bengalité entre les bangladeshiens à Lisbonne

Ces dernières années, les recherches sur les populations musulmanes en Occident se sont centrées sur le développement de perspectives universalistes et orthodoxes de l’Islam qui en font un élément d’agrégation entre individus, indépendamment de leurs particularités. Le but de l’article est d’affirmer que l’expérience migratoire met en contact différentes populations musulmanes, en favorisant de la sorte l’émergence d’idéologies universalistes de l’Islam qui priment sur d’autres formes d’appartenance, telles l’ethnicité.

Ce que l’auteur prétend est justement nuancer ces perspectives, car dans certains cas les frontières entre l’Islam et autres formes d’appartenance ne sont pas si nettement tracées. Basé sur une recherche en cours sur les immigrés du Bangladesh à Lisbonne, il argumente que l’identité musulmane et l’identité bengali ne s’excluent pas mutuellement. Bien au contraire, elles apparaissent conjuguées dans la création d’un espace de culte situé dans la zone où ces bangladeshiens résident et travaillent à Lisbonne. La mosquée est ici un espace de médiation, dans lequel se matérialisent l’universalité de l’Islam et la particularité de la bengalité.



«Bangla Masdjid»: Islam and Bengali nationhood among Bangladeshis in Lisbon

In recent years research on Muslim peoples in the West has focused on the development of universalist and orthodox approaches to Islam which see it as an aggregating element regardless of the individual characteristics of its adherents. This article seeks to show that the experience of migration brings several different Muslim peoples into contact with each other, and that this fact encourages the emergence of universalist interpretations of Islam which prevail over other forms of belonging such as ethnicity.

The precise aim of this article is to classify these approaches, given that there are cases where the boundaries between Islam and other forms of belonging are not so clearly marked. Basing himself on a current research project on Bangladeshi immigrants in Lisbon, the author argues that Muslim identity and Bengali identity are not mutually exclusive; on the contrary, they appear to be combined in the creation of a place of worship located in the area where these Bangladeshis live and work in Lisbon. Here the mosque is a place for mediation, where the universality of Islam and the particular nature of Bengali nationhood are made to come together.



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* Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.

** Este artigo resulta de uma investigação em curso no âmbito da minha pesquisa de doutoramento em realização no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa com o apoio da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Agradeço as leituras e sugestões dos referees da revista Análise Social,que tiveram um papel imprescindível na reformulação do texto original. Gostaria ainda de agradecer a Bernd Reiter, Nina Clara Tiesler, Maria Cardeira da Silva, AbdoolKarim Vakil, João de Vasconcelos e Ramon Sarró pelas suas inestimáveis sugestões e correcções e à professora Cristiana Bastos, minha orientadora, sem a qual este artigo não poderia existir.

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