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Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular

 ISSN 1646-706X



Original article

Gender differences in chronic lower limb ischemia presentation and revascularization outcomes

Diferenças de género na apresentação de isquémia crónica de membro inferior e nos resultados após revascularização

Ricardo Correia1 

Joana Catarino1 

Isabel Vieira1 

Rita Bento1 

Rita Garcia1 

Fábio Pais1 

Tiago Ribeiro1 

Joana Cardoso1 

Rita Ferreira1 

Ana Garcia1 

Frederico Bastos Gonçalves1 

Maria Emília Ferreira1 

1 Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, Hospital de Santa Marta, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal



Sex-specific data on outcomes after lower limb revascularization associate the female gender with worse surgical outcomes, particularly after open procedures. Women were found to be more likely to suffer from procedure complications, limb loss, and mortality than their male counterparts. This study aims to identify differences in demographic characteristics, clinical presentation and all major outcomes after lower limb revascularization between female and male patients.


This retrospective, single-center study comprises all never-revascularized lower limbs in patients with clinically diagnosed PAD who underwent a lower limb therapeutic vascular intervention in a tertiary hospital between January 2017 and December 2018. Women's limbs Group (F) was compared against men's limbs Group (M). The primary endpoint was major amputation, and the secondary endpoints were restenosis/occlusion, vascular reintervention and overall survival. Subgroup analysis was undertaken considering open, endovascular or hybrid procedures.


Group M included 324 male lower limbs; patients had a mean age of 67,5 years. Group F included 96 female lower limbs; patients had a mean age of 71,7 years (p<0,001). There were no significant differences in cardiovascular risk factors between groups, aside from a higher prevalence of smoking in Group M and hypertension in Group F (p<0.001). 83% of Group F procedures and 79% of procedures in Group M were performed due to CLTI (p=0,321). We found no statistically significant difference between groups regarding wound or infection grading (WIfI) and femoropopliteal or BTA anatomic disease staging (GLASS). Group M was more likely to have aortoiliac (p=0,014) and common femoral artery disease (p=0.001), and Group F to have more severe BTK disease (p=0,012). Group F had a higher proportion of endovascular procedures (p<0.001). Amputation rates in Group M and Group F were 8±2% and 7±3% at 1 month, 14±2% and 16±4% at 1 year, 15±2% and 19±4% at 2 years, respectively (p=0,564). There were no significant differences in rates of procedure restenosis/occlusion between groups (p=0,395). Reintervention rates in Group M and Group F were 13±2% and 13±3% at 1 month, 21±2% and 20±4% at 1 year, 25±3% and 24±5% at 2 years, respectively (p=0,74). Overall survival in Group M and Group F was 97±1% and 93±3% at 1 month, 84±2% and 84±4% at 1 year, 77±3% and 72±5% at 2 years, respectively (p=0,443). Stratifying according to the type of vascular procedure (open, endovascular or hybrid), we found no significant difference between groups in the outcomes mentioned above.


Overall, women were more likely to be older, to have more severe BTK disease, and to undergo endovascular procedures. However, this study suggests no major differences in limb outcomes for women who undergo lower limb revascularization procedures.

Keywords: Gender; Peripheral arterial disease (PAD); Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI); Lower limb revascularization



Os resultados após revascularização de membro inferior, quando estratificados por sexo, são piores no sexo feminino, particularmente após procedimentos convencionais. As mulheres parecem ter maior probabilidade de complicações do procedimento, amputação e morte quando comparadas com os homens. Este estudo pretende identificar as diferenças nas características demográficas, apresentação clínica e principais outcomes após revascularização de membro inferior, entre doentes do sexo masculino e feminino.


Este estudo unicêntrico retrospetivo observacional incluiu todos os membros inferiores sem revascularização prévia em doentes com diagnóstico de DAP, que foram submetidos a um procedimento terapêutico vascular num hospital terciário, entre Janeiro de 2017 e Dezembro de 2018. O grupo do sexo feminino (Grupo F) foi comparado com o grupo do sexo masculino (Grupo M). O endpoint primário foi a amputação major e os endpoints secundários foram a restenose/oclusão diagnosticada, reintervenção vascular e sobrevida. A análise de subgrupos foi realizada após estratificação em procedimentos convencionais, endovasculares ou híbridos.


O Grupo M incluiu 324 membros inferiores de doentes do sexo masculino, com uma idade média de 67,5 anos. O Grupo F incluiu 96 membros inferiores de doentes do sexo feminino, com uma idade média de 71,7 anos (p<0,001). Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa nos fatores de risco cardiovascular entre os grupos, com exceção de uma maior prevalência de tabagismo no Grupo M e de hipertensão no Grupo F (p<0.001). 83% dos procedimentos no Grupo F e 79% dos procedimentos no grupo M foram realizados devido a isquemia crónica com compromisso do membro (ICCM; p=0,321). Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa no que diz respeito ao grau de ferida ou infeção (WIfI) e ao estadiamento anatómico de doença femoropopliteia ou abaixo do tornozelo (GLASS). O Grupo M apresentou maior prevalência de doença aorto-ilíaca (p=0,014) e da artéria femoral comum (p=0.001) e o Grupo F apresentou doença abaixo-do-joelho mais grave (p=0,012). No Grupo F observou-se uma maior proporção de procedimentos endovasculares (p<0.001). A taxa de amputação do Grupo M e no Grupo F foi de 8±2% e 7±3% a 1 mês, 14±2% e 16±4% a 1 ano, e 15±2% e 19±4% a 2 anos, respetivamente (p=0,564). Não houve diferenças significativas nas taxas de restenose/oclusão entre os grupos (p=0,395). As taxas de reintervenção no Grupo M e no Grupo F foram 13±2% e 13±3% a 1 mês, 21±2% e 20±4% a 1 ano, e 25±3% e 24±5% a 2 anos, respetivamente (p=0,74). A sobrevida no Grupo M e no Grupo F foi de 97±1% e 93±3% a 1 mês, 84±2% e 84±4% a 1 ano, e 77±3% e 72±5% a 2 anos, respetivamente (p=0,443). Estratificando de acordo com o tipo de procedimento vascular (convencional, endovascular ou híbrido), não se verificou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos nos endpoints acima mencionados.


De acordo com este estudo, as doentes do sexo feminino apresentam idade mais avançada e doença abaixo-do-joelho mais grave. São mais frequentemente submetidas a procedimentos endovasculares. Contudo, não parecem existir diferenças importantes nos outcomes de membro para as mulheres submetidas a procedimentos de revascularização de membro inferior.

Palavras-chave: Género; Doença arterial periférica (DAP); Isquemia crónica com compromisso do membro (ICCM); Revascularização de membro inferior


Peripheral artery disease (PAD) has traditionally been identified as a male-dominant disease. However, PAD prevalence increases with age, and a larger percentage of the elderly patients are women. On the other hand, there has been a steeper decline in male smoking rates compared with female smoking. Nowadays, the incidence of PAD in men and women is similar(1).

Sex-specific data on outcomes after lower limb revascularization associate the female gender with worse surgical outcomes, particularly after open procedures. Women were found to be more likely to suffer from procedure complications, limb loss, and mortality than their male counterparts(1,2).

These differences may be related to an older age at presentation, smaller vessel size, poorer overall health status, or a more severe clinical and anatomical disease burden at presentation in female patients(2).

This study aims to identify differences in all major outcomes after lower limb revascularization between female and male patients (primary goals). It also aims to identify sex-associated dissimilarities in demographic characteristics and clinical presentation (secondary goals).


This is a retrospective, observational, single-center study. It includes all lower limbs without prior revascularization procedures in patients with diagnosed PAD, which underwent a revascularization procedure in a tertiary university hospital between January 2017 and December 2018. Exclusion criteria comprised lower limbs that had previously undergone a revascularization procedure and lower limbs that underwent a revascularization attempt without success in treating or bypassing the occlusive lesion.

Patient, procedure and outcome details were collected from medical records. It included analysis of admission and discharge documents, hospitalization and outpatient registries, and review of available follow-up exams (ultrasound, CTA or invasive angiography). Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) was defined as objectively documented atherosclerotic PAD in association with ischemic rest pain or tissue loss (ulceration or gangrene). In the presence of CLTI, limbs and wounds were classified according to WIfI (wound, ischemia, foot infection) system, and PAD was staged according to the GLASS (Global Limb Anatomical Staging) system after arteriography evaluation.

Women&apos;s limbs Group (F) was compared against men&apos;s limbs Group (M).

The primary endpoint was major amputation, and secondary endpoints were diagnosed vascular procedure restenosis/occlusion, vascular reintervention and overall survival.

Diagnosed vascular procedure restenosis/occlusion was determined on follow-up exams, including ultrasound, CTA or invasive arteriography. In our department, patients undergo vascular surgeon observation and lower limb vascular ultrasound on an outpatient basis a month after discharge, six months after discharge, yearly after that, and every time symptoms recur or become more severe. If the patients have healing wounds, they are clinically followed closer, usually every two weeks.

A vascular reintervention was defined as a vascular revascularization procedure performed on the same limb. It included procedures performed: 1) after a diagnosis of vascular procedure restenosis/occlusion associated with life-limiting claudication or CLTI; 2) after a diagnosis of asymptomatic failing-graft; 3) after vascular procedures that did not relieve previous symptoms, despite having treated arterial anatomic lesions; 4) after symptoms recurrence due to atherosclerosis progression in another sector.

Subgroup analysis was undertaken considering open, endovascular or hybrid procedures. It was also performed for procedures addressing inflow, outflow, or simultaneous inflow and outflow disease.

Written consent was obtained from the patient for the planned procedure and anonymous data usage for scientific purposes.

Quantitative variables are expressed as mean ± standard deviations (SD) or median (interquartile range - IQR), as appropriate. Qualitative variables are expressed as absolute values and percentages. Shapiro-Wilk normative tests were used to access distribution patterns in quantitative variables. Student&apos;s t-test, A-nova one way, and respective non-parametric tests and χ2 and proper adjustments were used on univariate analysis. Correlations tests have been applied when relating quantitative variables. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).


Group M included 324 male lower limbs. Group F included 96 female lower limbs.

Group F included older patients than group M (p<0,001). Group F had a mean age of 71,7±1,2 years, and Group M had a mean age of 67,5±0,6 years.

Baseline characteristics are depicted in table 1. There were no significant differences between groups, aside from a higher prevalence of smoking in Group M (70% vs. 21%; p<0.001) and hypertension in Group F (90% vs. 80%; p=0,031).

The severity of limb ischemia was not different between groups. 83% of procedures in Group F (N=80) and 79% of procedures in Group M (N=255) were performed due to chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). 17% (N=16) and 21% (N=69) of procedures were performed due to lifestyle-limiting claudication in Group F and Group M, respectively (p=0,321).

Table 1 Baseline characteristics 

Table 2 Clinical grading and anatomic disease staging if CLTI 

If CLTI, we found no statistically significant difference between groups regarding wound or infection grading (in WIfI system) and femoropopliteal or below-the-ankle (BTA) anatomic disease staging (in GLASS system) - Table 2. Group M was more likely to have common femoral artery (CFA) disease (p=0,001) and higher stages of aortoiliac disease (in GLASS system; p=0,014). Group F had more severe below-the-knee (BTK) disease (p=0,012).

The median follow-up was 22 months.

The vascular procedures to treat different levels affected by occlusive disease were associated with gender (Table 3; p=0,016). Group F underwent more outflow procedures (78% vs. 68% in Group M) and fewer simultaneous inflow and outflow procedures (3% vs. 14% in Group M).

We found an association between gender and the type of revascularization procedure performed (Table 4; p<0.001). Group F had a higher proportion of endovascular procedures (84% vs. 65% in Group M).

Major amputation rates in Group M and Group F were 8±2% and 8±3% at 1 month, 14±2% and 16±4% at 1 year, and 15±2% and 19±4% at 2 years, respectively (Image 1; p=0,564).

Table 3 Target disease of the revascularization procedure performed 

Table 4 Type of revascularization procedure performed 

Image 1 Kaplan-Meier estimates of major amputation rates 

Diagnosed procedure restenosis/occlusion rates in Group M and Group F were 9±2% and 13±4% at 1 month, 19±2% and 23±5% at 1 year, and 23±3% and 28±5% at 2 years, respectively (Image 2; p=0,395).

Vascular reintervention rates in Group M and Group F were 13±2% and 13±3% at 1 month, 21±2% and 20±4% at 1 year, and 25±3% and 24±5% at 2 years, respectively (Image 3; p=0,74).

Overall survival in Group M and Group F was 97±1% and 93±3% at 1 month, 83±2% and 82±4% at 1 year, and 77±3% and 72±5% at 2 years, respectively (Image 4; p=0,443).

After group stratification according to the vascular procedure (open, endovascular or hybrid procedure) and according to the treated level affected by occlusive disease (inflow, outflow, or simultaneous inflow and outflow procedure), we found no significant difference between Groups M and F in the outcomes mentioned above (major amputation rate, diagnosed restenosis/occlusion procedure rate, reintervention rate, overall survival).


Our study&apos;s main finding is that women and men have a similar prognosis after lower limb revascularization. Female patients who underwent lower limb revascularization tend to be older and have a more distal PAD distribution pattern. They undergo more frequent endovascular procedures and vascular procedures to treat outflow disease.

It has been suggested that, in women, there is a prolonged latent phase in the progression of PAD from asymptomatic to symptomatic. Notably, women tend to be older at the time of diagnosis than men, as in this study(1,3). Classic symptoms of PAD may be masked in this age group by increasing prevalence of osteoarthritis or a decrease in activity levels that occur with aging.

Image 2 Kaplan-Meier estimates of diagnosed vascular procedure restenosis/occlusion rates 

Image 3 Kaplan-Meier estimates of vascular reintervention rates 

Image 4 Kaplan-Meier estimates of overall survival 

Other factors such as less physical activity and smaller calf muscle mass may also contribute to the delay in detecting PAD in women(1).

In Portugal, smoking is still more common in men(4). Increased smoking prevalence in Group M of this study may explain the increased burden of aortoiliac and CFA disease in male revascularized limbs, as smoking is associated with a proximal distribution of lower limb PAD(5).

The longer latent phase of PAD in women may lead to delayed diagnosis of PAD and greater risk of severe and complex anatomic disease burden(1-3). Below-knee arteries typically become increasingly involved as the overall severity of the disease worsens(5). Besides this, some authors state that women may be more prone to the development of FP disease(5). This can explain higher stages of BTK disease in Group F in this study. However, as PAD progresses, we should expect an increased prevalence of CLTI at presentation, and Groups F and M had similar CLTI prevalence.

Therefore, given the relative prevalence of asymptomatic PAD in women, early detection of asymptomatic PAD in this group can help control risk factors and inhibit disease progression(1).

In this study, women underwent endovascular and procedures to treat outflow disease more frequently than men. A possible explanation is the high experience of our vascular department on endovascular treatment of severe BTK disease. Other reasons may include the traditional belief that the female gender is associated with worse surgical outcomes, particularly after open procedures(1,2). These worse outcomes may be related to the above-mentioned older age of presentation, a smaller vessel size, a poorer overall health status, or a more severe clinical and anatomical disease burden at presentation in female patients(2).

On the other hand, some studies point out that endovascular intervention in females appears to be associated with better patency rates and better outcomes when compared with males(1,2).

After lower limb revascularization procedures, we found similar outcomes in males and females, even after stratifying by open, endovascular or hybrid procedures. Group F and M had no different rates of amputation, restenosis/occlusion and reintervention. There was also no difference in overall survival between groups. Ferranti et al. showed comparable results(3).

Despite similar outcomes in this study, Group F comprised only 23% of all revascularized lower limbs. In an analysis of 2.4 million PAD-related inpatient admissions, women were significantly less likely than men to receive a surgical revascularization procedure(6).

This study presents some limitations. It is dependent on appropriate medical records and patient clinical and imagiological follow-up. Department protocols do not include ankle-brachial index measurements, ankle pressure, or other parameters to evaluate ischemia grade in WIfI. Vascular procedure selection is dependent on surgeon experience. Power calculation was not produced to ascertain a sufficient sample size. Small sample size and lower prevalence of open, hybrid, inflow, and simultaneous inflow and outflow procedures on female limbs influence the statistical significance of outcomes differences. Gender-differences in baseline characteristics and in clinical grading and anatomic disease staging, if CLTI, may be confounding factors.


Overall, this study suggests no major difference in limb outcomes for women who undergo lower limb revascularization procedures. Women were more likely to be older, have more severe BTK disease, and undergo endovascular procedures. This absence of difference in outcomes may be explained by the high proportion of endovascular revascularization procedures due to CLTI in our population.

According to this study, we find no reason to expect worse limb outcomes in women.


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2. Choi KH, Park TK, Kim J et al. Sex Differences in Outcomes Following Endovascular Treatment for Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease: An Analysis From the K-VISELLA Registry. J Am Heart Assoc. 2019;8:e010849; [ Links ]

3. Ferranti KM, Osler TM, Duffy RP et al. Association between gender and outcomes of lower extremity peripheral vascular interventions. J Vasc Surg 2015;62:990-7 [ Links ]

4. Leite A, Machado A, Pinto S et al. Caraterísticas sociodemográficas dos fumadores diários em Portugal Continental. ISBN : 978-989-8794-23-9; [ Links ]

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Received: September 01, 2020; Accepted: May 07, 2021

Autor para correspondência Correio eletrónico: ricardo160490@gmail.com (R. Correia).

Creative Commons License This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License